The Canadian Chamspion, Wedsnesday, Augunt 21, 1968 3 nsoy engage ici 1,nent week7s alOt R. rad fout of the 's cesastattes hs cidetina Mite cd teut week if te begin ons msd. IS L s T. *4 Lo Tht hectin action ut spors and accieinite at tht Dnitaeao Scoat Jamboree tempered fue a wtsde Sanday aftereooa as the Hon, W. Ruts Macdonald, Latuteat-Governur of Ontario otffcially, upestd tht werk-long get-togethr. Tht Lieottran t-Gontrnor, wbo is alto Pacson of Snouting i tht Psovnceu of Ontasio, a brought osto the stage math hic aide-de.naanp tn tht martial musin of the Btselangtus Maschisg Band. Major Steer Pon-Rivett, tht a ide-de-camp is alto a Scout Vencarts advisor. Mr. Macdonald recallrd be aas humn hete tht Boy Scoat etovement was introduced t0 Catade, but he cerntd as a Scouter on Brntford, and oka hack fordty on cis acole ianolvement in tht organization. Aftcs wetcosning the Scouts trom all cnes tht ausld to, tht jamhoree, he peaied their leaders ton tht job shey arr doing,eand theorganizers of the Jamnboree ton ita sonnets. lions most of tht Scouts as ,br site aill hecome car drivers shustty, tht digaisesy tuprsed hupes thty miSl take ta tht higcas in a sae masur. He nutsd their presesut will put an eddctconal 2,000 nas into tht western old's atready cruadnd traefin lents. Fusthr statistins hcrenealtd showtd 25,t00aretbiliedin the iLS.As trattin acnidens annually ... musc chut tht touaes onu un hoth taltc in tht Vies Namn nct. Ms. Mandosald predinard tht Scouts would prohahty sc tht day wher hetinopters us sintilat machines woutd he as standardea forts ut transportation as nats aret oday. "I s flot to be nousagroas, utd ocnasionally catîrd-tor tu he stnlets," hr told thrm. "Bus st ia anrrs rigtt su h focl-ttardy, n or renhiets on tht highway.' Commtensmg on tht aide range of geogrephy and rauc ereseutrd si tht Jamhoree, and supeessint hopes tht Advenuore in Brotherhood theme wouldhbnesrrdacith the hoys wben thry tract. hr notrd many people bnot unty thu font haîf of Rudyand Kiplingas qeotation, "East iceastandosest is wes and neverthe twesoshal meet', hut torger thr second hetf, atdnh s "But chese is nu est and no mess when tao sseong men stand faeto5 fane.' As he offtcialty dentared tht Jamboree open, a sky-ronhes mut fored insu, tht ir, reeasing tsags of Canada and bte .S.A. and tht LI. Gonernot's prtonal banner. Falluaing bis addrsm, tht Latotenant-Gonernor mas given a tour of tht tuhncatps and Halton County Museaum, and e chanut nu met math offiais ut tht Jamboree and some of tht Scouts thenselves, oner tee. Conat. G. Ttrnyherry of Mdlton D.P.P. wes ont of smo potine motoscyntiss annumpenytnt thc dintiogacnbtd niitu chrouthous tht afteseos. Jamboree is officially opened by Lt.-Gov. W. Ross Macdonald Ramn dampens Kelso but program goes on For most outduoonectvtier ea. icnonntnienne mes tanesooftsn cnsdstden ulpct ruprnutd. and freord by tht urgunozra of Excellent drainage systemts therevtnt. santd thets frots a flood bat But ohet thetsain names don cumr camps aondecrd hum un bstc, fdblng draioage munh mono nain it woosd tube dtîhes us Kelto Conservation beote thetsauts onesflomed tht Acta Monday, tht cite of tht dituhes. tis Otario Boy Scout Fus tht less adeentaroos boys, Jamboree, it bardly hucbened Youth and Hic Musin hsceme a uty of tht boys os tht hundrrdc populaischrîter. ot leaders and staff memrs. Some of tht swimminguand tht arnhrry wre tht unly avets r d ae canutSled. Staff mrmhcns gaet o uo e nonsidration ta nancetsing tht ais teacher obstacle course as vieil hut tht boys denided an tht nonssary. stili working Onr boy said, "an obsaclerac is nat an abatante rce tf 5 isn's Marityn Kabawood, daugter wet and muddy.' ut M. and Ms. Harvey C. An entie croup nampletrd tht KiGthad, R.R. 4, Antan, but course in the sain, thrn mallned graduesed tram Hamilton throogt tht htany sainfal ta Teenhee's CaSteý. mach tomne ut the mari amay. Wben they mtrt cltan, sbey She but alto sannesstatly denidud ta cry tht ruent upoîn. cumplted hrr second yter chi While transportation hy tant summss as tht Uiversity ut ornnar benamthampotd aittle «Guelph. hy the henysain and a wsng Miss Kiehmutd mdll begin step cuudmabr forsameddy teahmg Grader5atroovilt and uncotstontahte situation, nu Publtc Snhoul tias September. 'f. 16Z 100 Ibs. of ideas Snow member of c Sreviewiflg taxationI Tht Select Cummasser but tht Coansy Pedertion of Stlad y isng t ht 347 Agricultre, in ouuperatiat with rtcorunttsdtian uftshe Smith other Federations. mat Report os Taxation i tohrduted reesenned i lice briets. tu petosain hySeptember Ttnmist ee l '17, &.P.P.lion Ssu.w,tametshr Tecmnte ea t ut the cuSnilit, mepoeted clos heuting belare thse Legatlatatt protogaed and helal hettiaga in Tht Coutter ander tht Mere Toronto sreats o or clsaittaca John Whnte, M.P.P. tae asa metk dutiug lase. sLondon Soath, bas eecently . Foowing chia tht camtaiset been holding h easnýgs spotit a meek i Nuethem, lltuahos Dsaialarenter DliaAsP rtthur, Timamint bd'6fo. Tht heseingt have tam and Sadbary. Tht second week tsncladeal datiag whinb 111 wa i Ottawa, Kingston tnd subssisn met. revitwed 'Me Petethoro and thet slnd wttk int nom poinled ou, and the Windtor, Landau, St. Cathsarines nsideeisg tht aritsan Tht Podertion ot Agicturae busn miia mere alto brief enpmssed contera math recîlse d sethout pesoa peopoad chaas is Municipal anceslasxation. pp.setsctt.Tht Select Couasattu ta sade No ubabsisa vers made hy up ut eight Prugeessine ofsth Il.oaaty ataInclpai-e Ca.stie nsateaen,th :)mmittee briefs Liberaît sud cwo Nrm Detsunts. Me. Suots indiuattrd tht commiste taced a ut 100puads. Back fo school Snhutl deys are nrarly here agtin-thoatands ut Mdlton and disticns suhular head back se the hoka and tht ctassrooms as Tatsday, Septrmbec 3. Nons wuee Tht Champin mi p radant i Is annu ai back-to-tchool issue, with neas and staft bsas trot ltos aed district anhouls. This year nu allocation bisa miii be pahlithtd toi Milson Public Schols as etualtuts are bailg notifaed in ptesun about thei home ruts/s uelpnonts tue tht tai temra. CLOSE TO 3.000 Scouts, lead- ers and spuctators utt eneda the grand opesing for Firit Ontario Scout Jamboree et Keiso Conservatios Area. On stage in picture 24 the Ho.ior- able W. Ross Macdonald, Lt. Goversor of Ostario and Pat- rue of Soouting for Oetario oddresses the crowd. %ore 25 shows hum the whote thisg Iooked frocs the hilltop end picturu 23 shows Scouts crowdisg issu, the huge amn- phitheatru ut the opeoiog. (Staf f Photos) Two ilitont abtors ore named coronpers Tht appoiosmeot cf co Mdlton duntuts as Coroners fts Haltn mas anouucsd chus eek by Haltos Eaut M.P.P. Jtc Dr. Ioun Huocss and Ds. Donald Acktohtad ars namtd corones by tht Attorney Douerai's Depacucent and in Orders in Couacil pastd Augut g. Acnouuciog tht appocuameos, Mr. Snou indicatcd clcsst hudt reutttsic atheuoesigodcof Dr. G. E. Syts. Fecitirs inscaSsuc i the Milton District Hospitel dnsucg the lacs edditcion ol snobe ci possible fut post mors t c nussîrd out locafly. Recnttly they have hee tcnductend Aivile .eaaea au i.eka TIME te keep vesse wael une timel A wath ch.ekup takes au littie time end con sèe y.. Mt.ey by preentltg ftute br.akd.wns. Stp ln tedmyl 184 MaIn St. Mie Theft Thce setosy of Holy Roay Church oct sottttd tat Susdey ,,ning os easiy Monda0 umuot cf utosey stulso, Mdccc Police repurt. Cunstahle Ted Ktnnedy of tht Miltun Forcr e is nvetigatin. y n the Act btainod by mochanical or 1, 1968. ider the l- ar vochicle 50 e ofthe sale the buyor a Sficsesa or cher dealer. relled fartn nut CRrty a sigecof a porating oni eptemet 1, i.. Tht per- 6e hau boots Effetivje c mooet speti- may Exempt frons Solla ag oporatola iights when icharge pas- [ lisit ia aven Toronto ansd iOttawa and findsor and pasa sucs a ill fot fluht othor traffic stop. Effective dle wiil ho g5Isatiots. otite te.: k1TMENT PMm 15, MinistOr.