r1,,ent Cool' a idr trip tri visit Expo dootreat, anbicb isopanama tatly. Fot tane of tce t ains tberisaiote trip in a -s in te geoup iscloded t otgtio, Gilbaet ry, .eaU Hamilton, Hoyta, Vincent Smith and y noticed Canadu's canl rea soon as tce plane n t Toronto earty Pdiday ng. Thiaci bu p did oot antil a lace piano klote in mars liter. AUl pinai tce fromt the Jamboree ontatioo cootset anho bient a tce alepoet, "tey mery belpfai and patient'. brougiat acacana, shuder eis, struan buto and fiteratume maica ta tce Jamborae. for asi tc i-a sapa _ They aim r- of calpsosaa ot se f bongid; maa c.rs for cmtc taloment. toting bacta bome is in uoably beaity" condition. te te sbortage of Iceraeu r secna Ici bce a anianrcul cmt, Mr. Rose raid. About fi baya are actian in ttsg eigbt 00W. He boped rip to Canada anould taindle vuaurenera in bis boys and lhcm active in Scoattsg as eit anben -tbcy becomne toc, or Scouts. ket tce Jamboree coded, did cot bond straigbt hamt. marc scbcdulcd to spend a as gucatat of Sout Peel a fcm daya wit tce Ganter rite cegion Scouts, and, te flying bome Septemberdy 4.NsaYea i~ ,outingas*'e oan as ucu lay duratg tbe finit font day! te Ontario Jamboree. taf rs t dipayed th, >1 voafsg apsanîfor Scrute .1i is kch writt ueî..i tient ycar. To date tht orns arc Ut oaiy tanoIr ubtic relationr offices A-t aig front Naliore. tdquartrs no Ottawa brough anifom 10 tce jalabotet hie modelld tce mcn'c suit le Helen Dinmai of London. i t leader anorkiag in tle tîoiutrulion and tout ere od departmconts liai weel te te Iadice caiforan. tot onandanomenu' or burgandy coloand dicai kets and beret, nit eh Dct ceesit on tce banast of eh àkot. The ladies' amifoc culods gray '0ie a rle long te de Oloor dccl, and a bcrgtandy tic. n War wite daiets, 91 naiers and a regular .i al tgurady coton. )9c Journal Ceotinued fromt Page J8 Scooter reports betoB offéeca $15 for a staff capfros a Scout anho enviait tho stofféea freedoa to, lasc camp anhoeeer thcy Unkd. No ate. 0 Lest and foirod dopactoscat wu busy ait aneci, stoclng Imat itemscarggfromn shoeca 10hats an c nldn vccythiag la bctaence. Swim pcriods prodoced te inot tost junk. * "If youfinidatordeinoor lite, plaie cootoct Gary Wamsoc. Subeait Onc, Troop t2-Hc coltccts cm."i Prom a Do-lt-Dkm programn alto. O Mtston tcoop playcd up their bometoan o cpototioo as tce "spud capital" anitta a giaot lifétike facalotile of a potato on ter arclsay. Aftcr o veait of catiot instant oast disltod oct by te =stO sopply hcodrqoartcrs, ssany vostoca drootcd at tce sigbt of wttot lity figrdavnasa caid putato. Bot thc Ataaton boys atc potato-in-tc.box too. cScoutotastcr Marty Wcssoo laid bts troop anas juat bejot tondant ahnbt tcy hustg te aigri "Osttario's Scrgat City" on tcir Nortblacai Broup's goteay. 'Rcaty, wc tinit Noctht Bay is te targcst in Canada oftrr 0cr recent aoccnation, but juat lu case, wc said tbc largeat las Ontario," bce confidcd. 0Tbosr Nortland boys antUt tir "Spincy" robot acd tce Raftmao troop wit trir own spcciat cbapc-rccivcd tce botta of tce pcblicity front tbc dadly papers arounai iais district. Both ancrr commeodabîr and oracscnt proicts. * Sacit Ste. Morie Scocts tinti toîr woodien is botter tbuo soutbcan Ontorioks (and oftcr Tbaeaday, t otigiat just bave ta sigrce). A aigo on ont notice board cried ot, "DoniUth te soatb, botter Jamborce aneatr in falaot Ste. Marie-anc gcarantcc dry ancatcr." OTbe Jamborce pbotograpber Colin Ctarke tourod tce geocodas daity tu record te cent on cctor alidot, blacka and anbite and cotor film. His pictorec anilI bc appeoring on future Scout catcodars and i The Canadien Boy ttagazine in tce near futurc. Colts, incidentalty, engagcd! in a bit of nanapplofi wit Thc Champion staff. Hc Sane os tce bospita pictore (No. 32) acon ctsewbcre in ttun issu, in rctarnt for ooc of our caia sitota of tbc Jamoboree site. Att otr photos in ttoa soaannir edition ancre Cbampion photos, tataco by yoaes tIndy, Bob Burtt, Lary Martio and Dore Dilta. OAccidcnts aod teot pcgc and SyroPcc seran tu go togctbcr. c finit fcan days of te Jamboree it acrmed crcryonc anas gctting trippeai up aroood tce trots. * Oetroop leadrtnsseida couplc of daya of tce Jamborec afceftiganie swimisnig and utgsmeligamecnts. Unouog bcoes of tre aneeta ancre ther men of Milots saoitary disposai canan, ako cartcd aay ail] tegarbage tce camp prodccd caca nigbt. Tbc toan of Milton alan staltcd tre mater Uines tarooglsout tce site, a sircabir donation to tbc furtaefance of Scoatisg i Ontario. # "The Boy and His Heritage"- anas tbe temc at Halton Coanty Museam ail necta, aniare te diroctor De. H. i. Newman badt apecial disptays of isteanît to nisiting Scouts. The Museumn staff anortacd oanrtisc tu cccort oaups of visitos trogb tce cautiful otd coanrtsdl barn md te ncm Ccotcooial carciage bouse macb moradog. Peaturcd items of interesr tu Scouts wn asigp-o, tatife polisbiag maaemgic tantersi and stides. dleigt and coan bruts, modi daip. antauhe, cap, oarty andcu cteancr, aboolder yoacs Tbysay tce Aaneti Poeces bas 42 toos of terits un tce grounds. OMaybc it ant s faney at tc tie, bot t'il bet one Scout wtt remember bis coperlasmas Tbuesday fer te test of bis life. Cootinucd on Porc 1te Cnqiwter on ispb.y hy hulder, 13 Ed Caltaay, 13 of Htamilton, was one youngstcr wbo fournd t difficcît to keep bis spirits op after toe icious intora struca te Kcso stecmcrsdayverio. g Altttoagtont a Scout, Ed was ter. for tce duration of tce Jamboree disptayiog a computer bie desigeted and conctracted bintreif. Aftcr te storan Ed catimateai tbe damage mas a lisait $40 or $50 001 coontiog the utcoantcd boues boe speot anorbing or te project. Thc me project won Ed a finit prias in t Hamilton Science Fair in Marcb and a trip to Vancouver for tbe National Science Fair. "t didiat place out tbee,' bie raid. "Bot t dîdn't fmi bad mben 1 raan ther otbcr projcta." Altbougb onlookers ancre captared itUt awve by tbe project. Ed insista it is qre simpte. 'tt is a guntcofomorbers and tbere is onty one may yoc cao brat the coanpoter. Yoc bure totgo firit, and if you mukr toe anisake you bare. The computer ir very aonerciful," brr aid. It ns basaid on a gaine Dr. Nian gotst bacta 2,000 ycars. Ed't favoritc sobject is math, fotioed by science. He coutdn't rrmcembcr is mat perettge in grade oioe but raid it wac "about 89O' per cent. It anay bave bccn biglter, but bie rafe andsay 89 or 90." Altough lbe anas 001 o Scout tacwe obnlud impred mith tc Scoti mv ent. 'Nu, l'anno a sotbttpirobably will bie befote 1 gct out of hcre," bie eartaed. 1(ti ; Ut naSfey Corner, an rupense sncsayt 10 dituniais oaid columnits, apris h tonseer lu B2; YouthPFront,B3; Luitters of M ilton mith fult detaitu tanlit front oue Boy Scout concernnthIis institution andi friands, Bt; Paem revis, B9; ut the ramne lime seeta opinions Woun's neans and ai maiingt, froant att concetned hefote BIS; and Jisi Snoa'streport on auing final arrangementsmwirh te rcent sesson of te Ontario ch Province." Lugittature, Bt t. Mayoe B. Bcdt cecalleai the Phony bank inspector bilks woman of $300 The Phoof "batk itopector" shc castacaiber otai age pension racket basbltutnagta chaque, becuse tht hanta mas localanoman lot$300can afridtcreanmay have ben soti version of the old con gamchuit counterfeit mooep in tht hbis anect. ite recicai. Milton Policc urge canryooe 1, teben te anan aetivrd ut bier banasofcufentrs o reprenant home bie raid ramne of te bills temelesas orbatak ispectos or tance bogust and hie tocka utheUt emeiloyanas of a batk St J.K. money 'baca t tce batak tu Ro tttn of tce police force chteca t mec." 0f course tac nuteai tcy ucoally pany on ne rtrnc' caid by tce tane elderypeopletce incident mac reporteait eldcey pople.police, il mas tan lite. In tast aneta s fraisa, a lady Sgt. Robertson salai seveca ancelanai a telepbooc cal] fruman other local resicoîts anme m* 1nranag ioofa an relepitonea iath te raine or emlye f .oclbana Ne stigbtty difféent coancoas salai ta ntta uciet t 1 ortsstatey, otdy tce one assa $20 bittisab re oiteai whien anoman wua gyppeai. 'l Eiiapîoni iDNMSAY, SBPTBMBBR 4, 19it Paneosf-Te pagas,-Ts entids. 1, new zoning by-Iaw nfor expanding town mu iy1 coottol hy-tam anas necesary to can huodle et.' kd the necesaity of cottoithe choppengop oftand Mayor Beot coaoteeed anath 'ol ocettheilanduse anîhout conset of the ton mwoald yoauy acadilluc ifyou aecud oteus OCf Accorder0 lu tht Ontatio could ooly affurd aPontiac?" nid _Etqarcing. Ht Munecipal Act Milton milI tubenit Esquraing ts Erqutairgas hy-luw governeofi CharmanNormnPeurceraidhle cuioteahic"uandhuas laodarparaton. rtaeued the tomo had to vtg, h e and tu r. Littie ruptuierea demonatrate fiscal rerponsibdity ugrthbor o pre-ecginerrteg studios moula ihe but addcd the proceduret mete Illorianeporay nrcessaty innoîvng motet, oeceaary andthheake aa epeethle emateand danage facileter diuuldn'thle putîon. ciopient e htmen Ne tuid the Officia Plan for Mayot test scaid he diai nul n. Milton as t now tandaeas adoocute puttini the hrakes on .ted planninghboatd ohoete. You need an oeull but did not munI tu gine ýnittruf adjetmt planoehoiot youenhrre you are uryhudy un okay lu go ahead 3nandm numie guerfi wheteuandanhut kind of urtdl counicl defietely knew nid sepatatenseanel upurtmtron you muet, ochete to where tht colts tuy. put achuols and parka, anhere Consultant Little toai the e tcrr arte nudequuttetservces and boartdthe heacttst ct mouid - hum ail] ibis relater lu the road comnenearth hendtrather than ai t pattens." tht hrgenning, and must of tce The cusultunt raid ail of this hdlîing mould hie dune uftee tht batuhe b dont luo gel thehousr nempyeut. an ordee1' and *once the huuse ThetBoard passareoluion aaieeordereitmuîstenteetoput uang cunclloauhotize M. th eth entu thce officea] plan Liteadhscmny o and Lti l w su ,h rsn prettate a plun ofauhaicision for Mr. Litethyleesad eareeu thernemtomnuandto pescnttoa zonig bylaw eedd a 9010ltatimatr of tht cuata fut tht t- overheeling. By-Lam und Officia Plun tu tht -, hetemutasthe poblteof council. i money. When hourd chaitan sAe ' Nono Pearce ashed Mayor Bro htul ou a fat ai finuncengSeu-r anoald ulreudy he fuceai mth a t fk ho deficet thea prur uind m.ais. faceai mith thetilght money situation. Ne îued tht tomo Teaffic to tht Steaio.Eta noeldmuanlanesiematofmha mus dtsurhd asheucyhbylcl tht job mould coul befote policehbutli motdsoîîdy, commistîng themitîcos. mîth nehiclea ap on the Sutueduy Planning Sourd member compued to peioas year. Harolai Poule suggetld thep Much of the trfticntuccd ot anr cCaought -omemhere in quicklY onMonday when th betaneen tht aircil andi tht deep lute-ofîcanoon rain hut. blocus We cun'luaffodtiugou audy oeevn altcad andi CuIt affoîd îonstop. baiuty or ai dens, mifua You hune lu thîna ofthe tomn's ha o accidents anth fou image." Mr. Funk tord. -We acdnaiietgtd anoraca ail] these peurs 10 gel Tano accidenta uccurei un ornenateon anai nom lthaI me Ibursdayof lait meea. STIAM-al FUOM THE1 AIR . . . teany visitons at the 1968 totaganundaie the steae anigines wnhite gas tesctoesnîcnrle sîcave anti attique aenion enioyeai a oiaan ofte big shown the fer aide of tht boit dliamonai. In the bsckgtound are the troan the air, anhen rhep tooa a helicopter sightseeilng fiigbr alste trains, tanai tevîs and gas origine dispiapu, anhile sionà mith Doug Green ot telton. A staff potographer mmcnd in the loft clie are the gravaistavai enai aodola ball ondi the barn the tan teandia snd onappeai Ibis aerlal nican front shoot 300 ot yeatatyear. fact shoot the sooth-east cornet oftOhe fait grondas. in the (Staff Photo) Cun9cel wiauter woIk benefits Mites prejets flot elleced l'le acoouoiceanent tut semage ttcatmnent plant in l9b5, fedecai Wintee Workbhenefits tce tomn receanai 527,000 in anodblediscootioueduas not mintet motta heonfits. On tht sescisy affecter] any corrent Kelcoa mater tare tce federsi moiscipl penjecta in Millon, support mat S5,500 oaid but yeor Teascee Mes. A. Brunt on tce town's ennoval of teces ladicoîcai tis aneta. ust had dicai feamn Dutca Ebu T heare ainsm disease, tce benekfit anas $1,600, coonsdecation thar extensions to Teaittaut rgs tce prant tcasee a poaid toanard lahor lavWaved in1 benefit front tc progeme it il peciat Prujecrs anaigetaken ancre c ontinei bo no aueing a itatei ponoti of anten extenons of it have pet antto. prime Militer Trudeau ancelani tce nccessaaY appeuvals announanai Pelday tce peoptun On Utc entanatua of Ut. maulsi nue ho renamati.