2 The Canadien Champion, Wudnesay, July 24, 1968 Brewers, hotels operate again twenty-six day strike Th1e boer etrike la onur Rôdait thone 0f agu have normal accesa 10 Ohir favorite hcum lat doit try 10 mollea home about Il. White the huier ti to flouthrongliet the prvince agil the eauao hae- came crlppledmvtftacountry wlde Pal 0f rIke. Aller butaet cloaid for 0f daya Oie provne'a 350 Brumur's e hall storesuaemeier doaraiopen am mhe people mure usâered lut The toecad îet reportait taeady businass aIl day Thuradas, but mhe HôtelsawerenotaervlceduetIl uirly meat uveelef. For mmen Il muant slmply & asmtch 10 Uiquor or soit drinks, mmie wnt wlitnot and for Oie morkera lmmld 0f course mue se teoreased mageiftormeferief mhe 1out magee durlng Oie alttak. (Th1e inesres amtntedl 10 a 93 cnet pur hoir ralse. loct.edd le Oie agreemeet mis 30 cent pur hmur retroictnu e creasutoiao- enary 1lplussiethler 25cent an heir rais Jas 1, 1969. Rates ner Oie old agreement vurs fromn $2.89 te $3.5 parhor. The MILTON GOSPE HALL 306 Ontario Bt . N . 1762022 Chrîeîicoe goihercdine thc rae eof the Lord JeiieChrist. Lorde Day S0JNDAY, JULY 28th, 1064 10.30 e.m.-Breahiog ut Bread. 12.13 p.m.-Sueiay Schucl. 7.00 p.m..-Gosel Servce Wrdoeeioy. 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bihle reaig. Ali are eloet hs Jesus sii, Iauethoe ay, the truth anei ihcet. Joho if, h. GRACI ANGLICAN CHURCN Milton, Ontario. Rector: Bec. R. W. Fueter. Aaeietant: Caono F. N. Masan. SUNDAY. JULY 201h, 1968 VIt Suuiey afico Trioity f.00 a.m.-Holy Cuommunioo. 10.00 au.-Mattioe and Serono. Pieher - he Recor. Thuooiay, ioly 251h - Hcly Cummucio, 10 a.m. NIGNWAY GOSPEL CNURtCH A local aeeemhly of TH0E PENTECOSTAL ASSIEMBLIES 0F CANAA Pootor: Reci. M. Chcietener. LORDS DAY SUNDAY, JULY 201h, 19hu 9.45 a.o.-Suoiey Schcol 11.t o.m.-Mureieg Worehip. 7.00 pue.-Eeogeliatic service. Weioesdoy, e p.c. - Bible Study aoi Frayer Meetieg. Friday, f y.ca.Young Peopleas A Chuueh You Cee Meire Youc Home A Waro Welcome to Enryoe BOSTMON AND OMAGN BMYTURAN CNUUCNBS Miedater: Biv Sanley R. Smith, BA. SNDAY, JIILY 28eh, 1068 BhCdmaduesa nd RSecday Sdaeefu wm ha ouait dec- Ieng ludy. Tfie ceegrega, lIune u led an wr- ilsip ou Suedepe et 10.00 ams. ln Knox Chaarca, &&i-. tn. iLen. J. IL. L Me- maervàS acrsagd beltwu Lrm ai et. Pasiuis l*0 au» agemeet lIi expire Dec. 31, 1970. Overal Il amtoied 10 $43e000tW for thie total pick- sgit.) For the Roeu protrletors il hairt. Ow'era ofthOe Charles Hotel le Union0 estiméded Iholr lassesa for th1e 10 daya they mure cloaud ai $8,000 te $10,000 le "Sle. Thelr patieece maa tompted aneu fardier mhen lhey lever reeed aet order they vors promluedi hefore mbe 0 rlhe. They ptced theîr order le 0511,11e Thuraiay, and mure premlsedde- lOvery Frlday but1 Il ever came. Thure wax;saime coecere traim a reprueenatl",e 0f uta hrewury about same huer haolog t0 11e thrownouta. Draft huer la aaid 10 huegood for durreueeksawhte 110fa lIedher mIll etay aeywhero froue tirnu t0 six moethe hefore goiag lad. WIi the atrtke o1er and buineas ack t0 eormal Oie managemeet hus placed a pic- turu 0f huer drlohare wli Boîir huer and a si go hales il Oial seitled reead "'Doa' aver leae me uail.e Althuigh there la ao da8llon Indicatioe yet the local coacentsu la prces min go op hetore lolt Yasar. Management of the Mlton Iee had fot caloitl#ed thoir 1oua lat mere clouasava fulfo daysavset huat aba dora early a couple ci elghts. Thelr spoiresas id they huid tu 101e lnai leael $100 a day to muet eopeasea. Moawk Inn came out of Oie aIriko hardly uoarked. What they toat ie tuer 1h09 gainait le lquor. HYPNOSIS is a. "e-ruetffîg recndeion thoe resuot qeile WINNERS IN THE RECIENT weter-eafety poste 'r vier of the cocleet for aucun, eight and nine. ofee dor.af heers of ueeuot. contest et Kelso Pool includud Peter William- year-olds and Wayne Riebot onho took top eoaati dr i.i on freetîs. eson (10, 11 and 12-year-olds), who recuicea honore in the lice and six-year-Old cetegery. Breafk ep the uaOaefRea3u051 hie seaetshirt emerd froue instruotruea Sharon larly by stoppiaf eehife. Prootor. Botîde Peter are Neil McDonald, win- (staff Photo) M&TON 78-3272 1 Yshow Times Sun. Chu Thurc4 FnL & at. TfflHSet. M tuit u THURR.4.PR.*AT. JULY 2526o27 eROUIGH NIONT IN JERICHOe - Aduif DEAN MARTIN - JEAN SIMMONS - (Caler) "iHOT DIGGETY DOGi - Cartoon Mtitîne. - Saeendoy, JeIy 27 "eTHE GHOST AND MR. CHICKEN" 4,000 attend annual Hornby garcien party A ccowd 0ft oner 4,000 people a melcomu froue mhe presldel, flooded loto tforehy Comment y and Oie ceci t mte ageda le- Park Satordiy eteg fer Oie choded iner-danter Barlaa 010f aemeil, gmrdaie party sport- Lue, f0111 singer Jotte Liytoe, eait Wy Rerehp Bell Cluh. maiclana Bateman aed Ce., WIi geed weaOier sud eneit plat Jack Âpre, cemedian Cy huIler progarua, Oie show wun, Leoeird and Litle us, Bfalloe aa cluh prealduel Bort Stewart folk inger Ear1 eert, Mr. etasted, 1"poily the hualgirde Dremueur Bey and Wme BSte. Party pet." Vlne Mmeltferd, mulI-hume Tha Iforehy varlety shan 10t t atteedera 0f slmllar aertas le acteilly paaed oit 0f Oie leifee iis are& eeleriel am soleid 0f gardite partiea as Boey usud te aa master 0f ouremoalea. hae keome le lie ara. Mr. Stewart notait Oie laltlolu mili cont ie te maletale a gond prograte, gaihllg on Oie out- ootary largo crowda Deceury te mia hriait quality eetertiu- met worthwhlle. The evnele qtemed ntO a a0fthai gome resultleg Inttorn- Wy dowenf mhe viIa Se iffild ltim 7.3. At armetd 8:30 Tha Contry L Cmusina altait theprogramt th Bueir contry souet, foUemued Wy If you art Plegcnteg the exact courses and-view thepollution wasa taak the meet-orhm lait dld nt attempt. orh m FThe motioe callüeg fer mater and dirtint frot Miltc onevri byCcueclllor Ib : ample cu; Beb Laaon mdi seondaid W Cotiecîllor Ross Gordon passai Come & V ooiolmcnauily. PO Atteedlef the meeineg mure mmd. G hsthi reenes mnd deputy reevecXuadi i of mhe townehipsanmd Couicilora o r Esulte o Ânne MacArthur mnd Roms Gor- u cf dca 0f BiaaagieyLanmd Boh rHu Liawon i 0fEmpestait aa mel anolea Clarke J. C. Meletyre mdl R. C. Kniî Lindsay. Ra Mr. Sernice man accempaied * raeel Co Wy Albert Fife, bath 0f mhom o rdaC lion hee7ssgamueyaide of Miltoi Helghta. Nlsety pur cent 0f mhe hoisea affectudl haloig o the Emeouel aide of mhe Une. raid ioeday when hier car ie raieditch cafthe latLIte fen.sameya eeft 0f Base ne Boid, the Mllbcadetachmeet O.P.P. report. D~mag tom te c mwu $20. Wudoesisy, a vuhlcledclvneW eeald Finlay Joyce 0f R.B. 5 flm receled $515:. usinage hen Il enteraid a ditch on Be. 15 Iduroid er Oie 7thOUn Lta aloualef. Mr. Joyce gafferaid mfIsed ribs le Oie accident. A total 0f $160f pcoperfy dam- ge reauIted fromt a collasion înolvng 1,0 caca on ttlghmiy 0 hatwe Blghmay 25 mnd 4aaufimeya-EnNaisl Tewe loi Saturday. Bruce RuIler of B. B. 1 Ume- muto receloed & nul te bia tuB 111e, mdl hia car gafeate $200 laiae, white the nehicle omeed by Jack1 Rohuct DremfftPleas- etBled., Toronto, recelned 1400. 900 caff.cted... (Coetlnuee traue Pae 1) Mr. Service alan aatad why a elght-lech maie mcald ha sec- .eoicy if a 10-loch main feit Oie Inire tome 0f MUnion. Ru 10011 îmhrige wli mhe tact Oie tome cual tu11 mater oci0 Nfas- geea mlicalu payleg a cent. Ae i f1nal Oiat Mr. Serce seggeatel conaideratica 0f sle- il mater syatem. '"Thare'a simili mater ceedefg cal of the rosercntr eithOe leterprovnecial Brckf Ce. t service Oie are&,"~ hae teld the meeting. 1'We coudi ceestrect a pump- leg ayeteue 0 ci oieaw," igreed Boute Couller. "but il oaM ha more ecoitomial te tait loto 001110e" A delegatlee 0f Oireu oe preseent froue Milton lfelghts compmsed 0f Mca. John Scanni- aI, Mca. May Arpi aet Mca. Sien&hahirtini, proseee thuer veem 0f Oie pcohlemt fer the meeting. Thaîc qoktesman, Mch Bosnousk. &saoraid hothcor cils a tomttue 0f heoiledge. ablepeople wold tefort!dtu represeet cealdeeta le the pet. loted mell ares. Mca. Somowi interme coieclOora 001t figurea shoii Oicee mndia hall partiona neer home eit i ha crayleine ares "l1-ne gai il childree myself. Oie nid4. Me alse seldîthepret lem le Oie aces. wua prlgreat lvely gottIng merse hath forftue whe heat the 000 taMioud h meUi Uta hursel &M oese mi deepur, hered types. Mca. Bognemski prudlctud O mli Oie eatet 0f "praîtras lne li re&a pipeline mol ani hae sernlcleg i Ue of hons lete Mlton. Sie agid rcide, of the a wacted te eploret angles 10 lut caueions taew'«th aen It', dis tIme. Sme si tl o* f prehiema wi sapidas e tac e ma mus ber oie freit lame eeom Beggy frain me afmanst. Rteenu Gergs Core Vaine ety Bosue 000I Rney, hfh meî tars et mhe casie roi mlitfse proseituai tet look lai pre asshuri If vus flairt pe ut Il U, en tBs deeris 711. meeting gratda math nus f00 rO&thda et saig cM amanost mai00 but Pau fu UitIns00et055ion ab. Campbellville womnan not hurt in accident S, Camphellville eacapel nin- IlION DONALD E. SKINNER BAroh. - MRÀ.LC. 17A Mill Street, Suire 2, Acton Triephonr 83-2740 or lUH..MON.-TIJB. j20 Bîaenek Rd., Port CreiI îUG. 6 A. 4ff SPENCER TRACY CHIROPRACTORS 1 .P. KENT, D.C. - - - -- - - Doctor of Chiiopractie 237 Kiicae Court Cresceet Corer MartniB. ioday eeieay, Thureiey Tomiday aed Fridoy 9 eue. to 6 P. Beturioy Il eue. 50 3 p.m. ST. PAUL'S CHU RCH Phoee 87f.2031 THE UNITED CNURCH INSURANCE 0F CANADA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE Main Si. at James St. ASSOCIATION Mieiseo AutffHome, Protetion-Acci- Roc. C. A ciocoB.A. BSD and Sicoran -PFmly Organisi and Chir Le. Pert LbSty Mmi Haold Magec. Font MiilitAg -ou Milto ThAgRent SUNDAY, JULY 201h. 1968 R. R: e No Kiur11z 10.00 a.m.-Thc cogregotice Phone 878-9741 of St. Pelus cciii wocrelip at Knox Prechylcriin gT The Mutual Lie Chorch iuring rte ucnth -u . of Jeiy.ROETSHT CNURCN 0$ CHRIST No. 5 Sideoad andifîh Line Trafalgar SUNDAY, JULY 201h. 1960 10.00 aue.-Bible Schocc Cloýs 11o.0 .m-MringWcochiy. 8.00 p..-Fioeahing cf tho Gospel. EMMANJUEL iAPTIST CNURCH Commercial Street, Milton Pcclco Roc. Cîcylon Cotes 870.4473 976-3542 The Lcrd'e Dcy SUNDAY, JULY 201h, 1968 9.45 ue .Suoiay Schocci. îlot0 a.m.-Morning oeip. 7.00 p.i.-Eveniog Woship. Wodcocd.iy 8 y.ue Bible Stcdy acd Po.y.î Meeting. Nursery aiSuoicyerices. KNOX PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCN Mieiatco. Bec. J. K. L. McGocon, B.A. f7896066 878-2652 *' contme loe usi orship and hein dowo; let ici kami el uore the Lord or Mutter." SUNDAY, JULY 28111. 1068 10.00 c.m.-Mornief Worehip in Rnoe, cooductei by Ren. Charlea Hcinur ut St Pciiia United Chcrch. Theme. "Four Highwaye ta Oui.- (The coegregatioei of St. Paelas Uniede mnd Boattaue Omacb charrIa. s min worahlp with us. Al mue taviue. Agent 341 Orvilie Roai, Actant Bos. 416-451-3460 Re. 519.53-1527 Ff NERAL DIRECTORS McKîf OIE F uneral Home 114 Main St., Our iSîh your of holyful, 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JONSON, O.D. 184 Mate St., Milton Phone 878-9972 Ree. t78-0678 Teoiya,O 9ca.l o 5 .ue Foidaye, 9 aee. to 8 p.oi. wm6. C. MILLIGAN, 0.0. 111 Trafalgar Rd., Ocknille Office Hocra Daily ieciodioo Saturiay eam. Ceil t45-1511 for appointoient LlBhiAlY HOURS Moeday and Fciicy 12 ooo tuo5.30 Tuedy cod Thuredcy 12 econ 10 5.30; 6.50 tu 9.00 Weieicy 9.30 te, 12.00; 1.00 10 5.30 Clucri Ahi Dey haturday AUCTIONEERS C. H. TIJFIIN AUCTIONRER AND EVALIJATOR Pheones- Rtooed 0"2446 836.4373 10EDN miu1s,5 ONTARIO0. e4f To The Ratepcuyers OF Esquesing Township Due t. tihe current strike of Post Office .aaploy..s, If ls imposible f. mail thie Tex ill. However, the Tex Bis are ready at the Township Office end anyone wishing ta take advantage of the 11t/2% discount may do so by paying their bill at the office up ta 12 noon on August 3, 1968. K. C. LINDSAY, Clerk-Treasurer Phone 878-6043 ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE phase 0n Homegrown HEAD LETTUCE -----2 for 29c- NEW CARROTS.............. 2 oel.o pkes. 25cS Fiesh Lein Loin PORK CI4OPS ------- 6:c lb.1 Tender Plump FRYR CI4ICKENS ----- 9C IL Miple Leaf WIENERS ............. 49c lb. Homes ~cated ut COBBLEHILL RD., ACTON thaving trouble finding a new home with the u have 70 spend, contact us at PRINCESS HOMES our 3 bedroom splil levels and bungalows. Ail s are equipped of course, with spacious living 9 roomo, as well as bright modemn kitchens wîth pboard space. iew theae home. ,O L NNL oe0i0 Y AiCTNG NOI 15.5305 We will give you yGur jIht choice of e>gfermor design state and location in our can- ndu e trally loct.d suburban 1995 DOWN coinpleg JUST SIT THERE Need something, bus donet have the time to traipse around looking for tl? Want to sali somnething, but don't have a handy buyer? Relax! Use A WANT AD Convenienti Economical I Best of Ail - They Get Results Cail 878-2341 - We'll do the work WEL DO THE WORK th dit au ey e ral et cef au1 SUN. MiN..TUES. CKHARTOUMCi CHARLTON H4 "SAC" BLOP> - WmG..THURS..PRI.-SAT.-S JUIT 31 to A' '11*55 WHO'S COMINO KATHRYN HEPBIJRN - "tom IHIJMUS B507 lie p pulîco brich fighte Li( caC otednfi treetl Ahi clothi Mr. i B. MI Oie p poiet edt on sit hait hltch dishe 1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Church Fat 1111141110% m - - m