Stmange hees findua home For aimose three decades Dong Ieslie of 1096 Derry Rnad Lait oser iorohy fias fleen worbieg &round tlees. 06h51 occorred af bis beme Smt- urday, however, was a ref ats; faroas hie i concerned. Mir. Leslie leait is frocS, Inaded wiffi emoplyie, bo ines, ait- ting ini fie yard oflfe fie went tu deior waier for fornby CGardon Party. During bis absence a fligif of fiees, esffmatedl ai îuroued 10,006 flew oner, noliced the trock, andf eaihied Ilias their oas bomne. .fi's the firs lime 1-Ne ever uaeo sirange tees enfer Ohe hives,"' uid Mr. Laslie. lie plans fu put his nefi fockte ,sort: mabiog honey In the flicS yard. SOMITIMES 1.7 IS DANOBROUS. This youth lice, cis bike duccuq the rccs Sunday. cees taken c, hospitlI cih lacecotio Io the bock and mineor ecocido hen c 0e s to hrocc (Staff Photo) AFTURTHE IUTOESDOWVN a winnerem- dicicrck duiciothecraces sponsoedby the enges from thr peck. As ccoey os 20 je a Yellowîockeiî of Gceio on peck eed someimces more eooced aoocd the (Staff Photo) Thrills, danger, excitement at local motorcycle races About 200 people iurned out someofithecaces adai the c..od anyhig morethan miior Oiicday bn the beai ni thie &fier- siccd icy cake snnec oiihoiccecc cuis or croIses. He s laken cuc toiess molorcyclo mec- Oicy leu sieciailcs alcîsi watt- 10 hospiial by Si. John's aller lng ai lis bisi. Before the &fier- ibp foc somencîe t0 loi iraioylcd. he had coco ccon feom b1s noon wouto.iioas dficlcctn Oooiccr,ucnly o eron esl -cycle. se ohero Oie tick cas, loi aJoue Oie moloccycles bicliose ausdir rc odOc<. Three qua lify for About .75 eiders cnteielg sccoi dliereni clssses, eed aocut e i I 35 l D r c Oie diri iflck while lÇect&iocs p c a 3 5 l r e waichei firoco the 510 c Oi e brak oie framic h tp of a hili. Thcco Milton racers qualinfi Ic thc second Ocit L. Thrlog Ofany ofi Oiee catatoc0cece foc the big 35lap spccialfor thc mcccli front 111 lotio aOtird female and ciad inbikinis. hobhy claso ai Flacicorcugh Sat- placc ficnish. W. Thebof icovcd u rday oighi. Wayne Howcdec fcom ococoih to hled on the Tho moiorcycle races oerc siarieli 14th in thc 35 îap race Ohi1r hcai aod Oriso bicDuife in iedlona rugged opencfield off an dcoveio seciond piion Oic GreccOornet cooed from il ideeoad in Esqusolog 9.0t bioro ho bloc a ro4 ced lif eighib t0 second spot. oorOi of the 40l Olgboay. Thc Oic race. Howdenccaoolccb sfic. siaring mect IREasnrganized by amotor- 151h. cycle club, the "Yoiloclaclieis" Orîso Mefloilo, obo ali cpal- 1 n the conolation, L. Tbciog of Gueorgetowno. iiied meti a slccîlar faie cbcc siaricd lOib a" fiisi.ed nbcOi Preidet WyneWaton hcbs mooc haicdip adheas and ussel ovedirin cghb FresleiWyc lic ucahl to fnusc ice race. Wayne to secciîh. Oie 2l bcier clubO, cld Oie T hriog the thirli Milto race tu0 P. D. investigates smashed windows pool shenanigans Mion Police are stilIinvesti- gati06 the sensefesa smnasig of Bru ce Sf. lichool windoyws re- poried io ihem Joiy i. Aller recoloing ce anooymaes phone Uip, police discovered 11 windows eoalualed ai apprixi- maiely $50, had been siiaiOered. Po11ce Cief Androso attributi- ed tie damage to vendais foebieg for "encliemeni."1 Anoiher mraiter wicl lias benu firougui 10 tiie attention of the force ii saime oii-of-reasoo bolsierou sess ai the swlmmiog poof in Roiary Park. Descrlbed as maily the dol eg of older cidron, iiiere has bien dangerous poof-side horepiay and somre roigl isgoage. "The pleasure of a msjorffy 0f ceimmers siioiid ni i Pol- ed by a tee,"1 Cief Aiiresa noted. Ai the discreion of pool sup- ervlsory staff, offenders cao ie susie nded from usiofi Oie pool for a penid of dime . . . ecen permaneniiy. More safety req u irements Reports of neo fligfisay Trait- lic Act content were recelced luis week fro Mi lion defaco- ment ni the Onario Provincial pouce. Under the amenoeoseffeci- ,ve nepiemiier 1, 1968, tarmn iracioro and seli-prnpeiied farm lmtripemento wlli, when traveling on a highoay, have ioowear the raid ced orsnge 'slow-moing vehîclo"' sIine rorrenily used on drawn iImpleicenis. Thc reviions also, proiii aoyone Irom traveling inblse or boai trailer wheo II b pro- ceedbog along a ighway. BE SURE I878-6952I BE SAFE I CONSULT A MIMBER OF THE Brampton Real IJUST s29.51 Est uts Board F ose sceamble a yeae as ccli as Utile more mccess. He siarird li % negailslng Oie Onario Champ- in 14Oi spot, moocd ilihe tronc looshills. Cyclisis troai sfn Or of thc yack snd 114 îoe ailr Uitebid States ced Canada cocn- but 100t his leaf colo ihcy called q~t peir in Oie scialeneiit. a re-ssci alter an acident. U- For cach ciass boere was tcc Tcricg 100k Oic corner nidc heais and icro the final race. aind dropped cufuthso iein the0110101S Classes oero henken into junior, fioishc.FO THS senier acd exert for the 100 Orlal Oussel lied hi, car in THE C.C. and the 250 C.C. comytil- tcop shape îl e 1rSieLisea oighi BLACK MORSE ANTIQUES COLONIAL-STYLE BRAIDED lices. The final rce ced Oic races. Oc fibnodcd s1010 In thicI U S 6"x9 bififesi of the day naseope 060 rsi Oral andhaid cngco Oic th RyThe MillPond isLR G -6'x9 race for bibis ocr 250 C.C.'s. bicS if the yack sfier hI ha n DVMc Ges As many as 25 bifleo eiicrcd accident. ______________________________________ ENGLISH FURNITURE V,ctoc or China. temps, -~CHINA - GLAOO - Potfery. ror JUST ONE 0F MANY BARGAIN PRICES MUNTINOPOINTO UZAB5T DUIONAN HUN0IV. 22 - ATO 202 Margart lit. Mik.. DURING JUNE DRAPERIES' Prescriptions M.2 CO 17-41 ».17OPEN DAIlE - AREA RUG SALE. i ~ 4 ,, ELSLEY PHAMAC WINDMILL INTEIRSORS- ro ll W. w il bil Blue CrOSo , Greecn Shield, D.V.A. on the Ceccpbeimuiie Rdi. and Wokmen sCompeoalconCloim Miles Monis of Mwmssei Raseseasc and orken' Conpesaton lairis Piesa. Choice Canadiena, Ergiish China, Pressed Glass, ùirectly on Youc Behalf. Slber, Copper, Fabrc and Framing SYM13 MUON MTNRS 87"4492 ID 212 MAIN ST., MILTON Opaq - Chieed Sandape ______s'il R $ tc S Regular end Summer Weight SPOTSJACKETS~ L2'5 luOFF m 200/o OF * Short Siseve Sport Shirts BY ARROW - TED LIPSON - CURRIE SCasual Shorts * K(nit T-Shirts 6 BY .IANTZEN AND STANFIELDS SwmWear 1/3 OFFi SPECIAL Mid-Sumnmer SALE MADE-TO-MEASURE Suits From ýHouse of Hobberlin Save up to $40.00 - $89.95 IFormer Values fo $125.00 THIS US A SALE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS ALL BRAND NAME OOODS 1 M SALE O SUITS Special Clearance of Me' Suits 250 AND Summer Dress SLACKS BY NASH 0 17.95 10/0.F o$2002 W'u L ET T AR KETLL us Fil! Your FREEZER WITH ISIDES AND QUARTERS 0F BEEF SUse Our Budget Plan eon Fraeze Ordonmi HOLIDAYS h- THE OFFICE 0F G. Krantz Fuels SWILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS JuIy 26 to August 19 " e For Service or Deluvery During This P eriod CALL