3Eanek Snck? L7et. LEARNING TOSEVE -Staffctraincgefo ce ofe liQcecEiabethWay and csa decacc eceplcyees ic i ule winig at SimpsceceSearc men cf Cambridge easehlde td. stor e IlBecliiegîc Mail> cee cearieg ce ple lice TheaMaliiicccedecnGuelphLc ccl Pne e, Pcb Pht vJi ih Ey M ce. Ceci] Pet erscc gT le>geiet i llet 7>7»» Tcetaigar Siecettet etc o Scptcmbcc 23 te tic auditoricm cf Pecy W. M cccy sclicl. Teccy-ficc laicdes cceed thie I cecceecce Mcc. Pet Cicylce te te clicege cf cecreectcc and cexecee and itcdced lie Becce Nova dacce te the mectee, wclii cee mcl cejcycd. Iteeesdecdedcce gce eshce lie "Cuer Gîtl" bicm cpceccccd by Noeea Co. et a laeter date, tic film decie mccli ckncie aned ccmtcs. Mrs. Michael Joes ece tic lied ecgiti]oercof te eekeand ceceiccd licer pecze. Mcc. Jcie Dceccee, Ecitenie Rccd eetce tmeed ce Sctccdey eflececce foe lier deegccet Shecon ce bec eitcl bictliday. Gccesatceedteg thie pcly ee Kaec Pitppaece, Meeclice Badcy, Petty Delicecli, Sherccy Dccieg, Meeclice Ecce. AIl eejcycd a showe aI Oclicilie tbectcce dictecrcaee, funcced a bittdcy ceppet. Sececel peptie Item Pecy Me" ccyccl receemed eede leet cpcteg te gece pempie for a epeciel dccpiey et Mitone Paît. Shecoe Deecece and Shierry Decticg cchilitcd thetet ce Sli.ice A c>,t>» t lie field Ticec>dey ccccîcg liedelic 10i. Italationcc of elle»ctt and gcec>dlbusceses fleeeeyec etl lie deecccsed. ReccidEecetr, tccecg precedectevteell paets and icteceeîed pececec te attend. Refreecimecte etil lie eced. Btctlidey gete tic u eel te Ducane Ccetg, Mciyc Ayme., Gecege Pellccy, Pctrc Sebeeclicyt RicE5 O'Ccecel and David Turner. Coegcauteionsec te Me. and Mcc. T.G. Debcmk ntl e ie eeddtcgccctieeeecy Getebec 3. Heccby Seutht 4-H Cilb ei mcci Octebet S et 9:15 c et. et fle leedeces heme. Meebece piecce noe. Mr. and Mcc. Claece Yeecgc cf Lemethl ce eeed eito ili Mr. and Mcc. EIl icce Resits are unefficlul Reports cf pecze eteecce et Milton Fatrie blee cepicd Item cite jcdgee' booksi by The Chaempiee cteff. Wlec ccety DRUMOUItI Silmettes Iearn new danoe to Fîelp keep weight down Petfor entriez top fuir poultry show Gordon Pediae, R.R. 2 Geiphi demieatcd the peitry show et Miltone Fcir by captecteg 95 lirts, 44 seconds and 10ithtcdc frttatl of 149 pcee Jt ini N Pl>I i RIS 2 f> i,tbd, ted l l ,cr77 Mceedy. R.IS 2 Arthurc ehed 27cetc.s21ecotds and 13tthirds. Detn G. Wi>lson, RIS. 5 Milton lied Il fictse 17 sconedc mnd tl edcsilus enteeandA. El. Weldtc. Miltmn eleemcd 23 licHe, cixesetode adtid. Berdsenctcted by Wdlliam A. Gecdheem, R.R. 3 Ncmoclit claimed15 finit, 14econmdsead aehtcd ehtlc Les H. Kaet. Guelph teck 15 finits, 17 econmds and mne thtcd. D. R. Ailla and Soc. Mitoncaptured il finis,.iimsecdsandlfour tht>i dse licth chltdr' 'classes tecg MePlil ef Picevec P.S. demtciecdewthlfourliits andea secd. Othet mineece cc Item tic Ontecie Sc.l>el fet the Dccl. Marein St. Sr. P.S. and Doncca Peacreeo, R.IR. 2 Cmpbeliclle and Maty Lec end Cethiy Jeffersoec effort e mae toecece thei mccrcey, tiy aeccette lic ccgccdcd ce lfial sel euemqueteheelitg cemietiec tnoeserosi e coredtg cf thcet winets. The 1969's' from Mercurfy Youl neyer find a better choice under one roof Marquis Until today this classic styling was reserved for mucb more eýxpensive cars. Marquisces eecictcngcee Ieeey. cliacctyicg and elegacce inca medtà;.e peice ccc. And Marquis cee Se ycece .. te iel c mach et sccece choc quectiy ette ycec place ce thc cccceccty. TPE NEW SURLINGTON MAIL lich epens cf lie itrecticncf Guelpli ne and Ocee Octlier1 hîeue plecycof parkig and ElibthWycinteecigccn eompeceycenceed shoepping cecefer in 6 stoes Thecentaceejs acsher piece h (Plhot yJce Pcbh By Mcc. Wiitam Watecn Paents mccli chuldre acedtg scheclsilcnoHome and Sîheci Aseociatice eeglie eiihb emceccsfche teeetg and infocmetice meeting hcid Meeday ectecel, Septemee 23, et Kihcidc ectecci we pctectpet Noren Mcccii itccdeced tic eclicci staff and cddcesed tic pacrets ce "Open Concepe Cececcacce Peegee". Tht eccrricm foe Ecedecgcccen, yece one and yeac tee ecedeece cs deeigei ce ce eegceded eppecacli. Cceeeqeetiy tic ecedee t ecil pcrcrees ce ceptdly et lisate cey cf tEille alece. At tic ed cf tic eeting Mr. Meecl i ccccd tic paeetsece cedi the cee cegcof thecchci, ehicit ceecice c iibcary ceccecce centce and foar openepce Mr. Mcccii was îetccdccedhby pace preideet Mec. Mary Rocbeecy and chaed Icy Don Victee. Pmesdeet D. R. Meahccad pceidcd and cetîeded pareet, fihoc tic menbecshp Icee El $ pet fceily and clicce ceele te paclace tete ecbechepe et tis ecce mdi be c e de ce et thie Octoelie eting. ht etccccedcandpaedhby tic Hme and Seheci cemete chat the actai 525 lie gicet te Mcc. Clite Suer, Ecedeegacee ceoehcc te pecace extte eqeepeet. Ie' Mecs. Suntet kiedeegecece mecswo tic chicid and acacd foc flic mccci pmrents ce acteedeece. Refeclicente mcm served cn the auditoeîuc fciicmieg ch. meeting by Mec. Sadaer'c ktegecgcren eteetacd Mcc Sharen Bcnli* yeee cricc thr oeected byecsoci coiceec Mcc. Alite Stelics and Ht> Mitone Safciy Poccel meethccc toc te 1968-69 ternieci Kdhctide Peblt> sclicel are Sec Seceekc mtd Delie Socle, Capteons; Si Watson, Roedy Joes, Leecce She Siew Jlie Lccgde, Meien Bcocn, Delie Paent Bi Bacceti. Roert Beeccet, Roert Stecy. Harold Sileteo, Pet Ceciece, Robert 1tglie ted Mark Maymeed. Childee and ecet ce Kdhccdce sceiel cc1eyed fliot deg doy Wednecdty. Scptemh>> 25. Thicty-cee doen ee c ptcpaeed and ce cced hy dcytme ceeceecrs, Mcc. Hcreldiackson and Mcc. Waltet Wiscn ocececd hy Mcc. Wilim Alitete Mcc. G. Bicler, Nits. Mitonec heliec and Mcc. Wilia Watson. Kilbide United Clich Wcmee heid dte licet Idli meeting Thccedcy ceeig Septembier 12 ce tIfic Scedcy echeci cecc cdi 15 precrit. Dciegtthebuieees portionof tic meeting the cemeehecccted ce ctertoc tic Cedet Springs benqetcce Satccday Occoec 12 cithe Springs.leeeicclsoaged duit tic disec ced c>cffee pecccteatortee ccd on Scedcy Dccliet 27 et tic Open Mccce fet Dc. M. R. McDcoMal. Thceedty Noeec 7 mec thc date sc et dc te animal licacea ed ete ie b eid ce lie mcm. Mcc. McDc..eId gmte a cccdce fectthcmtdy lCch. A r c ail eehtied "Tht Second Mdle, ccc gcechy Mtc. Pamille Aleander. Mcc. Mel Daccee ptecidedcand Mec. Josephi Htecty licd charege ef lic decet>eeci. hrc and Mec. IL. Arnold,SW. A. (Ctppc efl ttctec M ceet and Mcc. Rchy I)ecc ef Teceeto er dtnee guet mci Mr. and Mcc. Ered Artce>d ec Secdcy Septembet 22. Syecpciiy tseetecdcd te Mr. ced Meci R.J.Weire.Mrc and Mcc Gordon Smteil and Mrc. and lit c Kelly Slictpe ec cite declth ef icir citet. Mec. Oece Grce Slieteeedetf R.R.1 iGuelphiand cette-iceet o Mr. and Me E>i SoAttet, cie pcceed ceey Scecede> Septeecice, 21 et Si. iccepli Hoeeptacl, Guelph. fl>icteeeec eteeieea ccpccied Mies Rutli W>leeowa gue i f el cec, ai c ticlacosso e i tic Secidcc e>hcel ceectin Il>eeold haeeed Mtss Betty W ileten PLAN NOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIMiE AT WOODDIUDGE VAIR WOODBIDGE, ONT. Smlurday, Ociober 12 and Monday, Ocloher 14 2 flIG DATS Elececlce- ecrdet Hete dccc, lance Ceeeic, diccicc iccec Ehc, Reilteavi Ced. caca, 4-H 05ey C.1 CieS. Haessc cceceeg, lceicg prieteege. te.eyc - Jida. HOc-. Secw, FaSite. Pcc'y ccdl ch.eec Raece,. letihc ceSeae..., Hmec meit [igtl Hec... DM"c Cete, Etecp. Ceactce. eatcc.oen title. alince - icle cai tm..acc raeife. MIDWAY - BOTH DAYE bs 2i c.cccc c.ctc1 ccc Cc Meteor Luxury ride and classic style in Canada's best car value. Mceeorcale egceeecliciecey icethe elbece -icegeet incte cccs. Aned Meteor c longer. etdec and__ ceavi c ccde>cccore itericc cee, thac ccl etee car in Ic ccs. Meteor c yedcend Seiti tei csc tc radionf incolc n Coceinental Montego Where young is a state of mmnd, Montego is a way of 111e. Mcegcesay action,cadececeand performanee Setcer clice oeyehceg ais e tour eheele. and lîes ce t te cepetattcc. Lie ycecg. Lice Metetege. 4 AIl ter a ycccg bedget.A Cougar Ali new styling. A brand new convertible. Now watch the fur fly!j Ccegcecsaii ectccBB9-vde,ilongerand cccctec Ycecac geaeCgacccccc ile i ortehecccwpccccpeatedeeccccctCcgar - liet en Nocth Amecica> Acd chece a Scaed ee351tc. i.c i Eengice ,- ce standard eqcipamec> Be sure to see: Marquis, Marauder, Meteor, Cougar, Montego, and Falcon. MERCURYIO At Mercury every car we have must live up to the Lincoln Continental traidition ___________________________ tcl tIec.kcc, ichete l e WdeIc . tee ccciu. ceccighle GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED, MilEon Plaza, Telephone 878-2883 -I Thc Caeadicen Chamepionc Wcdec Dsip (ecoucil cgcccd toetceect>gctc lcclibcr Iwo» cmpt.ccte on fecce F viewig liet occupied a major ptheence c>cecg cat andU cactadcd lencn ot ubt * aJe and cn ed arecmplctcd e e' ýprionMile thietfiet bc!d furnitue cet donc thicaet Membece ivly. c,cd te Roisodf i n lieccec cppeited by bylce lete trer i e s t he eempbeictce egc>c i pwnte L stent an KILBRIDI Parents hear about continulous progress -C 'W