10 Iio Canadien Champion, Waeday, August 28, 1968 as A Htis t Ho.. 24, bel] at Dis Aiaf fo Ave Ric pitz bee Car BO- Bei pin, ocf Mil day DIR bel the Hei Sat KL liy the wei Go, tee LE dt a, Au, Mc e 9 il da PE, Di] t RA Mil ilse Tu, Mil Auj RA bls Lys BI. 26. VA Mi, the 25, WC i' w, i Dis R.R ed Ane Mr. mi, Oci Gra MI' Be" lie Cho The An@ p.H Au$ and Aoc Cha 171 mat moi Dan coin ~~k Prescription FROM ELSLEY PHARMACY We wiIl bill Blue Cross, Green ShieId, D.V.A. and Workmen's Compensation Claims Directly on Your Behaif. 878-4492 (0 212 MAIN ST., MILTON DECORATING BEAUTY SALON DRAPERY BROADLOOM *Residestiat * tdesteent or Cemmeroil Ready-made Drapes in steck. Fer Castem Sere CALL 876-2067 FOR HOME SPPOtNTMRSTE SYERS 228 Mie St. 878-2067 28e-1t iiEMCaaieflAUTRAtTflRq Vogue Boauty Salon A NEW COIFURE Devigned bast Fac Yenu COMiPLETE BRtstYt BURVICE COUi 878-2461 192 main Bteaat HENNY'S HAIR STYLING t98 Mil] iit., Milton. ____________878-3711 FOR APPOINTMENT RAY OLAN -Modem eqeipmest. BUILDING -Expert styiing, eeleelag, mie- CONTRACTORS LTD. * Hoeme lespeecements ELECTRICAL SERVICE orReneeaties *r Aterstiens McPHAIL ELECTRIC " Addittien$ LIMITED " Cmmecia orIndstie INDUSTRIAL UL 4-2263 di COMMERCIAL ai FARMS & HOMES e El ECTRtC HEATtNO WELL DRILLING INSTALLATIONS 66 Chinles St. Milton WELL DRILLING 878-9513 - 877-3752 J. B. RUlTAN 21c-tf t R. 2, Mllesn, Ot. PAINTING ANC DECORATINO ticîce Burttealcc NEisen 4-6023 ______________ CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING MILTON Confroctor UPHOLSTERING Icdastrtia Residenilsi N-c emccd and epernied hy Icîeeiec - Hxeirn Lecos Arthure Cail ceor e estiatissea PHONE 878-9094 o. E. S Miltona 878-6137 or Re-ephseey Ses 114, Milton. Auto tries2ct *Upisetstery cleeoiq I Ti Prc pick-uep and delcery TAILORING -REPAI1RS HatnUpholstering TAILORING HaltonALTERATIONS Re.tiphseorig and Customs Bailt PerîsitueoPAR Chrcome Kitches Chairs REA S Reg & tlphiseey Shaempooing KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR Fi-ee pick-uep and deiicory. 202 Main Street H. JENSEN PHONE 878-4472 R. R. 2, CAMPBELLVtLLE. 12te47-t Phono: 854-9939 REFRIGERATION l1tt KING TRANSPORTIATION REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL COMMEsIRCIAL, CENTRAL SALESe& SRVICE CARTAGE Refigeaion ServieBagnese MOVIMO & STORAGE Association ai Rafdgaeatta Local and Long Distance Cmeti CAIIMFB8BULB 878-6338 854-2228 210-tf 210« CHAMPION DIAL 878-2341 CONVERT DON'T NEEDS TO CASH Bp Crs. lies Haemilton Congratulations te tise Horsisy Midgets mise mes tise temni-fisd ie tise Ontarie playetti test mesk mises tisey detrated iheis epportrots froees tpsîsgcatri tme cessecetice games. Beob Reises cotineed mush is essai sepesis pitchiot. The tirst gaese mas iseld in Spsîegcete et Teesdey ctgttt whes Heechy mes hy aescere of 134 ith thse secend geme et Fsîdey scgist, with aescore of24-4. Miss Meegaret Otipiseot is spetdiitg a tme.wees vcationci tise Basisades. Dinee eeests scith Ms. aed Mss. e Sisea ecd faesîty et Tisesday eerieg corr Mss. Lilian Hamsiltoe et Miltoec and tise Misses Isaiselte and Acte Stoutof Gelph. FrietdseofRe. Ket Hamises mi h r pieased te isear he was able te esters hoeme test Teesday fsees tise Oakiscîie.Tsafatgas Mereee Hospital. MS. Elsie Btees ef Brampton îscvisiiog aithrieoeofMr. and M rss. Astisus Plant. Congratutatiens are estecded te Mss. Btees c ocitnig secosd price on ises stete eithie Caisadian Natiecet Eiiitiietio tise hisedcsafts aftie isespitat caery ter Pest Mates. Tise Gates-Campseit erto mas iseid secrctty et tise Recismeed Cecsercatioc Paris ti 37 maienos ethue clan attending., Me. and Mes. Peter Gaies et Lemeilte sere tise host and boestenfo teeliisyease. Feilemisg a heentitai pissic lenchslet neen, emryoe enjeyed a soc ial visit. Thsecople tracellisg tise fastist mas Me. and Mes. Donald Campbsell of Pert ry., Tise yeengrst memises preseeit mas Donnie Smsiths et Hamilton and tise coupte mush tise tasgest faeily mes Mr. acd Mss. Archie Galet et Acteo. Tise peesideot tee 1969 miti ie Mss. Wietie Hsamilton. Get meit misises arr estesded te Biy and Mary Stout, mise eetesned home tast Wednesday fsem tise Milttos Distict Hoespitat misece tisey isesi ecdecseeolsergeey. Ms. and Mss. Jan Sits sere g est aise medding ofMr. and Mss. Jacis Etgsrsma (tlee Lysoe Roertson) et Satarday, Aagsst 24, ins St. taet's United Cisercis, Milton. Tise chescises on tise Hernhy charsge Win seler oetheiresal tm onSesday, Sepemiser t. Bethset Sercice îtise ac it 9:30 ar.. Eden et tl aH. and Hilcrest attte .es.at Heeny. Bistisday greetings ar extended ta Rey Bradley o Aegust 29, te Mes. Geeg Leslie onAegest 30, Anse Bradley et Aegest 3t, Mss. Samesy Sesmînt, Atfsed Bsîgden, Gregory Hiland Fsask Hatl on Septemiser i etd Rscisy Rettrdgeone Sepîrmises 2. Tise Cernisy "B. Squirt Teaes .. Hornby eluminates Springvale -om will play in Ontario finals eoast os Thstsday nigit ait tis heme ef Me. and Mes. Stanley May. De te tise coin and tisundeestores, att activity bâad toi heeiseldmindeors. Tise Angore meeting of tise Nerth Teafatgar Csemaoity Club mas held ait the hoe ot Mes. Joint amas. Mes. Dace Dewting, tise peesidnnt, welcemed tise ladies le tise meeting misics mas epened mitis tise Claub Ode. Minetes et tise last mseeting mece eead hy tise secietaey, Mes . Cannas. Thards yeesetes mers fesse Mer. aid Mes. Ro Waek and Me. and Mes. Rîcis Bauman, seces t seselymeds. A sotnatingtg cemmi ttee mas choses te appeint tise sem execeti ce fer tise sest teem. Mes. Alfred McCeasisos asd Mes. Meeice Wdliamses mere setected for tise Mss. Bert Leslie sead ime iseeosoas poscrms and aise coducted a cmntest eshics was wos hy Mes. lacs Wdliamson and Mes. Risergi Berearditi. Tise es meeting Win bisehldi aitie home ot Mes. Martin Gedt. A dicioss luochs mas sesrdec hy tise isestesa and a secial boas esjeyed isp att. Ms. acd Mes. leohe Coais and famîily spet lail sceri helidayisg nests et Minden. Bsstisday grsetttgsar extended tei htale Sandra Faise mise mli ceteiseate iser secend isirtisday on Monday, Septemiser 2. Me. and Mes. Renald Plant and David eajeyed a vcation wits Me. and Mes. Fred Arnold ait Port Elgin, and net ait Waaap Beach s peesesly reported. a BE SURE BE SAFE SE CERTAIN NILIPI LIBTIN SIRmU CONSULr A MIMBER 0f THE Brampton Real Estato Sourd- - 56th Tea n d&Si Eecliciiy ai eetrisseof iCar * mIRNOW ELECTR ICI 878-6378 CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne in for a complote appraiual today. 8I1.15 AUTO BODY IR, 878-2721 mol.878-3251, -SA VU en UACK-T@-$CR@@L BAROAIUSI URAVEX UAIIUUII Mi .- 2ti. îsc leaa UIUSVUlUU9l Ma -Secîlo clipers ti para. îSsa Oeaser hsish. cal, TeERMOtS eeza toucrhti set t ara ss, tis es it., ban i-i lee Tut 1.88 teSsSsa1-da.. 11.88 tir non sa 14.5i. . ..... J"b 1 L us.. sus.UB cSS? a p dobesa cp H.16 ocSeC.eaata.6.66 cOMO»e. mm msdos 0m*s 399 EXTRA! ae e rsaesa5h W. dmdtol ta n dfastmal ms Imem Cé05mand flia a BONUS COUPONS V BMkU TN hSR I tse tel peu, dit Jan inte tise cmn e as we bsec ti sedi te LIGI4TNINQ WAB RI.AMED for a Tisessdec evecitg fise msicis blacks maerks ec the hare roof By tise timo Acten fisefighses gctted a baern ecd kitted 10 oiciesss et tise 20 Sideretd, ceeld ho secned, tise baern wes afiae. Feus ridicg iseses, Nessegaveeefermeof Lou Pcius. The werssrepertedinear- twoedegs, tiree cesecnd severel catsmwere otside aitie ing a eod clapf thcderest s te hydeîeisrn thrhm iiseesnd escepediniury. Theeerignalibarconth is fascsets ment off, and taniseS oet tise wicdem they sev two large isarced dec cn 1929. (taff Phoete)