5 Re th wells ut. Jumbere. mt as a famrly affoir for the Herb Rothmells of Kitchecer ai larr mcek' s Jamboree. Parber Hecb mas on the soimmicg staff arcthe lakte, bis wife Sbicl and daagbter Janice, lb, mccc oc the canteco staff, and socs Geeg, 15 and licen 13, mccc crtb rbe Niorth $ Waterloo troop in Sabcamp Thre ... lfor a rotai offlie frorm rire ramne family parricipatcg en -Adveeclae ic Brorbecbood". N Back bome, Heeb'c or tbe drsrcjict staff tabie hos mife isort L A. member anddlaaice la c Ranger.- They base arotbes 50 daagbtce Lois ti, chors ce Gardes. The oriy Rothmeil cor ta fac ecgaged in Scootiog jr Mary LynncWho isffour ars od Pt and bastonwajt acouple of yers è beforte srartin Brocoier. Ir The Rotbmcil famrly bas a ¶ rotai of beneco 40Qand 45 ycaes espererccrin Scoatica. ir oct an ropensior mebk for t Ire faity, as eegisrrarion coin rbem$Ss5and Herbbfgured the rotai cosr oser $200. "But i wa3 Worth jr, lid co it agan.'hbenclamcd. Eacb boy cn camp pard $40 to registr tabie acycce oc staff, aitbtrtgh nolaecary labocers, bail ta pay $25 o concrrthe coinof Mais acd sleepicg accommodationi. DaaghtrcJanjce jciedtinthe spirit of the camp and mccl on a moactaic bihe mitb the Brirts Coluchia Scoet scoop. The boys ccitt abc mas much a goost sport ta acccmpaay rbem, rbey encred baer c hikecas badge and marie bier an ltocaey mamber cf tise B.C. trocp. ad7tce nom $afoty Corser, 10; Ediccriais and cotomnit, B2; Yoacb Pront, B3; Letcers of Ibanks fromt ouf BOY Scot fInonda, B8; Pacm noms,B9 Womoc's coos and meaidinga, BtS; and Jim $cot' report on te mccn sesion of tce Ontario Legidlatare BI t. n, new zoning by-Iaw n for expanding town cm for the tocs as t He epaneai a subivitsion bars it, wecl banc ta thon ne acoaryl1. control by.taooatrecsaeyc o cacbccndic t.- ,cdri th eccssity of coscrorthecboppcsgup of lacd Mayor g csr coontercd mit troioserithelandseo thoor contrer of the rome. "oiyaaaatlcfa te anescai arrat Of Accordrsg ro rbe Ontrio aoald only affoedcaPontiac?" aod Esqacsorg. He Municipal ActcMilronoil icbei Choirman Norm Pccccc saidbhe il "Esqcesing is Etqocttcg'c by-dao goocrcrcg recliad thc ton badl ro voincrae- and has landrseparcions. ex dcmontratc fiscal rcspossihitity aver the land. M r. Litrtle eplir d bar added the procrdares ocre -rargedithe baardrau precongioccriogaraudiescaal ide necrssary and rhe brakos d pcss a tmpary neaercary inoovrog natre sbold'r beput on. lac ra preceot licer semage and draincge facliies. voioent borceen He raid! the Officiai Plan foc Mayor Brrr raaid be aid soc er. Milton as it ow stacdsisr adeocote parrrog the brabes on ,siedplanning board ohsait. Yaoc ned an oeall bot aid sot ccci ro gise rteofafdîasrccot planesboasgyoaobere yootre ccybody asaokay ta go abecad rame and rOiOOOtOC gorg,owhrrandobharbied of col coarrii dcftnitly mcmw pod mepratosaolri aparimonra yaa maer, chcrc ro ohere the cats iay. pst raboals and parias, obore Cosualtant Little raid tho cbcro are ioadcqootcmsrvices and board the heanccst costt Wooaid bom ail ihis relater ta the raa camne nearltheced rather than as patterns."the cgisrrtg, andmot of the Thcccosltant raai ail of thas bcllrcg maald be dore afrer the ha t bc iedonc tlierth bose nec yrar. in ocderO and.ancc the boose Thecgaard pascd a resoctttoc ainordcri'tcas trera Put atiing coarccltio auoebaeMr. thse tecth jeta the ofifciai plan Little and bts compaoy ta aezoing by-lam. propare a plan of subdivision foc Mc. Lattle said the presrit the em t and tpeen an *z ortng by-iaooceedrd aigoaos errimate of thc carrs foc the - cerhaalieg. gy-Lao acd Officai Plan ta the j ~ Tben tbreecattheprabicmai f coonicil. moroy. Whebard carca Noro Prarce arhcd Mayor Bort tahat thc tons staedport a s noald be as far as Oenanc ing >s *gla gv gocs. i t senylarocci tOc iotas wudaircaity le trard ortb a &m f heu dofrait tOrs ycar and cas ais ra fi n w facca i mrh the tight mancy sitsatjor. Ho raid the ton Traffic to the Steata-Eca S noldmwn ancscstmatc ofmbac oat dcscrbcd as hcoy by local - the job oad cact bofore policcbout tmoedcmootbly, ccmmttsg themmsevs mjth seiticlos sport the Satorday Planning Board mnember comparcd to penioas years. Harold Funk soggestcd tOry Mocb of thc traffra maned out mccc caaglst 100sornehr in qotckly on Macdcy oben the hermeen the dccil and the deep lacr-afrrmoac rocn brt. bloc sec. We can't afford ta go Satrday, bomener, mas a abeed and cae't afford to sacr baddày for accidentscmitbfou, Yoo base te thrnh of rthe tons accjiests inestigcred. image," Mr. Funk raid. "Wo mocbcd ailtshese ycacî ta get Too accidents occareaio coocsctior acd 000 that mc Thoosday cf tsar meck. acd espenso jstecsry co cppmaiso the toocapeople of Mitron mjth fait docails cttccrnisg chia institutroc andi at the rame cime moIs opinions feom ait concocscd beooe makingflmaliarangementsmicb theoProvnsce. Mayor g. g est cccaled the Phony bank inspector bilks woman of $300 kThei pboey "bcrsk ctspcctor" Utc cashea iber clai age pension cachet bas hatrMiocagainad a cheque, becacce the bonI ws localmwomcctost $300tin ac n e frardteemayheb enso nsm k. siedccced. i ilt Wbcn tce mec arrive!ai asier ioc Polcergecnccyoce to bomoe be raid sout of ch bills s of calos mbc reprisocnt more bcgms and ho teok ail tce yccccofeabck. $gt J. K. check il oner. 0f coorse ho "oet cf te tolace foce cevor retrneccan d by te rimte . ; sggg aly Prey on tc. iccident mas roportod 10o r edeycPlb poupe, jr mes toc latre. In lest mach's foccd, a lady Sgt. Robecrtsoc scid sovnca reSclnd a tolephottcoellfeomfa otbor local residocîs more cn-cpme cf c local back. Ha sligbtly différet comeooc. nidho as octeai lc check tce $101 Portuaely. csdy tce one ad $20 bitta sitc ccincai mire mona assmc gyppcd. STUAM-EB PROM THE AIR . .. Marty visicara s etisaei968 foegroord arc thesa aean egiea chue gas traraces sirota alsetancd antiqe reontion ejoeea a nin of tisa big shown tisa gar aide of thec bail dramord. In tise bckground are thec fa-or che air, mises isey look a iseiicptar sighcscaing fligise stearo trains, food roes and gas angine dispiays, misilo aiong nits Oecg Grecs of Milton. A saff gimtegrapisar Icineai In tisa aIr aidearce tise grandalanancd modela bail anai tise bars gise foc Monday and snappeai chic cariai vian gmom aimer 300 gg pactearc. tagPoo fina ahane the socthfast corner aI tisa fair gecanda. lne itffPhao Cuofcel wiaiter werk benlifts Miltea prejets afl uifeted The acnccmont tat sonage creerment plactin 1965, Ioderai Wirtmr Wcrb becofiîs tce toms recoinod $27010 i ooid hoe diacontiood bas cor taccror mark imnofits. On tce mciondly affocceai any correct Kolco mater lice tho Iodera municipal projoct in Milton, sopport mas $5,500 and tent yenr Treancte r Mrs. A. BcoUt ac te lacscs remaval af tocot idimatcd Utis mook. dutlibid diod fromt Datch Elm T hoere mas some dimeaso, tce beeefit tas $1,600. ceccidoration tet extecsions tc The minier ncek pecgoam tce priasont trrack soocr criajt pcid tomerd labor inaolnd in bectefat fronm the peogrea if ilt special projocta cacdcrtsen noce con tinuaid, bac co daricg c scacod pceiod of wncc extensiocs of it hase pot mcnts. Prime Minsttr Truddau ecinad te ncmcaty eppececls. ecconncad Peiday tce peegrue osa te extension cf tce nacdd cot hc mccmoed.