Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jul 1968, p. 7

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ITED rauted. Phone 8cl2-2608 ýo core for 2 bomne in MUI- 6. 8c12-2586 lady. booso- for slderly cooveaiesces. 8o12-2591 for Septenm- ag mollser or Scbfldren wel- pion, Bon 297. OC12-2550 ail cblldeen, ework. Oses off. Cali 853- 8b3-399 wchanic a include boa- geoup insur- orking odil- -2355, iosky cialient. or Sales MILTOyN. DRIVER le of driviof moad tondems er 25 yeors of e $2.45 per orpony bene- nt Feeds Street DN £EY TO A BIG AIL TOI3AY WLESIIH CO. 14-NY dosîreol, F. n iolerested in ous Romleigb aisa I me FREE and cotolog lails. Frov.. 1TRAYED Heslop Rd. se. 878.2736. 11e]122613 RENT )ROOM apart- Seplember 1. 13612-2583 prment, avail- Milon 3icn OT WATER froc uervice' sien 878-2345. 13or1728-tf by Ch. ureehi iLook now ai E Trullers. 878- 13C2091-41 tprtment, cloue suit business Ires pIeuse. Av- Write Bon 298, don. 13o12-2615 RE AN9D EANING HINE hfurulnour and ot on of on es.Sipet 78-9094 Uc0 I1 )NII GUIDE fasnisbed ot- Lake, avoulable cool. Pbone 878. 13vcl2..2579 r tent, Sagas d diatrict, open cfiOerator and dy bcacb sIld a. 794M1. i3on12.2007 Wrliec RAY PATCHETI 7548 6th Uine. Slorby for brochure, or Phone 878-2227 13st-tf 14 WANTED TO RENT PARU hy te end of Auguul. Streetuedlle 826-3614. 14o15.2546 A PIM2FESSIONAL couple wisb to cent a bouse in Milton0. Plense sond porliculmorfn ac- comsmodation to Box 296, Cans- dion Champion. 14012-2547 EXECUTIVE type home de- sired on a rentai busia, any- urbere witbls areasuervlng Mil1- ton High Scbonl. 58e desire a 3 or 4 bedreom home. tlgal OP 10 $20 asoeshly. Wrllo W." F. Murray, 18 .tlighview Rd., Bar- rie, or phono 728.4246. 14013-2575 15 PERSONAL "BAHA'U'LLAH" 0ne handred yeoru ugo, one Voire forecast tse sprital beokdown nom alfliccingou crd - and gave us teaolu, lion 10 il. The series of oveats Ibaf ssrroanded t601 Speaker& Oife cosliclo the mout romark- abie uIory in mou's spisita biscory. Il is the s10571of Boita'- n'laht. You oure il 10 yourself WRITE: Baha'i, Box 164, OakviIIo, Ont. There la ns anat or obligation. 15o.Ut 16 SERVICES BASEMENTS, sttics snd gar- ages clessed. Robbish removed Reaaonoble rotes. 878.2213. 16c222-d S.ptic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRIICE BITSS8IUIN I3omestlc and Iadualeint. MILTON - 878-669 16>1c Custom Swathing STUART MCFADDEN PHOONE: 879-2639. 16c-l K & R. LUMBERS Corlified corpentry and gente aiconîraccing, remodelllng 5 teralions, e. rooma, trilI wor MILTON 878-9957 ACTON 853.083 16038-l Furnituro Rostoretion Crafîsman reisîhing. uphî stery realring. Antique sPeol cal. Fhce estimate. Pick -u as delivery. 1-519-833-2210 W. WHITE -ERIN MB Sewing Machine SALES - SERVICE RENTAI FPHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centr 12 Msrtin Street services and Repsirs On ail makos of sec-ing machinc 16e ED. MCMULLEN Contracter a Comoent Floues, Sidemulku Stoups a Chimoey & PlaslOriItg Repaies a Stusco Work aFireplsces Phone Acton 853-181 ltoOf For customa combining grain and cores. Mlo bslng. Strase and bey. Ali resnable prices. Phono 854-9964 RON WILSON 14013 CUSTOM S WA THI1 N G Arrange Now to Ensure Service PHONE 878-6338 16h15 BOB'S PAIN11NG INTERIOR - EXTERIOR - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL Peo Estiases 878-6516b PIANO SERVICE Expert Tuning and Repairs Mel Winslow MILTON 878-6572 14013 DEMOLITION and TREE REMOVAL 13S SUMMER CAMPS 16 SERVICES FLOOR TILING. Picore and OAK-AýLEA m.rooms tied or retiled. Cali BOY'S CAMP 878-9921 or 878-6195. 16cl2-2526 WOODSMA3ISHIF, CANOBINO, adrIeaired Roonuled nBo. WATER S5UILLS & OtIT-TRIFS and rssip . Caoal CMteS Combine giat carmpinga&nd Jones 878M430 aller 5. ventures witb commrnnity ex- 16cl2-2521 periene Sorr, Angot fM1. ltdy op ni oly _ ORDERS TAKEN CLIENTS - CLIENTS - CLIENTS LOORING FOR Small andLarge Acreages For tmmcdinte Action Courleous Service Cai JOHN COLLEiT Harold A. Clarke Ltd. REALTORS 62 Lahoaboro Rd. E., Fort Crodt 278-7223 For Freo Estimato 17e-tf 16e-If Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT Ts.SUBSIDIZE oses e Roc-s, Stone Files, Fondu etc. Large elas romovod. half - peico spp. 58e mQud ho glad te estimale pour Job. f I Watson Bros. Brampton, Ont. Phono 451-4804 16it JAYNE INDUSTRIAL WELDING f CUSTOM BUIIT MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1- STEEL FABRICATION k GENERAL REPAIRS MACHINERY INSTALLATIONS ~52355 Kilbride Rd. 878-2241 11.l 17 REAL ESTATE - FOR BEST RESU LTS COSL A Orangeville Real Estale Board 17c69-I 8Town and Country I-tf Homes PACONI Farms and Acreage D.ad Stock Removal Col GlBSOH.WLLOGHBY LIMEE Repreaontolives Hlgheat cash peIMa for dm6d cOs .~&rci am dlaabled cotes and hors.Aaa AcieCin CALu. OFEWAToR - AuR POt W4 Moin Street Son Zenith9-7950 phone 87190 Zenih9-7950Milon Uce. No. 94RP6 'ma si 17e-Sf Christie & Woods RIAL ESTAlU BEGEUS 189 Main St. - Milton 121,008 full prie, 3 - budroorn brick bungalow, living room, dining axes, itchen4 _pice bath, full basoment with en- tra bedeom and purtly fin- ished re. roua. Tersas. Country Homoe $MM00 hall peses. 4 - bedreor home, 3 -place bath, living rooro, dising renta, hitchon. Lo is190 x235lt. andis sit- uated on a main hMgbc-y. Building lot, Nassagoureya. 241 s 330 10. Asking 520 Building lot. Bsrlinglon. Aaking Boilding lut, Esqaesing. Asklng 15,000. 10 acre lots, front $7.800. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 17c12 J. HILIMER Real Esteo Brokor JUST LISTED Immodiole possessin, Wood- ward St. hoauty. brick 3-bcd- mmot bungaowa wilb large lamiiy sized kitobon, estes large living ront, 4 - piece cersmic tiled bath, finisbed e. eoas milS bar. Asking $21.500. We oun arrange a gondi murîgogoe for Ibis une. $5,500.00 DOWN 3 - bdroom brick storey and a hall, largo living moo and di- Oins rot, family sized kit- choc. allacd garage, full basemesl, urithin 1 biock ut dumnîon Miltos. Aakinf $23.. BACK SPLIT Neurly decorated 3 - bedrouo bock uplil, L sboped living and diniog rooro. largo kit- chen, parlially liisabd e. rourri, lsndsaped loI backiog onîo parklasd, neur brosd- loca included in prie of 123,500 wilh $7.300 down pay- COMMUTER'S FARM 100 acre, muaily morboble, 4- hodrosas homo, bank barn, outbuildisgs in good repair. 30 teileLsmosl of Motro. One of the hst boys in the dis- trict. Asking 942,M0. 6 acres, Is Nsssagomcya. pOrIly wooded. $8000. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c12 SmaLV >mar Help Wactia problem by calling 878-231 ichampin clairiBcdL 17 REAL ESTATE 10 acres, 41b Lino and Lower Bs, south ofOmagh; 90 ocres of rolling land ih somoebush, cor. S_--les Mnd Bell Sohool Lino; 100gocres, 23 Hwy.lh1himil- eu soutb of Acton. sondi boild- iogo, Ibis peoperty bus appros. 35 acres of busb and bas been ased as a game farta, ideol for club or business. Coli Bill Kelly at F. Bertagnolli Lld. 2479 or 247-6939. 17c12 55 Yeas' Continuns Service Messber of tbe Toronto, Ontario ad Oakville - Trafulgar lRcal Estale Bourds Cali BOB McCtJAIG 878-9543 17c9 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS lu One MaIIeof the On ate af WILLIAM POWFJ.L PROS- SEl. Retirod Faormer, lte cf One Clay 60 Toronto Iu One Conuy of York, ifoeaty 0 One Town of Bauugas), ta One Coumly cf HaIanu), de- Al portos baviag dlaims ag- anial the Estateorn WILLIAM POWELL PROSSER. laIe of the City of Toronto, in the Couty of York, deceased.urbo diedn or about the lOch day cf PoS- esary, 1968, are beeeby notified 10 send in lu the psdersigaOd Perasal Kepretrucotiva of th said decesd un or belore the 151h day ut Aogusî, 1960, Sdil particulars of Ibeir dlies. las medialely aller the said dote tbe said Poraoaal Representa- tie ilI distribole the usswstt of the laid deceased, haviIsg re- gard oaiy lu the dlaims ofc-bici it shahl thon bave notie. Daled ot Miltoa. Ontario, Ibic 2ad day of Suly, 1968. HALTON Os PEEL TRUST Os SAVINOS COMPAY. 282 Lakshe Rd. Eaot, OAKVILLR, Ontario. IBp Its solicitors, SHARPE Os NICHOLS. 19612 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 55th Rockwood International Consignment Sale FRII8AY, SOILY 261k At 8 pa. Please noie the rtmel At the GEORGETOWN Milk - Milk - Milk Offering a quslily groap of fresh and springicg beilers. Don't miss Ibis opportonily tu parchase the entra milk for your qotas. Catalogues aitheb sale. Lunch osailable. ItOCKWOOD INTERNATIONAOL LIVEST0X2 LTD. Georgetourn, Ostsrio. Telephone 8774101.-- Ward Brownridge Licenscd Ascliocerr Faces - Livestock Farsiioce Sles R. R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phone 878-6730 20el-tf For Complote Auction Service CHRIS A. SCI-OUTEN AUCTIONEER Sales of aIl types. Big or saal, l'Il do tbem ail. Soles cosdoctcd ssyc-hee. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Milton, Ont. 20c1MI NO MATTER ashat pou oued. one of ose readees prohably has il. Try the Want Ad page firol. sled sorlh.urost ci Milton. on o besocifally treod lot 208. s 20', cossisîing of large liv-1 ing room urilh broadloum, spocioos kitchen and dising arcs, 3 extra large, brigbt bedroumu and 4-pieco bath. Theobasement issauralk- out milh linisbed cecreotion urot ilb ulono fiepîsc and polio doues. outra bedroom, gantes mot and eoogbed.in Snd bathroom. This home must ho scsu to ho oppeciot- od. Asking $35.000 and open to olfer. Coui Leur Ssles 878. 9136. 86 F. I. AND T. - lcO.storey 3-bedroomn home, entrolly located in Milton, living roota, kilches. dioisg routa, foul basemesl, 60' iondscaped lot, barbcue, polio. 5%6 NI. A. morigago. Friced 10 se11 ot $18,900. Coui Ant Peacock 878- 6447. For Ali Your Real Estate and Insurance Requiremonfo Call Milton 878-6292 Georgetown 877-6582 Memiors of the Rai stato Board, Brampton. 17c12 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND1 OTHERS luIne SnagaIe of VIOLET M, IVE LUICY ANDERSON, laIe of the Township of Nassga esIn ta O Cmmaty of MI»I an, Scarried Wsnsan, damas.- cd. ALL FERSONS bsviogcdaims agsinst the afarementioned Es- loto of Violet Olive Lucy Ander- sou, urbo died on or ahoot tbo 151h day of May, 1968, are e qoed to file proof Iberoof with the uderalgned Soliciîorfortbe Eseoutor on or heote the SioIh dsy of Aaguîl, 1968, allerwmich dste the estolo wiii be distril- oced. honing regsrd oniy tu tht dlaims thon lilod. DATEI3 aI Accon, Ontario. Ibis Testh day of Ssiy, 1968. C. F. LEATHERLAND, O.C.. Actol, Ontario, Solicitor for the Esecator. 19c13 Use - and Read The Clasaif i.d Ada f,. in The Chamapion DECORATINO BEAUTY SALON DRAPERY BROADLOOM * ictuatal ri ludutela * ComUmret R.udy-made Drapas ta stock. For Cusions Servitce CAIL 876.587 FOR MMON SYER M" MaintSI 87&M08 510a1 GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. *Home Improvamne *Renovatioue ri Alteralluua * Additlou ri Commercial or Iesduteta UL 4-2263 WELL DRILUING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTrAN R. R. 2. Milton, Ont. Phonce Borllnglon NWaou 4M82 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Hoc- aond aouA ael bi Loue ArOsu PHiONE 878-9894 R. I. 3 MOaca *Re-upholatary *Auto ltrm *Upholacery clanata *Customo bufit fuiatau F ree pick-up and delBV.y 21e-If Halton Upholstering Re-Uphalsteriog Custom But FumInIlro Chrome Rilehen chairs Rug & Upholatery Shampooing Pe pick-up and delvery. H. JENSEN R. R. 2, CAMýPBSLLVIL. Phono: 854-9939 ZIcIf TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL C A RTA GE MOVING Os STORAGE Local and Long Distance 878-6338 17 REAL ESTATE 19 LEGAL - 1 LEGAL The Canadiae ChOmPin. Wednesday, JuIy 24, 1968 7 For Serccceoend satisfuction Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES Consul AND OTHEISS AND OTHERu ALSEGIS TOOLS - Cralluscen 150 drull Best Reaty l tiFut.. c mm HAit Inthe stae ofFRACISpeesu; Croflumos 10" radial B ~L est Realty Gaslse SlteTARIas aR-l AUCTION SALE arresaw and bnch; Homelite --For chinsw;2MilrFIsal Insurance Ai oiscom g i eus aigcom 1- ILCPDRL steel mitre buses; Beover 3e' 5 aisu tIhe Estole of JAMES cinul the Esîsîr of FRANCIS Onloh mor -ilie fAOL VNSCLaeofGSLSTRltofheM urasng cbisels; opprou. 500 31M i iMilton OnRt L VAN TonofOkiCle, ite Tnof MSlton,II in fth out Tuesay Ee.s i y 5, heuv doîy oiring urilb ste 31 onS. Iils s. Cosy of floo deceosed. of Halîcas. dececasrd, -rho died 6.0sap al;vise; bond saur witb 878-6292 878-6592 who died on or abu the 26îh ono aoteî dy of 15Siderod betem b ooad bnh idrbetsonder; vlb- REALTOR hynotified toued icto the ied tcuedieloufhe oeder. msiles urest ofSecartlownO. ru, bammers, suoares; planes; oodersigued Persosol Repre. i.gned Peruceal Represeololive 100'sorveyo's chain: shovels; 1 __ _ _ _ escociceu of the uaid deceaed cf the said deceourd, ou or ho- Carpealoca Tenu, limisolt uedge etc; 2 tep, lodders; on or helore the 151h doy of fore fthe 141h day cf Augusî. Fsrssiture air_ sIeel sheelharros; lues fertil. COUNTRY HOME SITE - 4Î Augut, 1968, full parcicuiors of 1968, foul particass cf Ibeir ___ ee upreoder; qoanfity nf ocre lot, locoted within 0F' chair cloimu. lmmedioîeiy aller cicaites. Immediteiy oflter tbe 21 co. fI. Beotty freezer; Ken, point etc.; lasco bowsling halls; pronimoîely 2asilesuof Milton, the .id date the soidPersonol .ad dte .ihsiPersonal Re- msore aofoaoic wasber;3 occ- qsuticy of lorge ucceso min- 125' s 160'. Aukisg Price Represeecocices cciii distribate preseo vaie cil] disiribule the sioal choies; Duncan Phyle dows sud uccees etc., etc. 55,080 wiîh S1,58f doua. Coli tbe aucetu cf the uoid deceaaod cuceis of Ihe said drceosod. bas- drop-ieaf toble; 2-pi ece chescer. This sole bos gcod furoillsre Art Peacack 78-647. hacino regard oeiy 10 thse isg regord ooiytute caiss fielduitce; Westingbouse TV;n hpeumnt IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - dlaims af cchicb fhey shali Ibes cf which il shoul Ihes have not. ee powrer cocon soscer; kil- a bpeoiee Sldbikhmo ccyh ave notice. ice. chen china cabinet; doohle con- Oc-mer or acioseer out ras- iid rcke home in Miclton Daicd aI Oabvilie, Ibis Srd Daird aI MilIce Ibis I6ch day mieutl hed; 2 cheuls cf dram. possible for occidents on prom- close ta scbouls ond shopping, dyo u,18. ofJl,16. er;kic suite; saol asll ice o day of sale. consiuts cf living room, kil- HARVEY FRETZ and HALTON & PEEL TRUST & desk; several pieces of old chou and diniol canas coetbi- HALTON & PEEL TRUST SAVINGS CO., glass, crochu etc.; 2 boby ALFRED R. SPENCE. notion, 4-piece both. 3 spnc- & SAVINGS COMPAY, 282 Lakeubore Rd. East, cribs; sealers. 20b4 Auctioneer. loua bedroas asilb ample Esecolors, Oakviiie, Ont. closl spoce, coaspletely fis- 282 Lakeshoro Road, Sast. (Esocolor) isbed recreation roos asilb GOkville, Ontario. By: bar. Priced rigbl aI $21.500 IOUTC5OINSON & uritb berocs. Cali Bob Cross By Douglas G. Morsbal., O.C.. THOMPSON. 878.4892. 235 Cborch Street, 219 Moio SI., ICf-7( Oakville. Ontario. Milton, OsI., TO FIND OUT WI4AVS CUSTOM BUILT COUNTRY Their Solicitor beesia. 10012 Their Solicitors hercia. REAIIY COOKINf5 AUCTION SALE 0f Faratere, Antiques, Dialaaa ame For A. B., (SANDY) MeLEAN At tais residence, 88 Soc-or Ave.. Actn, Ont., on SATUIUSAY. SOILY 2746 Coancing aI 12.30 o'clonk. FURNITURE - Dining mont inef, table and chairs; oMd cab- .,uite, axtns ion fable ipedeul- inef radio; 2 manIai clocha. 1 ai), Suife; and china cabiaet; cary old; cid Raymond sewiag ras wagon; fcroultasd; cane machine urcîS ioiiy enclosod holluas chairs; love seat with cabinet, realy gond; large rm matching aras choir atnd chair, rAinan chair; ead tables etc.; cary good; Bell piano and 2 hodu, drostars, mtrse baacb, excellet condiio;retc. cbosfarfield and cbair; pet il DISHES - Realiy good of- point chair. very old; bail rock; ferng nf old china, dishes. magasine table; desk fable; kuick knacksaetc.; chest folRc raptains choir; Frigidaire refri- gert Brou. silverurare; rogas, gerofor unIS freezer; eieclric mats, beddcog, lises etc.; pic- slove; uid Locomotive eieclric lare leames; louIs, stop iadder washing macie; kiche cab-and many smalliems. Everytbing sn very gon-d condition. Nu reserve. fHosse sold. TERMS; CASH WHEN SOLO. Omner or auciioneor of responsible for accidents. MIAX STOREY, AeclioSer, 20b4 Rockc-ood. Ont, AUCTION SALE Of Implomneuts. Miscelseseos Fue=lr, Antiques *ca FRIDAY EVENING as 6 passau SOLY 2646, liés For ESTATE 0F JAMES IL VAN SICKLS AI the foras, N.H. - Lot 35, Con. 1 N.D.S., sitataîdaon Trmi Rd. I mila aurth of No. 5 Higbuay. Toc-n Linoe of Burlington and Oakvilie. TRACTORS and IMPLEM- MAHURE - Lorge pife of ENTS - Jobs Deero fraclor; unil rotfed manare. home-made traclar; Cocksbsll UNTUE- al ro Nu. Il fertiliser and grain deill;i a FRNITUE chs Hal iror power lift, 13.disc. souciaasfle- )afam)celodams Ailis Chaimers combine, 6' cal' cals; TV, Admirai; coreer table ibmotor and pick-up, extra and roadiegioamp (combinat- gocd coedition; 3-farrow tra0l ion); 2smcalohtabes;l1large up- plour; 2 double discs, 1 10'; deag hoislcrod choir; Mason and culfivalor; soc barreurs; Ibrets. mirroPre dsser; 1 wlrge ing msachine; biador; wagonI -lia anedbox; mower; side rakeuoedrcrbe; caphoord; aec-ing drive belus. gucd unes. chtess chabietrasio; table. LUMBER. hncar;etninab. MISCELLANEOUS - Abut ANTIQUES - Oul amp; scal- *70 sed railroad fies; anvil; les ru (uttfer); sait celors; sugar vise; drill press; ostension lad- bumi; baller disSes c-ifh lids; der: acagor; 2 miik coolers, .1 c-mo giastes; ceocks. jars; portable; large amun of randle moolds; cou bell; books; cblacksmilh's Iola. carpealor's baller Suc-ls and ladIes; louis, mouden planes. pipe vise churas; flour and scar box etc. .c-ith lid; srîlco, TSSMSc CASH NiONT 0F SAE. No m-erve. Sale nmoassary to setsie 051510 Exastors and ascîloamer sol respooniblo for aocidents. Faceltare and diahes et 6 pou. MAX STOREY, Auctisneor. 2Ob4 Rcckwand, Ont. eogue Beauty Salon 85ca,çad Jua Fpor YOD ~ao~- e Cali 878-2461 1lsa wue HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 MM1 iL. Mlton.a CAIL 878-3711 FMR APPOINUTAIN "Modoem oqtspmanl. " Epert sIyIlua onluvav la. 2104 ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAJL ELECTRIC LIMITSD e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL a FARMS Os HOMES a ELECTRIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Charles SL. MilIten 878-9513 - 877-3752 21n4« PAINTING AND DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industrtal - BaaI"ada Iulartor - Extoular Coli ans for Pros Retlastes 878-137 Bon 114, Milton. TAILORINO - REPAIRS TAILORING ALTIERATIONS a"d RIPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WVEAR 2M fuéa e-ical PHONE 878-4472 2104 REFRIGERATION11 K(ING REFRIGERATION INDWUISTIL COMORA L Moera et. Lasctatin or U14rfltaB 85.2228

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