le ou si lhp rOffice h.e Tax ta taike j do so D ta 12 reaflurer Ï0,43 ICE rSiE k for 29c phs. 25C doz. 98c .. 49c pk. 9 sol. fin ---69c lb. ...39C lb. ..49c lb. ss )mes (TON wth te ; HOMES OWR. Al US living ens wîth NLY NOWI you your or design i our con- subirbon IT AD lu a htief eluctticai stotto utedutadai oui houtte saut &large tout ece tit in tht Milton ata. clottitu Ute pole ai Rue home 0f Mr. aud Mca. J. Scott on Maie Si. W., tateled 60 fest along Rt plastic ctitd moel lite and ptuittated tht bick wl aI the pint Rt intial ticacket waahoit- ed on6 Ru te waILl Sitig in t kitchtn 0f the houtte Mca. Scott tepottd tht boit tutu open tht duica 0f tht hitchun cupohuida saahed the dishes and ularttd hacnlng. Floumn calied 10 Rt ace ha! to houakt Ruugh a tectin 0f roof 60 get ai Rue flou Ouat 'lau atndlng cloud 0f smoha ot udet tht sidagit hy i'bRuaions. A talttiaiu louer, ai alutost t sine cocner 0f tht houtte Ruast waa Mit, 'as ooouched but eletical wail pIafs loalde Rue bouse wece tilo'n out. A hugu pinte in laRt Milton Etucgouuu Cemeteci' oas coin. plettli' toapted hi' anothot boit of Uightdag that h46 duciag the maie stocm. Tht toe 'au in t an- dtctltpcd actas 0f tht cemettcy propetti. Milton acta flou fightets as- tingushtd a tira ut a lutded h6y wtagon at 0.30 a.m. Weduimdai' mocoiog at tht facm of Lee Wlk. inteR on the cotuit 0f Rue fourt Uie aud Giueu Road. Tht wagon 'lau pac66d baide a steelarnowhiuh a t battu- ad but6t6e 'lagon tua dcancoyed. ChitI A. E. Clutotut obsetvaid tct'l aaono visibile caute 0f Rt tice bu6 6ie aiattcted toRts- oeha! 6eu tanuiteclo lu the acta. Au tîceoten tetucned tcom Rue ucene tii' eutiopîiuhedoihec haies cf hayi'nl a field on auothet tfun RuaI oetc bauig aithuitt no fice cahbatd66ee tued In. This lucteaud tilt suiciuona 0f tantperiuf lu tht atta&. OUR EAD RS RITE no nededfut il wau Me roia- Wu fot Ont, 6886 se suld nt The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Juli' 24, 1968 3 ed peopleO to u toe a un cit tua"aietuthe aoe metion- conldu.1 proput eifftu tt 669 &P- cdpeoploit Thecefoce Oc uculd _______ plîcatiou. FOR THE FACT 80 fiud il hlcg in the clcht tcy ask- I STILL UPSET nire aout ceupplication 01 TRAT AS ACTUAL SUR' ET 17 icg thecreco,, deptitycece, and Shop ou paewppru n WITH COMMITTE E tepucatîcu, toc wece taid! thit SOT REOhSIRc) ORTOL AN AF- the othet utcttbers of theceacii kcap thc ouýng i our w wuhould filc au application PROVAL 0F SEPARATION lu tic reieursced foct thc ucey pOceloch. sl~ accompuuitd wit & tweuui eF R O THE CCS8MITTEE 0F uts steui, due ta the tugligeuce A am u ç r Si: doar ls wdsarvy cithe DJUSMENT RASBEEN 0f these thcue uhuve muutuued Flue meu Oued for a muuth lu A . O R Aua otwo O i' o l at d il e ail of Rda; uuhtdi' GRAI9TEDIIT AU Rua Ja utedtd utaff fut surveyll 1963 Ou a thelter 36 feet helow1 AsaIUWU nm u u aoythiug. the cltth, Or t lu a sktht Wu'ue bai88 lu the surface cf tht Red Oea. INSURANCE hie, 1 oulu Hâte 68 maha f ylo ut th uctttaty-teaoUt cotact 0106 thes mie people R. udulh.ouect sblivdt ut uh ttuateta a d eto e t ; your appic ao n la duttitd lu Oie peuceat i ci fluleg u r ap- T e h te 0 0 l e i u d O A P t L t L .t dauptast diamay coRRetrltg andu t in idiumay, shochand pluatiju, yci no one of them Edil Nte Sut c e lcthis luOte 6e a crous betueth Oicrced 85 - 2 aadmiidsttatious of Ouer oR- tucry about the Roi' utasted fcit resonesihît etuugh toledutm td icttcc ou the sRaine uet eut of Egypt ad tht Eucupeaat 54 2 7 p' ut Rasaagwta O uhicti ou 'Actt tieh actuallit wr as of ttut ulthtt. teri Oie taRne ocitet, wc ouI oldelt. ... hItlug t.. ittut.ta lu 0666 posiliottil I wcaltl 06610 begOt hi' atOeg that ou Joli' 13, 1968, elu fluuily ouceiutd tht long walted toc of- ficl statttueRt fronR tht Coin- altt of Adutmeul 1(frt t meting 0f Jute 1066) inotming us RuaI ourtapplluatiouwat dtuled and that et mai' ie au appeal 68 t Outacio Municipal Bcaed tii Joli' il. This ptouos hou, teglitt ltttqtonshle and In- efficietthRe admiitrtation Ou, fut tht etpiry date of out offer te puechute 'lau st toc Juc 30. That utt3' important tact, the CoRiltet 0f AdutReut, cou- utcieotiy saw t 80ouerlooti, foc dthi deay 0f officiai. epIy aud tocornmendatlou 0f appual, en- date on the offcrto6 patchast. Pot ttds 'lt att, au a rtaiil, feeling a gccat tioanclal butdeu ted busitess dlscoeufot Tis 655ue cf justice thouid n08 66 petmittcd acf pcaclted Iu a coutty w106 a deoRoutll tetopt This i lusat oui 0f the RIOF raoswar uaggestlog 60 thc couill ttrplauc e hROmbR66 0f the prect coRRîttee w106 people 06001106 betmtuuetotufh 10 66 flexiblt and opeuRlRdld 10 help not hioder, yet be uithdu the houudacles cf planuing. Ri' the 'lay, we have îound to ou gruateut dlotuuy, that the chalcmau 0f the Commltlee 0f Adiostiet conveittiloui oc- oulesth1e postion cf ChaicRait 0f the Ptunniug Ruardl The tecond point 1 wuld 06ke t0 bcbng 66the edllocos atteton t hou daRaging aod coty t6e iuuh cf efficlency the adRnnut- cutlot petsonnel examinte touard Oic auctige ralopayet, fee pay- ers, etc. Foc etuRple, on cadi- inf the Towncship in order 60 IL Continues on I Summer Wear UGONYNINQ NIT the J. Suitt house, Main Si. Wet, via a utoîtue litu post andpulley on Wdnesday of lestutttk. Itsthe puttay ut tht houtu, tiruogh uthich tighîuiog penettated the brich utuli andsitarted a fire ie tht kitchet cophourds. Pice- fighters cut thrugh the roof t0 eotinuoish tht lie. (Staff Photos) Lightning strikes, causes house fire HALTON CO-OPERA&TiVE0- MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYSu. ti AU Siacgttat Oputatatua ladMaduat ot Etuploptu Geaupa ti Dettua Calta pet ati ' matcul utai' due 0f front Finai Vit the yeux. ti Confinemets REVISED RATES *Aua.athettato' Services Muatti' - 6.61 Single *Xcui'a Muuthti 1312 Cuaàpit *Alto Major Mudlitut Mouibli' - 1u.23 Fausili' 630 Day Waltlu Pttutdt Payable Quatccli or Yeatli' HALTON CO -OP MEDICAL SERVICESt 143 Mua St. ailla. Ptsea@usaada mettattuatiat (Ne thligaiati Nae..............a................ tÀis ..................... ...... - iat 878a.9712 ATTENTION THRIFTY BUYERS! You've waited seveal month to purhas a Ike nwcomtpay demonuîtraor, or uen eecutiue drijueccar. The foloveg vhicIesav beeOtt.cd gI8Cîy ocu ervice departc'ent, otuce being licene don the dtes sho in thts Advertisement. W. ore open ta renaaaablu offert, but 6mai that the discunut shtte ore fair, and tactal lve i yeu a law ,,tiuage 1968 ttadal car et treauutdous savnaga. 1968 ACADIAN SEDAN..ý.._ ... ------ ..- SAVE $520 Lic. # J88872, auo., high pect. cug., wchite ucalis, chiomeo package. Lt cnsed Apri 9, 1968. Rale price $2669.00. 1968 ACADIAN SEDAN ......---------SAVE $517 Lic. # 51296N, ato., high perf. engine, uheel dises wchite coalls. Lcsd forte 1, 1968. Sale Price S2,721.00. 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE ... -- ----- _SAVE $775 4 Dooa H.T.,.Lit. # 88992,327 - - nie uopwr teigadbae.ps bton radio, tinted indshield, white uaitu. hcti dic. Licensed April 30. 1968. Our Ptuce $3,531.00 1968 PONTIAC 2 +2 HARDTOP ....._....... SAVE $815 Lic. # 51291N. Eqi'ied ccit6 high perf. 275 H.P. 4 banel t. o, poe coleetifg and speaker. Licensed June 1 i1968. Our Price $3.836.00. 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HT ........ SAVE $710 Lic. 46 51292N. Eqoipped ,ciîh tiuted octedshield, neo to olding. ut poter steeig and rke, ctomrdo, whe wa and de. Licesd Jce 15 1908. Our Price $3,490.00. 1968 BUICK LA SABRE CUSTOM ----.... SAVE $826 Lic. #6 40344N. Equippcd wchh 350, foeur hcccl V-8, powcer steccing and hc.akes, wîhite waolo, ccheel diseus îinted cindshiîdd, ea windec. dctcecter, suoper ture ttct lou custotu radio. remýote control. L ceoccd Juce 2. 1968. Our Pice $3,764.00. 1968 BUICI< ELECTRA 225 . - --- .... SAVE $1100 4 Dt. Hartop. Lic. #6 J88766. Equipped auto, poe slecring and bruites, powcer six way scat,powercindowcustom adio th powerc atena ad rear capeake, wchite nuilo, clicote contrat air coeditionicg, rectr wdec defoggec. temetecota iror. vinyl roof, automnatic teacti telcase. Licensed Micr. 22. 1968. $6,286,00. 1968 CADILLAC ELDORADO ..SAVE $1825 Lic. J8515SAIl tinoocu extrs tucloding climttae cectrl air conditioniug. The most IuiituttoU automobile on the market teday. Our Pzice $8,950.00. Tht ahoce cars may be porchused acith G.MA.C, your presetcar as dlown Tonna ta mit yaut potentael taquirentst. MILTON MOTOR SALES'LTD. 388 MAIN S1. MILTON4 878-2355