Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jul 1968, p. 2

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2 The Canedien Chammpion, Wednesdsy, July 31, 1968 Ku hvy et $145 Authority planning 10 mabe c report t1. Oie Ilepartinen i Eergy aie Reousrces M~ogmeot ai Oie e!d of Agust, Balte Regisa Consurvation AuOiority hasome opuli a ie! of possile espel!- itiore la t e osderedtor 1969 - for a totl oi $24.125. Oae!ag Ohir pisimates o as tuer eo e! 15watersîeda pioulsion Sp sls par cent t0 154,570 orsi yecr, the AsOiortty Sigures lte prment $1.45 par rspltc bovy cit timide Oie pro- pudi rosis. Administraioes t estimateil ai $76,365 for 191 aie! olter al- lorations in Oie leop tocaide maintenace of dams at $1,700-, raplitai dooolopmneot $96,626; preimtsary engineering $1.500; projerts rarrted ooor loto next year $25,122; flood çoutrol $2,11; coi mainteoanre $25.- 040. The administration rosi tssp $28,800 toca grnd total of$ltO.- 700. The Province pays $84.- i50 (50 par rent)>plus c mipple- meotary granit oi $8,485 tocards Oie totai, loaolog the Autioritîs "uce ( t0 Se retord SP dtrert taxtaies) ai $76,365. Salaries taitis the largeot bite 0f Oie ad- mioistraioe Coiss Mi 1981 estimates at $62,670. The Asliorit plans t0 cdd a director MILTON G0SPEL HALL 306 Otario Si. N. 878-2022 Chrisiao gathrred in the nome cI ihe Lard Oes Chrisi. Lordos Day SUNDAY, AIJOUET OIE, 1068 10.30 a.m.-Oreohi6 of Bread. 12,15 p.m.-Sunday Schoot. 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Srice. Wrdoesdav, 8 p.m. - Proyer and Bble reading. 2rss sad, Noman omet cooite Fahecr,but y Me. Jo 14, 6. ORACE ANGLICAN CHURCN Multon, Ontario. Reoir: Rev. R. W. Poster Assislotat Caon P. H0. Maoo. SUNDAY, AUGUST 4IE, 1968 VIII Ocodaocaller Triity 8.00 a.m.-Noir Comunion. 10.00 a.m.-Nely Communion ind Sermeon Prachoier-teReoiir. TEorsdav, Aogevi 1 - Hely Commnon,. 10i.m. NIONWAY GOSPEL CHURCN A local ssrmly of THE PRPITECO8TAL ASSEMOLIES OF CANADA Panier: Roc. M. CErisîcîsma. LORDS DAY SIJNDAY, AUGUST 4iE, 1968 9.45 a.m.-Sundoy Scheool. 11.00 am.-Moroing WorsEip. 7.04 p.m.-Evooimlistic Service. Wrdomsday, t p.m. - Bblei Study and Prsvmr Meetiag. Priday, 8 p.m.-Young Pespiros Servie. A CEnroti Yoo Ces MsSr Yoor Homo A Worm Wrlomm ti Everyonr BSTON AND OMAOH FISBYNIIAN CHURCHB MbnisterI Rcv. Stanley R. Smith,, B.A SIJNDAY, AUGUOST 41h, 1968 10.0 a.on.-Ost00i Worabop Servicc. 11.30 a.m.-Ofl1aSti Worship Servie. Ctira,h scoot closed deorins Augs. q forecasis 1969 budget of plaooâlgu aie olber alerte- Drew-Oroct sld doere badt bees graphior-clerkti thOe stait mot ertlrloo trout Otivilelentliezr year to belitimode Othe ce!og ie! Oie Autoinlls abdinis- sori oci. tration budget moeted to tatiea Tco major repital proteris large porion 0f lis total expeai- Seing carrod ooer 10 1919 are dires. Treceirer Meu HaiSer- the Stîton Falls aie! Srotih Bloch ley nid admindserattsarossocly, dams aie reservoir projerlo. six par rent (rhirman Barry Olîton Falls' rosi ba ostmatted Ssmpiries toiegit il cas mdpy ci $557,250wcilete SiorOlo, tiree par ceola the otail dam 15 a $104,004 projert. One bondraid par cent provincisl grands are SeIng meugat or SocS Oiree par cent) of the total projerto. budget. Mr. Ssiopiries saldt Oie l3oring Oie budget dismiSelos1, administratona rosi cas *'net or! 0aii0 momoeesaOoo Geotf of im.s Kelso weekend fee Up to $1.25 per car The ceetand sd ioidap, ad- mission tee t0 Kelso Conserva. lion Area bas beulnrreased t $1.25 par cr, ethOigi Oie $1 par cr tee bas beau retaloed for ceetidapi Haltes Regimi Consurvaton AsOioritp, opersiors e! Oie 40- acre rerrectiosal rompleo Wur- rmindtog tie dam aie! 85-cre lait, acesderednalean addtloel par-persesrt carge for usu ofthe Kelsooctimmtog pool, Set gave up citen the entra ad. ST. FAULS CHSRCH of THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA MainoSi. oaioJmesSi. Mîiimtr: Ro- C. A. Nojeer. B.A,. BD' Organit and Choir Leadr: Mrî. Harold udoorm. SUNDAY. AUGUST 4IE, 1968 I0S0 ým-Moriig WorîEip. Srrmoni îiiEjrc, "TEe Chritianini the ome.,, The cogregatieo et Knoox Prcîbtiyirioo CEorcE cll icorshipoîlE sus doring te merlE of Aooiisi Invitation To Att CHSRCH 0F CHRIST Ne. 5Sidrod and th Line Trafalgar SUNDAY. AIJCiST 4IE. 1968 100 a.m.-BibeI Schoid Closs- os for aii agmo. 11.0 .m -Mriag Worsip. 8.0 p.m-PreooEiog of tie ospel. EMMANUEL aAPTIST CHSRCH Commercial Street, Milto Pasor: Arc. Clayioa Coas 078-4473 e78-3542 Te Liird'n Day SUNDAY. AUGIJOT 4IE, 1968 9.45 a.m.-Sunday Scooi. 11.00 a.m.-Moroini Wosobp. 7.00 p.m.-Ecesiog Woratiip. Wedoeday 8 p.m. - Bbet Siody and Prayco Meeting. Nusery aiSumday sevices. KNOX FRESSYTIRIAN CHURCH udjoister: Rmo. J. K. L. Mudoss, BA. 878-6066 878-2652 "O conte lei os wosnip end bsm daman; let s tieel belore te Lord our Matier." SUNDAY, AUGUST 415, 1968 10.00 a.m.-Moing Worohip oritit St. Postes United con- grogtion in Si. PasIes Chorc, lier. Chantas HiaI- nr sonductisa, mltdsiratlve probleems uni, c tee could loeolee ceire tabeoloto aonsideration. "Te pool vas pul Oiere t0 %ep people frout swmmtg in Oie laits," prontai est as Auta- oriiy meartier oies Oie mitijeri wuo reoleced et c meeting se IMonicp. Consurvaioes Areas Adisory Boaird rhalrsas Alesn Wright nid c tes e useo tie pool, or top of Oie ru estrance tee, migtit dlsresrage pool avim- mers aie! forre tiem te usu Oie free tlle oclmmiog croc, whMr cesld pet a bordent or Oie ife- gsard stafai thOe laite. The AsOiority lsrotemplaiog ueveral tmprovementsitoOte Kel- o0 ares. me stffw caf e0 resder ereriogiwo stadestiet- ters 10 commoicle 150 pic- unrivers echi, dires mastiroomon asM a fnrdona Ciaogebmue ci Oio laite swtmmtng ares. taverci tmprooementscreebio plaooed In Oie Glen Edes Ski Club crea ascseil, lortadlngcld- eolng 0f the spper s16 trils, as tocrecued cre& for arifierl sooceiMg, more effichent op- oambon 0f Oie T-bar 10 enrem moicte the rocds, asd lsproo- cd olaSi lgting. Nom.e sergeant t. Milton O.P.P. gt. S B. Wilseon, preuesly sioeiet- ltrirl ,til O,.P.. heatiqoartera 10 Lon taSIR, vin tata) commentd ci Oie Millon O.P.P. detartimeol office onAug- sl 15,11l cas fasneedaiooiap. The cs margeat replaces St. C. J. Parinson, tiocaspromot- aid to the ranit of staff uergeant eie! trnnsferred te Kitchtener Oie -etaao Ci iK. King- mas 0f Milles O.P.P. bas tan In Charge 0f Oie district fore for Oie pait eu rweetis. Miltes O.P.P. rover Iigticaps 401# 25 coi 7 In 1he NorNation altesc Plus the townshdps et Esgseelng aie! Oasagaceps. Milton parti cipates in f ire convention A granit of Milton Flreigtitere MSl Se voteOng Wellandl overthis romlng Cc hoidap ceetand ta participais la the asical resvert- Seson Oite Onttario FlroSiging Assoritios. V. J. Ceusion and Peter Sper Of ilain ae Oie brcai brigades oing delegates for the business sesos. Harold Contenu 0f )£Iton Ias ueing Oce ofie 0f ffri vice-preeldeot on the boasrd of irertore. Deputp Chdef George Bsoip a v-sC-arr.dg i Mîltes are SotS patit presl- dents 0f te gresp. btuton's astiqse 1922 Interne- duesl lire pomper Mili opeot Oie ceetaod 10 Weiladcm par- Orîipato 1n the Mig Meippr- ade. Marrtdng fSreEigtters ere elâiarng Oie Seseltill Pipe Band In the parade MISh a marraing eotrp front Oie Hu bjter.^Il District FlreSighters- Assout- cEln. Start cllke At a prou ronferenorn OthOe elle dits mornbng (Wedneelap) idlliale 0f Erindcle Coilege as- moesd details for the sari of construction for Oie maineoileage Couples, aseelsated$4,00,SE proleci. Thecrodaege Mill uervs tho resies c oR indee Peel, plus studieos trountt Quee e eo )feire Teronis. The esupesMlu ds mi ihs Streelselie Road atout three miles mSt e! BseletIe. --Stores are taistilb mii- nommer "Iein Milledits ceet. --ailp rmuios are Se- Concm m Plosepovle eci pser. Tbare appantt le an Incroe -of amilp at-toabars la th1e Mm ilà ea pmr. CONSTRUCTION BROAN on the fis h aeoth rnswr et She Fulton Street plant Monday ii oedcntuto wiII, e finishedin Novemtiebut ihere issa30 weemoitiq pariod for some of the toeks. Eveotually the pcmvig station et Woodward Street wiii ho elîorinated, bui the flest phase ous goes a er an theo Flon-OakSi corr (SaffPhoto) Gravel hopper fails employees escape inj'ury otortimen aI Duatesntn Quarrtes ms the Tocn loe earMilles sacapai Iojucy PI«Y'iern cbeo a 30-ton gravaib=pe craselid ta the greon, poably, foiloclng the bamping 0f Oue of ls eupporte SP a troc,. There vesao veltirles or emptopea oser ciere il teit. Company officiels are inoesti- gaSing lte cause 0f Oie cailapso, aie! are tarnlng op idoas tan lupronements 10 the proes. The Mn testit a sasSer ci feedtng bells Mth il citea it rame dowo* mod tbe remîliog stoppage 0f oporannens rontinuit mver Oie meeotae!. bp tlie Moie!ap, tioncier, the maruerp us grioilng est tons et emspmnent for trucaing arros the provinre. Custouers et Doiterto 10,cr- ries noOrodi no decreaselinoper- ation elnro Oie Companysiemply SegsSr deactagfrou tts seti-k piles dertng Oie marMorery sbtis- don. --Triere cas o omeetingof Mllton Coetil mis ceeS. --mhe cosmos oueddistrtmîed MISh 'Plocers 0f Hope" cent- palgn maierlal ecrbier dis pear are begmding ta proisce beautt- fu1 blooms inamaop local gardens. --The Cancer Socity la sOill ueetong volsotee r ivers tblaSe croc patients ta Toronto or Hin- lite for trecîmieats. udre. A, Mocbray and Mms. A. Soif are organizing drtvers. Authority eyeS Bronte harbor investigate land acquisitions A romttto's ropoaihe plalood the CooservorionAutior. for the Authortty t0 mote the InvestiRate teade! osistion ln yle y' largor base for r&silg parciaue. Breste Harbor areabrsgtiiEko Eonds (sic ce provincial peste) Aulhorfty mamcher arei E respoos et Moisly's Juîp cmiii makte Il more feaeilie dieruss the proposai iaer. meeing of Blallon Coneervation vin Nulms ClubSsitdi ambition see-ya scem t am turtln ogte 1 toileCreeionryCu between Eserrca Si. a&M The Qseeo Eizsabeth, Way intoaparti- OPEN FOR MEMBERSI4IP lae!; aie! the Oallvllle Partis - î-$900 (Ns lellllleo îeel Bard e! Management appeartil pAy AS YOU PLAY t0 saggest Sie AuEiority attempt îs Wedy t0 porîliase a marins site at $250 Weekeeds & Nelldaye the mentt 0f the brot lierbor. Juselast ceci, the Aothorlty'e PoneO 878-6701 lae! se adoleory board an -_________________ sessrodl il vaa toterosted In Oie Broote Hlarbor airea, chere nmy tanoocere oa payisg taxes on Rmo br:W foddln 0la bewllUng Re e br eHave Some-Dy t0 titre their prcperlles ovor le the Asthorlty for preseraioe. A massive sotteme t0 vaire f ai Lake Ontario oorttiward t. P c -U . D lv r the Qseo ElisabeSit Wap ose ON VEHICLES WE SERVICE restemplated, cih a 'Cotisr- vatloo PeodaSes" umt op te admtoisier the plau. ICharcoal - RegUlarly $1 .10 par bag - Thc aoominrement prompicied t0 appear Moi!ap t0 saillie Shi Firs Starter AIao Avallable proposais. The Optimiste are I leoelou lands owoed bp the B.P. Motor Shampoo, Reg. $4.75 ...Special $3-85 ek Cead Secolne eie Undercoating, Reg. $1 2.95 ---Special $10.311 cmi oo tl..C.A. ai! Calille Clean & Simonize, Reg. $23.75 Special $16.50 Cesocil aEProval, aie! roidln Waah and Poliah, Reg. $8.50 Special $5.9 consrvation aind recreatlon lein ____________________ the partielle. Club, prosident M Brlan Kilng caait for gidanre IOPEN7a.mf. to 11 p.m. aie! asesisace" fromt the IMondaythroegh Saurdly Authorlty. The AsSiority Mil l appoli Pro of lis oommitte il.. o1 p.mn. SUnday rlirmen t0 c Joint board 10 disroos tie malter wiii, the Opimitte partis osart aie! the 1000 of Calivilto, but iad M I T N E S no ipicima absai Rrs.oEoR an Cerer Maie and Oetarie Sisa - $7"" as s s i Immediale eoproval in prinriple. The Partis Bosard eoptaed the prenant saloup ai Oie Oresie opt r lassrw ad feor UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! 11I a maries aind the partis ioard ophernies a piilr pari, on au- UU otrcrel of lesait croco [R N EXACO laie!. 740 tie Croco Aguets Corp. vants t0 sail oit wet (FORMER LOCATION OF WARD'S TEXACO) parcels cnd Oie board vas iopiog te sagoticte c parotiase 0f the MAN ~ Cerner ai Mals maries priperty wIi an ey0 t 443 MAI ST. future pubtie usu. Board aluin-anOtriS& ltrator Wiliam Batemai s. II Mainsals "l TIIIACO QUAUIY UNI of M@M.Rglealsk surning Rectal lIcli IESE LS AuMCAI Relieved In Minutes LCNEDCAS""MC NC Exelsiv elfils OSutisse Rlis et.i As It CAR AND TRUCK WASHES ghtieti Hmmhreiti. !f jou mass aitistSr relief frore LUBRICATION A mowedrsac lti ory *ai MAJOR REPAIRS Eesnd s "sque tieU is ei dEnt promil relioevei the bueoîog itc an p.n-ctullyshrn * TUNE-UPS ti.rehoids. Ttis substance has eaiuishooe to %rodoia ioitrltri- lie mite of ieotin. lis îrî-kilis Ufeeaiselssu preoinn FREE G REA SE JOB 1. case stlr caso "'m'y strilsg iopoomoocs ocîrd, -orn With Esnh il ane! Milter Change aioooocases nilong adin. And Offer Oood Poil dits iprirereiri was msieied n"apef rrtoithl AUGUST 31, 1968 hisivu giii»ertd yiiri- eilesosiet oli. subtac tisair. Nom Oio-i)îîe is altérai inMN 7 0.m- tO oIl PlnMs DAIIT oieOerl nd usit.,i~ forteNLUI oatied Prepaeston H".A for la ONUDN SUNDAY nI oSt dise :Or-.ation or I AT McKIM HARDWARE This Week 4 BARBECU ES TO CLEAR IWTAE ONLY M EACH 531.TN cKIM Hardware« & mon$49 260 Main St. E. S-22 MILTON 878-3272 YShowr Tmes ~a w Son. titr Thurs Pr & Sel 7 & 9 p.m HTHEATRY Sel Matinee WED -THURS -Fil SA? -SUN .MON. TUBS y JULY 31 te AUO. 6 OQUESS WHO'S COMINO TO DINNER- Color HYKATHRYN HEPBURN -SPENCER TRACY E 70M TNUMS BROTN R - C rie, WED.-TNURS.-PRI.-SAT. AUO. 'COUNTRY BOY" -Color TRANDY ROONE -SHEB WOOLLY "SIGNSUMMER" - Celer RAQUEI. WELCH f. 1>N I. f 'p . .5- MR. FARMER ... WE DO Custom Baling AND PLOWING Book now tei meure apecial rates on your crop Phone 878-3454 G. S. Hiliman ENJOYII witE the HELPIN< grandfo' HOmme G Ci i ¶ .O sl Phone 878-6043 ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE No. 1 Ontario NEW POTATOES 10 lb. 49c Pire Wtile Homnegrown Cauliflowers 21 c per large head Golden Ripe BANANAS _ 2 lb. 25c AIlan's ORANGE CRYSTALS ..5 packs 89c Kig Sic loy - bave lic LiqUid DETERGENT, 32-on. bordie ... 59c C.P. Mary Lou Brand MARGARINE. 5 lb. 99c C.P. Tendierflake LARD ... 5 lb. $1. Vachon RASPBERRY JAM, 1g. 2-lb. jar ...45c Lean Pork SPARE RIBLETS ........3 lb. 89c Maple Lisat Pure Pork SAUSAGE ----_5.1b. box $1.99 Treeder Plsesp CHICKEN BREAST or LEGS ---------49c lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS .............49c lb. Thrlft Rindlese Sllcad Sida Bacon ...2-lb. 89c

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