16 SERVICES BY asperlenceti aupeater. atit jobs asti sapais mark. 878-2926. s - - - - 16ct3-266S ED. McMULLEN Cantractar O Cament ttlasr, Sitiemath m e Chlusaey & Ptastering Repaira re Stacea SMash eFireptacea Phone Acton 853-1818 t6a41-tf .JI-.. PACONI ,Dead Stock Removal HIgluest csa prices far tisati or tilsbteti rama asti bss CALL OPESATOR - ASIC PO1 Zenith 9-7950 Lia. No. 94RP68 126M6 Arrange Now f0, Ensure Service PHONE 878-6338 16h15 ORDERS TAKEN Far cusstam aamhiaing grain asti sar. Aiss, hrallsg. Stsam anti bey. Ait reassahe prices. Phono 854-9964 RON WILSON 6l S WEED KILLING -Hase yasa lama meed lace. Goaessstast leesseti. Att msrk gisasanteeti. Cati DICK VANDENBERG E.R. 5. Miltas, PHONE: 878-3959. 16al7 BOB'S PAINTING INTERIOR - EXTERIOR - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL Prme Estistetes 878-516 16-1 PIANO SERVICE Expert Tuning and Repairs Mel Winsîow MILTON 878-6572 16cl3 DEMOLITION and TREE REMOVAL For Free Estimate 16 SERVICES 17 REAL ESTATE BASEMENTS, allias asigr- PRIVATE SALE. Saab - split igas clatedt. Rubbish remasati made-a 3 - bsdsaam hass. fasasonabta salas. 878-2213. Phaae 828-3673 alias 5 p.m. I6a2222tf 17si9-2631 17 REAL ESTATE FOR BEST RESU ITS CONSUIT A MEM00ER 0F THE Orangeville Real Estate Board Town and Country Homes Farms and Acreage CatI GIBSON-WILLOUGHBY LIMITE> Rsprssstativs Anna &Archie Cairns 340 Main Street Est Phone 878-980 17c-tf IDEAL ACCESS lYs ara psaad ta alfas a nw y castpisted 3 - bedssast aplit- isasi hasts isith the taliisig featsses: braadisem la lising and disiag soins; brick fias- place sn living room; morea liais plaesin amity m;t1and on- bail bathaaams and attaced dauble garage. Thissecellent hasts and trost posd as toat- ad as a fll acre of tsssd land iii isai scsss ta Hasy. 401 and 25, as assit as the 716 Lias asti Stealea Ase. M.L.S. $37,500. E A. MITCHELL LTD. REALTORS Suite 101 24 Qsars SI. E., Brampton, Ont. Phone: Brampton 451-6232 Toronto 677-1314 17ca13 CosIt Best Realty & insurance Limnired 310 -Maie St., Mdilton, Ont. 6" 8786292 878-6592 Swimming Pools A J. McCarthy Construction Phonet 878-6167 16a17 Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZE Taesa, Pesse Ratas, Stase Piles, Pontis etc. Large cli restarati hl prise spp. 00e wtal ha glati ta estlunate yaur job. Watson Bros. Brampton, Ont. Phono 451-4804 16v-tf JAYNE IN DU STRIAI WELDI NG REALTOR FAMILY LIVING - -bedasta boane,. isLad as a aicely tatidscapsd lai asitb large lia- ing rai and kitchas - disiag cnacambîsalias. cataplte- Iy decosaiti ed andsady ea tassa isia. Psicsd sigbî milS linascis g asailahia. IDEAL INVESTMENT - Saiid brick hosts, lacatati as the Mais Street af Milton miîh 40 isat ai saliahia paapsaty - aatisieaiy designed aad hut as a taisisisas bhtas, and would makean idaîpro perty ta restars, as ibis aid home is trucually soasd. Home Sites ri are laI. 125' s 160-* Aekisg 83,000 miih $1,000 dams. 12 acre lai. 445' s 1,131'. Askiag $11,500. D sces. issadat lai, saeur Camp- batisilis. Askisg $7.300. 5 acre wasded lta.bout 2 is fauta Miltas. Askisg $8.500 asitb $2.000 dama. 2 S0assa laIs, about 3 milas front, Miltas asih sîseata. $13,500 and $15,000. 100 ACRES, ail aceekable, sia Townaship, 8-sasse bass iimmaeuateacoditios, basrir ams 60sx57 -40 60, iaase oasisa los 200 cailla2 silos, silad asail. .Roy MeCassft, 'Sa- Ias., Hîisbsagh, 855-4411. 17b5-436 A. E. LePAGE REALTONS UMIIW 55 Tsars' Continuons ServiceC tember of the Tarants, Ontario sd Oaksiiie - Trafalgar Reat Estate Barads Cati BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c9 BARGAIN OnIy $7,700.00 Full Price (ACTON) manbsick busgalosw, sttach- ad gasaea. linisbsd sac.riot ssiaadad viss.Osuia passas- sisn. As lais as 12,900 dama. JACK HOLMESa REAL ESTATE BROKER s 84 Chssch Stseet Est 1 ACTON - 853-1650 q lacatad betide phase building) t 176 Lots and Acreages 12.000 dams. 5 aces ai Issas, mestecs. The pasîset ioat- as. as a psivai soad nsar 401 Hay. aI Milon. Plannisg yaas .saam hama as as a sure liase smesiaa. Cali sais. Foul Price $8,500. E A MITCHELL LTD. REALTORS PHONE: Brampton 451-6232 Toronto 677-1314 17et3 Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BRO0080 189 Main St. - Milton $21,000 fll paisa. 3 - badscem bsick 'baoliing mono, dîaiag asaa, kiches'4 - piaca bhi,iflaisementlaiih sita hadsacms and psstly lisisheti sac. monis. Terms. COUNTRY HOME $30,000 fll paisa, 4 -bedsaam baisa, 3-piaca bath. hlain muai, disîsg mamn, hitchas. Lai is 190 s 235 fi. and is at- uald as a mais highabsy. $18,900 fll paie. 3 -badsaast brick busgalois, sîlaaad clasa la ssbaai-.. L-shaped livisg and dîsîsg sena, bsight kit- absa, fll hasamest. Testas. 100 acres. Esqaasisg Tisp. Ash- isg 17,500. 100 acres, Nassagaisaya Tmp. Askisg $5,000. Building lais, Nassasassya. 4,200' daep. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 17cl3 J. HILIMER Real Estate Broker $5,500.00 DOWN 3 - bedaceis brick stassy and s hall, lasge livingsaasaand di- sisg raam, amiy sieadhkit- chas. attachati garagae fli hasamest. asithis I hik aI daisatasa Milton. Asking 123,500. BACK SPLIT Nasaly dacoaaid 3 -badsaam hack spiit. L shsped living and disisg saam. arga kit- chas. pastials lisishad rc rouim, iaadscapad laI backiag entasssrkasd, sais bsaad- loaam icided sn prica af $23.500 asitb $7.300 dama psy- CUSTOMBUILT Over 150 Properties CUSTAs sUL As ara metabsas af the COMMUTERtS FARM MACHINERY AND Bramaptoe RealRitals Bard, 100 acre, maslly viashabia. 4- EQUIPMENT ave ovaesa 150 pleîures asti batisass home, hssk basa. EQUPMNT detls oe -basinase oppartua- aaiaaiidisgs la godcetispais, STEÈL FABRICATION 15, lidsîiai lasti, cammercial 30 talas wss ai Maîsa. Osa Prapssiy, larme, huiltinsg Iotao ahe ibhst baya an the dis- GENERAL REPAIRS vacant lasti ad boasas insh tali. Askitig 542,000. MACHINERY INSTALLATIONS Mîama mp,' a Goageltt 6 ares, in Nassagaseasys pasîly arasa. - madat. 88,000. 2355 Kilbride Rd. Milton 878-6292 STELLA PARTON 878-2241 Georgetown 877-6582 Milton 878-6705 6c517a13 57c,13 20 AUICTION SALES 20 AUICTION SALES AUCTION SALE Faos MAX ANSD MASO. BRADBUIRY At thais sasideeai5 LaI 7, Esqeasisa Tmp.. asth Ibati Lina, liait mileaabas No. 5Sidasaad,2 miles wstdofMilto,aen MONPIAY, AUGUIT Sth Att1 pas. ANTIQUES - China cabinat tas TVs, 21", bath in gaad asd- iîl assied glass; lasacyasi-as; Laasasd isig.; Laasssd - iqas tabla: aid Sal asaas; aid borner slava, lintas ae.; O. astique dresser; 2 aId aniqua witgas scashas; R.C.A. Viatas cbasis ai dssawass; sasisat 3- TV, 21", asada sapaiss; taglis pice badraam, suita, aid and dsye,iyeasaid, gsadaoneVis- gond; sitiag dask, made from casait fraeze,21 sa i.. gaad; îid asscadar chastald pisa Psasidaat vaaaum clasas; qaili chasi; 2 aid misuasa asiib Westinghose lais;: Clinaa tancylsraaas;ald maniail doc; wsiageas'asias; Cisa Jamai 2ihaaging lamps;aild ansil caad sasa liîikhaeds aad ..lask with aaghts.A6ail lamps; spaiag; voai ied 2asribs; kit- sasasai aid slsigh halls; aid s- cheablehi asd 4 chairs; 1 usd os oltsais; brass la cas. and drs.sar; chast ai dsassass; sîica.r Amaphinagramaphaac, rounid eixaensitabla and S aid picisiae [ramsi; butterchaiss; bsskease; 6 laldîsa Saiss palis. aid croas; h.;lais aaairinisbard and .malirsaspot; partsof a spinaacs; seeallaips, chaisand aisa salisl. ;ables etc..; dishas; pals; pans; kaingstasils; lawsa mail FURNITUSE - 2 R.C.A Via.- tos car top asd hasdwsara. TERMA; Cash whaa said. Na r5.-ass as asassas ara maavisg ta British Columbia. Osassas as auctiosaaa nat saspassibia las accidents. MAX STOREY. AsaliaSa, 29h5 Raatasaad, Ont. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 0f 73 Reg. Helatehas, Top Gratis Cama asti Malfera, Tractas, Impluasensa Data-y Eqalpment, Msettasemta The aadassiga.ad bas saaaiaad instrsuctions fassi LLOYD BRAIDEN AND> SONS Ta sel[by asctioai the arim, Lat1, Con.9, EaanTap., silaid hall mile sourit ai hais Villaga, as SATURS>AY, AUGUST 3rd Caiteiasig ai 12 noa. CATTLE - 75 bsad of reg. huttms; t.H.C cultivator, psa Haisiis, R.OF. Isid, masy as lift; M.F. shisal plais M.F. ailS fll pedigress saveaa douhle dise, 3 p.h.; set ai bas- [romVasy oad and Ecllent .aîss.9.astis; Mapla Labaie iss Thasa are 35 cami at elevata, 40' iith asdascariage iailkingagegasaiasal iaaih and -td matas, hala stockher asti masy mare ta isashen sonot. AI- laak ltIi. i S.p matas and 75' .oa ahaic gsaapaofbssd and taad; Nais Haliasd masasa opes hsifaas. ail by papalas At. -preader, 130 saus.. PTO. sirs: Thasaisa. Psaas sic. i TRCK and MISCELLANE- milhisg Tharaisa, 2 yeas aId. OU C 2Casaa a bas Goad plas data asibh assa OUSh -st '52k asdre 12 plt-n 125.000 ibs. miik. Nexsdama Vasa11ri;15rChvrltcr oaad. aisaaaaa 125,000. Many cs. 15 hsa 1cs .aieisiih Sad type. test and acisiaiaosstlcI productian. Caialsgaaî asre qast. Fart Osborne as pedi- BARN EOUIPMENT - Jata- arees. PIas toa ttend Ici chaise es-sas stahile[caaaa, campiata. hsasdusgistucsk andsssmm and ipas. 250> shaîs. abaut 6 1a1l milli ASc a tais shaise -hais hankets, tîs. oi shaow bai- grade cama and baîleas. baut tis. 2 acta ai Stewart clippess irss asd sprisgiag. saaes.îl extra bladtes. TRACTORS asti IMPLEM- DAIET EOUIPMENT Chata- 8.NTS - M.H. 44 gai Isactas. pian halk saaler, 35-ces; 2 aaadsrdsa; Fsgso 35 gas Saags auis2saitiass sieel tracter ith Nais Idea leader; 1 paris; Sasgeacuuam paap and Faagaeson3lasaais pas.1 inch 1 hait .p. matas. TERMS; Cash saiis cissk oan dayaof sale. Ostias of Sais; 12 ceas miasaless isiaisti l'y isiees ansandst caitla, mhich miii seli astiar coes. Sasss as eatiasesr ast saspassibia an casa of aceidest on pasess tiay of sala. Na aessrse as 4asa is soId. Refrestasent bttaih as grostai. MAX STOREY. Asatiatiasa, 2865 -Rackmaat. Phase LI8S7M55, The Canadian Chamapion. Wedsesdiay. JuIy 31, 1968 9 1 7 REAL ESTATE 19 LEQAL Notice f0, Creditors AND OTHERS tith lIs haaI of FRANCIS GASTLE STARKC. All permas baving cias ag- CLIENTS - CLIENTS - zini tha Esiala of FRANCIS GASTLE STARK, lie of the CLIENTS Toas oi Miltatn, in tha Couiy LOOKING FOR (,l Halion, dcacsed. aha died Sortit nd arg Aceags u oraou the lOtb day of SllaaLaaAcsages a.sh, 1968, are hereb atit- For Immediate Action ied tu sentd in l the under- Courteoas Service igbe Perssaai Reprseilatias .1teaid deceased. on or ha- [scha 14th day of SAgast, al O NCOLLETT '96,'full aaicars ofl their s îddin ,s. ImidPsasatr t- Harold A. Clarke Ltd. prosenativec wili disisibais the aseof th said dcasd, hav REALTORS ing regard atdy to the daims 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a LaehcbR.F f-ich il shall thea hase trot- - aah d . Port Credit ie 278-7 23 ofDaiad at Miltas hbis 16th day 2787223 aiJuly,t968. PE RS 17c.tf HALTON & PE RS SAVINGS CO., 9 LEGAL 282 Lahashasa Rd. East, 9 LEGAL Oaksdlla.Ont. sqotice to Creditors B:HUTCHINSON & AND> OTHERS THOMPSON, -219 Main Si., tu te Ralate of VIOLET 08.- Militon, Ont..' IVE LUCY ANDERSON, lat. Thejs Solicitors basais. of tha Towshatip aI Nuasaga waya. (in tha Caaa(y af Hal. ten, Masaleti WlYs ,dee mu, dcea 20 AUCTION SALES ALL PERSONS hacingclaitas .gains tha alaseaaasîiaaad Es. For Cmlt ais ai Violet Olive Lucy Asdaa- A io p1Sevle. as, ssha diad as ar abaut tha u 516 day af May, 1968, ara se. HR îairad la fila psaal thassal aith CRS A. SCHOUTEN hae iaadasigsad Salicitor for the AUCTIONEER ascuo anso bafasa tha Sista Salas af ail typas. lay ai Aagasi, 1968, allas shicb Big as siai], Pi da thamn ail. dtl tha assta i ha distibý Salas aaadaaiad asymbasa. utad, hasisa regard asly ta tha laitas lbaa flid.Te.8 -27 DATED ai Acia. Otlario, Te. 387Mtas,576 bis Taslb day ai Jaly, 1968. R..3 itn n.296-t C. F. LEATHERLAND, O.C., Acias. Ontaria, NO MATTER ashat yaaaaaed, Salicitas las the Esacalas. -aeaofaasssradass psoably bas 19c13 it. Tas tha Wasl Ad page harst. lit 9 tupi 9, No ohjector t¶iits GOIg rezonfing AI a mting ai Miltoan P siag Board Thastay te Et autEaslsad setaayt Pasas ta attend as 0.1 THE heaalg ha Salet tieaEng BLACK HORSE ANTIQUES a raqat fo ta aîelsng af El syTeMiII Pond talgt lidstan aistin Reî ps9iasOas asd NtpIsiag Pressed Oluess John Transi ah tati Seate ENGLISIt FURNITURE - Victiaa China, k.mps, nIdy prsas aSlactlsg la Sa CHINA -GLASS - Paiieey. isas aasiog* 414 sot maire HUNIINS PRINTS SUIZABETH DUIONAN appearaeae ai the maeeting MMY. 2S - ACTON 202 Margarta Si. Milton dacsula mas stithatti. SîS7 873-4446 I ta e usinelsss te Mss. WM Mc«e - OPEN SAlIL paamed a motion daletlog aIL fasaaaas Itsgeuslulas ta the parti, isicue tht su tagsînaspassd Sp 1005511 The board atmo racammestist ta atasiti thap raqasst Sakvtls tar change the timisg as the Easittir aind o the Tttird Ltme ahtsttisg the asmaed areà tram Induastriat ta afficutrat. 20ACIO AE Rotary Governor to Ward Brownridge visit Milton soon Lîansad Aahcasase Fassilasa Salas Soersor afibis Roary District disatrict. He stEà atmatia frwmtE R. R 2, EORETON. asa WseII Aigast 20. He la te Prettiest ai the local Rotary R. R 2,GEOGETWN. a smbaie ai the Rotary Club of Club, ant i tEtttsrbbstflsa Phone 878-6730 si. Catharinss Oalaria, ta abts informatiss as tes 296-tf Hls sitI atitrasa s eaoary gsmup's plas tas lis service asOtîtaes asttaffasuaggesions as Rotarp atmimtrative mat- Geary Woaîtlu toe af 188 Rotary Goserara s inail parla ai te worMd wSa are sanille as rpeststat8sa ai Rotary Ittrtattssa. is districtscon paseti of matahar fluba. EsaS OECORATING BEAUTY SALON ditict leader t, responsile __________________ for_ ts pervsslg te clubs laMhi are&. Rotary, as internaoal DRAPERY Vogue Boauty Salon mor isseur 60,000 memers I BROADLOOM A NEW COIFFURE soie 13.258 clubs is 143 Delgasti Sast Far es, cotusries. " Residentiai ' and - A mendier asti past prastident " Industriel COMLu(N'F BSMqy MaotiýSof a the Rotary Club of SE. " Commercal i Catharins. Onlaria, Mrs. Wool Redymsade Drapes ia stock. CaIl 878-2461. ta as esecutive af as avisao 192 ain tree « tusiness. He mss alasteti ta Pas Customt Service offitacset Ee aI tSe Rotarp convenioen CALL 878-2007 FOR HOU£I is Marias Clipy la Map, 1868 asW APPOINTSIENT w011 serve astît Juta 30, 1968. HENNY'S ThStgIt a seaastti Rstartas SYER bIssre Mse etesties ta the sofic 228 Mais Si. 874m6 HAIR STYLING sf District Goscerear, Gerry acstrastIl attendtei ughttiaplsier- 198 Mill St.. Milton. saionaI assemStp luit May aI __________________Lake Plai,. Nets York, U.S.A., GENERAL CONTRACTORS CAIL 878-3711 aI wich att Rotary Saseraos FOR APPOINTMENT for 1968-69 aitestnti te-dopEh RAY OLAN Madera eqsîpmeaî. temiea ta plan fer Ehetr jas. One ofh Mbggust jobs maa ta BUILDING aExpert stpllsg, selarng, mas- hald a ditict astmby af &Rt lsg. 21a-I Rotary clsbs ta iMis era. The CONTRACTORS LTD. ___________ aeemSlp was Setti Jsae 5Eh a te Treatiay tas Niagara Fait. " Hame Isipsassmssta ELECTRICAL SERVICE Sew Tork and aboaut 175 " Rsaasvatiaau Rotartas atltnat. " AIterations McPHAIL ELECTRIC *Additiaes *Commerciias oraIdustriel UL 4-2263 WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. R 2, Milton, Ont. Phoane Biliagica NRlsiae 4482 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Nais aisad etnd opeati by Lassa Arthar PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Miltoa *Rs-aphiiiissey *Auta taita * phalsinso cleaalsg *Casstam hrulli laralîsa *Fana pick-up asti delver 21c-tf Halton Upholstering Re-Upbaistssia Castomi Si Faile Chrome Kitches Chairs Rag & Uphalstaay Shampooing Fsee pick-up asd dalisery. H. JENSEN R. R. 2. CAMPBELLVILLE. Phone; 854-9939 21sif TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL C A RTAG E MOVINO & STORAGE Lacal and Long Distasce 878-6338 21v-t LIMITE> e INDUSTRIAL *e COMMERCIAL e FARMS & HOMES re ELECTRIC HEATINO INSTALLATIONS 66 Chastes St. titlla 878-9513 - 877-3752 21v-t PAINTING AND DECOIIATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contrector Instril - Roaliestia Itiriar - Ealaries Cati noita for Free Eastiaas 878-137 TAILORIN - REPAIRS TAILORING ALTERATIONS asti REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Steet, PHONE 878-4472 REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INDS12STEAL COMMERCIAL SALES & RERVIVE Member et: Rafaigarallas Service Engineesa Saclety - ast - Assasiation et Sefrlge-asl Centrastes CAMPEE3LLYIILE 854-2228 Ste-4 --Maap are swa on hetitiapa ibis seak, pet aeealsteretita repart biaras tso asaalumpei BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN MILlIPtI LîItU uiest CONSULT A MEMBER 0F THE Brampton Real Estate Board CAN GOIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESIl LOOK Corne in for à comploe approisel today. 'MILLS AUTO BODY »9878-2721 mmf 878-3251 alon. 15c-tr ing Ru»m 369 ng EN 16v-tf RS lul e0& a mark tion aphat- IN 16h21 'ne entre 16an leu- nard Rss~ M.s mati dan lA I WINDMILI. INTERIORS - Brookville on athe Ceaphehlatîa 64. ( 4 Miles Noth of Mohawkh Racowapî Pis and Choîca Caoctiiesu, English China, Pansseti Glass, Silasa, Coppas. Fubrias asti Framsing I Open Aftesaiesa - Clasat Sanean