ou c tes EDOCING DCWN FOR THE1 NIGNT at the Mar- frontrotes sel so "operalton hbiller" and inn- Sît.Seni u licnshuaarehe Stofont fore midoîghî eoery boy had ahe for the Jimas Mosnea Califosso, iuss a fans ni onne night. sn the tomes photo, bonyx clameur 2,000 lt tesally mwaxhes out" of their Jamboree asoasdi a nmonter as tine fuît hall, atnnius for site Tbaîsday. Cl netns and nîganizariant somerisinu 50 sat. (Staff Photos) âddpert"b., rat rua 50-60 students must live at home as O.S.D. suffers "growing pains" Eneolments mtlt reanin aecnord gsadaating alasx tsludtdaony 18 in sfli sentiar vaatonal mingmwill pean ai Ontario Sahoal for tht sludetsts, of mîssin tma lionse a tilîasd fot sots-nacational Deaf in Mdtos next meoh, min s etassed to tins satoot for xahjects, atnd fin rhythmt toon an estemateit 510 stridents aie fusîher studiex. ias sîso hssrs tasosal mb a eupentrd tariefolasses. Speasal transpotationiatxassnmfor tirenyar. Tihis ix an satrease of about 50 arrangentst on a dailp haxît 0.0.D. ttudontx otîl retour 10 frnt ast peur, and schaal havethttnomadiefortflic 50orh60 thesosuanlntWednesday and offictals hans hadl ta hasld tmo stadsnts esdig in Maltas fînti clastes iui bs belli as pertable alausrnass, test a rtant CoantY h m itaotl tnt as hume Tiîarsday. in ssnarhy publtc sahool.jagglethi att ontSme hute are hetîf A fll tîmo staff onf 315 atl inn acommodatnanadsinttadaat a ased,xasomî wllsranelby ntx, an atnd forthetopenig and honte residenneplan for 50 to and sonemslrid ale ndfi',s wsienafens vacantsionar 60 sladenît livng wtthts a IS-tede radaus of the schaal to copie mith tins inaeease. 0.5.D. Sapeeinttndent D. E. Kennedy said tht sssass of addesa m nomn as bstng fr11 throaghotsatIhe sahool xystm noî jast at the btgannetx' endt. Abaat 35 af thesexteastadents are fine-year.ssld heginners living in tht western inalf of Ontario, the assa serveal by tht Mlaon uchool. Ahout 25 atintîx are Older sladentî nsho eitse moneal 10 ibis part of lins provnne dutsstgthe tummeoare hard s of heseing tadents tresto sent fe specializesi teaisnn ai 0,S.D. afler armera peses in sahaal wien staff menibers mina hav nsoantrater ta transpot thret. The schaal's darmitasy.styls sestdeoex an acaommoda te 450 "qatte aamfortshly" Ms. Kennedy said. Tmo a ttnaîar poetahl1e ci assraa ms art asdsr' cosrcinai tha tstsof tht junior sainanl compliex. and shaulal 6e ssadp far sahoal's aptntsfsexs mssk. 0.S.D. i alto leasing ost nacant alassont an the publia snhaal boasals Bruce St. srhaol for tht ysas. These are 29 jassos alataromm and 28senior cnssrooms eady for the falt terni,Mr. Kennedy 11l'inth compiament mtl Nc ap to0321. Miltons n f is Jack M A vstsraafnao 'r itasn 10 peart maicaipal atnptstttu.t Jnck haGenaie ni Anînno max cttgaged as MtIon's non clerki a tptatal meeting snf hîisaon CouneiloTatsdaptevntng. Mt. Moi2eachtr nax hesnnclsrk He alssved l amber ni Urge Manor extension erasscerytaue o accommodation fis upf Halton County Couencd mas. urgeit te plan an extninl HiaitnI Cenlenanal Manors Marin Hnuse xnhtle ptoceeding nsth plans for a site in tht sauth of the caunty. Renne H. Hintan urgent tiisourse whe hcnoted the preent Martin Househed are accommnodation was filleit Up. ...Ifwe detay, wentaybe inthe psition wherewe dn't have the _« fatititins eequieed", the Acton teene noted. He nenunented thIat kituben, beating and elevat fanilittex ai Martin Heuse htall an bau desigee for an addition. Renne W. Coultet of Nassagawepa acknuntletged Martin Hetase was filteit up but six nteeks agno Itee tete 60 besis asaltabte ort stoesmal nase in Pettit Hease. He suligesledl il was s nana of balancng Up the facitities eequieed witb wlsat esnsted. andi sente spe atil. cas patiens woualie s snuntndatnd ten Pettit Haute. JACK ML<IEACHIE Soggy, wet Scouts bed dlown in homes "Tht people of Milton are tint mst mondeeful folksx stin t mod, tiney openeal lhtsr homex anal lhey oponoal thinti heartx ta a huxnh of hsdraggltd Scos, and me mili xner forget Ihent for il," said the mat who lelep hontd Tht Champion office Fridny aflernoon. "Just nigo me 'a gealeful Scouter',5 ho said, "tep camte isn'x important. line speaining for 3,000 of us, me don't kno hom me annexes lian tint familiex nf pont town enough. Goal hless pou aIl." The heaetwaeming exprssion of apprecialiox tint Saoules noiaod oner thetlelepîsonet lial aflernoon mnnjusl ont example of tint messages ltaI inane heet ftooding sno Milton tinte Tharsdny niginl, mots disaslerxlexack tint Ontario Saoul Jambhoree aI Kelso and Milton asnd dixsiat te Sidenîs eallied ltn urgent al for aid. Despite thin onnsente and tno disruptiosni ofineir parsoemai xuaattdng ttglts as meil. Tits ix lint , hndsedaf tomx Offiais thne spitit tînat tOUOy people and cstseeex tintent opens theis Woaod hans po helieve is homes ta the dsennhed and non-estettt in tii day and age. shitesine Saouls and leadees, Butmtepaodisttlt xitn.- dîsed tirent ot, hndded tlxts -Nothtsg ix impossihle," sie dol lac fo tht Oigtiln and added. "If tnenpaoe mat ptonidtdsa onteous beakfast stspasd tashowmthisxspirit of n thePsridnpntosoing. gaodwsll tomntdx tint Withsn about six boutssof the coateuOtty 12 noths of tins ttme thewied ,etainand hail pont, isttad of lus on an Somsssuah these mtdn-ope etmttgenay,tibistomomwouldhbea campstaie Kels, an tttinatdenai uh btlter pInlat morhand 1,800 Saouls and 500 leaders ton.'" asd i s ta ffeers friand When Jambhoree oficas a 0ntent oa il s tii n I dnaidedlnoesatuutt theaampste Mlon-about 700 in public at nappeetiote Tnu55day, tint halls and tins tetndet in whetîs mere alîeadp ltring it piae humes in Milesa, Mi!los tu tendier thatenes ai onbCsntpbellsitle and as fat mas xeanssaey. Mayas BesI, out nmay an Bastinglon and Ouhoilît. thtcking a semer excavation Aboat 600 ni tht Scouts prectnut lotSt.and othe nussed the stoentasltheymttte flondn aseax aroasd toms, touring the C.NE inxToronto. t .elephaned Arena Basrd About 100 eturrned t0 Millton obaismas Howard Grsxold ta and the test staye ins Torontoastk if tins asenaconldhbeaptntd ontstsigst. 10 boust tht hoys lent the Milton Ceaxait, Jameboree Jamborsee Wlten inn relayed tins officiaIs, Halton Enterenay initatton to Saoat intaîlnaatotx Measutes Qeganization andt loaal u t Kelto. tinsse max n Saoul negaxrinatins speatlseaded hesstalsos. 'thtp maso otsp .opesatiox billet" smoathly and îCastanea as Pase 6) effinssslly, despste the lanin of pee-plannssf fat sunh anA entergeecp. They seeised inelli A p a frotdazens ofltongraopx.and institutions sah as Mdtan In rettospeat of Thassday's Hoaspital, Ontarso Sabool for tint sînste and tint texuitîtt Deaf. churcb officials and thne aontmanft nul Mdlton sendesed publicnschool bard. sospontantaaxlp wsinhoas anp Butlthe eaberesaf the officiel ptsparatnor planning, sîoenty night mate theasitinens Mayor Bian Best would likelo Wtholooksinboys, and theshoys have satething atgantzedtinase theteselses teho semaînod anythin t ins ents happsns abeerfol and snsilisg Ibeonflnnut agait. the natastrophes. Me sugsUted n mteting xinaaid Mayas Brian BesI sasit! ttitt e b calîsd ta plan fat fnturet masttlotexprsts thenounil's omtrgtnatt. "Tis isa thanits sua eepyoe mina catastrophet yoa mll noner set assisted inasolimay. The spirittOf again,- ho s.ttd. but tins ton aa-optsaltUt mas cSrtatnlp sbouldibntprpastd lt inase. sîsomo that nigtst, andt os ew clerk ,cGeachie tint Antos Publin Uldîttes Caosmission sntsl it Oas dissanded. Darîng histime sn Antan. Mr. MaGcanhie alto senved for svr yeatt as seasttary-tttas- aires of tins Anlon Plasnnirg Board andi ofîthe Commisteof Adjasîment atd tins Nortîh Mallnn Urbas Bard. Mo has hees actine sn namsanstp affaisandachurnh math. Mss. A. Bntsh. -miWo hat heen servng as deputp nîirn.td teanales mll cntinusa in fiat position. Me. MaGeachis is ta stast hits sens position Qatober Miltor has nat had a fulIt mme nlerh since tht ttxigrsattos ni Bobt Reynoldis in Jasay 19hh. At Ihat tite noanndi nafltd for applications but denlined ta ant nntbemnshentbe ucersisies of aenexaîiox anal the lhen-oareet Plunkett Report stadies stee andeemap. Thee meee 20 applicns for tbe asiseetites positias. The Mcits personnel nontîtae inteeviesses fixe of tbe appliesaîs Wbo hai e«paeience in th5. Bans of Wrs befaote sealnttxg Mr. McGeanhie. Praise Milton"s goodwill Scouts extend 'thankcs' The follasntng lottes mut hnnspttalit nf thno people and thenstor0m an Thutxday evnng. teeineal Mnndny by Milton natta nstinttins ofMilton. There s no dnoht that the MayoeBi8n et, frontA.W. The t.n-nponatnnn and assistance ta prompsty and Dennyio P rostv i na1 îss angvennhpthe eneeoulyftoOUnhelpd to nemm tsoe, Boy Scouts nf Conservnatinn Anthnntyandtrine prenent the gond hesîtn nd Canada, mhn uns "camtp ahior- maniatnltty pot ta he exnelentspitstof tht bnys aitesxt wek'x OntarioJamoree Jamonree laid thn fnnandattons andtr etryog cnoditions. at Ktlso of a naccesslul and mnnonsablt Btcausetofthins thefinalboutsnof o a io n ahh ntî the theo Jamoree unîl rtemat5 as Dear Mayorilttt st ntevnttnnfaiceoatnot mas nntosnplexantotlnentase oin t ptanidtsg atnaximnun of fnand mindnof the oy. The Provncial Conoal for advtntuse fnrtthe boyn. Phe accspsnar st ic Ontatto, Boy Scoots ai Cana da, We arc osnt gsntetnl las the thatnks andsorte3,0 boys andledes mnerot in ohct tire nattons Yotts sooceoiy will retentbes fns a nosp long nficiaisî, institunio ns and A. W. Dsnsy, lime tint goodnnill and tsndnattncamettannnsaîd ates Provnciaal Commissiooe High school shops, classrooms ready for use on opening day Occupatios ai thetltapsanod Boasd vicietnnld durtng tîsois unsi Octohes. hootoot. nlsro s aMiltas Distrit mnssin ting. Is uns ntl Dormi;g aiscassions aot the HtglsSchool for scholoinnptosospto lilhsna or afteria plan tsss nof tint psojent, sttmed assurod. metoîhes nf theo additnion nnald ho anmplnted Clanaan Johno Nahlt prstd tica effeive commniatanso htwýthsstehboardacitettand antractos fot the xpttdy >. ptatrs uan the tain. tl max expentesi equtpmtst moaid he maod snse tht aoonplettdl portotions oi e, lallomssga leplattttd inxpetion nI tht motin A ra last wexekt. Menthets dehated tint mixdom, ofsix osoddtng the paytng field and finlly aonaluded tint Soddiog as an addstsaonl $2,250 il hsnh iscladei complets mitenaxce s mald he prefensinte ta onnîne inteae anattd tis yoas tallonxcd in catch. Arrantgmtsof tint han scinedulos and tant r st fota tc inmsportatincmit.I Wma xsottd .additaonaI accommodation mts ssqatred Ihîx ytas asd extra ttint fat exnstisgoeitas mouidihavetuo hte nothtd out, Tire sasses mdl hte eotnlly tinsstaoneInts tint Optîn n of naît ant, i mas agottd. Tînt Bnnard sentsaod the Oinattatg afie nt staddition, cltnnintg csodsts and xtsas to asuetint prnltat wusd roman httin teorignalttttsnnte. A ns se of itemss tottat sd ta ho aomplettd. 103Busxiness Adtninsttta E. M ilison sattd (leintet hatond tnnn fondn sed i construction wns httog dedaattd hp tint mntUitt.pnlttyf isai tins (Coxtixusil mn Pain 9) 1110H WINDS AND FIECE RAIN angulfei tb. attire Jamboee Chair sooklng tînîbas daritg tbe ntap-ap apatation Feiday catepsite eI Kelso Thaesday, hlaming damsnUand dsenchineasny- ntaeeîng. Belons, the ranIs are sren actesai tb. gntaad le thing le tba pafh bof the Storte. Ahane, twn Scouats nstg ouI a acirsa of desolarian. (StaMf Photos) ï1ie &Lêî lapion Val. 109.-Ne. 17. ..te ns.uni nsns 10 Y"" Forty-Sin Pages. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGIJST 28, 1968 M n n 5 n , s SU . nnn,d Cn t ýý ns - Ma W n inn lOets, o nnnn -d n. t.h . 5 tnnn t n. Un s 55 7,COMMUNITY OPENS HOMES TO SCOUTS