r C. Ha Norton Bus uines are pleused with the opportunity te serve over 2,500 ioy Scouts in "'Adventure in Brotherhood"" Transporting thesa fine young men to, and from various locations required a great many buses and drivers and "know how" acquirad in our long ex- perience gainad in our charter bus service. Op.nlng Ceremonies Of lot Ontario Jamboree "'Adventure le Brotberhoodl" Auguet 17 t. 23, 1968. eb The paople of Milton and area are to ha congratu- lated for their total participation in assisting tha Boy Scouts racover f rom the affects of tha storm - Norton Buses were alto quickly organizad to evîcuate from the area. Ced, JMMo An MCH. NORTON BUS uINES am Burlinglon - 634-6958 Oakvifl. - 8274971 n, new zoning by-Iaw n for expaànding town asi 7; tire new Snfery Corner, 10; Editoria asnd cotornrnta, B2; Yoatlr Front, B3; Lettra of nirnolt frocn on eoy Scout fnienda. BS; Fansi neca, 89; Wocnen'a oece nnd metidinga, BO; asti lic Snom'a report on tire recent seesion of rire Ontario Legisatnae, et r. and expenar as receanary ta appeaise tire tomospeople of milto. oit ful detaita concenf tuas institution and et tire sane tice aeek opinions froc ait concerseti before cnking final arrangementn mi the Province." Mayor B. BraI recantrd tire Phony bank inspector bilks woman of $300 The pirony moIn ictrt sire cnsired lie old cgle penoion encirer iras lot Miton nand ad cireqoe, irecae tire rasir cas local wmcnelrstt00intarew nfenîdrieremayiraeeirenasortes veesion of tire old an gace lait coontreil coney in tire iis aire recoied. t n olie u eveyon to Wlten rire man arnived! nt ir ron Poieag hneyn a oe ire raid nocre of tre iisa eof caSlera cira represent mere irogan antd ire rc il tire Ivei an iratik atpectaea or coney 'teck to rire irni ta mne nf a irnnk. Sgt. J. K. cireckr it oser." 0f connse ie ,'egieaof ire Polire force nevercrtarnrdnandiry trerime ' su t rey on tire incident mnn reported go ýlpol4cr it mai tc, lare. ta tint week'a fead, a lady Sgt., Robrtson anud aeveraj reeled nteleriroe cnl frcs re local reerdenta mece cna peantla irrnaef a - elepirosed miir rire saunie or cepîyno f aloca irair. li tgirty different coeeocs. nde meetet tacrcrie$0 Forenelye oety rire one and $20 mlii aire receined mirer wmal wunagPPed. gTuAM.Uf PROM THE1 AIR . . . Mnny olaitrr e rire 1960 farearonnt are tire ateese eriginea cuile gia trîntora dettee aense and artiqoe renlon enlayeti n suc of Cthe big show k thefer aide of the mil deonti. le tire baeckgroonti ere tire from rire nie, mien tirey tank n heicopeer alairraneina fligie sIgemt raina, food letesand as engins diaplava, chule nlong mil6 Doag Oren of Miltron. A saff phatogrepirer isineti in rire left aide ae the geendsaed and model al an1 ed thre baes rire ton Mordey endi arappedti aorebl siem frac @bouar 300 of yeareryene.ISaiPen feir nirae the aorfr-eal corser of rire fie geounds. lne irefPhto Caicel wiater work heu Uits Muikea pr.jets afl ayff«eta The annoascent tiraI armage treancent plant la 1965, federel Winler Woek irenefita tire rocs ceived $27.000 in monld ie dircontinaed mn snol mintet morir irene'ara. On tire erioualy, affecred any canrent Kelao celer lise rire fedieril canicipal peojecla la Miltas, aupport cas $5,500 and lent yean Treasarer Mms. A. Orsa os tire romn ecoval cf trena indicated tis meeir. tiraI irad died froc, Dacir Etc T Irere a a noce disenre. rire iresrl't mcs $1,600. conaideration tiraI extensiona t0 Tire mister mark progeen tire rearot trasnk ramer nigjt poid tocard !airor involved la irene an froct tire pr ac i f it aa prcgrcta undertakea mere continacti, butano ROdangaed poriod ofmwinnr esteniona of it irave yen contra. Perime Miniater Trundeau reed rire necesary appravali. ancoanced Pnidcy lire p en On tire extension of tire mnauld aot ire reeed. WIR0JAMBORIEE 1968IaîAE