Rl. Hassen srd tise bird observe tise Is belld osn noise Point. a gsiod day orbeer bards froid hileu rat Tuesdoy nouts and ainteresteti t teattend. s, Wiltdife Iton Region iy, watt bie le Octobr s 'les 00 les 31 'ICE E-UP SHARON REICHERT, dasgbrer of Mr andt Mrs Alois te cet of Milton, hesome Ms Brase Bucer in a raetdirg cerrnove at Gras, Anglican Cbuch os Septemiser 7. Phto hs Miton Pbercgr'tphiri (Coninud fom age1) O Miiltonr Lios anti Opisorai raie an rard-afierseca Satcrday Club atrobera staffet tise whmn to caris eaiiidded cIloe enreece cais andt canrleid driser apalrd cas cf lias cart. The ra.e trck iraffas ce Saîarday. herse oaa feagiereti eand taek cff, bat icckaiy t cyred are tiec Carrai Sracckiaantr, Haliceas race track. Iltoasatarigtc0 Darry Prascees atressatetthe fair csrce the truck frfie fscril raeasrglier prttaestsash.She trot ohea intas fseaiiy iraiteti hriped adi saichet tin tie Hlstein fClcb curI tarw anti Rticrd H. Jeffersons toi ined tiri ns oa fie lale Dorie cati. R.R. i Cctrkaciile sirer prce rabbrrsa racea e10 eresti raid, 600 lb. spanacreti by ialltr Holistein Bre etiera Aster. 'Farbianti Peanteoter Matise" cas dtic eti fat flic tira by iierny dsrct tcreetier Clauasti F. Pachasý Mr,. Jeifferson ia enstient as OAC, Guelphr, asti lias falsser isa reasina cf Gardes Jefferson, Maltera. The casases tati Sas chasse c f tie caif ar S300 sert decadeti te keep fia animoal. a Tise 240 ltane shoacr est rars ccn etitt ed a n arecrras.t Thrre wraec 1l Wsssnels i ratte tiapiaytng sunrilai- cxhabis aitha lare. Mourir Unior W . L's tispiay cas jcdgcti thtc bers tisaiyti. ifriers ah 0acangoare Horrsby, NcSsagsceya. Scoatch locker, 1) tet Il rattaii. (,trepheiirie, Ash crase. Nelsonr, Dubin, i aqaestsg. undt Siserceast * Cire taira rersetditrce sertis ifront tlie Agrrcultuai Saociety cturatar ni 18arge andt ciail pcsspkas an erre farr clasa Tht rrtey oas saasss.assspetasasa buttrach erattreeiaassii casht prier Laqard enahsrairy. tise sacra iarhy, tieesesstsaseti arr paspciarsry rassi r irea brasas lut tire commrsercital esibat sali, The lait peser lirs pratrn catie meonss rf tirce aitf ladres' tiissse tissertrs ciras hase passetio asilicerast yar fats, arat raise crt,busa ciii bie nasarati Tley fait Icti Mra. Annie Assera. str, tti Dasespers anti Ms cordtion a Tise sriraday respassy. tHappy Larnd Showra, tittist rave ftet go ciea tire laie esatict Multera raas theas otat thir fail fate carrertan aficaerides andt bouffhs acre isas oeek berrsg pecketiaraayforrratr sree in tlie Ne. 2 sali ar is icca ai t * Tire Ageriutrai Starasty Ceonpetet il ara isas rk litartag crftise fasr.psarisys irrirrarasho taon tis yeae Tfie co'taia grecais tat s lcrcut ar ar a Alattsa strass ofi Aiieass Freit Market liard iras itad-ipaiatteti fary sart ast itearal tlise lair Saluria. Readseeti sacr lias ara stars tire big1rrb rai rortsrgrou( file praca aies ad mailing ireqees te fic sussle ntrants * [lobhy reIiiises carst be papalesi, îating by ti elrier cf rabhabas ire rlis liitesta sectites cf tise tait. - Marly cf tire Malter eahrbriarrs heti prastie ep ara Actas fate tie pei oeekesrtiuadstilbcibees acere as G eorgetowsn lair ibis Seiturtiay. Chief reports ut conference ilttans Fate Ciera A. ta fisoesarrearity atterteti tie annua c oiraaferesse of tire Cenatian Assoationar cf F are Cirefa ai Keleca, .t C. As aira tar cftise greepas lire preserrrres renantrea Sae submatteti a repassa as slie asask, andtiiae aassentci suaa esîsahat reesinrtta fer tire 19681 ratsfessasse li lias beers a sassrber i Isle tire peearrer coi t rat iv yecrs. eati irir as tire part tisea Classaf Clereas sat race prasantrestanrsieftgitrsfsin high-rse epeetorar buitings errapeti a fra el tira rftie tisionata ftase tisg tlie reeferece. Fate riefs astrs tiecas nan arc alireeti e tise tiagersasitiretas hraitdirston fiagil as bc lasfit rassir tiera prescrit filetrfirtttng eqeapasent. asslticcaserrsarireae BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN 111111111 IIIE CONtULT A MEMBER 0F THE Brampton Real Estate Board- M CLEMENT 0 FLOOR COVERINGS FROM CARPET TO CONGOLEUM * Expert Installation 123 Thomas St. 87829 Bunker - Reichert Grace Anglican charcs, mnotill, scalopeat osti Mattion, was decorateat olt matchisg lace. white andatiaqua munis for tise She ceneat a cascade cf mareloga of Sisarot Marina oqua-rinreat spidr fowrs andt Reiciseet andt Brasa Wole Bunker white stephanceis. ontSeptewie7 a 4 p.er. Marton ofhocce was Mss. The bride as the dccghter of John Pcosje, Hamrilton. The Mr. andiMr.Alis rRejhcrt' 5 htisradý w" a ia;, rank Fit t Lrre, MtrIrrr Sire s àr lah lera. [l n ars ad fr, trr.hcaiegrrr as Hcarasa ashati rai MKersce, Dorcheer. Gecerci Hcspital. They case ,rquacea he The grccom, oc cs emnpîcyrd garans rath satic bord, crth ut the Strlc plane, is tise scn cf criais cf crgarcc ,rttachrd atirie Mr. andMes. Fredeejsk Bucker, shccldrlrs wit!ssatinhcsss. 2t54 Caeclire St; E., Bselisgtcc. Thry cerre cacadtes cf Res. R. W. F creer ccndccted aqea-tietet strphcectiscestred tise cerecny ccd Mss. A. W. wîthccillemont. Ltdwith piayed the cetac. Tise yccsg ncres cf tie bride. Tise aqca ad white cice Lcrra and Celiern Rcichieet. scbeme w as casresi oct sn actertas flcaer grls. Theyoere floers and attendants' gorns. chrrtisg incA lirreraqcartresses The beidte, gises i rreiage wrth pcffed sirees and rite isy hier fotier, ore ce A-lise eyeirr prnefcres. They cerrred gown cf fatitle taffeta oith as haskets cf atcirg Sowrs. Empre hcdrce teimmrd wrts Ail tie attendants woe wahite Venre lce. The short sieses Scuffy Seora lreadprecrr ortir andtdetachabie trnoere asc qane r tejoored oith lace. A hand-oade To rpres cf tht hrrde, headprece belat hiet figee'trp Paul asnd Mark Reichert, oec The Canadien Champion, Wednosday, Osteker 2, t1968 7 trngbearers. Jihit Presje oas grcosman, and tht ashees oicie Lysn Rerchers, hrcthrr cf rhr hride, ard Grant Burker, brether cf thr grao. Thr receptian oas helt in Fera lirit. Ms Rerchers rerceate ssearrrrrranintgeen rpetiren -'l. rrrc g'a rlrrr rote r terriuner chrrre arraay hiar tirera atii jacket ensehble, fratilred turqaoise andt aiser har, turquroise gicces. easy arrresres. and a corsageof hier rartea carneatiosraihrrrist rribha. 'rise coupie ieft oe a trirp ta noririerr Ontaria and tie Halibrcrrsarar ficride sceartrtpaiCapriblcsieeees dressara an emr-firrt rcas rof Orientas ries, nacing irat. anti a wite garderre anda ste pisanortas corsage. Thry arr living ai 17 Webher Ave., HamiItcr. 190 .b QZfrp51tcr jPtar at JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE 295 Main Street East MILTON 878 - 9942 We invite you to corne and discover t/w new and elegant Chrysier products for 1969 Our showrooms are alive with bumper to bumper excitement as t/w new season unveils the best lever from Ghryler-and this year we welcome the most talked about change in the industry, the luxurious Imperial for '69. 1969 is the Chrysier year-come and see why,-- they are ail on view now at our showroomns We would very much like to have yout as a customer- We serve thousands of people.. But we serve them one at at tinze. -I THE TWO CATE BARNS ai Miltcn Fait sera bare cas ereetet ibis ceas tei ccpe vvit groundis were fulondcerfc.aang wihben- the grcrteg boine entrtes. tres sn bref anti dair caille scopetiticre. Ose (taff Photo)