lad Faeln.te i tiin thelb ow dame. Hie aller, Nunelanli as flftb. EDER :ATION DULE, îr 3, 1968 Iiîg Matiaws. ton clas, anti me as for the fao.. Roling ghmay ai Nar. fie atiniset inu- Il yea 1967. ton Taown Lita. visati individu- s7 anti 8 peap- >y iglt scboal em, firsi pick Cadar Springs 8:30 an. 4 inclsive e p as municipal er:1006, 1092, miii assemble 30 .... m ilibc traits- erating onethe -eigblaati lnati e ai jonctions rani Street anti t toflool year. 'ton - Trafalgar i. Kiatiergarten tilt rrsitiag In bo pickati ap as for 1967-68 îdthelimoring an for tha 1967- nosm, as for location of buan - at Wooview riafinst Public bi fapioketi ap le Mapilvourst ,ragialar base,. 055 at Fairviaw itr fias rouies. sens et Rolling nrative miii bo andi scbedaleti >, cfiiidrea niba tranipettatiats. PUPILS safietitledtinei- Soboul ftar SU1 foa thte 1967.U8 availabia an M. O.K. anti In l&e Santi .ab.tuleti Higb Schanl. t NEi. lâca 4M Ex winners Ottotiona Maequit Greta, a Hlstein janior yearing fleifet amneti fy Homard Taezmeii of Haenfy, piacetifiral anfiat catrgary aI thie Caaadiaa National Exhibition mcently. William i. Bennett af Baelingtan fiat a tfiirti.pvze entin atle Halstein fl, seeior anti junior calf division. Lois Hunter CNE hostess A Buelingongirl, Lois Huait la ave of thie fottesset ai iflis year's Ontario Departmeat ai Agriculture anti Faod enflifit ai the C.NE. The enliflil is calied "Ageiscape" anti features tan eacîtîitg multiple-piclure preseatatton of Agriculture ini Ontario. Lais is 1h, daugfiier of Me. and Mrs. A. G. Hoatet o) Wale'sLae, and actve vn Halaon Junior Former aad 4-H I.rk N.ed enginser for sewer job A tesîdent engin... miii fie iacioded initheiotiginaliestmait reqaesteil tuospeevii thn on thi. projaci. installtion of th. iravit sete Mayon B. Besi admîtiedtiha pipe, Miton Council agaad ai cosifiadvnoîfieaîvcdedîin lastmweak's meeing. the tctal estîmat,hbutîil coid Coancillon C. Smiî,i ohîrcîrd ha part vf lhe capital ccci of the that the. cosi bâati nol hemn ptojeci. NO0TI1C E PUBLIC SCHOOL REGISTRAT ION Friday, August 30, between 9 and 11.30 ar., each Milton Public School principal wiIl be in his off ice to receive registration of children who moved to Milton during the summer vacation. E. W. FOSTER; iLUPERVISING FRINCIFAL,* MILTON PUBLIC SCNOOLS Painting 14,000 miles of Highway far cry f rom Tom Sawyer's methods Give a chilti a pot of paint anti 2,750,000 veflicias regisiarati in crew, they can tntr1 mOaieasa abrush ani heti paint a Ontario. day. fence-ai leat that used ta ho the smnte chore jn the oid Dapartinent of Higiimays pait n a addition to sptaying solid days. ctw pmteoly on iho ot or firofin tanes, thaeomachines Hi;fway aystemt .f lthetprovince, release a topping of for, glorsl But if yoo gv. 200 men white local toad anti ntreet haadsonithe painiatplitrscond 200,000 galons of paint toiay, paintingis catnedoutfiy crewi afiet ilis laid tuproide a what happent? employeti fy mnincipalities. teflectve coat forirosat vîgît They spendth 1e on Aithoogh fia mas a et driing. on. of Ontarto's fiPest shremd operator, Tom Samyea Thai's an eaaoc h that annOalpainting joh.-redoing woold han. h eer embius of the Tom Samyar raally wcould have mare ihan 1 4,000 miles of lane methotis madti la pint lane liketi. Marker lires on paveti highwayt tîes rOafihasidy lbaoghoiiiepovtca. No a havdiouchîes aheusi. Depattmani of Higlaaystuoat Ailth painting is done painting crems are nom fialf-may mechianically hy spa gun ia Actail Pre-iCuît ifir.Ogh the annoal S300,000 paintii projeci. Bol hy htm he paitn m c in es 5 e finish ihay mili hava Sorte specialliî.desîsaed adbI y cnrt w e tlveoogf eaougi paint tu sprace lhe Deparimeni. Each machine M NFCUESO lmooniet or a foorton truck MNUATREO0 op a small ctty. bato cao ha tiicn front eiihee ID Septic Tanks Tie mwhite lava linaso han lef or aîghl-haad sidie su iiai <Ail Sises yellom pavement aigr mans aoi 'tha drivet cav accoratelyflo only maka drîvingecasiet. ihey tha Yxstn folom alto aee an important safeiy aid. axi ti36n. " Wall Tile Witfi tolît it lîl ines laid Tii. mont tecaatly-igoed and Lîds tioa vn aaas ofaesrce paintiy avits, mhîch maka ap vîsihilîly, moivaista aie mareevt mor te han flf of thle 0 Culveats not 10 attempi to patt. Sîtoalt Depanimant's fleet. ara raied as 12" and 18 tfiey do so anti fecome invoiveti tome of the finesi of ifieie kinti in an accident, ihey face opaaating on th. Coalisent. * SidewaIk Siabs pnvmecoiioa if ihay are still The design gives tem 1h. alive! capafility of layîag paint from a Pg Siate The cost of 1h. anvoal paint rîlfiar ort ho i des of 1h. jofi woafis 001 1 a ltlt. more cri île, tiways gotag mîlfi th. Phone 853-1529 than 10 cents foi eaciî of the tnaffîc. Opeeatad hy a four-a J, Iisco ver ài Idiait Foy for 'Fl raiait look oface teex cittaf f ail lave ifirtîl 133 Main St. W. L1 878-2131 " *AIR CONDITIONED For Voor Cornfort We tae this opportunity in congratulating the Town of Milton on itn dramatic growth this lest year and welcoming into this community the new businesses and indus. tries annexed and presently locating ber. W. feei sure these nnw industries wiIl find adequate skills within our community. 1he Canadien Champion, Wednesday, August 28, 1968 511 MILTON CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL ST. PAUL S UNITED CHURCH Commencing Tues., Sept. 3, 1968 A tea. vaanc. ... lema fo h. 1968-69 schooI yeur for chlde3 and 4 ye...fâg. Time 9.m. to1130 .m. Monday t, Friday. F.. parents a miipating n morn me9 p.r meei $15.00 par month. Non partlelpating, $20.00 p.r .,aith. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 878-2087 OR 878-6175 Order Your Fuèl Oil Now AND USE OUR EASY BUDGET PLAN Spread Over 10 Easy Monttily Payments I F YThis Month FOR FAST a IFRIENDLY SERIC 1 78»23811 For Complitte Home Heating Service _______24 Hours (~S)A. (Gus) Mowbra 436 MAIN ST. EAST MILOf W. would alto like 80 loin in nxtending 80 <hase employees an open invitation to loin us in orgenized Lebor whnre three new contracts havn been signed this yeaa by the sponsors of this message, which brought to oua union members considierable increases in benef its and wages. 1I MONDAY, SPTEMBER 2nd US LABOR DAY for CANADIANS THIS MESSAGE INSERTED IN THE COMMUNITY INTEREST BY THE FOLLOWING... -I ONE 0F ONTARIOS ILI0088? annuel paint atiars. Laadad vvith d00 gallons of veina anti iolls innaines iaying ver. marier lines an 2,000 poords of fine glass fierin. oneti ta 14,000 miles of provinciel highways. Speciaiiy- prodoce a refianrine surface, these painting tiosigneti Departmnt of Highways mvii. uvits con lacldowcv 15 mviles of mrvanca limes painting arias have tao steering mheels end a day. dauble dtiviag contrais ta haip tacilitate aper- (Deartivant of Highwîays Photo) - More thun six aiIio, Cunudjns mr the Ioeystoee d1 Camud's strengrh As another Laor Day approaches the Union Members of MiIton's Three Largest Industries ini & ~ n~conjunction with Oakville Laor Council loin together in sponsoring this message. r' OAKVILLE LOCAL 4970 LOCAL 4574 LOCAL 1067 j AND DISTRICT jUNITED UNITED AUTBED ILABOUR STEEL WORKERS j STEEL WORKERS WORKERS ICOUNCIL O AMERICA F AMERICA F AMERICA I 1