- 1- HOUEB11111Y 12 Thse Canadian Champion, Wedtesday, Octaiset 2, 1968 Display tent, film tileatre Ladies play men's bail team planned for plowing match A iepluy tant and hilms rhaterohem Halten Ceoty Muer wr11 ha Halton Ceunty's model ni Kalse Censemi prove they can ouf-ru n them cont'ibutiontetheIternational Authority and anidu f.caiicaiMatchieaiiciiih.if on anplc oin ipayf Sy Msc u jini.claiao Tise genvr ai meetingcof Hl rest United Chancis mus held as thse HonsylUnited Chutcheon Tutsday evesisg, September 24, as t p.m. Mrs Clifierd Wtiglfesmnrth, tht peesideet, melcemed thse ladies te tise rneeting and read e ceey apprapriate pnem. Tise devetina ptrted mes as charge ofiMrs. Wiiirnii Bcrd mici mas epeord minis hymn 399 ielinmed lay Chapter 13 ef tise Cctithant andcantttertng aril n tise "Frvdege ni Checce". Tise deveteesii heer cloed math hymie 559 fiiined hy prayer. Met. Kecth Hamwkas mas in charge ai tise pregramn wchs mas on '"Lea.dershap and Oeveiepment". Mes. Jonc Wallace and Mre. Chantes Aestin mare ccn the panel teanse questiens ced expess thear opisnons. Mrs. Frances Thnmpsn read tht misutes ai tise last meeting intherabsctnct ni tise tectetaey, Mrs, Vers Pecheti. Thse ereasreres repert m as read by Met. Harold Rebses. Cerrespendtvce mas cesii hy Mes. Lem Ssmpsn michis ccded letters fian tise eme inster chaderen. Plans mate discussed for the By Mas. George lcglts Tht fart merrasg of tise Campselvalir Cilees 4-H grntap cas hed on Ttattdcy rcencng Sepeembr 24 et tht Mcsienic Hall. Secenen girls cere presnt andptvnedrthe meeting rnth tht 4-H piedge, and tise semiy elected tsrcetivr as as Fresadrnt, Karen Eariy. vice-pretsdent, Sasan VanSicle; secrerary, Ciereme Sytsma, press repentes, Nerma Beembomer. Mrs. Gordn Cieuler andMrt. William Webb. leaders, thes stenced tise girls onv hem ne me usure dry cvgredcenrs, and make ca ramel squares mhcch merr ejcytd Any secs membeets att meiceme pirase contact aise leaders. Sympaehy as entend tie Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Sharpe. iccioiemnt tise lessilastmaeioftheiacer's titerain Rieckmied. Me. and Mrs. Rocy Rieberts ai Mathetan spant lest mers math Mer and Mes. James Roerts. Frcends ai Miss Maggtr living asrrr te beuresheisain Mitiev Dtstrict Hospial in Miliec. Wr cash ber a speedy recccvery. Mes. Lorse Cniicsg and Mca. Wallace King heud a Modayaescspn aitie inemeras berne fier e brade-tu-be as Nenember, Miss Bers Currie cci R. R. 1, Camphtiivdie. Centeses mare mer by Mes. Alfed Bayeten, Mire Anna Sciseuter and Mes, luise D. Cernie. Masy asafel giulit mere gaves ced ail cee tbanhad hy tisa bride, detin tisorcial hall heur chiais fonged,. Weddiog balla rang on Satsueday cisen Rois Mitchell ci .louîlc iitýv'ppcîcwl,îvcitill belac 'ai cia 0' dl\c aa Oct. 23 acii alvi tice a ncii fai heecce onc Sctesday, Nctvtntht 9. A qiting andpptlck dintttt wsals nnunced fo n etsday, Oct. 1. Mts. Wttgglsmcanth cieted tht meeting mitis peaits aidilunch was sevedisy the Stacligist gcicap. Tht cent meeting miii he heud et Ashgrccvt Aicunnnght andtccial ncescsp mas heud ce tise Honhy Commcnity FacE n Feedcy night, Sept. 17,whein a game of snfthaii wtt piayed hetmeen tics ladies ced mev's team with Chcck Hamiltoen cclicnf tht piay hehcnd tht plate. Mes. Audrey Sehreee ced Met. onna McGuffiv ici tht hnring fcc the ladies and Goedoin Spevot ccii Bobs Newman hceied fat tht mer. Tht ladies petcstd they mere almast et gonid as the mes fn act tht maînccty cil them ceeul natean the mes. Mes. Gaccet Hnmden. mho was kttptng score gsi se tcciiived tryisg te igueout whcchttam mas whics thtdat shmdcii up mesh c titi hall geme cvii no hacii feelings. Fcclicmtg tht gameevetyne tsjciytd ciel dngs, hamhurgers, daunsts, hot chacniate and cffie. .scscctrd in marciege te Btcerly Dates ut Sa. Georcgr's Anglianvchervh ce tccmvcliv Mec. Lawsrence Shccpc inas he ss lie tht Septemver meeting cci Si. Occîdi Preshyrercan Wccmrv's Missîcnary Sociey onvharday ulcerneon ches Mrs. Roert Ellitcprtttddncdcpenedcith apmem evrtird "Oar Guide". Miss Lauta Blacks haii charge cci tht develcieval prcd. cvii gave che secrttary's repart. hue mas assisted hy Miss Eizsaheth Kennedy che cisc gave thr che areetpiert. Mrs. Rclfred Greeviete gave chie fsaccai repart. Plans mero marie fer aise Feul Thachofefig meeing lie bhel runc Tharsdcy citerccccv Ociehrr24, aî P.M initia Mca. R. D. OuncvucsccofNcrvaluas gceat speaker. Mes. Riebert Ellîcca. Mcc. Lacrence Sharpe and Mass [acta Blackhcererneeiaccmnacvg coienaes fier ii969 effîcera. Roli cal ccc ccscersii hy subtcrcbing fier Gicd hadîcgs. Mes. Veima Nerrîs irccm Natsagameyc Chvrch gave a repert cci tht feut rdiy heldi Orangecaille Sept. 25. Tht pendent thavîrd cil ache cecci pure rn tise meeting avii a soiacl hall heuvr feilccced. Oinee casas cîth Me. and Mes. Murray loglas ccv Sasday cee Robert Inglis, Me.a cnd Mrs. Thomas Josia, Me. uni Mes. Con Vundecan ced Me. and Mets. George Ingis, Sus and Barbare Vandecas, te celehecie Manray'a birthday. Me. and Mes. Murray McPhcil attesded a convention i he Eiicn Uiteda Claucvh liYungiei lns cicety lel a i Mes. Geanit Wiltiams aon Satandcv ecescsg, Sept. 21,mîithatgond cenmd atttsdtng. Feloieng tise autiiene activtty they netined te cedenes misete tisey tnjnyed dancing feliccedby a deliciens asnis. Dutcst tht evestet Relis Mascs, a bride-te-be, mas calied ferwaed and pteststed wtth a ieveiy liscea diss. Ruth extesded h et stncere thanisstn al[forethe gafe ccii eaud tht mnld aimays temember the gend ttrnes ste bcd wite a memiser eif Eden Chuech and YP.S Mes. Elsit Biner of Brampton spent tht weehesd acces M r. andi Mes. Arethur Plant. Mr. and Mrs. RoySoetheof Brampton vstai en Saturday evtstngccitc Me. and Mrs. Gatey Hamitensand fcmiic. Frttcds in thcs ditritct att eaîey te hear that Mts. Gertce Hustile c patient sn unnyhreeh Hiespitl, Teronto. Rtc. Rur J. Roees ai Erîiieale mas c dinnet gaevt mitis Me. ced Mes. Leslie Ratledge and famtlyeonSanday eening. Miss Shirliey Elle ni Campbtilviie and Mns. Cîiff Cannt ef Miltes vîscled tecentiy mîts Me. and Mes. Gaery Hamiton avd famciy. Me. and Mrs. Bah Militer ni Torontoemere disses gets n Sunday math Me. and Mrs. Harry Lnmde n. Bîrthiicy grettngs art extnndcd tie tht feiiemisg, Mes. OI Bradley anii Dene Radiieli Wiss miii ceiteate tistit birtdays oc Oct 4, le Scott Loos an Oct. i andGuy Lern as Oct. h. Tise Eden Unied Cberch ancversary servctmasheideon Senday, Sept. 29, meth a pend attendance. Rev. Keti Hawkes mes incheare eftheservicemtith Rtc . Wiihar Riegees ni Erindale as he gnest speaker. Mustcas suppied hy thse Eden Choir mcth Mite Rats Mats et tise nrpas. Mes. 1cm Plant estertaened stm local frttnds adneighhnrs et hec hieme en Tlcursdcy evencnp, Sept. 2h, mises Mns. Jean Archet presenttd "Tise New Look in eeise Fahis". Fnloieng tise fasice show tunchs mas seecedhy tise hestess.' Mns. Laura Greer ef Washagn mas a disnet grse on Satarday mîth Me. ccd Met. Frnk Peacecis and cite attended lise Miitn Feu] Fait. Friends ni Met. Wanda Astatas cili be pieased ta hear tse is isaci home fniinming a stay i tise Milo iestitc Hospital. Get meil mtshts ate etesdtd te Mns. trest Saundets mise mas a patient in tise Miltien District Hiespital Coengratulations te Ans Rahi mise mas chnstc as tht 4-H Homemtn Quee and te Joyce Wilson mise mas tht winntt ai tise 4-H Hememaking Princes' et Milton Fait. Tht Quenet mas ptesested mctb a bouqetof red roe n d the Petscess mh a corsage. Senior gis che esteed mrre Diane FeU. Anc Rahi ccii Mary .ndrrsn. lester girls enctred mere lady Gardes , Joyce %ison, Lerraine Rensîck ced Barbera Bremsrcdg. his cs soething nem fier the 4-H club piris and ertaciy adds te tise csterest of tht cais membees. Thetw winrse reas pttsestedmwithcasasi Cengratulatiocs lie Fruank Hall n minsnn Ss prîce on hîs Hereford steer in tht Hererd Cia ses a n i he grand champtanthip an tht cli ve etss a Miiten Face. Dencr, Colierade, U. h. A.. lest Frcends ni Mus. FranvhOucsiar att carry lie istar tht is hiespicaiced ai St. ioerph's Hiespital, Hamiltei, as is Edgar Cairns cn Joseph BrantHespital inBtaritsgt. Rt mcsh them heth aspeedy eecevery. Open Meeting Erîndair Ceilege's cemmettet iefastnvtatrs,an ifnrml grap of peoeîrocm tise commuitty mise ave as litaison hermet tise pubic and thse Ceurege, mii bnid av ien meeting arcthe ciellege Wednrvday. Oct. 9 tie einc t as txcttecctcmmitttt. "G TA LO D' 0F THIS" 0CIMENT 0 SAND PATRNG MATEB ALS 0 GRAVIt adahast ofiline, Maie riais Mîchasis Building Materoals Ltd. 2426 Lakasissas Rd. W. Mion@ Brasis 827-1007 & -No Tell Ch.rg lvi lixcie ot fGep hc agrcuultiiti acii icclitial cometittees cf Haltes Coty Ceeccil hase fncmed aspecal diaplay committen ta sopervise aragments fer tise peorneticoal lent ai thse plemînt match, wîth Actents clers Joe Hutetas chairrnan. JonT. Armstrong of Georgetown wiii he the ceenty'seoficialihest ai tise test. Ose sectues s 40 hy 60 feet andian ansex s 1s4 feet squae. The secs Haltes filem, "Haltes Ceusty, Tht Mas and Tht Bey" cciii he fealuein tht Ilsest hilm theate which eccepes ahout hall the dssplay spece. Tise reaie lo tise exhihit cciii inlde a dispiay cf antiques ni,5a tîtiat trens large iniciciid pihoit ci c.ach ccici vpclciy m ialt Set tai ionycucloswl heson haed each dayte chat cils test visitien, and tise filrn pendocen, Roert J. Meycr ni Dundat miii be te change niaise film shemings. lodestttal ditectetits listing escs pteset isdustty ta Haitonmiilh e given te visitons, aed a latge stcki ni cocsty matchhoos is onhad. Haltes E.MO. miii aise have a dcsplay in tise tent. An atcheii tateccy, tise same one umd et ceo peeviet plnming matches, wili gractthettottanceway. Tht consy has set aside $1,701 te conte thse cestseofthe dispiay. Tht testai as tise test aioe ta $700, a cessîf efficiai said. Meve Ashmrv, sel ".,y IEcwst Chw«h awdermvy l s takely befoee con long Bots tise Haenhy th«.era be ne Horniy or Asirone boildiogs are op Asispeone Unitedi Chocch. Tise tenders. Iwo coteegations omalgamated rccccly andare inthe procrst s aeeeaa ofi hcchdcicg ac ricv chccach bucîiinîg ccdicii vill br calvii Hillccetcs Ucited Chutch. The cao chocch oi he situaird on tht Seceots Lite in Esqoesiog as tht corner cf Fine Sidetoad opposite Pineciro Scisool. Rev. Keith Hawkses sai Ashgence Chorch bad ta ise tetnoced er tahen domo A PF cempletely and the chotch had decided le sel] Hornhy United Chutais buildint and tise ptiipeety Fair on -Georgetown Fire t Iis Rih rs n oeekend.Rih r s n -Masy local bomnes had 201 MAIN ST.4 tceekend vecituts bete te visit the falt fair. N9S 0F GUELPH I (ON SALE CERTIFIED SAVINGS ... CERTIFIED BY RYAN'S AS REPRESENTING EXTRAORDINARY VALUE SALE STARTS ON THURSDAY, OCT. lOth Even though the sale doognat begin until next we.k (Thur., Oct. 108th), Ryans want tha fine people of ilton to know in pIenty of time, in order that you may mske pians to be ln Guelph, fortdm big, important, money - savinq eveint. This is tngiy ths greateut Fail evant in this area, and It wiII b. weli worth your while t. corne toi Guelph for this eue-t. You wiII find genuine "certifjsie savings in msn's wear, ladies' wear, children's wear, fashion accesorieser cosmaltk, gifiware, yard goodis, beddings, staplesl, boys waar, faotwear etc., etc. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS 0F ITEMS THAT W1LL BE ON SALE. WATCII THIS PAPE ON WED., OCT. 9 FOR MORE SALE ITEMS NAME BRAND LOOK WHAT 99c WILL BUT IN CHILDRE NYLONS OUR YARD GOODS DE"T. ON JACKE Saamiesn mach, 50 damier, THE LOWE F..OR Wctr caîga, en sizeat9to il. B9 leasing fabisrcs, styles andi mahar of quality nylons.e2-X tpn Slight Subs. of Reg. $1.79 a yda Cashmelaine as g V-alueto REG. $1.45 on sale for only .99 $12.9 0591 CARDS Tramandousnsaetngs fer tise earie bird. Assorted, boxed Christmas sands. Reg. .79,.a89 box .58 REG. $2.98 REG. $1.79 Imported Crepe Printed Corduroy 99Yd. .99Yd. LADIES' NYLON BRIEFS By nationally faiscoos maher. With elastic leg, Ban Lon lace applique. ln white and lin- gerie colora. s-M-I. 09 9 Reg. $1.50, $1.98 LADIES' NYLON SLIPS Hait slips by fine ligerie bouse. Nylon tricot .jh ae at hemlîne. While, pink yei.$f tom, ibaue beige. s-M-. 1 9 Reg. $2.98, $3.98 MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW! WHATEVER YOU DO, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS IMPORTANT SALE! UT ALL BEGINS AT 9 arn. ON THURSDAY OCT. 10th Visit Ryan's before the big Sale, and open à Ryan'R Ai - Purpose Account r-us NS AO GEP DII SO OF *.FONFA E R L I 1yu. q ar u ontow G p 11 1151111 l >da St Nortl oe~ and an for P FOR 3A&S 'LIANCES (EE... s TV & Appliances MILTON 1171114f40 Pumpkins at fati fair .. CAMPBELLVILLE Colleens 4-H Club nomes '68 officers MIS lis colora. Ste- te $88 No Down POyment on a Ryan's Ail . Purpose Account