-D mocriter. 878- 7c22-3276 676.65965 ci. 7c22-3212 lee, mccrkiccg ;784329 eSter 7c22-3260 >nc te Toon- c 879-4367 a2- 7c22-3267 Roccdiale, Kil,- >ive 9.00 ami., me cOter 6.00 7c22-3222 ITED cil titre, Muly pccrt flanc. ccrrivait Rost- 8c,13-2626-tf ccîccîicg Ortc. Thuccdcyc, 9 ;Wedcocdccy Fidays. 878- &c22-3275 îcccbeeper or dced inmoc- ;wnc trace99r toncoIcation. hce Conedicco 8c23-2400 ïColer 10 11611 citon Cccnty. eamicg. No Writo Rccccc FO, 4005 Rida- -y. Monfreid. 8c22-3161 ,kintg fccr a cc pcre cime ccrn dis- and Perccnal r more incc- cppolm-6170 phcone 878- g022-3392 EEPER homc cn Tcr- -cf c childeen. cireoces es- cr prcfec- g room, hed- )npoided. $ox 325 N 8c22 WANTED cn lier home. 9c2l-3178 prýe - tchm-i- r keyae-old 878-4539. 9c22-3221 ENT fidlio, ccecr l3c2l-3142 parriment, ima- -in Miltcon. 13022-3224 cpartmient onTremntcn 13c22-3259 TWATER f cee cervice. 7o879-2345. 13c-1728-t6 epartmeccl, Appiy Bon impice. l3cc22-3278 5dem-mn cm-cc- minutem front ccc 853-1669. 13c22-731 leakvillo Hoc- gerncor and :tcr 6 ceSl 878. 13M2-3273 E AN'D INE f one of ur Simple o Peul intrtie 8-9094 1804tf 0 RIENT di apecomenit, 78-9969. 14c17-2873 OOM hcczoc, ,ec lot, Phone 14c22-3214 home ce cpi- oicinity, hy 878-2307. 14c22-3M3 IaI 700 cccd., priobabc Socs Ad page tral. I 16 SERVI CES 117 REAL ESTA.TE 17 REAL ESTATE 15 PERSONAL "BAHA'U'LLAH" One hunded y70m ceo. o Voice foceciuot the spicihc hccckdocc nom acffictinf occ lion t0 ilt. The bnbi of e000 1ha1 coccoooded Ihat Speaker li1e ccnccitcîe the mmcc rencr. chic sîccey in man'e ccprlm- hiclccey. flicth sc cory of Bais chlah. Yccu ome il te yoortc toeedaifîl. WRffIE: Baha'i, Box 164, Oakville, Ont. There ba no cort or obiegti HIC- 16 SERVICES DRESSMAKING ccd ale lions. Phono 979-2943. 16c22-30. CARPENTEIR wishes repsi ccd allerccion jobs. 878-2926, 16023-322 BASEMENTS aife tintmd ec clles cimaned. Rohhich rentcm ntovinf, etc. Reaconahle rate. 878-2213. 16c2831f Idt ANtD 2nd ntceefond cocilehie, aiseo oqcipntent lutte Ccli Glenn Donoco, QOkawa R& ally lccoestfmeccî, 827-5713 an) cime. 16031-320 WE RENT the0 foUccciig item in ccnail ce large quactiiec: le towots. tahle ciofhc (pliin o cotoredi, foiding cha, dinnot fae 2 patternc), cilvercm-e glcce <cil deccripiocs), fiome caeslver toc service, chhcg chredder. Alto mono entier item 10 mako occue pacly or weddic1 c complefo coccecc. Colt Miltot Parcy Rodtait, 88 Miles Sf.. Mi] ton, 879-9413 or 878-9956. We'l ho gcd t0 hep y00. 162839-f Septic Tank Pumpinc BLUE SFRUOR ENTERPRISES Domecfic ccd Indootriof. MILTON - 878-6869 160-oi ENJOY HORSE OR PONT RIDING HAY RIDES WIENER ROASTS AI Happy Volley Rench, 2115 North Servico Rd. W., OACVI LLE 827-1376 for re-servcfiocc 16h22 K & R Lumbers Certified corpenloy and gen eci controclice. reodelicg et toeaiont.r, e mnts, crim wooci MILTON 879-9937 ACTON 853.6633 16039-fl PIANO SERVICE Expert Tuning and Ropairs Mel Winslow MILTON 878-6572 16020 DEMOLITION and TREE REMOVAL For Froe Estimae PHONE 878-6338 060-tf ELVIN COWAN HAULAGE SAND - FILL - GRAVEL STONE TOP SOIL - 8 YD.' LOAOI $22.00 Delioered Phono: 878-4898 ED, MCMULLEN Contractcer * Comeot PIm-rc, Sideccaîks & e Cbimney & Placlering Repoirc a SccccWrk a Piropîcs Phone Acton 853-1818 Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONOE 8704861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martin Street Services and Repaire On cil mcire of cemiccg machines. 16c-tf Home Builders ROUGH ANtI FINISHED CARPENTRY Shelo frent $4.000. tep. For ectimoles and -omn hîcceprint s CALL 878-2204 Champion Clautatifledis. PACONI Dead Stock Removal ai LIMITHO rHighest cash pcices for dead o disbeci d homes. cs CALL OFRATOR - ASK FOR k- Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 94RP68 126C68 16c-cf -Did youc hoc that Ortoher cs the bet fimie to spracy the 9 a*weedcin ycco-iawn? CAL Dick Vandenberg 878-3959 Licensecd Weed Eceferminctor Work Guaranteed 18 16c25 r Immaculate 0 Mobile Truck Cloaning - 'Spelal pcicec onc fleets. Mol- r- ors cleant cIeaned. Cleacicgcon 1, he pc-misec, dS Sde-md, weg Lcf Hccy 25, nm-ch cf fflton. f "For your ciemong needs la CAIL REID'S 878-2561 16026 eFarm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT r SUBSIDIZE Trec, Fonce Rowc, Stone c Pices Poncdc, ecc. fLarge clins removed, half peice app. WCe ccccld ho glad to eslimoce f oyr job. Watson Bros. 1 Brampton, Ont. Phone 451-4804 17 REAL ESTATE A. E. LePAGE MEALTONS UMITW 55 Yeatse' Conticcoce Servi ce Mombor cf che Toronto, Ontacio ancd Oakvillo - Trafalgar Real REtato Boards Cacli BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c9 FOR BESI RESULTS 0o CONSUIT A MEMBER 0F THE Orangeville Real Estate Board Commercial Sife Slccc ficcched hocco wicch celf- coiciored cycclocrol upstcirc. chic fcr cffices. Huuce in ce- cy gour!cconiion. Redcced ce 829.039. $23.90, looriy 3 - hedoor heck sylît. ccs te Mcccc ancd Srheeco t he Deof, large L-choyrcf dioiccg and livincg rueni, hilchro, 4-piece hcth ancd cil gond ciccd hdrccccc. 2-cecgarage and pavomdive, oicriy laodccprc. Ecciy pcc- 100 acres0, 154i -cccrey insu] brickhcccccandhbarnand Il ccclhcildingc inc gccd repcic. 5 ocinues fccnt 401 and Hcoy. 25. Achicg $50,989 m-ch c cee- cortahic docco payeecc. 20 acres, 5 minute tcc401 and Cccccphrlioille Rd. ccltf, Ach- iccg $11,500 ccifh half ccoh.- Homo in the Counfry Newo 3 - hrdcccm bungaicow, orth cf Hccccy, lacge 24 li- vingfccmur ith fcrepce and lacge lichen, roc. coo t c- lilicnrd cff acd ectchod gar- age. Ackiog $26,900. STELLA PARTONC Milton 878-6705 17c22 S<2LVE yctcr Heip Wacctod- nroblem ho colline 878-2341, CLIENTS - CLIENTS - CLIENTS LOOKING FOR Snccciiand LargeoAcragec Foc Immediate Action Courteccc9erice Cali JOHN COLLEUT Harold A. Clarke Ltd. REALTORS 62 Lahrchcro Rd. E., Fort Credif 278-7223 17c-cf Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main Sf. - Milfon TOWN $21,500 fucl pricr, 3 - hedccm i'/5 - clcoy hrick homo with hitchco, comohîccoico liing- diccicg cocnon cc irc. ficor hnd hcccdom ancdcic. plahco mcccl, hocîrd hy F.A. cil fuc- oece, cilccîed clcce tc cwc- iccro. Ternmc. $21,00 Sful ycicc, 4 - hcdrccm hcick hungalcow, L - chaped liinigand dioiccg cmhright kilchro, 4 -picr hcchccom, prrcy fincishrd mec cmormi baisement.Terres. COUNTRY Large 4 hrbdcccm hcick homo ccith hlchoo, living cccm mad dioiccg mont,4- piccchcbat anod cil fuccc lccted ccc main Paocd rcd,ccccch of Ccmphclloillc. lcrgc lci. Ask- iog $29,900. f-hbrccom home, clccet c401, cccdc cîceaicon, con 261ace cf lcnd. Achiog 115,000. LOTS Inducirici lut, 162' x 250', in noclh Ochrille. Achiof $5.900. 10 crcs, pactly mcoded. Asking 17,800. Oprn t0 offr. 878-2095 878-6057 l7c22 Fcr Servicc ancd Satisfacction Cooccit Best Realty & Insurance Limired 310 Main Si., Miltcn, Ont. REALTOR 378-6292 878-6592 ~EOROETOWN - Modem 3.- hcdrccmi hungcicw, comiccaý tien liiicg cand diccicg rccm, kilchco. dioidcd haecoent,'te cr 0con mor pcrtially com- pîrird. 6%6 N.H.A. mcctfcge. -Lîcîrd price $21,200. Cali Mrs. Bachor 877-6582, IORTH OTIRLINGTON - Nine cm-m cm-ntry home, citccccd on a hrcctiful 5 ctesite o- ecim-biog Bcriogcon ancd Oah- cir.e cpaciccc livincg nourr ccîîh stccc fîropîc, diciccg tenr. bitchec acd hrcakfast cccl,, fcmily emom 14'6 c 35', 4 hcdcccmc. con docb, 2l4 hhccmc, hcccmecl,9garage. Thisci a e oc iotcresîccf pro, Forty and wcl coclh coin cpcîco. Licîrd prico $53.080. Cali Sltcn Thcmpccc. MLS' - Jool liclcd on Mil- F fon,4. e hdrm-m cr111 leool home ccih carpcct, livinge coco., ccmhicelic kitchcc ancd dioîcg rea, 66' o 1253 lcodscped lot. M eoy coîrcc. Fricrd tc ccll i cI23,500. Ccli Bdc Crocc. cVHY SEnTTE FOR LESS - Wr are plccord Io ofor liec "Mclii Listing Servicc" facil- cison the rampcton, Ham- ilton and Toronto Rec! Ecîcle ocrds. List yoce pccpcrty tcdcy it ccc Bdt fcr the For ail your Real Estate and Insurance Requirements Cali "BEST" Firsf af Ailton . 878-6292 Memhcrc cf tho Brampton Real Esîcle Bord 17c22 Haoicg c Supper or Rochre? CH lil tbroogh ComingEvRonte. FOR SALE Building and Proporfy Hornby United Churc LOT .8 OF AN ACRFE TENDERS REQUESTE[ CIeîing Ocicher 5îh, 1968. Mr. Johcdlcc Nceeccndc, OR. 1, Hocchy, Ont. Phone 878-4770 ccecsriiy or rplod. 17c Realty Services (1961) Ltd. Tel. 878-3551- 854-9979 50 Ruggod Acres Streamt lhmefh pccpecf y, celiecci huilding site, go hcch. idcci cm-dtry motre Achiccg $475 per acre. C no.Mcc. Kin, tel. 878-35 Il Room Houso With 35 acres of gd lccd, cr oochehe, halece hou sciciaiecc rhcgood cou lcry home iih a-c vni e.Achicg $39.900. Cali o Mr. Gocelochi, tel. 878-35 l7c Hear Ye! Hear Ye! 50e hae ioci ceducrd th checmicg hbccgalowc for 4011 -salo ac occcec is raccfccc Neac 3 -hrdmccmbrick b gciccc wilh cceosy fincish reretin mn, hcight Il ng ron and modemo hiloh oiih dioiog rima, 4-piece hbal mont,. FA. gec lococe, o lcccced loi 60' c 125', ofr roleas. 6%6 morlgcg caiset loi $102.62 pet mocclh* Prie coco $22,200. For eppoint mec cuit Anna accd Acchic Cairo 878. Exceptionally Gracious Nscled on iorely lcccd lot 91 x1F3% icc choice Milton are, lhic eparkling cylil - lv home hac moch t0 oSIer. iovciy hedccomc, richl hrccmmd. Fîropioce edd 0cy note t0 liing cm-mcciti cuide ccinoic oroimic s0n deck ccd chcdcd bc iccccc. Mccl prcrcring cs brore cn this ulira modern hiloliro and diccicg reom tha pcclc greciousocco icit cetranr.Mn xrssc cpicecc drapes, dock fore itm oet. iccidcd. Extra fio ichcd mroont0 bccemcot Bcit.îcc garage. If yoc cam a chcccy hoyer, dcnlt miss ccii ing foc appointment withàAn rta and Archie Cairns 87"0980 ReaIIy a Jewel .oveiy country home cch icocid qcciiy for c V. L. A morlgage ccilh ic. large 100' o 450' loi. 2 hcdcomm, large oyerkiog livicco mcm coith coindocoal init f riegs the hrccly of ocicide te yeur cheincidc. Modcem hethrcmn ccd kilchro ccifh loic of cu-- bmards eacd drohblr cicc, largo dining crea, foul cccik - out heermci tloccec ma wn Ilonci miss dhicc cypcetcoilo for smart countiry home et rrooochi price, 822.500. Cai Anna ccd Archie Cairns 87- 6980. or lmocoad country homes, fcumcs cod cccgec. mcil Gih- -son Willoughhy Lsd. terrec- nna &Archie Cairns 340 Main Si. E., Milton. 878-6980 CHARLES MARTIN R RL No 1, Milton, 878-2161 17c22 USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIEDS To BUY, SELI RENT, TRADE ETC. 1 18 TENDERS -20 AUCTION SALES The Coocioan Chamipion, Wodoecoy, October 2, f968 9 Tenders for Ol Ward Brownridge 20 AUCTION SALES of Seicd tendrsc, properiy Liconcod Aucioneen M Ç. ý 0 mcrkvd, ccii he cccepled hO Paroi - Liveclock CI-EARING h Millon SepaaeShe or, FriueSls A C I N S L Maio NS, witîl No. 2 Focecco R. R. 2, GEORGETOWN. 11(11 SINI, RL 3(11 SI) Teodel Imst1e. f ira Phone 878-6730 ROSAFE PARMIS, BRAMPTON D. rDls bid price and will close ai 629e-tf Loi 11, Con. 2, W. Chicgoe iw'yydilcreigt m., Moccdey, Ocîchir 14, 1968. cos,1ml es fN.1 ie ccdp poihchiy le a maîcîlîy Loccoci or coy tender not ne- For Complofo lOoy., on No. 7 Mccy. ci othercc' le c lhai the Seno ceccaiiy accepled. Aucf ion Service Toecdoy, Oe9olmn &th. 1968 Ciicccis tflousng pioject oco Sentd tc 1.00 p.m. rîjcid. Ifi 00 somctiîg ne- ROBERT W. CLARKE, CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN Fcarte mechincoy; 4 trcoon; Milton orcdc hcdiy, ciong 0-116 ~22 Sccreleoy - Tcccccce- AUCTIONEER fuil lie mchioecy; GM.C l o rtoce lrow ccci lîccîog for che - MllccSeccoe9rm-i4 Slecfcitype. îckoplcch bo eiaccn wochiog man. Theco ocenit 224-Ricci-pic Croc., Big or crocli, lII do them cil. graino:officer Iceitcre. fien andcc te orcsccî rce fo Milton, OntI. 16023 Salec coccductcd occychere. TERMS: CASH. p.in iacdr e cche f cccniv Soi 19 LEGAL Toi. 878-2576 ALBERT MrSRIDE, net joci thc ncs hoccec te hccc E.R. 3, Milton, Ont 20bl4 Acciocer. tr lice in. i stecct odd ihct coco oe have Notice to Crdior aoceccd morelancd ce cccii ~reuîorsCLEAJING bcîld a ocmr o f houses Soc AUCTIONR SALE e wicchowith chidren are in On the Relae of GERG MUR-N SA ienedo owrn oe GEORGfcc E MccIJIRn. - oe hey cecfford and eîjoy toci he Caceoty of hlatent, Of Hlcoo. coille, Treclnor, E.cplemunts cen. mAlo thl c a py Mîlo onecth Retfred Tonner, deensed, Theocndercigldhecsrercived intructions g10m pîeccrf pcpoy hoicceco Ilfi. Miccot ccd the Place ex- ALL peris hecing cliimo BILL ESOMERSON hcli ailt icelscaceircî cd cgciicf tho cfccrroocciocd Ec- AI the Setm., Lac 24, Con. 3, on tbe 3bic-d Lice of Erin Tccp., cirlciblcelcii ai. rt cf George Mourcay, cchc 4 milescccch o2llccy5milesncrm Ocpriogeon of landiilelcccid seve agood l dird on or about tho Fiflh dey sriefrsmtigohrta 51. ci Aogci. 1968. are ceqccired tc WEDNES3AY, OCTOBR , 1968îiOCfcccchcgchrho Silr poc ihrccS cith the on- At h prie., the Soiloiicicg: ccrcdî and dehcîc. Mitoncoccd he one0 cf t6e decîigcicd cidicitar Sm- the Ex- MORSES - 4 caddie hoccec. IMPI.EMENTS - Pergocon Incii hecotffl plaes aoocd if 30 cccor oc or helote the 111hque rkntriag tc,1 P' ch, oy f Ocohi, 96 oSer ,ici hc.kccc rie, gccelo,at fclrSocct icder; hydtaciic flic people ccccid co-rycicce cnd n-1 hich date ther sat ocil ccie ho Cu0 eidy cchrlcofIlhcrparcte pump . heep thou fllopccllcc loohing ne. iibutd h-unregrd rly CATTLE-06Mereford ccc C iccîc CA. moode); A.C. celccadocn.Miiîcnîoemecîcc c irlaoc chie Siled. ih caicec. humeMaycand Jett, mcOrd.ocpocw oheOrlccciicpcdce 5I. DATED ci Acîccc, Oetar-ic, hbic cil] are ini ecelclent rondiin, dico dcg roliva bor hc nd c asc ,btt 22 23rd dcc oS Srpîrmhoc, 1968. rcccc cebrcd te Hereford houJI;1soc or; mcarie cdp f goncd hon e hc e1 - C. F LEATHERLAND, O.C., i brindie ccc, Feccore hced; 1 ipcadre; A.C> torc hcicc; 2 cide al] have su dcccui bit Acon, Ontario, HefoSird plied boil, aom- 2 .ois i.H . dOr moccer, 7' o corne 1969, ccc' cee sooe Soliitor for teihEelorfr cId dcd ; Sho-cl;l2 raersi1hox adl1 fltcion rcigeiighig gicgcoe 19c24 hore hoiSeco. rcck; Ccce halo rioccior, gm-d ce ccn c oud cf out iode. Notice ~ ~ ~ GES toCeitrncoec d cd ENS - as16 w c oi ld5 Lorrcycwagon; cut- 0 df Notce o Cedior geýe nd aet-; Soco icyicg ter lrcogh: cober ticed coheel- Edîi Shaîpe ADe OTHEOS liens. hcccocc. 429 Pearl S. FUENITURE - Roll-top dech 30 ccd roll cf wicc fodre, dccc; Milice. En the Estlneo f ANNIE JANE lOch), Oucce heoie-; hilrhec roll 2" cquare c-Idod noi NOREOS cabinet; dresser and scretary ecaot9' 2 cdoette Escape injury is Ai esn aigaycam ioccandaoîai qeeit egm;o Isid it - i.,,pOdad1' stand pipe cocxli 1S~~ d~îoc :Scpe.car over bank ci. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sci tooics rtc.aeofAtebad letcndto;sv cf TMiton, i he Ceecccy oi Mol-AIc ethSO dctl lie, drcccd, wo dird ion or TERMS: Cach ccith dck oc day of saie. damage ccci cccsed ina y. chout the 21c1 dcy oS May, 1964, No recerve, Fonm il ccid. accideet Sacccday cchec o cr b'arehcrhy otified to scdin Occccoornoocfioceecnot rocpocihie for accidents. dico by Shirley Ctere cf 5 - o. the codenci9cccd colicitors Decn Avenue, Guelph, ccteeced n for heci pes nrpreccccaîicoc MAX STOREY, Aceioneer, cccl the cmhoohmecl aI the of the hi reccoccd .c or be- 29h14 Rcchciiod, 856-9755. ceryc ci Beenîc Si. ocdc ofF. r oete23cd doy cf Octiohen. L. Roheilcoci. s1968, li] pccric cf thein oijre er eotdt eolcimos. Immcdiaey aSIer the A T IQ U CTIN eIIe th--e t crie rapoedie t aciddcte, thr excr il-ccl dis- A s trbun th asetsof he aidThe folicg doy o ccr drivee ilcrosrd. hooing regand cccly t0 MILTON AGEO9CILTUL&L HALL (FAIR GROUJNDS) hy Geocge Avery oS 19 Bcilon oloîmc ef cohîrh chey dhol heu ON Steet suffeeed $600damage and Datcd et Milton ici 201h day SATOIREAY, OCTOBER 5 c îcnh ed cloec oS opcroer 198.Ah 12cnon 134 Comrcial Street ieceioed f MOTCHINSON AN68. $50 damage when tbey coilided HTOMPSON AND300Los - ErlyCndbma ai the coeerof Mdi andiames. THOMSONNo injuries ccecocepeoced i Bacrsînc & Solicitcocs, FURNITURE - Spool bedCeccadîac preccod glas,; Old 3 1 Min Steeto Eat îîopecd spindlscU ccOicuf ocol NC fe compote ond coke A pcched car cwded by ScMiltone Snao ta nrt n.ible,, picce dm-rghbhon; 2 cpin- -.ied concioci egloc; cheme Lawrece Cccgif oS 82 King St. s_ Soicitorsforthe oidec icr.nngjel;cild Quhec ccde di!,h; ello giac,,*c;ryctel cced- ceceîced $0dmg hni c4gun sieih chairs idaledi; te- 'd0 cole e neutrce; chinacc a trc daeg hed-il Noic t reitrs ciise sdbdoaord; picce ccpm-l r cadlcuiich; coa pot cand driver fondoy. ANDablEe; c;hiids ckerlErly Ca aec.mheh cccet;ie Tce ccADcndieol; coploidcs chair; old kif- tIc This .IY" hccd ploIe; Fine- cec of c 3 -y M-i iain Sdreet, i - rhcn cophoccd;smcliidesk it cyplr compoteand caetand- 3 cli îet c En tIse Eceeee of ANNIE ROSS top; no. of old cdd chairc; 2 bcocc olian caccdlecliccc ecped eroos injoco Thctcdey JARDINE, ainosse noy as ANc- dc - hen the hicyle 6e ccac riding no i ofccrid chairsc; Boston ochcacdtjs;ccdcomerut ncliinwt eii s NIE JARDINE, dcesaed. nuingoe; cherry nom-h oteihoEoiy Cndim coîlecî- wacsciiccciîceîi ,aires_ stand; 2 chiidrnoc rockors; con- ccc' itemc ccd primitives. doccon hy Wdfccd Gosffîlhs of 1 Ail persans havidg ciloim a er w-nt ant g14BelS.Teclionok ains theEstte o AN cccIitier. oeh mîh cta.d;swocak Cppechketîli; ht-etccjardi- Flace ce Martin Street ceci cROSS JARDINE, aie kccown ce trckiig obole; bond mede picce loerS; hnosc hocett qoaotity of Kingsleigh Court. -ANNIE JARDINE, laie of the chic,- 4 chiches dm-F chairs, cîlcor; cid pioluet-o: oil lampc; -Towni oS Milton, icc the Cooncy sciibd occrd bace lamp; botter of HaMltecc.cho died oo aot bol;io te ad pots; tho lOch doy oS Odiohe-14, M.s hc ll paccc bot 'ak a.20 AIJCTION SALES cre horchy colified te sendi par- GLASSWARE - Ccaccherry rinsi; cccti 1101 bcci scrt-per; ficue5c f aieetheccde- butten dich; crocchotry pickie ceedeiraitc; boy Scch lcorh- .'LRE.GIS i igcccd oc oc heore fhe 121h cuel; pldh Vtio glass ccc conocci McplcLeaf cake sand; dcy cf Ocooec, 1968, effor for set; Mopir La compote; hclic.ryo îomp. - AUCTION SALE cchich dito the Ecice lo ch sdictrîbcîcd, cciîh regard occîy tcc A choîce ofefScng of geooice acctiques. for the clcims of cohico the onder- AIl in exocellent coccdition. AOR. BETEF 8OAYWA8ED sigerd beall Ibid haveccotice, HalliBoard oroocsioccndot respodsibe for acidecnts 36 Henry S.,Geretown. ancd the cedencigned cciii dol bc lioble id ccy Fccsod of cohose TERMS: Cach cchoc cold. Fttd1s Evnin, Oclicbcr 4th bore At 6 pari. choep. clire ibcy choul mil lhoccav MAX STOREY, Aucionror,- notce.20h 14 Rm-knood, On. 0f ApplBnnes, HcNnEintd Fiscr Died ai Tom-nto cici 10 unpg, Sciag To,. and div of Scycimber, 1968. CBRN oocd ALAN LACMLIN CRAONMER CERN nacd ROSS ccd DAVID FRANK ÀI ~ I C E Ayarcimrccoioe eeoteic mm-ve WILLIAMSON, Exccore, A U TI O N SA L Vihing rccsbiontion; refrigen- ,j. ALLAN C. WILSON, cor; Moffat c0tomnatc, dnyer; 1810 Avenuce Rcod, Of Hop Trcors Ileetca Poonlîre etc. Scmpliccy cotingor wm-bing mc- Toronto 12, Ontario, chico; fessier; gt-ih; Rentm-e Tireur Soicluor. 19c22 The cicdenccgnod bcc rocecded iccstructionc frttm miden; crues; 5 - pieco kitchen PETER NORWOOD and TONY CHANNING coite. Kceble- nnoivei gcair Notice fo Creditors Alibie foret, Lot 12, Coci. 1, Nasscgcocyo, don the Tonccide oh dm-i.; cbeccoried; coffmc ta- AND OriEoS Noccagcccoyc add Focicch, 2 milrc csouri of Moffat, on les; heccorb, pole bamp; lcntpc; hcohsecsd ccnd booke; mir- ___ RIDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 091f rccc; 2 39" hcds; 2 chieensef En the elate of BERTRAM Att1 p.m. icawore; magazine rack, JOHN SMALI. RAINEY 2OSadPUTY-Eg o;pgfeesadwtrr;m odd chaire; coder eheef; HOGO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ne cadid POULTO 3 -ng loipFgledcaceaectc Ail cssons bccsudf cloime ag- ;ich York bm-n lqcoiified fcor olclecr en; ogec; bm-cck mcccli rdid, sutd; 3ih tabie;e aint te Etat ofBetra prnnim wenpurchaed 3cums; forkc, chccec and cdc ohn pofe; linons; towete; John SmicciRainrcft, ofhe Yorkcccccccit 33 straitpgs; ern olscclerilie dficcrihc Teown oi Miltone, in the Coocccy 4 giicc, necdy oe hcccd; 15 yooccg cicr Zrith cotllcen, .on wolln; bail mner; 8' n 10' of Mciice, deccaed. cobo dicd ducbs; 3 hceodcc dchc. 1068; 1966 G.M.C. haS cocc epick bege ref; Herding ecg 9' n oni or cbout the 131h dcy of cp, ceed clondiion. 106; gt-ey ecg 5 n 8'; cIl eails Soolorobr, 1968, are bocchy mot. EOUIPMENT - Fond ircr hcve mocig pods; picecee; ifid Io centi in te tho oddec- 9N; Cccc rcoer moede] ,C"; BUILDING SUPPLIES - 5 qomccicy oS cmcping oqulp- signed soliciorSeorbbc prsco- ,2,Siicc picow, 3 ph; seto qucatcred ccabecicc shingies; menti; fichicg poire; iig scno a] represcaions ni tho coid dragc; manturcocpoade;MMH ccîcdess.lucicrrec: 6 largo cacci; cbepioader; vioseogips; iicsdon orifforthe i6tb seed drill; cpneyec, ci tradler, sbneiucofplateoglcc (oco> wire extenios; set offsoke9 day, ci Ocohn, 1968, bul par- ccil Briggs and Sirebson ot. FIJENITURE - cccccOf nhel ccdte acrnd ots; gr lc,-dciol oîno bbc cidt diote, ic bo; MM. le nd hooimu diaiceco becreche oterfied ded cocAI; 1966 Brideoc 175 mcdiaely lterthe aid atelie ox; .H. ower hamerccd chcairItIccich); coffee table orc. motyle ,i odcný 6e excoes cciii dictiihoe cciii (Gehil; graindoogorn, . ibocîsoîts of the cccd dcceosod, rootor; poot digr; tcolOc. Cm-k slose; Ocehes heel- lied. tclli mdmn bccincrgard oolytchitmîof escancre lcel; Smib.RIos. able bcd;l crliceeci Mn. Maywcardcs homo hon cohîoh thoy choilthIbn have not-oicclnir nocder, dm-nry ne-cw ci;col acdacsrc bren mild cnd oho hâtn 10 ve. cc. double dise, 3 ph; dOlitcîd GRAIN ancd STRAW - About ae promisec inmodictoty. Tbdi DctertdalMiltccibicloîbhdcy bar*.3ph;taso rtpc box, 3,ph; 1300 bus. chec; aouc400hou. home iccery c ancd ev-y. cf Spsombcc, 1968. cown roccoco, Eniggî and Strat- 1bccios; choisi 600 hae r îcc. thicg c id oory gcod condlian. HUTCHINSON ANDI Occe- o- aucionce et e* TMOMPSON, TERMS: Casb ccutb ciork on day of ealo. pocccdcle for accidents on pro Boccictens &6 Soliitor, No roeere. Foro ic soid.mieondyfsa. 219 MainStrreetEast, Owder orcucticnrrnot rcponibe forcidens. ALREucDoyR.calE.C Milton, Ontario. MAX STOREY, Atectioneer, Auctioaer, Solicitors for che Enecobors. 28h14 Rockood, 856-8733. 129h14 R0, , 3.Genrgetcmn.