fIt EauOatibanElapo Vath 59It Ha2 lo5 un Y- ere MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1068 On Il c 1- ýi >fýPtý De ..-Pi ..MM. a, I rfyFu see.-e Cns MLtNt 'Construction B1oomning ont 1-Same fer news nases, gieanad fom thie suooessfa MdltoPai ME r -Tht hi84s hlen m display ire1 er goedld eSeectars and jadgos. Stadrees mere alla.ed ta enter oaes tIhey had dace lare yosr and ilace swnllod the rentes. Vince Mounefard omceod th: hanse shows, races and apnieg peagnam la fracs cf the standstsnd Satandsy. H em mldmsygame this yer wss the "hinehday gaue", a vsriation of cawnadaclea whereecstamons wagon Oc a manth cf the yeae la hapos cf wineeng c staffed eay. *Milh's the tendenst," Palerma Junior Fanmees ere ptactaimng ftamnthoirhaasheei the cmmercidl oxhihis hall. Thoin catd mdhk and Ian cam satd mol. h Satatday ceanda more s hagsy ehat sonencaaeohsmwee nearly cas of faadsetfsmhen the day nded. Thore mas co anganleatian evieg fait couarse hot meateaunder thengtcadsand vhA dintriot mon eeded his It ta tht foie mieh a aisie ta Milton Jad,ý falloming c maufflo wlth Polie ce the agnicatecesl hall masheccmn ce suppentime Sctandoy. Tht gatemen cdtled Conts. Len Pichete and Bdt Pastensan feam Miltce Police for hetp mhea the man oaamed c dissuancn ce the maic entecnm ce Raflent St. When the officees appnached the man c soaffle sssred and the cîlpele mas t'enclly hcedoaffed and takon cmay le cruiser. He han lene chanrged meth casnea disecehance and cssaattiag c police affiet. *Halton M.P. Rad Whleeng teecerd the fair Sotaeday cfteoon mette ies mefe ced ohildeen. Ho epene meet of his tiie ohcleeng meth foeegooos. *Milteon Gerls' Pie Band, almcye a Ppplcar attraction ce the foie, thrillr ail mith theer ehirnng tantes and ]cr tie parade cf Officiait fer the 2 p.m. optnlagoceeony. 61 apartments for Ontario St. plus tank factory, milk store Construon la Miton etoted Gniiatd hac hata hechan oce 5a boocm 5cmn ehos meefi mith alil(Inenptetercoot te huiling etat made on et l m tnwek. And ce the heelteif ail nw paejoee sa h2nauite tlieeactiriey, omtmcrd ftem apartene huiding an Ontaric BellfCanadaoeha a caomet lias St., cat nee saolestnnetel tanh tari httn emecdod foc a $35,000 endaeecy on the Base Lien l addition co tht Milice Central Esqatng ehat miii hte ontrtd kqaepmeta Office on Main Si. ta Miten an tanaay t cod a Thenem apaitmentfbiaeding o Moons Mîlh Stort on Baconte St. t ht latgne cf tie fout nom 600 bn us , I/rh. Douai toum Miklon T. J5. BROWNRIDGE, a 77-nnat,aid fait nahihiane fom 9.R. 2 Gortwn, panudit dispaen hie comyhin mfinf mon the tille "icconst la the show" on Milton FoicO (t, eof, th Ahoue 60 occllerc i affaliais and their miet fcem Aceen and Georgceo mccc gtests la Meleon fer elc annua Nceth Haltea Uchan Board tour tant meefi. Tht gncay mon mclcoed te Milten hy Board Chaîrman Roc Horrie, mhe et alec Melttent Depaey Rterce Tmo hames teck the greap an e tour cf the actas te fit anaercd te Mdeca mewth Reere A. Ltdmith and Dcpacy Reeve Harais acisa as guide. Tee filme mccc ehomnaic the un tht o ai~ efi tiofit nirn a, oa retereini sfio leedetiocal foasure. da csi a a aikia tttconfissa i w on 13 altoes meco acaompane iCoatiasod ce Port 7 on fis etries. (Staff Photo) the saficai. Pu.vious rcods httered Awn n h Biggest-ever crowd at fair Banssed miexnocemen efner Satarday falawing an tannonst and thncaeeing Pniday, Milton Paie sunpnssed ail preeicrtad teords an themweekerd. Date receipas an hath Pnidcy neeeeg ced Saarday set atm records-the Scterdcy admisseons moe ap 500 eiver te faca' heat pece ce recerd, officielsanid. Il mas cennecoelient fair in many mcyr. Tht meceher, the neheais, the competeten, de midwcy ccd the eethanicrm cf faiegate madn for a manderfal morfond. An itonncsed aamher cf exhihitarc mac aated ta aimant etery cempotieman. Thn Semwer Show, ores and orafir, childres maek, damostccadptrese ccd tieatoof centesas ment ail langer ahar la preateus yecra. "Rerve gos an excellent day for the fa," pesdeneGorge Readhead smded Saturday asche taed the groands tc makie cote eery facet cf tht foul feir mas mannon rmaathly. Ht and ail the directers rcpanted they mere pitcscd with the 1968 show. The meather mer tht henenre atrpraomentanenclsa yea . The 1967 fait tat off ta a badl seter foi5aweeg a meefi cf aimant rtocdy raine, aed tht geeaedr mero quese maddy. Pair day tarned oldandetheeemwdmwar we55 httam moaenormal yar. Bat this pear the aniy tain mas 0.1* 1 MfcGnchie tubes office Meuhày Mison's nom clerk Jck MeGeochie cttenedd fis fnse Mdlton Caodc meeting Manday and mcs wecomed hy Mayor Brien Boat and memhnts, wha mished hlm c happy ccd onjaoh ie thn Milton. Mc. MoGeachro thcnked memfiens for hia appaicemena. Ht rooliaed they haid ptcnd cicrt cf failli la his chiaiy ccd ho maald deaeeyatntpossible tu jantefy elsas faitl, ho decarnd. The new dck camos feam A clan mhene ho fiat hen orrk'admlaeateaat fan the pars 2i YecasHe andkismlifoand fcmdly piean morietol Mdlton shardly and hart panchored c home an Williams Ave. bast motk Acn Caodc he5d a presetaction for the MeGnachios ccd preoented MOIe midhac largo reealnin0 osait and Mes. MeGocohie meels cc cd palint hy fine fanorete ains. Clorfi MoGecfie enohed ap lais 2,593nd municipal meeting jasa hefane ho ne the Acao municial staff. mecanded efiroaghFridy night, and Sraandcy'a sac macn dried aP ccy metsapots. Thiesurishonr mcrm and hnigflt fat aboue ammethirds cf the day Sctardcy, aocainnally daokitg fichind c laffy mhite oad fat c fem minates. A ira drops cf tain fiaI teaend ce Pnidoy araaad nacn hue tht ctcrmi heid eff antdl the meddlc cf tht night. Lady dieors report the seeins ef tht fait tfiey fiandled weeqaire sccestfal. Jadgea wee preef fisy pmcking winr ntht haler0, prernr, ofden's meefi ladies' mere, foees, artsandnasfi eins The ladites aragcd 'ancehet eerlle erfifie cf antiqaes s rto en inît ictei effort ce the cennaelfairlac yera, and ie dremceyted conmmnes. Mes. Harold Ceaisan flnodedaup tht lady dinececer fis yocr. Tht Pair mac deolared cffeiclly open Sctarday afeerneen fiy tht Wardca cf Haltan Ceaaey, Recce William Hanter cf Georgetown. Me. Haaer andrthe redenrofetht spensoring Haltc Agricaleta Society George Rtadfiecd mere dnlenecefthegecndsaadlina corteile hy Oukille Coanîlice Dca Gerdoa, and the procession mac led hy Mileton Girls' Pipe Band. Ma. Hanter eoid the adito ce ilmes aplesre fer hem enfle afin te efficiare. and noeni ehe fait mac on etc 11tlh year oheofi made cl the ramne agc as the oaaey. Ht congraraiated tht penidênt ced the Agricahuerl Saocety fat finogtgtaafcectanaonng fair te toma, ad claimeil les mone of thenveryfitst in thepronce.~ He cffered fia fient mufles te tht Pcir Board ad the enheieitrs oeil dealared ethe faor effiociilY opta meefi tht secgeag cf G Canada. Me. Readflcad apeke fiefly, mecmigtctfl/ne o thetfair andetheckicgWaedeo Haaeîfc lier corea s Tht coearetie aise aned tht geis aho entered the atm compeeeicaos. Deace Pei], Jedy Gordon ,ccd Jcyce Riscn cmpeeed fcr te Ptioceer titic mhele Annt Sohi, Leomeea Renmiofi and Mary WINNIRS 0F TilE 4-H l3nandrse Prcess on wiatne etinh fai Octet dsn Tlssy mena lodg tst pose for a pfinsagneph. erncess Joycer e onacea u corn erhng rfilln Wilsn sel Guen Anne Raflwr m na eo (Steff PCb ai IMileon heete Il ce a tu cf tee pet ty at the Anderson onesee tht Garon's Thie Quactacactettacts fiai te cemplese foar of flac prcjecea and make afbiefaspeeonat 4-H mearreceficem. Theiepcess onestants had te omplte feoar cf the saint projeors buat ded' ot hlanc te moake o spechf. Seme cf tht crticles tey made mcme Pyjemas, aigflegomns, appie pie,applecfrudit rcadand a tabile centrne. Anar Rahi and Joyce Welson won the Osera and Pncss oateste respectie'rly. Friday mat a fias0 eay aroand the fait grounds, as echeileeors rasfied in mei icee'meinae ettaes and dorctn ort fla bsy stirgeaut the daplay ferethe jadgts. Jodgeag cf hadl echflees fiegan aoad acca and ocatied antil neaeiy repperteme on maay cf the Tht fait mac opta ee the pabic Fciday evnrer aed once 400 paid admessions atme recoeded. Tht mider cy mer opta and al[ the halls wccc tcourd fiy nieions. A fcatarecfethe Fndey eencngmwaethemesern hotte show, tecoad spcesced fi0 thec laie bocard. A tetal ef 40 boies mccc caterdein tefoien performeance classes andl ire gamneolases. Improncd legheeag arrange menas ment commendrd fiy tht ficesemer and tht grcndstand eaemd d.atfioagi thleoeomwdmas smcl Saeandoy tha grouods mere ogtee eh e scre of fiostleng aceindty rdy an the meaîng as caedie, sheep, hegs, goals and horsts pcared ente etfe grcocds te fie preenel fer fie jadges' Tht second ncm cattie biarn mas iusfuan oodcrnlmngein face and larcomere hcd te 0ie iCOtietd on Page ni Fair coverage in this issue The Champion's foie merfi corerage et tcday'seissae maclades photos thrcaghcat fie paper and lises cf paie meners feam semte ot tht ompeeaecas. The finte fiant heen paaely snmmariand his year ta consterve space and time, nspeoialiy la some competetions refont a fem afefhietone hiane cIcandup on temajor shcrecof Deto a cday on oftlaming theo prie tisas, eh e resales of the n Anges, Sherahen, Here fordi, t Apenfice, Dual Parpose t Shanthora, fonse, shnep, pig, gaand pnycnlaefvemnn C hnld catr uatil noe wonh's e pepen. c Curlhng Cluh ohiaed ehe taeniag ahece Werden W. y, Hanter epoke hcîcfly on hehai cf tde Georgnecwn goup and Mayot Ledlit Duhy aaprssd Antenas appreceatece. fights olcuy Tht Deportet cf Transprt haseohaned itîmendandecmw feeis aetaffechlgheînaneceesaeyea tht Main and Oetatio Ste. itreto hranOarelln man ae kîllcd Septemher 22 Mayor Brion Bere reld Tht Champion a aepretntetire cf the D.D.T., at oonoel'noagiag, had reeitcd the cotner ce, Poday and4 dreded tht troffea maaraned e enafflo light. karlica, tht D.D.T. and Depertene cf Heglimaye had reled agaiece liglets as the traffea mas nai of safficien velame ta mottant light. "Ht caid mc needed eemn changes in tht deope cf the trffhc idlaodehrheetprmaadi ce a ]citer hy ace Mcaday'aS oreodl metng," M tc ocr e said. Tht Maor heditt cîen hoth DM0.. and G O.T. iete fatal accident te pcint out the acgtccy cfrcomt httetmnaeort cf ecaffeccocecci. "Rn' pollnd ce prechre" hoe raid, "and ct looks leke ii's ttig te pay cff.- peoicotl caceyîng a 0475,000 Pli.e ee. Godet constauctin jastne tirh cf dtr pesent Dîpiceece Apeatm caecon Ontatie St. noceh cf Moiitaiercaw Dr., cile os pcceete cf Stahle Dtrniepmetae Led. Tcrcntc. I le m e a ti-o te Deplemar huilding as ehe hailders are oaang the seoOc plana. Pire eccatyt hegh , il ile fi an L-rhapnd hrcouldding meth 33 tmc'hedceca itles and 29) ane-htdaeem apontente Kachatat Tank Ccompany, pctecrely opteeteefi o plont i Wet Hile, ee planning tecect a emoll i d etcy and six teapicyce' hcmes con the Mecehall facm ce tht Bae Lion nerthe Thead Lione Tht helm mancfeoacuesetaieee seel tanke fcr tackse ced fcr fam mlfi patieta. Tht plane ce eadta conastrcono e, and mdi coapy close te 20,000 squore feet ofspart. Tht homesemilihb naected lcttt et the terne A permit fer the Maces Mll Stcrn,heneecoedcon themet Main Se., ccitt foa a 520,000 huilding. Belles Qafile office manager H. A. Bleohfecd tapete the Town's population ks up 56 to 6,726 tf asnyadp cass, anc canr mp efmne pes and anSer, 139 egc a6if peide Miltens Ppulatien s test, 146 cged tie, 296 cge sie a les to e 7,000 tac n d reene 304 agei nigt and toto aeaending ne rhe 1968 rin, 553 bnananne 10 ced 13, menus as ompilcd ba tome 137 agcd 14, 139 aed 15, 470 asseneo J. C. Chaninen as et qged 16 an 19 inncusin, 3,279 Bapncmbnc 30. tnam 20 ne 59, 208 tram 60 ne Thn noaa population ra 8,726, 64 teras, 180 tenu 65s 8c 9 and as cncre ot 56 nas e ven t 501 linrlndis5 nesidents et a9n. Halcan ContennIa Manner trew The nnu.econaint shews thee cllnanns henCny) qeld 70tand ae 375 ton esi udenne cged oee. teTA. Gcmheng Cocstrcctione Ld Î. I t- an iieoe foi a 17 hy 46 foce addition aithneccotimee cidc cf Bellr sMir Se. centel building. te mefl ht redecmey coo and os stimaed eo cs 5,000, he aid. Construceionai to e tccmplctnd an Janura. hl mill bhng theilding te dimenins cf hO hy f0 fttt and îaewintallation cf eddîeeeeal powereqeepmen. "te aeeaitct cf refiemet o f cas serences, Ma. Blec.lifntd trpaiand, "ccc hart co plan foa tht fuite ced oactyieg moretocf leeds out cf Milton." Tht Oree managet ecttd tee retcttexpansion cf Mdecen'c faree callecg atea te iciode Gertownm Gakodin rad the local calhng. Inquests Thtce mll hbcan enqanse ente tht dtath ci Alexander Mfccwraoh le Mdlton Oceehet 22 et 10.30 a.m. Tenty-oat year eld htcCcameh died en a t that gatted a hoare et Thece miii alto fin an enqcest te dascoera the cause cf deteh cf Roere Themas Knoet mhe liard et Dakaie aed died fcllemetg a ar crash ine Mileton Scptcmhea 8, THSCARWSDMLSE n l ,%. iha 5adDryRa 1 ieo Tit AR She ofMlo cc opiad i elcos iofacow 21rse Scy a iS SurileoadHos Ad0 Cra cfg Mantd as iopesoie mili T socefpiftma. M.Oiosl aiat ls follamia0 a tac ccc collision ct the ceacte of (Staff Phaoo for county, separate boards Pcrengethemwayforeetnof daees feoominatiocnseetas Dnthe saedte a Ccaney Beard cf kduaaeen acd adranat poils. temne fimie nemmnato ad a Coey Sepaaeoafloee On Noremfier i8 Milton Separte caioie ep Board, ncmenatons and eileao pubic saheci supporters mill ic tht Ceaaey daes fiant fiea set. neminate candedates fos ont scet Edecateet mi fin Nomeina tent fe0r on te county bloard ai Baleogtoa Centrl H nprsecneatiercee the Coeny edocatcon. At the cme leme and Thetwim repeentat Board cf Edocation mi fie placoenomiaions mi fie rctedonfiy aSlCean eamaedeon ocemerî18.A reeocd fecmnseparceemshoe Safolospporete eemencfiensmi iochcfed for and Ncssagcmeya foc a An advnc poil h fin Cearty Sepacate Sohool epraatttctene te tht Coaney for Metn cevoter, W Board. Seprate Scflord. afimnt on einasian A fiy'tcmcpprerediy Mdlton Nominatinsmwiifirerecintd Nontmhec 30Sfnam1 euscdeon Maady,candreÉtra fletee 7.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. oaicsing ptaced in ai pai..ea iesesnLth e M eri t eir Min naslng mi oensy macecipetitits. set cas Pulie Scefa1, and eite ans for meo r-menatvet Big rd Sofia ivesmwill fie .ty Sopsecto rset ashfi as fleen rot 'ha mayhte dey, fan 1 c.m. ta 7 ll heoan p iudla noeportce Oser r no shdy gantes an susplceoun dispicyn ns afin fait, Mn. Hall, ia amn er afnMidway Company "Hcppy Land Shoms" hian c repulesian for a gond, cie midmay. Dat direcean reored c fere potentiel mldmcy nahifiears dooided ta loch nlsewfieee for ramne 'Malice" mhe lfiey foaad ose Me. Houl mas the cancesriaeaine . .." "hey kaca h onenst tflem la" nid thie director, Cern et .