1 #The Canadiens Champion,. Wadeeadey, August 21. 1968 NO? QUITU THEU WAY mother did le. irut ires tris Jambotree camps set op veeheshift cthes sire tas nener a toy Scot. Sots rser Motn- lires t. dry out their gers ibis grop la frove day'a torreetiel reies reoreri. the iroys invtari- Nords Pel ted Georgetwn. (traff Photo) Over 2,800 gather . 9 (Costisord friort poge t) demnonatratites, Amord Forces posa-restos techniques. busir sievitti sactica. scubo dttrtg, remote conro plaesandbots, dot iraedtiog and aheet sirotting. As uefi, rocti boy is tooring tire Lattetreo Gearsotorg Station and tise Coandis Notioral Exiiition for a day. Loch evesisg compfirsre lit and Scouts motte tire roundr t0 vinit frendsig sonsaned tel]taes' (Andi swtp sete mors badges.) Cesemosis basides Sotday'r officiai opeoing inclodsd a Scool's tut opentait cirurti service tn tirs amphtetree Stsday mori, tut Catirolit motues lotr tire rssie day, o ctosixg cremorsy sciredird for Ftiday evsmtng, ond tire dosiy morning fagbeeas in sacb toop ted suirctmp. Maoy oif tire Scouts ost tolting riglttserisg tripe mitside tire grounds,andeport tey enjoy tire coltrfuiaeteytffliris ptt of Ostorio. Tirs Bermuda ctr9gent arsived o day eoety and rent shopping or a Mitton sttpeearet .br ty ete into severai local ladies ubo topperi tu chat and uired tirem o hrappy ronte aI camsp. Tit leader reposrdr ie wtt "very pteaoud" ltir Mdlton,. ted iti iroapitolity. E retint shrows ai thre ampitireate ixcirade impoteer professios] estetaiters atd ueverdl musical grtups rangixg freim jazz tt rocirseroli. A talet seaschir r oderway daily aoog the Scots tiremreirea, ced Roirir Gimiry udl ire as the camp ai doy Friday to tise op a chorts of poulirfut roires to attompaoplim in lusflons "Ca-sa-do" rong oi te rveotng'r show. Sevesal stio ge oups are rissgitg ced dancing or port of tirs Yoth ced His Neigirbors sub-lireoe. Staff for tire Jamboree as dsawrr fstm svry oolir of tifs. Steesal deporrmsns heorir are fuîltime provincial Scout exectui-es but the majorily of tlie uilisg workers are Scooteartrers, Cuir leaders ted otites supporters tf Scoulmng ultirave gitee upoaueekof irotidtyr t0 tome aod orri i Kahno. Tirry dido't evev crime for fes oie tire Scuts psy $401 rsration lu rover ail espessa the "olarlees" utekers on staff pop $25 t0 defroy tire cors of ther foodi. Ail food as cotiret irp the Scouts, uho drara thIrrsuopplies for racir oeai froor Ire cettral 'Supeettrket" stppty depot., Tire, calssisg and ratiots turef Jackt lere suprvises a staff of 14 irondliio roci items os 900 lotres of ireod, 1,200 ptousof iramirurg os 4,000 hot dtgs per meal. Bp tire lime tire ueett il osor lire iruog irops dtl irove corsosed (aoog orirer thsrg) 17,000 quarta of idi, 3010 docet egg,tand6,00 pirusdsof butter. The ruppip chef iras tins tos of cirool ot irand for thir icampSrecoking. Airtut iraif dis jamiree budget of $1t0t000 vient ftr fotd supplis. Tsopleadeerseat uri thir Scouts bol stoffers ars fr4 bp an outride caterîrg $4 Jopre of Milons in cirge of tire secoeitp staff for tire oreek, uirich orcludet firefigirtiog. patroiting ted commuticatiott. A van truckr Dr. Haiy resigns Dr. Stucart The appointoreer of Dr. L.M. Stuart os Haltos s Medical Offices of Heatti ted Disectos tf tire Cotety Heoti Ulit uts edorsed irp Hrttos Couesp Coteicti os Ttesdap. Tirs cosfirmatios of tire appointorent tome oter deirats os whietir Dr. Stuart Irtuldire soted acting Medical OffOres of Healtir. De. Hugi Hap, Haitos's M.O.. oice bort fail, waor rerestip asirer t0 rsn afler ubot Board of Heati chirman Reeve A. Leduidi tersîrd "srepsoîrd aiuenterism" froor work. ReeveLedith prised D. Stoosts uusrk os assistant MO. and reud "irehosireen doingoa gond jor for or". Pressing for Dr. Stuatts desrgtion t0 ire lirat of acting M.O.,. Depuly-Reeve Wiliam Gidlîrr soted Ire Board a dircussisg arsaigamoatios of tire its ofHattonand Pel. He aise uoted tise oppointorent of an M.O.. crent ire rescistird irp tire cousty utteer lirere ir juat Atiroulsdging Dr. Stuartas age of 73, Reste Ledwitir said! ie irod assraces trot if tes heolti faited ie orouit irsmediatsip resign. Tire Board of Heoitirsecrrilp appoinled Dr. Stuost as M.O.H. ai a aalary of $17,000 but tirs omendmeot soogirttir.is action al couoty cousciluoud reduos tetded uitir irte and o ualee tanki loned irp tire Nslttn Regros Conservation Autriitp stand bp, ïeady for Sie. To date titre irave bets no orishaps. Visitors ose uricome or ther Jambore, 'vey dop bietur fet, juntlr Ips a e o nstesrg Ire Ketro Park Tis user Tire Cirampios carrier a fous-page section te Ire Jamboree, uiricir uitt ha found in tire rentre of Ire second section. It's just o satsple of uirat's tu tomne-foer ser a spetial Souvenir Jamirse tssue uiit ire puibirhed, fult of more picturs ted stotier of Ire ueek's octivrties as Kelse. Scouts cao maire arrosements te have ose maird te Ireir irome addrera if lirey appip or tire Jamboree Cantetn. flow MnO.H. tire sattsy tu0 5,000, tire satasp sciredale for tire acting MO.oH Deputp Rorve E. Borett ssssjested Dr. Stuart lied ireet carrying o heavp toad ai lire Heoittt Unit ftr rame lime and ie was lire ose best quaifird t0 secrifp cep proiretem unirh may coreetip exitt. In a secorded vote os tire malter the appoiîmet of M.O.H. wtts consSmed aI a ralasy ofSt15,000. Accidents Approximatlty $350 propesrp domage tas dons t10a car drives irp Gary R. Prtle of Rirerpore Ceerrent Sotmdoy. uireo il coltirird wids a telepirose pote os Bell St. sear Mary St. Damage t0 tire poIes estimaîrd alSIS5. Susdop, cars drives by George R. Mager of 153 Woodward St., Mton and Paul Betney of R. R. 3, Georgetown rettied SSO and $125 dama ge sespocrivety whien lirey coltided is Milton Plaza parking lot. A parirsd cas tweed by George E. Avery of 19 Bastos St. and a veliicie drives by Barry E. Beeron of 166 Ruiiwotd Cresreot completed Ire ureeis accident toltp uhenthIey coilided onAnne Boulevard ear Robituood Crescent. Damage t0 each cas war $1 50. Approve addition for Pineview Apprtval for a $411,700 addition tri Pineview Puirlie Scirtol wtt gism Esquesiig Poirlic Scirtol Board Mtndoy os townsrip coonci ireld tireir r!lor Aspast meeting. Tie pojet, ult stu be forutrde 1 tire Ontario Municipal Board ftr tirets appetota. At counci's predeloor meeting tant aciroi iroard rpeesentotlveo iod ootlined tire pressing need ftr renors at Pineviru, notisg lirereuwould iteoa dditioot 210 students entering tire ttreody crtuded structure sortr tf Hcry in tire fatt tf 1969. Tirs 10 ruet addition udtl inclode six regolat cleanrotoms. ose primrsoy opportosity rotes. ose kmndergortro rocm, ose liirry, tne geterai Puri-a roo, tuo cirongetorscendta Geants tof S356,512 ose avoittirte te tire prtjecl os ueil as a 50 per cent grt on fostitore,wuiiirment nlsii sesidents wuod bote t foromi apprtxiorotely $40.000 for tire project. A iry-lou outirizing ther irorrtuing of $75,000 froor tirs Capitat Aid Corporation for an addition tsi Gtes Witliams Puii Sciroolie aiste pained. A tense feu moments of di scussion iretaees o rpreuentotive of tire Rock St. Council wiII committee p Mr. andi Mr. R. Dodik of Mofft t appesred irefore Norragouspa Cotecil aI thir meeting Mosday. t0 mee uhat action irad harntlattes os severot requests ted demanris Irey mode a o preedour meeting. Mes. Dudnitt coorpiained about tire orceser in utecr Ire Comorittes of Adjustment oporoted. Tire cossmittee lired tuesed dous an application t0 seposote land poscels. Mss. Dudi raid sire ired. counci responsiirte for Ire consmittes actions ced roid couicishould live up toIreit responsiiities or sesise. Sire uosdered attud uiry Matrice Newtos irad bers appointed to Ire iroard ced auggeted il utes irmause ie irad bero ce elecîsot oppostent. Stoey herse is h/t hy cor Aihre was injuredoand acar damoged in t coisiuon os ffigbuay, 25 junt ttulth of Spepside easty Sotday moening. The irorse sscapod front a faon ced wandered osto Ire igiruay. Thr bosse was leateid for multiple taceortions iry a vetesioice, irut did sot bave 10 ha desred, Mtitos O.P.P. rport. et of Gten Williomsaond courivcilsearltd ina deciaîonby Erqororo 1 te sir atoiaotton feot lire Ontario Deporîment of tuiroy o orr o ites sesidet to inntott o dcotlert in iris dsiveuoy. Lsqoesisg ptans to toire costrot of mointenance of tire sein Gten Cerrent Drive, fodtouing tire cttsisg of Bocir Street. Four of tire Stve residents tf tire street irave itstttted thir colveets, irot tire lifrir is ouoiting otiorilotive word irefote totting ony action. t ws noted tirat otirogr tire eidentr irtve been poyitg taxes on tire property, and ose pemoiry sue of tire iromes, tirey do not botd deed t0 thir land. Retre George Cornie stoted no totteoves of tre Iod uoutd ie mode ut l] ocolvertaihoveireet ptoced. Ontario Lond Steveyor Fred Ctnninghtam ond engiseer Rot Motericr, mepsrtisg os tire bridge repoir tn No. 17 Sidemoad, stoted additionat land utl irave to ire porcirorer frot residents neigirioring tire rite. Cooncti decided ro appoint o repseses latine tuo contact tcedoueers ced segoriare foir tire poeciroses. Rrpresentatioe wtt made iry C. F. Leotirertted os ireirof of review rocedures gotir Reeve Wiroim Cootter ond cottclor Met. Anne MacArtir refoted tire satîment. Met. MacArtirur soidi aire peesoooliy, tirougt tire application sbotid have ireen occeptrd in tire Srt pitre ted wtt oise a Sitrie distorired in tire mones tire committet opesared. But sire defended councti in tire appoitmeot. 'Tirry urre pot tiree tn gond faith irecas tf keouiedge goored os ploeting board." Mss. MacArtirur detird tnp diairosest dealings ot tire port of tire couictil. Corecd] possord o sesototion te re wtire proredoret of tire committet in relation tu tand ueposotios ultii tire towsip. BE SURE1i BE SAFE BE CERTAIN NILIP LQii 10IR CONSUL? A MEMIER 0F THEU Brampton Real Estato loard- Arthur Colbourne, who orishes teopurchase frontthe township a road ollowooce weal ofl-tsiru'ap 25, just soutir of Speyride, wirich visa ctosed off wiren tire iiojtu wtt straitbtened for safrty reosons gore yrors aoe. A request front tire Toue of Milton tu instoit water service in lond presentty ounrd by Esquesing, but sot 10iecooe port of tirr tout's onrxed ternittry, s grtanted. Tire tond inctodes rire oru Braver Lomirer plant, presrtty onder construction, uios ousers are urgestty utstisg asuronce of fite protective utter retourcer for tire foture, and Stor Steet. It uos trorned tirat tut seporote ctmploints froor tousip residents concering rocks rotle ostt tire Foortr Unse and a uttiroot on tire Fiftr Line irod loren droIt witr iry tire roads deporterent prier tt tire meeting. AntIer lettr frtns Milton notedlseveral suggestedrvenings for a meeting iretuets Esqorsing and Miton officiels to dincors tire Milton Heigrts water prtirt erd ireen onsotisfoctory te tne or tire trer. ted requesîrd Esqorsng uet ans rvrnîng storetime in eorty Septembier. NOW'S THE TIME Register NOW For Profossionul PRIVATE Instruction COMPARE THMS ADVANTAGES QUAUIII INSTRUCTOIS Instruments PRIVATE LUISONS 0oulear ANY INSTRUMEUNT 0 eaou Ouitar I Anuardlmr ANY AGI 0 îrunspau D NINOMOIUAL STUDIOS a Saxophone INSTRUMENT MENTALE MILTON BURUNOTON MAIN end CNARLES ROSIUAND PLAA 878.2321 6374Mt Stan Bernard Nous. of Music Ltd. 'VOUS COMPIRTE MUSIC CENTRES"utia ESQUESING T.S.A. PARENTSý SCHL OF PUBLIC SCNOOL CHILDREN PLEASE NOTE 'crSIo SCHOOL BUS ROUTES GLEN WILLIAMS, SPEYSIDE, LIMGOIJSE, PINEVIEW, MILTONI HEIGITS AND NORVAL ROUTES EMAIN TUrE SAME AS LAST TiE UMENOUSE CLASSES STAIT AT 8.40 A.M. 0104 WILLIAMS CLASSES STAIT AT 0.50 A.M. SPEYSIDE CLASSES STAET AT 9.00 A.M. NORVAL CLASSES START AT 8.40 A.M. PINEVIUW CLASSES STAET AT 9.00 A.M. MILTON NUIONTS CLASSES STAR? AT 8.40 A.M. STEWARTTOWP4 CLASSES START AT 9.00 A.M. GRADES 1-6 - Lot 14 to 18 inclusive on the 7th lin. Wii b. picked up at HICKEN SERVICE STATION and WEST CORNER of No. 15 SIDEROAO and 7th LUNE at 8.10 ».m. Other Stewarttown Routes Romain the Same Ail Auxiliary Classes WIII Be Accommodatod at Stowarttown School. Parents of KINDERGARTEN CHIWDREN are requested to faîke children to their respective ciasses et Sp.yside, Limehous., Glen Williams & Pin.vi.w For registration on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, b.tween 9 &r. and 3 p.m. At this Rime, parents wriI receive further Instructions from the teacher. THrE ASOVE SCNIDULS IS TO APPLY IN MLL INSTANCUI, SUBJECT TO ANY REVISIONS THE BOARD FINDS NICUSAIT, FOLLOWINO A TRIAL KMOD. SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMIER 3,19,68 >~ Drive Carefullyl ORDER FORM FOR JAMBOREE PICTURES Staff photos in this issue of The Champion may be orderad for mailing to home addresses by scouts. Just comploe this order form end send it with money to TMt CANADIAN CNAMPION 191 Main St., MILTON, Ont. Bach Phnt la namboea fer terseentene. r" x I prIft, mald ane *1.78 ausd S" a 7" Peint $1.25. CIECLE PRINT NUMUU 1 2 34 5 6 789 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 3031 32 33 34 35 36 37 3839 404142 43 44 4546 47 4849 50 5152 5354 55 M AIL TO ...................................... SSPLN'.................................. NU"s1VSIZU SUPIPLY NOS ........................................... I .st "5lZu TOTAL AMOSIT ECLOSW $ ...................... FOR COMING IN TO SEE US AT OUR OPENINO LAST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - Wewated te, sey "hello- t0 eeep on u hres see goeeey that caee iustlr coulde't - Pleise tome vn agoin aend see ooe falnia btle t rihae nve insiste lest ueeb. Tbeek pool, DRESSES - COATS - SKIRTS- N BLOUSES - SPORTSWEAR - SWEATERS - CO.ORDINATU SLEEPWEAR - UNMUIR PEGGY'SI~ 23 Cevmerelol St., tMea PHONE 8784961