M The Canadien Champion, Wedneaday, Ongaber 2, 1968 His hobby orchard dominates fruit classes at Milton fali fair With tbe exception o ne clans, J. Has ey Horsing of R.R. 3 Bralingran mas ail 24 nf tbe fenil c lans nompesiscons ai Milton Fair. T. J. Renridgn, R.R. 2, Genrgetown, mon tIrerions for ohite grapes but Me. Haensng an the lb classes fnr vrnches nE apples, ibre in petits, onei plissandîthn rssos. Ms. Harnînf, a pnsasnial winrin the airs fitclsses, itn tlae orly ralaibiior. "We RI4IIP CLASRES ni the meeened fair sao heaayorinies hy 10 onhihitrs. Alaore direriar ErrionS Mrcilimr dinfrihares ormze rihhors ro missers of rne riens (Staff Phonto) Ciaeron canfies away prizes à fi-s Guensey classes The Caensy hcd ai' J. O. Yearling hoe, Black, Cameon again caccird awor flic 'ulîNalili Caoincaui, McCullough,. jarns shace of the amaidi iî îîîe i.th !IlNalia L. S. Pickering, Cuensey classes ai Milton Foir 0Bk MîCullouagli, L. S. onithe ekend. Pickerinrg. Juniorî camrpion Cameronawn lin premier feia.lr. BIac,, irvnrve il,.Nabb eshîhaîne and prmi breedei basrers,sandmworitiehrrdoia Ina yoar Iîd aiEnf; herd clacs lansîdnn shlingi the acClînagl. Cainrn. SBlak, grand and senaor chiampion can. Boothil. MeNalil. McuN.ah. H. L. the ceserve jurioir4 ian rerv Pickerrirg, Il. L. Picikering, grand chiampian hall. and flie Rîîîîlî luira veri d o best addnnd coain i fa li s'. E amrnr McC aloagli. Banch, S'erterrhiaiio a giadoal L_ S. Pic.kering. Fouiarsold nE hO enriîa i he nrai coia. Camiroa S Booitl, Hallor ard Peel G cernsev Shîow. McIuCliaaRl. L. S. Pickering. Ardy Telles aI Paris oas tlan Fine ye.ii aid aîd o;. Cameran. ju48e. saCalliagl, Bootha (aireras. Ochecs exliiing anere.bîlîsoan 'ulNalili Cry coîan oy 0fr. C. Ranch oS Milton, J. Ni Ca ons MacCalloaRla, MoCalloaga nf Accas. Jolis Yu. Euirnr. Baaoth. Booathi Senior Mlaîa bh of Georgrtoan. H. L. ond grand campion lornaIn, Pickeing and LS.Pickaeîringo ConirnnrreMafallangh. Calandîn, and Reg SBsla ai Osi u43cr ilana. Camon Rcampon. Rrerdrii liard; Carieras, Sarola. The Esloaiing are h inrnulîn MCaUiloafli., lc call L. RuSl caif. Carrr, NdeNalah . l Pickerinîg. Oper fni-or, MaCillougr, L. Pickaering, Soul McCuRnaRli. Roolh.-Progeny nf yeaelsng; Both, C.ioni. dais. MtCalanpii. Carieras. MoCalloaga Junior and granîd Blauck. Booth. champion main: Booth: innerve Specia yearing uiaaa for 4-H juniorsand grand capion male clu vlalir errrsiny. RBla. Cameson. MIcN.bbl. ulaNalil Mafgolds attract attention à' fair's vegetable section Lange iiangoidi.iiii.il cnsidesable attentionai in the negeinhiniilas,ain.ii ii lair T. J. Boinnidgr and Son. R.Rý 2 Gorretni anîr. for enie itis sact ion and ilsii captsed eighi firsis, tlirai thirdi and Inn scoinds. A painykin ro fiil Rronisdg Sotir waa dri.iicd lthe laresi. K eîîh LeRichir RfR S Georgeonsaniii toni~p wneinfle classesi illhtour firsis, mcii seconds and arr tirds. J. H. Flnsming, RfR i Rarlinglan claîmrd ihîre tirsii Io seconds and a hid whli Maey L. Fnresteisa o BulirEir, won twa Ris and i third. O-hne orionris Iilin hefegelble classes once Mis. Roîbert MofEsi. R.R. 3 Georetown oiih io fiss Mss. P. M.snNaglin. R ,1R. I Aiiian wîîh ihrnn seconds. Allar Pattinani, ard Son, RfR. i Miltnroiili ahmist and Ihird, Mes. Sian May, R.R. 2 Ho hy with a istnd second; Me,. Fred Waîlnrs, R.R. I Campbeîvsle a thard. Harvey Nii, i fElairsiiia îîîîîîd; Mr, R-,Laiiaa seon aîîd iliîd. MI, f iîd; Priai Fluuiaiiiii. . R 1 Milton a t,,,. iiîoid Ilaîî, iaciiidi aiidlaiiiid Mis. Jîîlîn Ilîîîlîîîî,îî 0.0 2 Mriltoni a f-1 anîd econdî Bo Coss(aa. Mu ,î a lîîîd. ia, W. Foilniiîi f1 4 ilon a secnid and Mr%,iN Richiardson, R.R. 1 fingio ai1-i A.T. MOOREI INSURANCEI CAMPSELLVILLII 854221 dsdn't came fiirast ndibney ny bad ose hnncb nf frapes entrîed,- saidbis ife. "Rn leil n nit lIre laie dloms." Hndsds oE fain nvbhiaets agreedmlien lhry sam lanî yeas's empty table mhîch un asaally, ibanks in tbe Honoîgs, plrd biga oîib delicinas frusit Rai ihey once hack ibis year wiilî48 nis out of49 in the fit classes. TIre Horniogs reonlaily diapioy ai Ancasîns, Woierduimo. Riiikiar and Milton Pares. Fenil i uta ceciremeni hobby for the coplr. Sorn n a feaui fae. ne a cnntedon, lie mas a callegiair prniîpal in Toronto, riiis la Ire latin in 1947 ohoîr lin planrd a large orchacd. Il kerpi lfini hasy bat l siso rlow ime lais trarelling hiildayi and tho Horrings are planninig a trip to sîsîi theie linit n5ii S. C. th nis iner. To years aoa iliny lnookas ciiiiiid-tiiirold cruise alich huiili really erjryed. YOUNG 4-H CLUB MEMBERS show sanie Angas phoro) mere Csag Kne lirst, Peser Swemn saines hefnre the îadge in the heef raif nom- second, Tommy Swneirrs third. petirior. Wieinera ifom right to lef in the (Staff Photo) Champion is Murray Muîrray McCaig of Neornai mon imrd grand campion sla ano ai the 4-H coampeliiona ld ai Milton Fais as Saîarday. Sordy Bennettloos chlampion dairy slaowmas liai baad ao nase ctn fair belao then grand iclampi,,.isliip anas aiaged, suMurray. She roncrn champion ii flie daîry doasa, wrsi on la aantîooerll vlaampiorsliip. Bobl Lashy a tlae tap laEf Oser 100 Haiaron-H umhrbrs rnlîhîried ai lie loir Tlîe flloiîîng are itearesali hlloa 4-H Foîrage Club: grainî. Raseoaîy Boothli uns, arri flIanersrecord. John Aiderans tisd. Ray. Versa Thiîîîîpcaî lirsi. Trd Brown srconrd, Dor McClure tird. Forîage plant iollectioni, Arn Mcluarr lirai. Ornais McClure secn'aid. Doalad MuaClare tiard lialian 4-0 Hlisein Cuit CI la 43 rerrrareliiiig: Joliîa Oîî istens Sadi' Bensnett fi. Cena McClure second,' Oîiiy Stokesn tird. Senior Iosîrîs RBla Mainer lirat, Muary MacGe enaid. Pool Steraosilird. Saliarn 4-H Oel CalfClub 10 orrîlarîn Arîgia lînîlers, l)ong Kmc lirai. Prîr Saneelmar seod Sien'a. ion Rîllinsit lîrsi. PhlipiAgrran second,.oiig Gardlîîîaa claîrd. Slîaanshiîp. showman McCaig Cavid McKinir lirai, DOu Oardh rase secnnîd, pair Saneeimas tlîîrd. Cool Porpîîsr Shariliaini Tam Sclivn Oirsi, Saîîîî5 Ferriersecnd. Sloiaîrnlîp, S asdy Benrnett Eîrî. L.iiry Ornet secondi iuiidPal Bennett lii Id lial hi Jersey Garsey iiyusiiii E al Clua20 iiraiiii Jerseys. Carol Nixn fîrni Mary fRlaînson an'.ii. Seior rery. Sasas Nînaî fiîîî. Ilnailîr McCaig secoind. Suaaî iucCig 51usd. GEarîîna'yî Krei MiuNab lleSîn, Loi îîa lNalil second, Carol Swaaklianiiîtiîid. Juior Ayrnliiiaî ir llîîliî fist Siîîîarîîlîp. Murray Msînfig liîîîi Caiiiilinwaakuaiiirrsecond, Oaa Saanie I)iiaid. Huy, grain Alfred Fnrd, R.. 4, Milton andl Cordon Thnmpason, R.R. 2, Milton mer,, big minnera in th4e commercial say and grain cases aI Milton Paie. Forsd eoîressclaimned finer lirss sonnds and athîed in 1 lie nîîîîeoîal lî.y anid grini setins hle ioiiiipsonenoies look to fss, hrc secnds, Io hirds andl a lonella. In the grain competilion Thompson entones look lbe frenIa, theee seconds and a third. To friis and tmo seconda oiere garneredbyFord enris. Oîhee mssnees in the commercial Iay and grainmere C. McCann, R.R. 4 Miltoo wsîh a secood, Iheee foarths and o Riftha; C. R. Sinclair, R.R. 1 Rsrlirglasi oiîh a fral, o thirds and a ffh;rokHaris oiîh lhree Resta and a second; Mea. Robert Moffal, RR. 3 Georgetown miîh a second, Ihird and RRfth; Allait Paîlersos and Son, RR. I Milon a festand Io Riha; Homard Blacck, R. I Guelphtofisîs, one second and 11usd. Rab Meery R.. S Miltor mon 100 seconds; Lîmnesne Hall Farms R.R. 2 Milton a Ihird aod fonut; RusselIl Horeen, R. . 2 Caminpbellville aesd T. J. Rroorsdge, R.R. 2 Georgetown one nseach. Haevey Nuese, R.R. 2 Georetîown claimed a second, tird and Rifth; Jobs Ksîching, Rf. I Moffai a tird and Keînh Lefiche, R.R. 3 Georgetoon 100 fouillis. JOHNSON, O.D.I ITuesayl 9 &Mar. go 3 Ps. u 184 MAIN ST., MILTON FAY ' *LICTRIC ACOMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE O INCUSTRAL ta COMMERCIAL RESIDENIAL * ELECTRIC HEATING e RURAL PCLE LNES and SERVICES 0 Cascade 40" Watea eter Sales & Rentai. * Attention Farmers e We are now taking orders for Beet PuIp for Feul delivery - Beet PuIp la Iower in prie@ this year. "ORDER NOW" "See You At The Fuir" W. wiIl be happy to have you visit our Booth.. 1 * OCTOBER 5 - GEORGETOWN W. stock a full li.o df MASTER FEE*t MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN> R.R. 2, Georgetown - DieU 877-3512 Srice Talk to someone who uses CO-OP Fuel Oil Service. We think they'll talk about us, wvarmly. Not just because we keep theîr homes warm ail winter with top qualmty fuel oui but because of the way we go about it ..warmly. Mito CHANGE 0F OWNERSHIP FROM M. S. BABII, ISLINGTON t0: MILTON WELL BORING 6751 WALKER'S LUNE R.R. 2, MILTON M. PELTIER HENRY GUCKUK MILTON AND WATER DIVINER 878-9552 Toronto 366-4390 I CLEANING EPN G I. We offer gooci service et realsonable prices r1 o.E Rlower as yeae v arrangem Thee n nnme Ch clas, ch eintries. An Af, by Helen WR. jndgp plans in IlI Io ens, rrpeaîed f fnorentni Ontarin ! Inaking lits Jadge N, Huttnnvdl .in the othi Fila bes Jersey cnnpetitoc pRar in a ro a six-year- defeated R fai. Sandri autiisa an repnrted Il won the b, in Branpt Son, Nor Genrgeîow William Rc Pattenan,, Ayrshise, a The c and secns Jereys hg JerRey-Ayn The c owners of former Cas is becominfi have had a 12Sfor m4l topsil Kenneih ESl clamrdprn in tIse arnua hld ai Mîlior The Fila h champion fEs ribhans and i îîdder cnmpîî B race Nox champion hi Canins and piositsisn Clii O. H. McCail Sal and Sas Harper. Resulis are Mcfag, Harl yearing, No Ella. Chamspi innerve, Canins Junior yea McCaig, Harp yearling, Rall, Harper. To McCaig, Ella, Nion, Mcasig Ella, Ella, RaI Nion. Coo McCaig, Nios MaCaig, OSla, R WINTER IS COMING ... 0 Free Dickup and Delivery 0 Complet. Esso Service Protect Your Car With ESSO Undercoating - $1 1.50 0PU 7 .m.te 11 par.a. 9 .. -11 pa. Sundays .A.A. SERVICE MILTON ESSO Corner Main and Ontarie St. - 878-3641 COME TO ... Georgetown Fair SRDAYn OCTOBER 4-5 'SOMETHING FOR EVERVONE" " GEORGETOWN GIRLS' PIPE BAND GRAND HJORSE " VINCE MOUNTFORD, M.C. UPR CBROADWAY MIDWAY SHOWS 0 URE O sE u11 , C4-H CLUB EVENTS C PONIES Exhibit Hall and Midway Open IlShow Friday Night Commercial Clé«a ADMISSION: feS Junlaca wIRh viaiabI. Waa,,hu. ^clulbe 75c - Studente 5UOcff Georgetown 877-2271 a