10 Tha Canadten Chaptan, Wadtesday, Octobr 2, 1968 DECORATING BEAUTY SALON DRAPERY Vogue Beauty Salon BROADLOOM A NEW COIFFUJRE *Reidettiol Dstigooti love For Yea * tadustrial .and *Commoocial ýCOMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Ooody -mode Doapes la stock. Cou 878-2461 For Costom Seoviot 192 Min Street CALL 87&-2067 FOR HOME 2 Notmttato att tvas litIti to Tte o tohhet joaîitothe eod breailtyoo drop theoheltin of asttttg on hoh'polltoy hoittg otatea Lot a ftominttttt tt's eaay tehttid antd tpîopc heloteotraoktag open. op DR. BARRY WINTER ANNOUNCES THE OPENING 0F AN OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE 0F OPTOMETRY 224 MARTIN ST. - MILTON Phono 878-3931 woda aref oernaIt crta rce s But thot a mt tht kttd af settlemet INSURANCE ou.wat ihevataofa L Your o se ta bop rn li Oro i i ment e ao, tav haps that s whp mare peopl o a e r depottd ttsurnce eeds Cal s. PROTECT VOURSEIF McCUAIG INSURANCE LIMITED 20e MAIN ST. E. 878-2894 reports Halton MP .fttwa Rnd LWing 2Malt S.R 878-2067 HAIR STYLING 198tto Mill St,, Miltoa GENERAL CONTRACTORS CALL 878-3711 FOR APPOINTMENT -Modeto eqaîpatat. RAY OLAN Expert atytivo, coloolea, BUILDING oltgieI CONTRACTORS LTD. ELECTRICAL SERVICE "*Home impovemevtt AL ELCR " Reovattoaa McPHALEETI * Aitetatiova LIMITED " Additions * Commerctal or Induatolol O INSUSTRIAL a COMMERCIAL UL 4-2263 u FARMS & HOMES oELECTRIC HEATINO INSTALLATIONS WIELL DRILLING vo Charlea St. Milton 878-9513 - 877-3752 WELL DRILLING 2lotti J O OTTAN PAINTING AND OECORATING Oý O 2, Mittov, Ovt. Phone Staotttgtov NEtaov 4-6025 GIL VANSOELEN CUSTOM UIPHOLSTERY PAINTING Congractoir MILTON Ivdoaîool .*Roaldntial UPHOLSTERING Cati tnY7, oe Ealimates Noto oavod oatd operatod bp 878-6137 Lore Art-uIBxt14Mltn PHdONE 878-909d llooa R. . Milton _______ " Rt opholatton TAILORING - REPAIRS " Auto trla " Upboltety cttottttg " Cutom boitt tootitoot TAILORING " Frot pick-up ad dttiaîooy 2ic-t ALTERATIONS TRANSPORTATION RaRS C E NT RAL KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Street CARTAGE PHONE 878-4472 MOVING & STORAGE 21o47-tH Local and Loag Ditancve 878-6338 REFRIGERATION lic-ai KING PRINTING REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL For Your Printing . SALES & SERVICE Meabto of: *Top Ooalta RetogeottonService Etogiattoa' le Efftoieva Stootot Socityt -and . *Reaaonabe Petots Assocititton ot Rtlotgealion CALL Conttoactota CALL CAMPBELLVILLE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 854-2228 t9t Matain M~io lct 416 - 312c0 Tht troteeaatei vomheea ov bouaea te ailooitî a aayttog ilttaa brick "the fortîh bouse. toad ovet'- Ht. Aglîtosai load t0 ho donc ot bodget. The t $3,000 pet yeoe andi aI iront $1,001 ligbl, sdtoatksan of tbîsature.î Miton File C Ciement glenla I local station in tî oîpen aama. peata of Capet, boaines aa bo e offeaavdasomnepi 'Pittfighting ia i,îlooksavonttt raaîntd t0 do th, obtef saad tee o te tht teade. Fo tapettetotd Lîghtî tht colot of tht as presaure otilt op Ove trithe CUottîtg a toto in t it tl flore tht g Tht chieft gttefighttîas job d be ltft tht fîte. Ti 1 am goiag t0 btgit tit cotoan hy mahi,,g omt observations ontheaspeechtes made by varicea membtrsaho patOtpattd te tht throne apeech debate. Tht tboaeapetech debat gtvea mombeatoan oppoatunîtp t0 spekonojoat about aay sobject lbep wîah. 0f coutat thoat in opposition meit opoa ibsta 1 ceititze the govemnot for past,prescrit and evet futurettttoaof omissionvavd omisston. Theylbtvi auvObitthebttttOv vîrtor of thett Oaa oaatitOOflOttt and tht many problematobtoh total and intome caats tbty evet offea solutions t0 theot pîohiema. Membeta of tht Govetoment uaoatiy omt aty crittciamiof the propoatd legaiation bot thty ton do vol htattatt to bîtng foth the paobiems abth exittin îheiîeapectivetttdtlg andtoegona. Amotgthospotakesbotttpttatd me witb thittdtiotyoand covntetof motettai (aithoogi i did nottoeesaoeiyogttto'îth tht latter) 000v Davtd Lewis oL tht N.D.P. Ht. Lewta bat a oety quit and Laediy appîoaoh etgbt op t0 tht otay vnstant ht vttîtas Theat ta vo doubt bot ltaIt ta i one of thte00001 ahle debatera in tht Hoose oi'Commotta. Real Caoaette of the Credî latte tla aotty bomotoot aptaker abo ,vovea htv atm, lise a wtodmll.t1fouadl1couid ndetand hue liho t e atd of troasattoa as he apoît inFrench aad tet eepeated hmarieif i Evglia aadvieera Hov. Donald tamieaov, Htiaiteî of Defottot Prodoto,aoe of thetvty few speakersaoho dtdvnt read htapeech vo, dîd be have ap notes, pet Ma. Jatteo apohe eloqoetlani d factooiiy otht pîoblema of tht Atlatiîotegioe. Lincoln Alexavder ofte Pogessive Coaaervatîvt Partp oaa oat of tht e memeeaawho spolt avd was vtty tIl rccievd. Hiapartisanottmathaotre, forthe moat pool. qoitt bomnoeooa bot bie dtd devot a portiono of htatt oitaeaneod ibis a verty movîog avd tie recetoed lthe attevttov of tht etile Hooae. The mootoand secondetofthelbThone Speecht Empoîd Corbtn fîom Nett Campbellville truste volunteer fire briga ha Ce ti ch ho de th Nt be Tt be fo G ht th Pt ïWag beeni muc Iaa mare proaett mstttf ve anaouced dmpy will atest seuts aa the n ara oa aatp Scoaa Batd afaleh wll te avtt ail tltmen taty aad jh chool tduattoo an tht fltc lth of If R. I Act.t, airmovof Naagomtya ltoo .ard, and Ato's puic school .atd chaiemat Cyrtd Bishap had cidtd taoatest thetae,antd sttey inalastaweek's apettas ait aaaaaacemtt. Actonaad tssagaaeya adi altare oae mcat ttht 20-maa board ao theyill aaniag for theane scat. Siaoe ahe paper was pablishtd, otWatsoa of Aoa htgh laolhboardand Murray Smitth *tht Actaa pabio sohoi oaad have deoîdtd te malt tl a ae-aaytrace. Gadai Sîgutdman, chaaamaa of torgetoat pablic tohoal tard, has alto ahtowa hishbat ia e rin. Georgetoawn ai have ne seat onthecouatyhboard. To date ne Mitonaaa have tnouaotd itetioas te seeh a osittea on tht hoard, aithough votol ate tomottd ta hie -Coa dtiveo hy Wdlts Powell, .R. 2 Mdlton and J. Edwtn attoas, R.R. 2 Camphtllde eotived atotal of $50damage t a collision et tht Footth Liae f Naatagaweya last atek. letihet driver 0000 iajured. A ioaw, aid Arap ttoo Hane po, bomrd abot the dioplaeti a ose ctdar lot in seceiaty who wotked o four dfay Colootia S.C., bote the wtokî It toak hot six, daya ta do oacataraging iga, "One aoote.' ît! I Brunswick andLetMarchantfrtOmBitish Columbia, ttoevtd deevtd complimets fromoalmnmhva. 1 sbouid pethapa have mratioaedlintmy Lltat cooimtt ahete 1 am aitîg ia the Houae of Commos. 1, aong ith21 illier foeahmnaa Lihetal M.F.o ahoae lot aamta htgta atth P aad go t0 tht end of tht alphabet, ait on tht oppoaitioa aide of tht Hoose. that ta t0 tht ieLt of tht apeakr. My otatmatt te tht Houae la Rosa Whichet aho tepremonta Bruce Coaatp. Ptier ta ttteiag tht Fedetai scelle, Me. Wbtcbet ttpateaete d Brtact tie tht Ontario Legialatote Lot mote thao 12 yera. Hta at experee vn tht Ottatio Hoose isof grat heipttohhoa td 1 oonside myaelf very forttoattohavethmetaa m pattet and thetehy henefit hy hta tapettease. The Houae Commtteea haveanot ayet htea fotmed aadl1amlooloag fotad to theia fotmattov. Thia wtîl glve me a fatthea opportotty t0 prescrit vitat on legisiation ahtch atil bc diaooaaed le tht Houae. le cooparîag tht amooat of ootatapoadenetooming jato mny office daîip atth thattreoetved hy othet memrbeta, I wooid say thot my ttding la a vtey active 1imaa ory pltaaedl teeivewood front tht Mdltoa Town Coureotl that tht CPR atill not disconttnut poattatite serioe to thia gtoaîtg commootty. I ttcttly îectved a lettet front C. W. Romp, Stotttaey Radaway Tratsport Commttee,tith efteect to thtcatag of tht CNR Station ot Aotoa. Ma. Romp tvformed me thot thoat petaova intereated te tht atatton ttmooettg open adI have tht opportity t0 meet atth tht Disttict InspeterfrotmToontowho wil ontte Acton in the vtty tert future. Incloatvg may1 ay ho much my Lmify and 1 tvjoyed ourvtati te the Actoa Poil Fata. Ail thoot ttapoaaihit Lot thia fate are e ataottceely coagratoiated Lot theit ftne tffots te makieg thta aooh a great Thia Satotdoy mp famdfy and I plat on vtn theGeogeow al fair ,es -organinzing ide for village ,ooyîvntoiîg toithaanad ptpatovd tucks inlht oi]agt to load. Pot a fttefightta theat ta ptohlem oL no tomnotoaahtattconesato on home hy getîtag ptepaed. "Rt have lo be houoroitt ts eady to go ail] tht time," hte onvthoîsecond saad. insoaooe toas aeothte pttfali tht ptottl te hhef poteld out."Iltta n a covttoilod alaaya graatfyieg to hove ololo totîtes have mîtded peoplttovoiluttr,hbut t otîmith ta thecase ofitjooy or dath 0ihostogo to aomeoehbaa topay." td otitet vttdv Tht chtef had doobta about ahethea otvmot iaoaao hitf A. E. o ompa vteo wouid insr te tdeoofooa aned faetigade peraoe. Camphtiviio Botit Mt. Agata and Chaef bol thîoogh Ciemeat ealiie theaneotttty of 000e in tht tht rive gtoopa merting aîab a suggestions t0 membea ftom tht Ontatto Fie Loa t0 wtvoth Matahalas offiot to ratae ptopea paoordoîe for atartieg the tItotpt as ervice. es," tht oltief Townshtp Reevt Wiiam ta have t0 he Coolter apohe tan fayot of the erjob. Tht plav, hot alto suggealed il a tomavy trtoks tue prematoaete seca tht fol t ovampie, an value of tht savinga on tht econ tel] hy iaooeoace aad aoah out tht nooltifthereas addtd eaptaatof thetatrvicet on hotuidtvg.ehe aepayea. chi apokt oL Ma. Coolter aatd tht o .ltpressure hy oooid encouragt othea 1mai httroof, lttttg commnte te have boca Iltoag mntoaytmaand if ibiswaaaot doan round. paopeay, iltold deoeiopit evplatned tht an ineffbotent localiztd opatto idaîttopoaflet and bretak aa ftomt the att teatotatehoata orgaatatdasyttmtheytnoaave g- SPECIAL THIS WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. TO 6 P.M. ONLY AIL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES CARTON 200e - REG. SIZI CARTON 200'. - KING SIZE s3.95 s46 MAD NATTER CIw if o'. Plein o Sugar 12 in pbg. Res 29c POTATO DONULTS 4 us 99c CHIPS Plain, Rtppies or Salt and New Facel.e Royale - Twdo Pab Reg. 57c pkg. POirig PAPER TOWELS --4 rols 89c 39c. Now Boax in Namvy Duty King Si.. Rag. $1.95 69c 39cFAB Detergent $1.35 BUTTER FLY Calgia Deal Cr000, o'th Gardai Super Si.. Reg. $1.59 BUNS TOOTH PASTE - 79c Reg. Caleao'. Brac. Rrand, 100%. Veaotable Oil, Reg. 45c lb. tub 3P9vc So>ft Margarine 3199c FRESN lbs PRESN GRADE A SHORT -RIB ROAST --- 55c EGGS PRISN CROSS CUT lis Large Medium RB ROAST 5c5 o53o e PRESN lb. 0CHUCK STEAK 65 c wTsPi e WIENERS PRESN SONELESS "BREF" lb. e Shoulder Roast 65 C AC 1415, P RESN lb. Pr.uwo.d'a Golden Valley Butt Pork Chops 5 5c MidCured Sie PRESN SNOULDER CUT lb. BACO PORK ROAST 39c vu 67c Z NOW ON SALE' CANADA PACKERS G RÂPES ET MUSCAT ALICANTE -Pitkle and Pimete MUSCAT E -Olive -GarlcBologne INFANDELLO GARIGNANO -Plain Bologna WNITE OR BLACKC6.o WI4ISKEY BARRELS GUARANTEED 100% 40 GALLON AND OTHER SIZES -ALSO DEMIJONNS FREE For You ... HEAD FOR COMPLIMENTS EJgb thi. woy for a new ' FPi hI.a Our sbiIIad batallOt ,11 style yeOI halr inàoa m beo.alog fandhfonabl wey. Latest Mothods, Modern Equipment iFushier Reairty Lourage THE HOUSE 0F PROFESSIONAL HAIE STYLING At 171 Main St. Phone 878-9533 t- A SMASNING LUNE wes înteodaced diromaticeiip bp Jack Rith- ardson Cheta-Olda as he piaoed are nf bis 1909 modeis theaagh e simalaîrd mindom at bis Ontario St. S. location. The madol ettratd consideaehe attention and far night dispiap the fiashing emba, direnîotal signais wee actiooted an ahe cor fa, added impea. -Advt. Sy Bob Bortt tl dotoo't aloayt take apile of toneyoand a hoge lbot force to do somethttg oorthwhile at Ieott, that os the opinitonof the threc trustees of the viage of Coapbelloille. For yeatt the people of tire viage have kiled atoutd the ideatof setttngup omorttof lire statton in the village. Thte t rustees d ar to dig somethingoabott. They have ttttted o portont of Eatipos Garage for thetstotage of tht,, ttooh. Thrp hope oe ohtott attroch atd intala 1,0 t.Sgallon aaterttt on ttotorto'aîe. They hav oot tootd tht otd hel] flote St. Dootd't Pttahfttttat Churoh to pot on top of the butldtng otd thty hope to haot a srnfot thet ckh Trostee Gotdon Agoto txptootod theo stattion wootd hcru îo y volonteet firten "Oor tatatton Milton," Mt. Agtttt satA. He tvplitod hoto tht ftr t euaotoo otts ood ho Iotvtatd ifth stio a eatahttthod. He t! tdho most important pott of tht tre a tht fitt S0 minttett Althoogh ht otetdtd tht Miton Depoattteot foîthetîttapd settiot in t ho povt. ht aottotpattd a day ohev tht Miton Brigode coood oot get thtt attd a sttoli local hrigade oald itold titt lttt off unttt Miton atttoed. thttt thtt otlagers aood work etrthetoand hopefolly saot tht huilditng. Mrt Agneo saod thte oetp ito of havtog natirefttpttiont wootd heoetlcomedhby toyoot toootog ito theoommttt. SEEMS LIKE IT Pattence is one of tht qualtttt nttded oe offaet th tc xtta h azatdt o ttattt dhvittg, sayt tht QOtotto Saftty Leagat. You tetd t gtvt mtorette teooo detottg-pieae doa'thegtadge it. Rememher tho t t dt t' las foevt.iaaas semtltk the Deaf ami oeived certif Toesdep, Sel: OMAOR4 Ai i By Mta C Sa aoerel) exteaded te antd famtil bereavemreat, basband and Septembtî 24 Sympathy Mes. Geat Sir of lier broiha of Geolgetot obildîtto Cati tht Il aoroîî0. Covgralola Rubi, eldet a M ta. Frank E being aoolit Miltoa Fote. atractive bic lady tecoîve 22 t0 28, off Otooboent. Poliot, t nata ooccurrnct ieotlt ont ofabaicb motottcyoit. tiarft of a n loe c nfîoun daturbaoce iavestigoatitons tacapet le Hoapital ahc Ont pîemtot A total of invesligated, t persona]ltojut peîaoea ne acidents, an, damage w. $20,275. On accident a Tbere atat Lt tesuit of inve acci tde ntsa. Laiiing t0 yie spetd ton Lt cassof lthe Oaîing lb paîtroled 10, ormdere bja Detaobment, of j',033 ho charges laid Ttaffic Aot, îaaaed and aafety cbeck convictions Magattate's Il CHICKEP CH] Il, 1