2 The Canaiean Champion, Wedeesday, August 28, 1968 Like London BiItz Storm topples trees Thot Tisstsday evenimt Stores, Two luge trees also feillonthe described by ose ares renident as Stnth Lino of Nassagaweya, remieisceut of tise early 1940's norts of thse Chisisolm home. in Londoo's Blitz tit considerable damnage aroocti tise Whle the Stormtnpe soutis Nssgsmeya disteict. Nassagamrya sud demotiset thse Joui beote tuming5 thse Fit Scout Jamboree st Kelso, rus tot 0Ontuelo Jambotr at Ketmo ma tioiteti to, fliodion and isside out, tise oued strucis a semer bock-up damages iu stand cf mapte trs along tise Milton. Isse of J. L. Ctuitlom on Frre Hoses siont Mill St. mere hit Sie csi, rsdtt ose o tie si.ctas mochasl18incites 8S.year.'otd plants out iry tise omter mn tise bock ysrdofthe tots sud snapping tise Scuiven home at 33 MsS St. three[foot-tbick tuiss of seversi Lodmitiss Super Saur store et others. msdMaies St. hsd serro juches of Thise maes hlscis, tiice a cster su tise isemeut, andi sceistet, botisacked thseoricat saent]s homes atout BeSl St. shape teported armers basoieti op ctose shape te, smo fret of master sutc, this "Yoo cootd are it qite basemneuts. ptosuty. comsst off tise AUt crees in tout ocre mocutaits", Mrs. Chsshotm foighaiy h plb roted. "tt rocised o one-ton Lioio eary Tishe Aout eis truck on itsmwheetrlLutsmshd.Oett Doors on tise hooar scere norti eod on tise escarpment blocs oPeno mest of Mdtor. Townocrewu Tise Chishoims orre matteti pumps aitie pompait impristood mn ther lot sostt ate sairtotfhrritas Friday, miese reral teigihors tise potnd spittuay mas chottitg pitched tn to betpi uteat a patis mu ater fastet thar eery tiseougis tise drireusy saffioreut hefore. to ler thsecar out. Sevetat comped tise soddes Cteasup of the trees astdbruss domttpooe to Huoreicante Houri is espected to, taise arotser tisme micis teft s suatis of damagce sisys or so. hure su 1954. Ey. Milton waàter Engage consultants for Heights uines A commttee feom buidint a nem matr[seeto Nassatacrys aod Esqssessog Miltotsigis. Coonoii met lest mers and ReeeofNassaaweya Wiliatt oppeourd tise services of R. V. Coolter said lie hopetito areange Antdesossand Assocsatet, a meetmng msth Milton Conriti Toronto, as conulotauts su Septembr 4. to drarots tise matter and to ascertasfl if Mdton bas etosgs catet to fred tise oresainreed. r 5. Tise peopte su Mdltou Hits sud Era hare brrr hothered hy poloted uettt for soute tiare. ARCHITECT Tise Haltor Coooty Healti Unit ____________coudemued theuatecss utfst DONALD E. SKINNER for hsumanconsomptiot mtthosst ta - - , treatmett about tuto yeast ago. 17A Miii Strceet, Suite 2, Antun Teiephoue 853-2740 or 2Stuvebanis Rd., Port Credit 274-3423 Office Hours hy Appuaiment 8HIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D. Doutus utf Ciirutrectic 237 Rings Court Crescent Cores Martin St. Mouday, ituduerdur, Thuusday l p.m. toiPmn. Taesday and Eriday 9sarm to 6 Pmu. Ssturday Il u.m. tu 3 pa.. Phone 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Honme, ErotectionAceiti. rnr asti Sicksess - Pamity ilSilty Earm Liabiiiry Voue Milton Agent Mes. Thea Krot R. R. No. t, Miton Pisone 87t-9741 91The Mutuel Life ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Orile Rood, Acton Bus. 416-451-3460 Rucs. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS S McKERSIE ounerai Home 114 Maiu St., e Milton Our 15tis yeau ut heipissi, 87-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0 1tt4 Main St., Miltron Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-t7: Tuesdays, 9a.m. to5 pr. Eridsys, i siu. su 8 pi. WM. C. MILLIGAN, 0.D. 111 Trafalgar Rd., Oskisuite Office Hura Delly lnctadiug Ssturday sain. Cati 9454i511l for appoinument LIBRARY HOURS Monday aud Pritiay 12 noues ta 5.30 Tuesday anti Tbutsday 12 moon In 3.3t; 6.30 te 9Mt Wetiuescay 9.30 us 1200; lit0 ru 5.30 Cioseti AiU Day Batudaly AUCTIONEERS C. H. TIJPPIN AUGFIONBR AM EVALUATOR Phonao:eatocwo 8%imnt 4246 856.4373 sDRN 8.5158 OliTAMiO. A place of ssuiapur mli gtue ymu s gusti grlp fur oIstuintheus tBgitst scewc-iqi contaisner. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Dntariio St. N. 87S.2022 Chuistiaus gatherd tn tise raine ut tise Lord Jesus Christ. Luttas Day SIJNDAY. SEPT. lot. litS 10.30 c.m.-ercia ofiBreadi. 12.15 p.m.-Surduy Sohout. 7.00 y.m.-Gcspei Service. Wrdursdcr. i p.m. - Prayer ccd Subi resading. terri ce s. Ht ccid i boeure tises Jesus Chrit s tise Sut ut Ood. Ants t, 37. GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN' Milton, Ontario. Recou: uRev. R. W. Poster. Assistant: Canot F. H. Masun. SUNDAY, SEPT. tut, lia8 Tsivity XII 8.00 a.m.-Hoiy Commurion. 10.00 a.m-Noir Communion. Pruubr: Tise Rectue. Ther ciii bu no Thusday Commuions dcriug tise morris ut Acgssst. Sorday AciScl rrromrr Sept- NIGNWAY GOSPEL CNSECN A lucal assmbiy of THE PENTECORTAI, ARSEMBLIRS OE CANADA Pootor: ure. M. Cisristrnsen. LORD'S DAY SU'iDAY, SEPT. tut, titi 9,45 i.m.Surdav Stisovi. 11.00 c m.-Moruitg Worship. 7.00 y m.-Ecougelistic Survive. Piedrettiay, t p.m. .- Subie Stcdy andi Piayer Meeting, Fridey, t p.m.-Yvoung Peuple's Service. A Chorus Yuu Cou Maise Youe Home A Wcrm Welccme tu Pveryose BOSTON AND OMAON PRISBTTRIAN CNUECNES Minister: Rer. Stanley R. Sitis, B.A SUNDAY. SEPT. lot, lit8 10.00 a.m.-Omnagh: Wursblp Service. 11.30 arn-Bossus: Worsblp Service. Eleas nore chacnge of îlots. Neot Su5d5y: Cistrcs trshol miii ceopts milS RablDay Service In bolS congrega. NOUSRS ON MILL ST. ceue ftoodeti for tise this for n oruipteuts tirr in tuteur ears ou Thursday, Shomu is t chut a torreutial tain Iuuhed tise toutu and 12 luches district. Worst bit ceas e double bouse orcu- Othur hotu piedby S. Scrive andbH.Koltvuuatt33 aud hy Wilf W 35Mil Si. whue 18 r hes ut utertourroovd- Boliugt:roo ed bue building. ts her tlooding lise Tma fnet <hep Sewer water fis his TWO PRIT OF SEWER WATES isarieti or tise drains rto tise haseteut rereatiuu t ofWii Griffiths, Rtl) St. durite Thuraday'a toureutiai raivutour. He suoppeti this photo ru show tise watnr dameage ru bis soia, chsair and fireplace. ST. PAUMS CNURCN TNE UNITED CNURCN OF CANADA Muin St. ut James St. Misister: Rer. C. A. Haitus, B.A., BD. Orgativt and Choie Leadier: Mes. Haroldi Mages. SUNDAY, SEPT. lot, 1968 10.00 c ce-Moruiru Wcecbiy. Threvtoiregticu ut Knox Preshytreian Cisurcis miii ccrship witi s 5. Rer. J. R. L. McGowut cou. dutitg Labos Duy tisume, "Tise Cisristicn Pbitosophy at Wcrk." CNURCN OF CNEIST No. Siteecatiand4th Lie Trafalgar SIJNDAY, SEPT. tut, titi 10.00 a.m-Bible Stisoul Class- us for oit olres. 11.00 c.m.-Moruitg Wueship. tus0 p.m.-Peeachiug of tise Gospel. EMMANUEL BAPIET CNURCN Commercial Street, Msilton Pastur: Rer. Cisyton Cotes 878-4473 t78-3342 The Lord's Day SUNSAY. SEPT. lut, tit8 9.45 a.m.-Scvday Scisuot. 11.00 u.m.-Moeuiug Wursisip. Speakeru, Rtc. Rut Asisey, Mciige, Zuceiic Afrita. 7.00 p.a.-Eceuieg Worshlp. Speaker, Rer. Kus Asisey Wedueuday t p.m. - Bible Atosir and Prayer Meeting NurserycatSctday services, KNOX PESBYTIRIAN CNURCN Mînster: Rer. J. R. L. McDtmn. B.A. 0 cte let us sscslhip anac isuo dloms; letaus keelibsfs tise Lord our Maker." SUNDAY, SEPT. ist, flt 10.00 u.mt.Mureint Woesbl minis St. Paut's Unitedi cor gregatiuu les Bt Posai Cbarcb, Re. J. R. L. Ms tomes of Knox5 Preabytre Iant retdutisg. Labor Das obins: Tise Christiau Phi osspby of Worlr. Dut - Togethur Oreup ar Ms: Bert Jontes, 4 Victoria St Wednesday, Septembar a e'ont. Stock, tires are stolen Jacis Ricisartisuts Cistu-dits, cone f Higlsmay 25 sud No. 10 Sidetuai, ceas tise tarte cf a tiseft cf S341 moris cf stock cvr tise meeketi. ufuer tise cuiprirs kscistt in s frot doue. Dabriile Poice ituerrigateti tise isteais-in chicis mas discorereti by service manater foui Pomer. Thesearme meekeoti, tises made offmwithtruck tiresfront tutu iseaut nece trucs as Kinsutigh ledstriea Curp. Nipisiug Rd., bhitti Mtoc Elaza. Tise tires, eraluatet i ar oout $1,080, mere ou trucks hriosgiug tu Superior Propaue LIAi., sud amaitiut intaltion cf tankboies. TORONTO ...by sus! Lace Pars - 0ood AtY OaY ONE WAY $1,55 RETURN $2.80 TIME TABLE CHANGE Effostiva Sapt. 4 ta 051. 14 TO TORONTO 6.40 la.m -txc. Set. Sun and Ho). 7.50 sm ru Saturdea cuis 3.10p.m. - Satuudays ouly 8.40 peu. - Sovtiays or Holidays Fsr Holiday Sravisa S..s Tise Tabla No. 3 Tickets sud iuioccettuvn se MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 lMartin BSsa Telophasa 87M 911i tors. Ellee Cassne-Ageut ,,er 50 years," Mca. Seriuet seid. efrtout lacer uhere thse water cas deep at tise height ut tise storce. ta bit utiti tise tloodi wre owueti ilsou, Mrs. Giadys Wilsou, tors. G. ise andFreernautoarur. (tait Photo) basement Ptotsam iuctudiug a coffer tablte sud fraeezer aliedi aboct tise baisement cf Wdlf Griflits. t145 Bell St., fOloiju Thursday eein's viotent Me. Griffth reports muddy sticisy armer master gushied oct cf tise draiu sud fitted tise tomer toomsmith around tmofeet of catr, destroyiof moat objectu ou ils patis. lits ait cvr ait tise dcmp tom," Mu. Grif'sts sasd, referring tofcritureand other objects stored domustairs. Euenuaiy tise matr e trt, andl by Eeiday uotn all tisas remained mas for Mu. and Met. Grfl'sits ru saluagu chat tbuy coutd, exile tise testaudrîret off tise sticky huomu 1dmi refI hy tise liqaid. Ht stated hie fuît tise psmps aitie treatmeut plantmereunot beauy etough tol accommodate tise heauy volume cf master istoagt cens tise Storm. Municipal authueities bold Me. ttfits tisere mas notiiu tise1 couldddo toeatds repacement of thelost furniture. Oà*rstep Milton has brut orderedti stop isurusg at thertooo domp hy Septumbet 23, isy tise Departarent of Heaitha Air E oitto Courai Service, Milton Coanicillota mers- raid Mouday sight. Tht Depataentailiettee relsorted tbat andet rgasiatins of tis Aie Pollution Conteot At. .'No person saS burin au peerit tu bu humr! in an opten lire any materiai escept mils tise peemissiou and uder thse direction of a provincial oflicer.' Mayor R. Seat eepoeted tise tomu bas bars i soucis mils tise officials lu seis their ativice ou tise motter. "If tise province is insisting on this, I hope tise provinceis prpared torceeap ini soarme grata for tise tecessary eqsipmeu. OUR BAIE WII WELL ORGANIZED AND THOUI2HTEUL. Dear Sur: Youe paper is to be cougratulatudi or youe fane courage of tise finit Ontario Jamboree. PEase tissuS the iid fo'ka ai Mtitou and surtoutding are fr takiug oe of oot boys dueing tise stotut. Some folls fromt this ares cete usure isittg at the tinte and said ow elletorgaied and tisooghtful ererycue mas. Siocetuty, Mes J. R. Johnuson R. R. t0, Peterborough,. Ontarso Tw. hit-nun inaplat week Tutu is and con incidents iseatird tiseLbat of motor reicte accidents tepotteti tu Mdlton Poice Force this maris. Tise fieat, Wedneatiay, caused $75 damage to avesice oeued hy Rorden E. Richsardsof R. R. 3, Georgetowen; tise second eesutted in $75 damage ru a rehicie ocee by Marcet runeau cf Cochreane, Tisarsday. A cartiur sy Gary Goodman of 1675 Batutst St., Torouto, recuiveti S125 damuage ceit tcas in collision it a ditch at tise intersection cf BRoute St. sud Rase Lie Rd.. Tisusday. ~~TNE ~ PATY.-Coo ETR SELLERS IR "PNK057"-Cseasre TNUMS..PI..AT. Aef 9« 'IWH ABNLE 0F, TROE ALLOW RaQE WELCSHM TM AJRT - CaseIW Phon R S7S-6043 THS..ST. LAWREN " FRIGET &UDL OCRYE ST CORE hm Gre.ri IIOMEGROWN CABAGE -----17c lU. heald LacaiIy Gesse. NEW POTATOES ..... -------10 lb. 39< NEW CARROTSe 2 ceIlo bagaE---------- 19c Dasarase His - 7 Varleie - Rave 1R0 CAKE MIXES -------------- ----39c bom Raoutique, - Sase 16e Kieenex FACIAL TISSUE .3 lu. boxes 89< Mary Lou Brand MARGARINE .......19C IL Wibh Came. Rose Tasel Rave IRe DUZ DETERGENT POWDER .....89C gt. box STAR GRILL CHARCOAL ......39c 5.lb. bau rTENDERFLAKE LARD ......... 4 lb. for 799 FreRthELea&n LOIN PORK CHOPS ......79C lb. Mople .ef SAUSAGE ........ 2 lb. 89Ç Tender Fresh'PORK'LIVIR .......2 Ilb. M9 0l Me. M sea) tis foui Soc1 flc 1 Cii-Ûhurch Services 1