Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Aug 1968, p. 11

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)ition ioala on Auest iDsiny Princess I ire ield tire day . C aroi, Iton Courty for Decam. pae, cofl oîher coaty a front Elgin, and Welngton Ire Au"na 26 &arin BaRtegllrr *mapatRlan. beauâ Laworence, n, ttended Rhe irearr on Augutra laie and Sean ithon, Ontario. nt nf Mm 1.. late Ran. BlIr, od7gd St., ha Milton aller seke on hody t. Ha ladno rua for 1R year inac: lit. e"T ther attended hie tglin Raglnson 9-rth ae copg oclafy arouad mue mnd laly. ES 7 )'L ES! DERS r $1.59 for M9 rfor 79e for lie 9 for 99e F for 99. for 79e ÀLPUSO SSIOMEN APPRECIATION DAY . beld et Horniry Sondey cohan tira boys of I4oany's irai) tes end e groop oR parents end frierds presented Hornry's "Mr. Parkr" coiti a scroîl and a nas pipa in recognition of years of woir ire bas volunrarily contrlhotad. DRUMOUIN i Urge niewcomners register OIUR childrein for By Mrs. Cecdl Patîror Any puic scirool ciddren coho irase novd Iet tis ara t rrcrntiy and coul ire rtanding Percy W. Merry acirooi arr reqorsled la rgiarer os lire sciroot on Tborsdoy silenoon, Augnat 29 front I to 4p.ns. Tire principal loba Koirry coiS b irel hiscoffice oo liraI day. Regiatrng codl irrlp olleietre srne ofre prorlenafor frrst j day oraciron fartlercrs and cirddrrn alika. Dome and Keitir enjoyrd o camnping bobiday rrcrnrly or Marten Raver, nontir of l"onli Boy. braIreè Bruce diadey, son of Mr. ond Mes. Willans iaiy bas bae a patient on Sicir Cbdldren's Hospital. Friands coisr hm o sperdyinecovary. Mes. Prrcy Mrrry coas irosîrea for thr Augosl Horoiry Womnr's Instablte meerting on Tirarsday aflrrnoon Aogaar If corir 12 ladies attan ding. Mra. C. Follarson. presidane cors ir te choir. Business inciudad inaking plana fot Milton Fait diaplay mnd prparing for a baolealafain roa on Snptrinber 14. Haine commnues convner Mas. C. Wrraglesworrh diaplayad a pros nony fine couic bookt md faitchan gadgeta. Sire alsn had pnspared ced tiran nerr latar nerned for lonchr, ginger tarIs, sliced tenon pie, chriffon cakerand poundcaker.AI] were dlircious and inoci rnjoyed iry ail. Mns. H. O'Connor mri a payer praparrd iry the convenen. Seplensier neeting nill bie ireld or hrome aI ira. O'Connor on Septrinirr 4, oari rekarly irrcoosr nf 4-H Training sciroot or Sapemirr 10Sand il. Lonach cors serard iry lira cominnorli, Mas. T. Howdan, Mra. Clarance Ford and tire irosten mad r fine social iralf boue nataonjoyrd. Lore FuSler is coearing a cast on Mslrg faons fout 10 ruigI. lircatare of an unfoalonote accident os las ironse colde havnog fun anili yoasg friande. Lea bc ire lgradr ttWhite Dai s sacon daay school in Septeinbrr. Wr coiri bon corS. Mr. and Mas. E. R. Price and aldaeo tomne, Kandy, Monda and Russ of Medrcine Hat, Alberta irad a tan day boliday woti thira y Fsfiea frndly. Mea. Hrlan laeernon is canp-a niber Rongea g__o faons Oanil et Camp Wyolio at Acte. Pre-Cggt (easvte Sipphe MAN'UFACTURERS OF * Septîc Tanks fAil Blasa) e 36" wlIi TiIe end Udr * Culverts 12« ed 1V * SidewaIk Slabs * plu SMots Plm SS.1529 Ron Larmon, Jimmy Preston, Strov Or. John and Diane St. Jobn wo bnlprd coini nbr airs- anton are sirocn in front nitr Mr. Baigder. Dr. W. F. Jomes and Hriton fast MPP. Jus Onons, whila Alfir's fans oir on in thre brack- gronrd. (Staff Photo) FdWcII I Sînîciren coîir a caranany coll .naraoin tip tuCurcillon Hudson Boy, A Procaîl Raoe possrd aooy an baspitl ai orTha Fat, Manitoba, on Tursday, Augusl 6. lis coîfa casrtraveling cour bis cobra lbry coars fonced toaa othe trananditak a bus du os b is siaddrn inss Fansiy and coany friands cora sbacirad by lbhe oneopacîrd drolir of Mr. Ralan ia iris T3nd yan lie and Mers Eaîan bod liard in Aclon fan tbe pasl ter ye as. bis. Raton cons bora ai Carlisle, an Dacansir 3, 1897, on lira faniyfternicoiricbcoaslthe is ana steiran ltha.rlisle arso. His gsandporanls apeard thir iicirn ta aIl lira origibors for ciiorcbservice anay yerts ago and open air services coars baid in thir busin fine cratier. Nus parnts core Anbsia ERaton ced Meartbn Rilan Dîcirau. Ha coas o farinas, bol fan sacre o) yeas fuilied bis lue-long ambitîion la ira campiarriy înaalasd ta cirarcl woak. He bcans a aoy inistrr aI Ibe Uniterd Ciiiiocb. tetving chrarges in Sasiratchewan, rostrn Ontario and Oaebsc. fis son Broca baconsa o nsissionryntndao.and notlong ago Mr.ad Mes fiatoncornî to Indio ta b iracter ii and bis fonsiiy. Mn. Raton cooried cioseiycirbbhis sonrspciiliy int lire distribution af faminearelief. sçchool tenu Ciffoad for this nrrir Sire lins J0 girlin thr gnoup. Rd Jeseaan is as ReIn an tire Scout Janirorer for tis corri. lie aiea loas 30 broys in lits groap. Congratulations to Druinqala Fer Wers, playng in tire O. R. nures niro non 16-13 ar Poinpands rean front Garipi arro. A aalorn notchr coiS br brl at Droinqoin Park arr Wednrsday, Augusl 21 or 6.30 pin. Oood Luckiboys. Therrant beot ouI Eden Mdlls in tire first roond. K. Jacirson and J. Hilcen are lire laer coachrs. Naarly 20 lcai yaongsrs ottendad tire doy cansp iraid aI Perey W. Merry Scrool for tre past aix neeirs. Tis nas apot'ioréd iry Dalifife Reareation Coinnillar nids a yooog lady front OakvilSe lrrdng an cnafts and sports. On clning day ait anjoyad a picnic os eIno Frai nids sniminlg mnd gainaes. Aasisllag lira leaer aI Kaiao coara Mrs. N. Flaninglan and Mas. Cola. Tira day camnpconsiniscbanjoyadiry a. Moiter Rcedy Shearpa i. hme afltera n aay Mn Dakirnie Hospital. We wial im wnl* Seat niches la Cathy Fullas Whro iaundea doctorscareanith on e infection. Cathy ndll arIas Dalivilla Hoapital for nurgeay and mratmns os Aogutss 25. Birlirday geetaiga dsis neair tu Dol Wood, Donno tesia. Tininy Maclient and Mary Loo Badey. The "boys" of Hoaoby pnid tribul ta a faithfoi servant Snndoy. cohen thry set ade thre afleanoon ta ay arm or"bank yoo" ta Alfred Brindro. Mr. Brigdrn nos the maie inarigator aI Hornhy Commuanily Pork ond hbasides hrlpng ro hodld the park hlin a coorked thrr ns cuarodian, groundkrrpr r, conceasion operaor and oiror'op, mnn procticolly nome doys a woeer anar since it opeord. Ha planta the flowars, cota rire gass, pulRa the waads, lavais the roada, penrts the fencesaond ducs a midlion and one other oona aroond rhr 1 0-acre parirsire. Alia Brigdan ie "Mr. Park" ns for os tbe people of Horohy are concerord, and Sonday rhey ahocord thair appreciation. Fatlonîng o brrr gaine hatwen Ina local teons, saveraI commoniry tesidenîr and the boys gotheard oroond rta poproter parir-irapar ta ray tiroirs ina rtangriblr cay for oai la. efforts. Dr. W. F. Janes of Horniry cors tbe nan bhbld tire prsnraior, but ns ousuel ie stayrd in tire background and let rhe yoorgsrers tirore tire lirraligirl. Jimmsy Preston read o puant, compondi hy Mas lins McKay, outlining tire mnsoy virtors of averybodyts favorite "Aliea", tirea Ron ternon and Diane Sr. Jobn prrsnled tino gifts. Oaa Eaton Alooys inraresrrd in cirurcr oorir and nisiors, liaecors on eider aI lire Carlisle Unired Cirurcir Hr rocir services coien rhr rrgulrr mnisrer coar airent. A arlaran of rorld iar 1, bc fougirlin Europe in thr artllety and by tire end of lire coar cons ce officrr in thre R.A.F. Haecors marrird on Augusl 29, 1922 or Ebeneznt Cirurchirn Nassrgcorya. Tbey racently purcbased lhir home aI 82 tara Avr., Aclon, cobara brs. Raton iotendslt a in FaneraI nervicr wrsbrldrrithre Kitcirino.teape Foorl Hrmr, 'iarerdocon, Solorday aftrrooa, Aogut 10, coodocîrd by tir Rev. Gardon Turner. Inteansenl cos in Carlisle cemstery. Iliro of locoars, donations corr node 10 Carlisle Unlited Circi building fond. Fallir arrs wena Chrars Harpr Albert Bie, Diavid Trrguano of Carlisle; Ausrin Yoang, Clarence Gamieand Rabrr Iarne of Aclon. Ha is survivrd by bis coifa, rire formr Uilîon NicArîbor, sors and4 dautbmrrs, lohn 'if Hamoilton; Mss. Gardon Cosooions (Dora) of Ottawa; Gîro of Elnscood, Mrs. Hiedlay Branstor (K.rsrney) cf Guelphr, Rra. Broca Eaton af Moffar, hvies lao b.asney (Isabel) ai V aocouver nd 25 grandcidren. BUY A FREEZER ond saive o. 7_ Fresh Fruit and Produce . .. You> RM;IL can have your favorite foodg $ o fresh ail year. 4 -c 0 MANY MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Nos Datte as Illustrated BYON EASY BUDGET TERMS RICHARDSON'S I 87s.6f49 201 MAIN ST. E. MILTON wsa freined scroi, reading "In grolefal recognsition of rira efforts of Alfred Brigden Etq., in providing recreolionsi fadiitias for the yoong people and in evary cooy noking Hornhy a hatter place in cobicir to Oive." tt nos aigned. ainply. "Tre Boys of Hornby." Tire recond gift s a neco pipa. Steven St. loin axpeer aneryona's thonis ta Dr. laines for bis part in rire ceransany, and Mr. Brigder soîd haow happy hr nos thot lire cbddrro aoair lime to recogotorbisoorr "l is ooly nsy doly and rny 1,fe to blp you," hre nodesrly adinitted. Afteaward, rnrryonrrojoyrd digging int0 a pila of doognoor and chocoloa nsik. And brr is the ponor nîlh cobici tbr baya of Honnby rstrndrd their oppîrcilion to Mr. BriRden for a "job orl donc." "ALFIE" Tireas a moan nnoed Allie, cobo tairas casa of thr park. Ha canes in tira ionng and stays titi long afior dorir. Ha pIanta tire flocoar beda, red, yoioco and blor, Weeds hain. coaters thaco, and cotr tira Rrassiaoo. Anmoeireatoifoi parr lin sore yoo coanI se., No nollen coiere pou Iranel la Histon Cooniy. Ha lires la ciraI coii tire folk co stop by fan a spel To picnic, or bore r cool drink front the aid fasioned oeill Do tire litIe boys lire liT l'il say rbey do! Tbey galir aroond hin (hleî girls liir bis, 10uf. Ha mnon. tiras ail. as coal os tireir mbra.er Hie codt jain in lhirar fan-la bi Ibryre no botlbr In thr store yoo cod find hns coban il gels dorir. Kraping orereyr on the gantenrorbyo ibaheparr Ha con tait yoo coos piaying, and tell yao therscore, Hie tees il aIt faons the litIle Dstcb doar. Sa Allie, ina banc decloned lbss yaar day, And 1 siroco oor appraciarion in anrery scool cosy. Wi you plate accept Ibis, coîti brst o sire foinsl] Fron you friand Dr. James,oand therboyscworplaybail JOHNSONeO.D.1 Tu«anyl &m e.. e S p. 184 MAIN ST., MILTOIN The Canadien Chamspion, Wednesdea. August 21, 1968 il Boys, of Hornby honor Alfie Brigden for work ires AND ~NIL~L Bo'res EXPERT SERVICE TOO Tip-n Tire Sales LIMITW SARI UINE - MILTON Cali 878-3131 FOR 24 HR. SERVICE 0 FRONT END ALIGNMENT 0 l'UNE-UP * BRAKE SERVICE 49 MC FIN tC for 39e or, asu rs n ndel aIl typa-. s qua 1~84 B'ACK -TO -,SCHOOL TIME AT SAVEWAY YOUR FAMILY SELF-SERVE CLOTHING -.'I.RE ALMOST ALL PRICES GIRLS' WAY BELOW NORMAL. DRESSES YOU MUST SEE TO GIRLW WATR $1.97 up B E LI1E V E. ad DRESSES REG. $5.99 2 - 6X Many Items are Subs ad $2.97 up3 Now $2.67 are marked as such with 7 -14 prices of 1/3 fo 1/ Off Regular Prices. Girls' Knit Boys' Parts DRESSES BOYS, REG. TO $49 BOYS, $2.7 ANT $.8 T SHiRT $2.474 $18 ~ 97c upj to $4.57 2-14 ALI CURRENT 21 MERCHANDISE SUB POST OFFICE NOW OPEN Monday Thru Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p... - Thurs. and Fr1. 'tii 9 p.. IN THE MILTON PLAZA MR. iFiARMER.-. W! DO CUStomi Baling AND PLOWING Book now to masure special rates on your crop Phone 878-3454 G. S. Hiliman

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