Y td 7, tht atm Safët-y-C-ornet 10; EdIias ait colanit, B2; Ytcuth Front, 83; Letters of thanku front Dur Boy Scout Ifretait, B8; Farte nema, B9; * Womn't nema tait medititgs, * BtO; ait Jit Saom's report oa * tht recet session of tht Ontario Legistatue, Bit1. k 1new zoning by-Iaw n for expanding town w for the town as it He tapaait a subdivison hare et, wtt!l tave ta show mc moaryl1 controlhby-Iaw wssecesr eto can harittrit." rit the ttrctssity of control thihpig potn Mayor Best coantered with oDIover thertandt ose wthoot corsent of the toma. ý'troad yoaboy acaditlacif you raooexed arras a According ta the Ontario could onlytfford aPontac"ý tId ksquesioa. Ht Municipal Act Milton tnt!! inhent -E Sq rs ing 'sEsqursirg's b:y-law gowntrag Chatroar Nona Pearce stot he raa ht athat as tprros troantz thr toma had ta nrrthtlard Mr. Littte roptorord otgr~~ ~~d ththtdd ostte ftc srsposiih ure h or o pserginttrng stodir gaa!d ye an sd d the rcd res r I sa rmoray rtcrssary inonirng attt r, rsradhhae pt. phrrn h yt agetBrnd drainage ftcitjtties shadrt ps. 'rlapiiitn botwrta Ht sait tht Officiti Ptan for Mayot Best sait hie did art r. Milton as ir nom stands isaitocatt pattirg tht heahes on ;ttdplanninghbard hsltt. Yo ntdan ovtral bat it rot waOt ta Bine mrtrrfadasrttnr planasttawtrg ya wttrtyoa are astrbody an akay ta go ahtad aatrnmz gongmtthestandawha kisd of antdl caaact dtfinisely knew ind toptrationnantrt apurtaettas yoo want, wbr ta trtr tht costs loy. pot schoals and patks. whtet Consultant Littlt tatd tht ttttert areraadqarerices and board tthetrtavest css wrd hantai! thit rrtatrs ta tht taad cone arttetend rthrsthan a r. pattrent." tht heginning, tait mot of the Tht consultant sait att of thts bdlling moalit ht dont afttr tht tiadtbit ar e oe t gt the hase arw year. ia ordttè' and once thr haute The Bardpassed a rmrution was inaordtrit was tiaeto put atttnt caancil teauthrize Mr. th eth it the officia plant Littte tait his catrpaay ta ted orng by-taw. prpart a plan of suhiiiton fat at. Mr. Little raid tht prrstrit thenew towr andto ptrent an ontng by-lawaneetdauttgorous rarrnttte af tht carra for tht onethaalirg. By-Law tait Officai! Ptan ta tht Noua rhertewattetpoblemaof couricit. etonty. Whrr board chairrar NomPtarar asked Mayor Btsr mhtta tht toma's stardpoirr w oald ht as far ts financirg J e ,tt Sars, it wtt raplairet the toma S ed ntould alcady be faced wrt h a Ala r ....... defictt thrs yrar and wtt atm IW leC lm "u Isard witt tIra tigt money talton Hr tard tht town Ttafftc ta tht Steam-Era ntoutd watan etuateofwhat was dtscrbtd as heavy byloca tht job moalit cat hrfare polietCttovrd smootly, coamttting themselves. with netticles Sp or tht Satueday Planning Boati membet compmtit ta preniaus yeara. Harold Funk saggetted they Muchof therttaffc moved out w ste caught "samewhete in qwcty on Monday whenthe btee tht devi! tait tht dttp !att-sftroon sain hit. bIte set. We carst afford ta go Strahwvr a aherd art carst afford 1u top ataiay omede as afu Yoa hart ta thrah of thersown's acdedanfts actdt mlt f tstaBe," Mr. Fark raid. tat acrtet rnrestsgttet. morktd aIt these ytars ta Bt Twoascandants occaret os anaruatior tait nom that tnt Thmsitay of ]tstmeek. tait etrptnae rs necssary ta approise tht tamaspeopîr af Milton with fa!! itaila coamentiag this institution and as tht ramne time steta opinions front ail coacerati before matong lmal arrangements mith the Proince." Mayor B. Bet recalted tht Phony bank inspector bilks woman of $300 Tht phony "batih inspector" shte casteit her o!it tge pension racket km t Mitton againa ait a chaque, hecare tht hank mas tua! maman tas! $300 in a atm sfrait thettntay havethteasote version of tht otit con gante tas! counterfeit mney in the bitta metta. stet rectieit. Milton Pohice orge eneepone t .Whten tht mn riveits! het bemmre of calters mhotreptesett hothesitereatehts thentsttaesma iaspttor0o werettogus andaietook ailthe :naoyt oshntay hsock ta tht htk ta ofe~e J!t ~ P check it over." Of course hie ntdt e paOf ee te atrver tetreei sait by tht tima neit hy eopse. y psey on the incident mas reporteit ta ttitety pepte.police, j! mas ton tate. ta tas! mtek s feait, a ladty Sgt. Robetson sait rentes! tecalatit r tetephone cal! front s other toal resittata maee test eepretaatiag titntref as at tetephameit nith tht saine te emptoyat af a las bans. Ht atightty itiffettat coma-ont. saoit! he mantait ta check tht M1 Partuately, atity the one ad $20 billa tht tectinet nbta wmea tas gyppet. 5SUAM4UU RUOM THI AtIR Maay attîtats et ahe 1968 faregeraitd are tht sseam angles nthile gar tractant aircta stesm nd i antique meon anloyet s rient of the big shawntahe fat aite of tht hall diamant, la tht backgroundt are the fntm the air, rehea they saab a helluapter slghtseolng tllght steant traies, fouit tante ait gar engire itispîtys, white atoag wlth Dotg Greta of Milton. A staff phasagrapher laineit la te aHf siitt are the granitaeai sait moittla htll tait the barn the fun Montay tait reappeit thts stria! rient fron &bout 300 of pestarpear. Seat alatat the aooth-tast carner of the fait grounits. tai the (Staff Photo! Cuncel winter work beneitsu Multe» PrW«eti Set af feted Tht saaooncmnt tht semage treatteent plnt in 1965, feiteral Winttt Worh henefias tht town reeireit $27,000 in moalitbe discoatiaaeitrasaot miatet work heetita. On tht atriausly affectet tnepnctrent Ketre marter hat tht feitots! mnicipal projeata in Milton, support mas $5,500 sait las! paen Teasurer M ta. A. Bmtsh on tht toma's tentua of teta itdicateit thit weth. tht hait ditit feont Dtatch Eha T hee m as rante ierne, thebeatifit ws$,600. uaaaidtrshioa tht extensions ta, Tht mioter motta prograa th e at taaok remet ntight ai wadlbrwov n bnrefrotteprogeste ifi apecial projets ndertakea mete coatiautd, hut ta duriag s statet periot of wotter txtensions of it hart pet mntts Prim Mitiatte Ttts!aa tecoîeit tht aecasasy appeovaa. saaouoai Feltsy tht peagaa Oaa tht atteaston of tht wos!it as! ha etatteat. - [q-0. lins 89c. 59C t0 Qà-ý