Fous at show Mrs. Gordon Agnew is Thete trere 108 enrîcea i tehie Campbeloalte a second; Mrs. ur ls t Milton Paie and Mr. Latrie Trakea. 8.8. t Milton a CGardro Agneto topped ail second; Mtc. Alne Baher, 8.8. indvidalsin athe artsrandnsofis 2 aitona r lti Dt Pý t) I l, ti si t. iti aifit Hi h- I fiia' i liai i -tiit t Ii iiid i" lia' irai MS i ' aatRad k iff titosbrisa of to ire itati Buriaagtrîa. r secntd; M-ta i Chaper 0E.S.claied egit HMsi Mn foeseod8M h DIGOING RIGNT IN to see brr the dontentit enies are put together, îrdget tats G H Ics'as dofs Gergetowanod Mms HA. Dicknsonof Mout fopin spait noainthenysecai claatspond by inThampio ras tason bry Mts.N Rohertson o) Airas <Staff Photo) Mrs. Robertson tops with 20 first prizes in domestic section Thor a, L ,d, rg ,i \h, .Robrsn Actan paeevs itr doil' eýell sCL111ia iria[lirasisst Paisi ai fioiFt'zgg frn tas. Roberttson,acnitn fri octi k lo do ssssaravioler iaas Ml îto air wn20 tirst, ta a scons aid two Si id ia rli- won Tisa Fine show in colptto r oa onsn sporilird asatip ast clias. Il rddiîastisah wofias tissa ladies'm wk peii olirgalncakr Rimsr ast tisa firiaimîsbr par. lir iarrraemrde rasis of poinssss idit kr t'ira Rnsa, a lair rid liai par MuanPi F r alai îrîrr osi tialiss pîsadari. Johnono saisoilh or i Iastsss Cirat and ltiu raistida asitI lier SI rfain Jîsitsaîti Miltson, entrirassi io 1 lirti 10 asec ids and Ohe tosslasd b>an mou sassariltds. tlsiasad hy tals. Il Mis. N. Roberts. assa i i 1 ('untatais tîtItto., is six mort Cfists, sais sesarssda raid lirsis sta sarisand r fisard. Irruiarda. Ms Rass La rotasiaR. R. 1, Ilultrna PîraPl O.LS rlinard Mltîon, ton ii lir arti ur threeParaît raid to seconttdsat rislasi nd isrrdurcds; htr%. t' errnshy lissîmlshandsr oasiltîfig If R. 2. Miltrn, taisai MaOaori RfR staiiisi raia r e sitrltt. s-otds a d a htast. to saristLarsdatitd. 5lud IIaislIs(1ura 0..S Kathieer ingss. 81f. \Olitt I lita' lti r ectrad aid fisard; mon a lits t tris - a ras i, id Mes'as'itii Surîtý SuitIIn a ti lhraaatissa lsai iri- sassîda aid Citar Otbar &innra ssirdad aIssîda ta M rta la o ittrirtstao Cuilire Cattia Rît , R. R. 2. Cai îphrlIiîi. ato Cumtophlille riith a ltairý a trs to secoaids und r isard; seconddault-trdtta1,,lt Mr,, a SsO alrNiaasittitt R.1 Koupp. Onardaîrs aila ias SAisîs tait liais, tisa arasd fîso. t-oit)'d sattisd s-,aisia itid lhitdtataM Rtaiat. 8c11 1f 0ltiismitstuitidrditDson t Hoanhl tra wltiff uid i PriitIf W R. ls.stiriilile secoad; tais ittititthi(L" trias sa ri i lc îiîsrsassand Torotoa a , stii ud sas 'issu tala i ilHopkinîs. thssd.; bits f-tsa titi ati r Ollsî.rit lta isriiashy fîrt, second nid ill. d , Oit liititrttti tala. Jintsî Aodp F'rak talI utnas i- is Ilidîs k.s f O . -1 tisai first a Id ecosnd, Oit, 1 ir, \,h n Olilisi r " IL .. taa lirai srat Tashas. R i Sui \ii iti ,conast.aidLitd [,this and scosd, tar,. lirait ru It S i atis, tIiaîsî a r ai, Mitor alita su sawaitud tdrdtitdt lts, Hadith taTrîiîssîî R f 4 A. Riîîî . R. O 2 tliai. a Msi.tonasrsdîand arsîssaein and ta aitisida sý Waars raito tttarded Ois, (titi Taitrsi sd Osas Georgesatn i a r \r. Oit b - tall ft'ai. if O. 4Si Korr.WR 1liîîîîî frsas utu taIlas il SiatiSt k Milititr ilt I ti Oit 1-1 rs 1, if s ls.a arasLL id H f saisa s la'] la Si Si. i lia d Li idd t isa la1r d R biabtslis 1a-i St l-- It s a rad urud, Trai lii i it Gîsasr Il~ M.- î usMI S. Smil. Oit i , lia \attsi, 1l ThiuSî r, i\ lssîi il. Have You Thougst of Pari ara s ii 55 iii, t\ti Oit tai M, Pansas. Nalas huid tî,rc, tala 1 That Christmas1 Mara raid I_ ii'.tIHnts Vacation Yet? a iada sppad paîtI staas MI, A. Oas tat lia idrai folk imss, hoetenannuy and hl a group a soistt Pasipla e gustara, miii h l uni tiss ev nin i St. lîîîti'~lîîî Chutais Otaeetssallr Uitesid Chiutais youth grop sraanduîassg tise 7.30 p.m. service. The hoe miii be geared ta yoolh hut everyotre itmaiaaOme attenad, Afler the tmeata r itrsaany miii be heli and rairesiarnts wifi bceeaed. The Haif Dareo, a load folk-singttrg geaupt miii ha a lai n dursng tha Besetenarry. Mirat about a es-arsa fs-rn Newrk as- tasie Cas-tieae As La-a As $185.00 US ' For 7 dos andup depend- irq or the orriher of dras. or- a Two or Three-Week Vacation ie Britale ar Eauropa. FOR $345.00 CANADIAN 0 Att Arrsaegmetlina Be Made at MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Mas-lia Si. Milleon Oet. Ill-91 bts. Gordaon Caerdair. R.8. 3 Catophaliîla tonatiharee fittes, far seornds ond fise liards; Maty L. Fattatiet. Burlingron alaamd ifnsaroscaod aod ilîîthida Mas, hdîîb tiatpe. RfR i Crntpheilisaie ton for liai raid r thîed. Mas. iror Olîddiatoo. Butlîogtass sbroced a fiasi. thr seaonds and htrce lirds. Matgaret Jolitroo Milton tos a irt, faut seronds and taur î1ids. Hadithi Ferthrriso., 8.8. 4 atitra tos Ito irtia. tw seiirondsanmd r tiad. aod L. Laits. R.R. 5 Miton tbtre fitlet raid r second. Othet toanneto îosiuded Mirt. Rap Koapp' Waletdroon tua fiarst. itra seconds aod a t la rd* Crilaraaa Corra. 8.8. î Crtoprlilii mons to firtit a seonanaddid; Mrs. Outti Garssiy , Totato lawon to firt î Mts. MI Tro. Ouhoîlie two fiasts; itrs. Mortel Reynolds, London, itree sconds and two îhatdca KathlnIorvig lato.R. 5 Miton a Part and twosecoands: Jran MaDonald. 8.8. 5 Miltons o fîrsts; itrs. Ruila Glmour Pot Credit, two itir Mrs. G. H. HallerGelpht r Part and to seconds; Mts. Flrrencre Lofts. R.R. 5 Mîitonaafit aod to tsconds; Mro. Nora Catîtes. 88. i toray a firrtrand seonad; Mat. Homos Manso 88R i Mtilton a truand and thsad. C. Lrondrts. Miton a fsrst and Iird. Mrs. Reglmwss,R.R. 3 Crapheiistile r fîrt and aisrae thiads. Single usonoit aoairdad: Bits Ftrîed Watt, R.8R. 1 BARBARA BARR wor first ormze on her steons fodgr rn the aidretns caos ai fair. big winner lis, OSarons Hayet. R.R. 2- Casaapbeiliia rtirdt bMit Ruis iîîsd R . M f0 dtiiatria-st CR hi n1 i I it latat'i Otlii NEW CANADIAN CRAFTWORK cai sses traw rro viorories for an COkvillo wotrio Mrst N. Tao asth hor hoautîfuross surach raorh dispirared here by direcror Mrs Cralo Reid and judge Mra. Airo McKinney of Bramptoa. (Stsff Photo) * O p e n A i l a W e d . *Cl o s e d M o n.-T u s , J r . U t l 9 p m * Open Tleursday & Friday rTiI 9 p.m. *Featuring * * * Red and lue Brand Beef * FREE DELIVERY 0 Let Us A Personally At Fi Your With S is I and Quartera 4 ofBeef li 'F USE OUR BUDGET PLAN ,Art show The second art exhibition of the attsaot apeord Moeday ait Eeîndatr Cotteill, Mississauga. Leanhard Orsterte's acultures ansd paittirga hy Joan Wiiiataer are featored uotji Oct, t7, in ail roiîht rrgroîaad hy John haome caarif Gallry ttlîuse sii. t id attiadiatan trisc. 21 tat Nias. 7. TOie galtoty tip topeheedus 9 am ta ) pt.: Satoritryt IOtaS , and Suodays 2 ta)5 Openl houle uit werfkhop Tira arna open haute Of LO.P.E (Haltuin Opportunoîtp Produat Errerprisra) Worhhp al Hrhy toîli he lield orsi Wednesdry p fîaroorouod aeeningOct. 9, fro i to 4 and 7 ta)9 pn. A prr<aaî of tite North Hlloni Asocaiationi fat tr Metauly Raîarded, ator torhtp tr aits adilt tetaaiastaaap joths ta îodosiay. Hatadîcafîoatd ioduotirairodd johsreadchy the traiors. toder iae managemeorî af Hapr tsao. Tuae toorkhap dapeodsontr tuppot oif iae pahlicard oafsho atyd filtte aosld hear large alloodaaro fat tar opetn house. MAN How long has it been sne por haro tahen the pecedhbi o) jemeery? fi eedn' cos sah and olcn ran a geat deai Stop in BURLINGTON The possibility of ciry atatus stil hrna oser the rton, and couricil le having a speojal meeting next week te discuas a suggestion o 1Opa out of Haltor Couety andi becoore a city. A prel iminary report prepared bp thre toton treasuaer aitowed it would rost Bualiogton $180,000 (1.12 oritas) or more to aprate as a drty. Howeoer. Burtington frts tl has a $700,000 Iluinl Hatton County's iasa and if ibhswetr paib aaB river a fivr-year period il msght bnlp roipeout flic era cosrs of goitre aity-status. 184 aieSe l"25 Commercial St. 878-396 184 ain i. MltonPEG GY BENNETT BRAND NEW Admirai 25" COLOR TV e TRY THIS ONE OUT ON THE WORLD SERIES 25" Rectarrgo)ar Imperiel Csoo TV. Daniish Modern lomboy cah- inet Irardcrafted of mal rut verl eers and seiected hardooda. Lighted charnel indicator and pro-set fine turing. "PoII-Push" On-Off Volume Cortrol. Admral exclusive color fidelitp cont ol Eleotronlo "Colot Balancer" pro. rides more realiatic colos. Too speakers. 29/a H., 4011b" W. 18%" D. FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME Serice RICHA RDSON'S * Low * Terme Appianea 201 Main Sf. E. Milton 878-649 1~ Get Ready for the Curling Season ---SKIING TOO! SIGNINC o) Marti ir math r Out Gti ladies Iri Sairrday. Onr. Oa Miltailai a per ag Wstdy i Wendy ait shoo atild cx pas nie Lai' tria tahrîl op af part dii a t f Senior taIs One aur tstan ihoti Martin hasgoi for coi B, Maftîr Si Srlîîîîî for iton ae art, liOttaa alilaragi 1 Seotr M ti sors T lia e iaialrdad pi oicr-pasde ftliae otudra t' a a tors uid nutod ra Npso st hatie P.A. tiaito tas ha laiedI pubhlic tuit Friaady off. acttealis g in (lia Pa fotball aid fo rt hail Haassefeldtsf minute gros game Thtur teaio tied E< h-6. SPECIAL ON NYLON BROADLOOM LS~ UN AVOCADO GREEN SFie Textues- 1~