U The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay. Auguai 28. 1968 1700 students for seven Esquesing schools expeci first-day overcrowding at Pineview la flaqoeoiag toainsirip, a estiamtad 1700 itadents adi taanp hock ta ravin scirails, buot theai aen't ainy cirangri in stare this year. Oveaceainding la axpacard at Pinelinw schail on the liait day. A $4ü,700 tan-roin adiion tai thla schoolbaihbien approvrdhby Eaqaing townsip aioaicd, and Ontario Municipal Board approval la ainaited curaantly. Tino nain frtareo being huila ot Otan Witiamsi ichotl, a clossanain aid iandirgiaien. OlIsai alteaitions arr undaray there. Par fnqoning popiis, tirere airai main changes intioduced lait yaar. NUt aieek, thas. in b qitte famitier ta att the popila aid talar parents. Par th irs at lina lait yaar, aIl tir grade seman aid elgira papils attendrd the seior ichail at Steinartrain. The change irai aioahad oaa vaiy inuIt in lira toainship aid is haing conlinord. An incrase in enroaient in Rsqoaiing of airant 90 la being expacard niai Tuaiday. ta lune tire aire 1610 erraîrd in tire sevra schooli. Bus tautrs renomn tira saine t W in le 1a P P t hiî Sa pteinhar, undea antacîna Mais. Haphova of Glan iliuanas. Orat French la ot yat actadad an the curriculumi in the sinnshap. tnavitahty thare ara staff hangei. ta lana, 17 aigolar teachars rfi the staffs. Thare hava bran 6 nain teachait ired. 10 of hem inith paisios aopaauance, nd ina of theai teacheas cottage raintes. Parmer Liaieiroa. schail rincipat lamai Kennedy has ana io, Braipton, and Ralpir 4cKeona, farinai Glan Witiams arincipat, hacainai principal ai .iaiiioos. Iack Raad, former ic-princapat at Steaattoin anior sciroat, iracoine Otan Viiaini principal. Joha Lana iî hae naaity-appointad vice-priacipil et Sleaaatoais. Sopervising principal i Eiqaeiing is Erac Ballani, Georgetoin. Misi Tirait Maconald, Bartingron. is the ie raiaea music iapersio. sr Steanoattoson senior puhlic schail hoomai aIl the gradas aeven and eigtsttdantoandtie iaotliary aIlss. Prncip la Ronald Chattan, R.A. of Georgetoain; vice-principal John Lana. Georgetowin. Os the Steairtowa staff ara Gordon Basona, Hdda Boyea B.A., Barry Broinn, Mai. Margaret Efitt, Peter Gardiner, Mai. Tirilma Heanis, Mas. Mary Hogan, David Laswrence, litchas Lice, boanna Maci, Dasid McFaatana, Min. Margaret McKelvey, Robait Pinicarlon, and fise neaicainri, Mai. Barbaia Ranntck, Gaorgetowin; Mai. Ane Rudy, Georgetown; lamai MeShaia, Canleton Place, and tino taachaai calaege giadualas, Wayne Plannaay, fitohicoira, and Ludaiig Zandar, Waîion. Mns. Mirgarat Lainion is the Steaoutoin icirool secastary. Sptysida staff -Gary Diaimins, Acioa, a. principal; Richard Nohle ai piiiipals relief. Kathiyn Boimnia, Mai. Katlena Laison, Robait Moaagoa, Russell McNaoghton, Mai. Jeannette Paqoatta, Carol tinicuiamea, aiith neaicoinri Mia. Sandre, Gilbert of Miton d faoanet studonts Min Norois ¶<on fhicoke oeil Drama aiodionsiina. Mita Haigirti - Mas, ftlaa Gardin, Georgeton, ai With a stigitincrease i enmrent hasnging tira total papulation ta around 580, Holy Rosaay Separata Schotl aill open with several niai staff nimbais ai Wial. Continuing froint tait year arr M.. D. Potey, Mai. J. Pichrai, Mia. Wright, Mai. N. Devin, Mai. R. Tanglao, Mns. Fitzsiaiaoni, Mn.* J. iamasnetta, Mas. J. Lein, Mas. S. teaiai, Miss Weathrrdon and Sistea Rosanne. Nain teaCheas maclade Mina J. Riddell of Miton, Mas. Tîaynr af Battait, teeland; Na. Braggs of radford, flnglaid; Mia. flavri of Nain Leser, flnglaid; H. Finnaga of Liverpool, flaglaid, aid J. Oourii of Neoisaihel. Sietea M. Alexandr as aupecte d la continue as principal of lira aihool. A hbas ia transport kindaigaitan stodanii front ruial stria haine froin aiang classes aid in la afiernont classai irai baen poichasrd hy lira Saparata Schail Board. Papaminori or a four-aoai additian ihat aitl ioclade a haine r canamc ai ir indaitrial arts voaai, genaral- puipase andgynasiuai aid fotty inadaem lihraay rsuc cenire iras hein alinait aiaiplesed. Sq2ý addiio for Kilhride hAn estensivea ddition la Kithride Pubrlic Scirool. aoclading several clasiceais avnd a lihrary rasoarce centre, adI ha aeady foi lira haganang of tire scirail yea. An alaoîi totally niai staff induides principal N. Hoinal, Mvi. S. Ranis. Mins Erra Pihoar, laines Heinition, Mas. M. McCarles, Miss L Paire, Mis. C. Rogersi, Mns. Mary Rose, Nia. C. toadai. plus incuaibOt Irachrs Niss K. Brackrnhury aid Mai. Linda Higgias. hAticipaled evrolairra for tire apaning of the aihail yeaa is approxaimately 294. Home 13 new teachers Milton Public Schools Tire airai 1,025 siodrals in Lambr, Mas. Shraron Hickrs, Mins Miltanis four puslic chools fileanor Praiai, Jackr McLaan, inhan scirool closed for lira Mas. Irai Staîngar, Mai. Catole s uiss in luat, asti sahani Stearst, MaiaFpssgina Robiis Officiels dovnolaxpnclasuch of iadGordon Ct ai incrase an rarolairal ohe the fal Ierni aopens niaI Tuasday Martin Sl Staff incluira maîning. aricoas Ma. Ourson, Carl Regastration day far aludeols Hymrors froin floicoir, Niai inho may have asovedtu l Milaon NuIthri Mavair af Hamilton, duaing the sumair maviha oUI Vincrnt Riastas, Oshrawa, Roy ha hald iras Faiday in tira Blackmoaa, fitohîcoke, and schails. lames Paters, Winipeg; plus Tira board iras aagagnd 13 vewraaeluanars Priai Philtipa, r. teacirars foa thr ara tuasn, Larda Hardi, Mas. Katuern incladasg oaa niai principal. Goaharo, Mii. Mary Ncflacirn, Thoinas Gin, foaasrîly ai Ionl Laaaur, Mas. Olana Noitir York,owilhepincipal at Cannai. tir Maiti St. Senor Public Scbaal,1 raplacasg Joh Ball. Tira Bnuci St. staff isîintact Principals W. I. CIo af I. M. frontilasl yer- M.Norrian as Deayes Sciroal, Raymsond t. prinaipal, Nrs. Adalior Muckuy. Morrion ofgBruce St.sciroiland Mas. Mary glair, Mas. Nitra Robert Mcaw faii W. 1. Dicir Buircani, Mas, tiran Cirase, Mas. ttcioolwilail hrirackîoinî NhirMdrel GlovaasandNrs. Bette asoal positians vaut Tuîcduy faims. iomning. Newai utDenyes arr Mrs Judithr W. t. Dicr araicameas are Mas. Canrai ai Milton, Mrs lavae Nargarei Wilcon front Nassielrdt ai Mlon, Mas. Gud Strealsle. Niai landa Steen Corir ai Stierasvilla and Mas. front Bualiîgtoo. and Mas. Maris Hyaniriofa Hamilton. La sor Pearson front Retaroang lu tira staff ae Mas. Caipiralll. Bacir ugaîs ouI ire Maajoi Puidy, Mas. flnoa Mr. NcCuo, Mas. Mary Hacourt, flaing, fld Rirey, Mis. fana Mas. Susait Soadea, Niai Donna hric N floRu Green, Mrs Nal and Mrs Carolior lessia Scilad, Mis Gaien MacDougall HO~USUIq. NOW'S THE TIME Register NOW For Professional PRIVATE Instruction COMPARE THEE ADVANTAGES QUAUPIUO INSTRUCTORS Instruments PRVATI 1550MBS Gei AMY INSTRUMENT? 0 BsasOaIIeI AMY AGI Io Accrnsest INDIVIDUAL STUIOS 0ORdn 1 Saxophasne NO REBISTRATION FU Drus aIt, INSTRUMENT RENTAIS .- IMILTON BRLINGTONI S MAIN end CHARLES ROSELANO PLAZA ~878-21 2 37497 StemImar Nov ofMusic Ltda EflrolR nt is Up Add portables at P. Merry The noriharnorof a Oakvillr Board of fiducoliant Public Schoott. Paacy W.May d hagin tira icirool yaarmeiii an incraid arotintt and the addition of tino poutable dlaaioona. Atteadancein a lna was 4tH, bat lmnal ioa for tis ver inra 00notatty compile d at Continuit oilf ta ti Mas. J. Preston, Mai. R. Brosoaaidge, Miss S. Whithoum, Mas. M. flooman, Mis J. Botr, Miss M. Kingston, Mai. B. McCoiinac k Miss C. Cirarriaglor, Mui C. Wood, Mas. P. Ctayton. R. Shr and Mis. A. Fisher. prnipt aith Mas. PiPay Mis. Gvc Anderson,areala raading spaciotist, and s neaicoinar, Mas. Margo Kent of Milton, ai principal% relief. Ai Morval pabic sciant, Mis. fltaanor Hilanis principal inith Mas. Jran Somarvitte as p=iacpt reef, and aeiadial aadn taea, Mît. Wandy Olu and Misa Gwndotyn Robertson. Mis. Onace Harrison iî ichait iaciataay. Linairouse - Ratph McKaoott, principal; Richard Nahle, pacp li tif; ana oaincoaiaî TiaiaiFolay of P&rt Ahui, aid iiturina eachara Louisa Blanchard, Mii. Maigaint Fali, Carat Lainson, Mai. Sharon MaMillan, Mis. fisa Piiinainad, Tiromas Tiavin and Senira Toasholl. Pinrsieo - A.C. Dicicion B.A., principal; Frank Storga.s prnial's relief; sain terhais MaKatutitr Potinai, Oakvittr, aid gradaisa Mia. Oladyî Kirk. Toronto; inith Mai. Judith Rant, Andrein Blain, Bath Badanici, Mai. Hatan Cainiings, Mii. Ethat Riddatt, Lais Taytor, Mai. Lana Wttite. Otan Witiams - R.W. Jacksn Raid, B.A., principal; Frak: Si orgeat principilis relief, Olan Wiltiais - R.W. Jacksn Raid, B.A. principal; Frank Stuages pricipal% relief. Nain trachera arr Mis. fitaina Chattan. Gaorgetoain; Mini Linda Linhain, eacr a' collage gradoaia froin Eiquriing. Mi. Ruby Piniriton, Georgetoin aid Mai. lirna Wtsera, Otan Wiltiaais. Raiuanaog taaciraare lainai Barrtt, Mai. Garner, Mai. Mary Giffan, Wianifred Jakson, Mai. Anne Kacha. Mas. Onace Harrison iî ichait secaatary. Mai. E. Grant i seciataay of tira flquesiaigschooliroardith hier office an thr township birdang. INSURANCE R.R% FORD MIkI.. O. 87&M07 Two Oakirvlli ronidoola, Mai. Briatar andl Mr. Moore, hava haan addad. At Snydas Puhtie Sahani. also in North Oakvlta, an enrobment imitai ta lant of 200 inilt heaitiendiag. Siaff inctadas inoanhanlus Mis. S. Dopain, Mis. G. Sioiap. Mim Jan Robertson, Mis Ruth A*tir, oa Otto and Micirael eivaeas. Naew taacher. ara Ma. W. Bll of Osaille, M. Mo=on of Hamiltan Teaduis' Collg and paincipal Ian Poatai of Milton, ieplacing Dons Pile. aiho la studying at tht University of Londan la Enajanil. Fun for youngsters at nursery school Par yoangstaai aiho araI qoite of Kindargarnen age' hut are three or four Yats nid, M iltan Ca-operative Nursary Scirool is opaaatad froint 9:30 ta tt:30t ain. aach scirnat day at St. Peurs Uited Chorch. Ragot four yan aga. thi tairait oparatail a yaar in Camphallrilta hefote inoving ta, Milton. The piogrim is desiged ta orient aroand 25 children tot ifa aaiay froint home aidai the autirily of stiiene othar thai thala parents. Edocationat garnis are ptayed aid the ciid is espactail ta ha inatt.paeparad for lira straim of rgatar ichool lifa uon ceaipîriion of las yeaa. Qoatified nursery sehoot teachai Mas. J. Ridgeaiay iî assistad hy Mes, fi. Maiford aid lina matirs, aiho ane selacted on a ratary îystaai for air aiorning eta aine. Shiuks PMie asala.sau c.m, dasiu mt A saedrsacn tl t ha.eui st iporgto t eau--mufa NoweRlaDymaIeafsed Imalas- Pmg rA.es ..an l, &B ire etorm. satisfaction a. Yne aasa FAY 'Sy *LECTRIC A COMPLET!E TU aw W/C IBM 0 INDIJSTRIAI. S COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL O ELECTRIC HEATING 0 RURAL POLE LUNES endl SERVICES At cauale«r BahalierlsaiSl R.a"t ONIA SALIE 1~ 580 for HoIy Rosairy plus six new teaichers Dnaàry chgue uffact Fai*W PS Chasgîng houndaay haneî aich miula i seaie studanta inir aioutd h ave atteaded Fiirvirin Public Schait baing traiîtamad ta Kilbrid . Puhtic: Schail, plus gans froin tira sains change in houndaey aid rspactad grainsi ha va resultat in ai approxiaiata attandance ut Pairieaibtis yaar of 405. Saili as the staff froin lait ya are principal E.M. Scott, vice-principal HOG. Pîtyfair, O. Battastine, S. Baturansky, Mai. M. Cardaiell, Mai. L. Hoining, W. Huhirard, Mas. L. Tramn, Min. R. Wilson aid Mai. C.A. Yuaina. Addad ta, tira staff thi ya a C. Piriltipa, Mina J. Kaiglil, Mini W. Hickaiy and Mai. C. Swnift. Nut additions tirte ia of tira ichool hava hes plaiaed for iisîyear. 5, da a Au lis pIe ai da3 PR. Mi! Dis 196 RA Mil lire il. Aul RA Lyi Br. 26. VA! ri mil Wi 25. wO Mil lire Dii 1068 M 0.0. rd t Ana Mr. M, ,cl, MI Basa lie h Chai The p.m. HAIt Ha John and Au Madi Mo. Davh Name intro open K. princ Soho vice Mu, E. E2 Mrs Li of ti Et tu boni Va Harr 188 Wiho Char 1864 that seti Sut Oent Mom gradi stadt Ca prosu gradi Th Soni tira rapo yearý St indu begit priai teaci Jaffa Tr by t Boer but admi staff s'ti