By Janet Ferrier "ýThon liant crented & ahuain- lyfromt Oie same original par- ents, Thon hast inteoded nita ail belosg toi Oie outre hasehold. tEste aIl, Jet Oie religiooeagree, malle Oie ntillos ns o0nt Oiey Many b as oneiknd, am as cldldreno0f Oie amre fthOeratd. Upreise Oie standard of onnse cfhOsrnohlnd CementOieheariS together.'1 AU thalleewords amourit oon hilng, toie 0f uely toc aL moni- Matd in tourgkls, oorde, aod deeda, fi la more easlly eaild 010 deton, as il as bell proven slcre the begloolog 0f mon Teday ils se en ln an parts 0f Oie wold, in race, color, creed, religion, and genratons. oliere prejidices faite roni w101 Oie fllch 0f a linger. li donsn't toite mochtforacountryinogoieo tirr eheon days; and the ex0mai nit '-lie Oie principal of Oie hilng," te being vonilroisly Our Generatin 168 reproseel- atime toc iis oeek la a lI-yeac- obI fair-year BosivessandCom- merce atudent ei MDB.S. Bore in Toronto, Devtewuart rame InbMiltonseaverai yearsa&go. AI Miltion Distict sie vis ber tissais represesitinve o lb Girls' AOileile Associatin, aise a membr 0f the lunore volley- haU lifant' Ollier interesta inclede Oie drarnn cluk, onlmmlng, tennis, and eelieing records, Upon eompleing lier onhonUng atme plans t0 train as an etrline atouardess. 1n tllkng 10 lier ne gaind Oie folîonlng viowpoints: Os IAqoý i don't file1 Oie sair 0f llqsoir abouitd be as regelated as Il la. flore are a lot of people uho are matuare enaigh 10 drink b-t fore iliey are i1, andi thoy skaiidn't bedenledthispcln- naege. Os Pohlcst= More Yaing pro- pie are becomingltnolned and lotecested on poitiva non, TEe noting age shaild alo b lonered 10 allow adelt-tdnking people 00er il à ehance 10 elp decîde uho 0111 run the country. Os Rteligion: If thore la a God wo in as greataasnsme people say, ohy le there o mîch liardship and aides in Oie vorld' 1 dont thlnk tis G0f nonld aura tlie deatb 0f yung people wo bovevt liad a chance 10 lion Oieir linos ail. Os Ediicat1n The non unt eyntom 0111 b a gond tiing. BN studrntovlin are weak ln only a 1ev aiklecis won't loeàcomplee yearlseoork brcaise 0f 0ev. Biles arn neeesary, laI slionid bi s Uitile more flenxie ralier Oiso bard and fast foc ovecy situation. Ther e a lick 0f onlivel spirit in Milton... and dits might b overcome il Grade 9 shudenis oece ai- loned more tceedom and dignity. As luis, Oeirootes 1n ovoonîetectliacainoiy for mne-haif 0f a vote kv unle r grades' standardsaod same are &froid 10 speiait basans Oeyre "nuw." 4 os Local PoliOics Il lookis te, meolla JOUIl pooiticinau are J more inîerested lluteamick pouter 01ev cati gain thon in total 0109 cao do for Oie people. Tbey don'C mingle aeint tlbr votera encept lise prier Ce aecsa Os Ber CaileMpiieo Thse eidler besnagers iad Irr satoiliezl ire being overren kv la aS1.yer-OeCdenv- hopperoi. "as rail Ooairak- liai 'U Ca bain "aimd Witt desg& Qe prole.a over-usd. Princpas are al riglie lai oIlen Oiey, aloor 0101 pride ond slolikornsa, only lead 10 a vider spread 0f disonitY anI don't nenomplidi monh. la Oie United Staies yai have the blacha aUinst Oie vhiîes., w101 Oie poUiilcal gamte oslngihis prohlem as a meaos 0f promet. lng Ohil polues, diseiptilo the country, sud creaelng hanon vICE Oie sole purpoon 0f greed. Thongli religion lias tosi lis promivenne, te ichurcli le fight- log oleli every possible means te beep control of land, rcera- lion, sud nilier malterlal aspects. If religion donon't malle Oie grade 0f being a perSOoal thiof kv Oie lodlnidualo then tirs nery llhely yon o't in i11 any Place eise. Ton go to durci, pot yonr haod in yonr ponket and dlg rai somne change, drsp t in, and con- aider yair doty doon for aenfier week. Peuple ganter f or churcl eacli Saap, 001 osaiiy for thie pryer, lai t0 o0e wo le there Dawn Stewa rt CEose in power viril face seiortly ts rising prtces.. whicli contl tad to anollier Dopression Uke tEe 1930'r. Os Dregst 0019 eripplesneaed a ereidli. People tale dregs la bide from ceai uce seat toir proluiCemts Os Music: I tbinh Bob Dylan, Jimmy CIo0fcia, Arelba Franklin and bkose liko Ibm e are tEe onoe Ohm reilly speai toc Young people in music t01s9. Os Milton: Aetuîlly, ilton hss eeeryihimg, . . Oiohrels lte, o for tEon ubnuani te. lat Ment 0f il closea ai 10 eaob ntght. The Iont limon enaigh lEst enorynne leeps an oye mn obat every- Oelo ele ladoing. Anyne wo haan't s ear or mny le gel wioylos(. Os Carada; I f001 ve're gmlng t ie bn Ia cealiy aoi gâate if Canada gela lmlood in a var, We're ontnery stronl andwe'Il berght n theoad for nono coming fromtAsia oards tEe States or vce and oho aso'lt there lest veok, 10 catch up on Ohc lovai gosslp, 10 gel a "hbon" eitihe latent fusions, god 10 f101 ont Who la olithiteh. They hear the Lord'a Prayer, ard then beave hy the fr001 evirnce, Invting titeir nighhors 00cr for tes as Oiey g t used 10 b one religion agalool attenter, witli the iheve- lng of pouchles againsi oehothler a coven thiog, nopecipledoo't th10k religion hasaongh toniffr. that il shonld b vorili llghttOg akout. Rure, yon aboutid lot people peay and orship as Oicy pleage, lai thero shonld be tie unity of the ides of tEe preonce of the value or religion. Von don't have t0 go Outindd(ecture yourself, lai oliero 10 Oie ack- oveledgeeieni iliai ilere is mimte concept nf religion andte awareness people diould have 0f ihis bond? There la dioanlî aviono 90- pIes 0f differeni counties, 01111 Germans, Japanese, Clilnon,. English, Fronch# and many more osLionaliliea vslllng vanh other don. ln Canada the veli-kon Frencti-Englidi 11-nson o--on oedlfllculiy &fier soher, 0101 stupldity, pride and polltinslpow- ec oehers preveollol the eelali- lialimeot 0f a beiierCaesda This liroken laond smogi Câada's people leanes Oie country wlde open for locoino aotagoniste wo stîr OR radicals, Young peo- pie, and alynon iley figure w111 ,lsienoteiliem. Aostraitcrackhin a bond is ani I takes te give birth in a complote split. Ton might as oeil liane enery- 1ne ln on te aet, o adolis alod teeagrsareai ech ollier's throats ion, escl in cyo0 prove somihing, w101 tlie mesalt Oiat noone ever procs anrylhlng. Tliey are ion busy being onit- teneieo metcalie ihey lave Eaci geovraion Imitâtes Oie Ciller, ridicules thie o01er, aod yet, olien yon gel right donoi il, Oiey are laili Iveldof for Oie same thing, the ocly difference being iliey are ustng narylog de- vces. If iliey coutl gclilune olili Ravi niher, maybe thero wonld lea slaicr harviny. 0ut heco again, disolivy takes ls toit, ovither gemicatn lias any- hing te, show toc ail Ohir Osck- erlof, name-calllof and oqoavk- icg. Werve 100101 te blaoce OtunitY, 0f eqosilit, 504 oir min self- orili. Thero ri nso perspective vhlo 100100 ai tie wocid and lis prelodices, ao insteadefaunlfied existencevwe have a mish masli ai sleo ohic i s being contli- ouslv stireed. Gof'n intentions oece gond olvo lie creatnd eneryne efluhI, lai like eoecythlog else, the luoman race made a mess of Oiai rise up from the dust tinco Oie Erew atrtbo- over, 1 auppose nobodyl11 mlatoaîatng Oie word "b, What The Front is wontering, Isaia ala soute of the Poople 1n ibis ares? True . . . Il's a lonap pon, laI o0f quitte as lrrtsling as 01e fflOiy 0f anmte parentsa Conarda Ohil homeloun. If onecyme oko jamps aithOe ehance to Oiron rond aI biltion oece to moveouit. teredbli qolto a ghnai C0n tiere. Ton wonder, 1 auppose, ubat Oie diffecence la 10 a Nassage- w0100 . . . aod i ovrasiorally ender mysel. Fient 0f aI. .. ohen yen spond aIl your oork-ueek in s inwn Rai deoelop a eorlainident- Ifleatin wllE il; Ihen tlirrels Oie tact I WAI a cesidenl 0f bilton for about a year le 111k-lt; and befnrc lEnt, front tEe lime I vans io years nid I lined 1n North Brirtiogion, aboutl a mlle sud a bUt from iltlon Irn hall due vent. I tbInk vonu con appreclate Milton wasan awfllo 1feaeier nonili Poner, presenln abus- ing a slight i in attnane and aclinilies 0111 probkblv ex- Renoence lis Oirsi boom siortly. Presideni Paul Fosieramion- ced ai WolbatapL onening's ceg- filer gâtliering TEe Poser plans shnrtly 10 monea 10 nu qoarlers olili "atmosphere.5 fie Frnnt@s nperioee ivolat gond nid T, P. calis "almos- yhere"1 indicaies 10u tahei mono May b te lie dangeon in Drac- ulals ensIle, lat tEe exact location tarit conflcmed yet, Wherener 1h09 go, and 110111l eertaly be ibin bilIon, yen clin bel tEe seven-month-obI or- some labatinre collodion 0f buildings I mily au akout oc every Oiree monilis before legk echool. Snccy about 01e bcing auto- biograpky, lott fi onemed ne- esary. On topofan niht, there laa possitulity 0f the woae 0f North Billon bing onrepi aatde kv Oie Progressive SonOi mRnrching on, if se don't slick togeOior... and Oie tirat lise 0f defense shaild b pride la ohat Oie cai- denta cail The North. 1 doo't pretend 10 bepoliiclR or hlatorlcaity ini tEe bnon no donhe somtinon willi s Eief- case ton1 0f figures satd dates anat natlnes eoutl bave me hahliUng litre a hahhn in dis- rassng IIalton's sitîsClon, lai somne tlinga become gm okvicua mne eart feel safe ln mentinng Oiom. Tale ibis Sonth-Nortli bit o menioned esdlier. In Oie ponat 1l years, Oie lake- shore tona have, admitiedly, moved ont 0f bllion's legeins Theyhae beomethe denisen f Po wer holds cameru hut mnuy mnove te ne w quorters a kosi 0f 01n ihings for yonttl MIinimisa le do, Tby hldMa crmera aravenger liant reeently, iaterbo direcion 0f Dilctcor Niek DiGiralarno. fie okieci 0f lbe aclinlin oas 10 flash abont lbe totn phioto- graphing a aimbr 0f eird ch- iaee fie onge; uil be denri- oped foc thie coming meting. The Power has extended lis Oianhs t0 the spocismanlike culi- sens 0f iis greot Inn wkm, among allier tbIngs. tpeond op tIeir freezers Cm pose w101 chichens reqalced on anme of Oie liste. T/se 1968 Ry Laîiv Martin Touth Front Co-Ordinaoo à cVon may lave notbood t'rs boen a btI oarm laCely. Lille Oie ~ top 0f a conksenve. fie mOse ~ intereaiing ndsng abont a reaiy bat day la the people uboi beg- bilding t. air-condllloradbuibI- ing satd declare op, daim andt Édeurays lbpy LOVE bIlsurd a e-storm&e spaiids' I b cote 10 tape mord thé"i re- marks aud ara tlm toc loce ONU op TMI ITUBT of Chia oneek' eeration '60 copie- playlack . . . gay, bn Janiecy seneCio.Osos Oonce.Os oîeykll (Staf f Photo)eol orng lbe Grogl Mardi ler saaing clib, las ordered teckels 10 ldonlify mombra 0f Oie orgaisation. fie teclata twill bear the nrme 0f Oie chott a oeIl as a pletre 0f thie oeIl- bnoun ubeel-maker froua Oie cartoon alrlp, '*.. * Goed 10 mle Chat a large anabr 0f people aI lalrday's gardes partir ln Oornkv ofere front the pranger set, Tbe gar- des Party ls me 0f thie feus is of rural bIstory seill active ha this iras. fl?~n.EI1mpiY YOUT H - iur Descendants to be irresponsible Hedonists kv Jaont Ferrier Tolsay Oie recrealion world la booming atl poople 0f nIlae on Oie lwohat fer a lime flnter . ohether iley enjoy Oie actinlty 0f not. Tkere's daocing, Party- tng, GIRLS, oltk koozno sud1 lutrin' as a mixer. OnOthe more dernore aide tkerels rOadng qui- etly Ulsterling t0 a record plaper, orowacktngitelnlton; for aperta loyers Oiere's footbl. hasebll, hockey and golf. For Oie ont- dloc type, onlmmio, Sitig, kralting, and liilng are arounat te lt the MiI, Oit as the boaira Osrn loto daya, tle days loi weehs, lto molks, loto years, satd loin îhe 2101 cenbury, olat 0111 the hornan m101 conjure up? Wiik enery part 0f Onr d(teyi nie being one constant burai 0f lilalance and speed, nat 10 mntion o lime for n krealhing spoU, the insigkltocite ToentY- firât century la api 10 revoal a living, plaiare over-reing ouae oorbing ceaily, and lbe daidlity 0f fling onle acîlo- iliea lon the Z4 honc a day nte allooioce. fis impossltullty is skontng Oicaigk today 0101 Oie cemment of, '11 lot donnl kno obre the lime 11ev to.1o or 'l oon't have lime loday, but nonyha tornorrou &iter- on . .. The contnons potttng off 0f someOive Is a faill f b nmus ci everyaime and Becreatton wi11 Increase ln Importance 0101 ail otker huanf ncesaities satd teatieitces drtp- ptng ton aaser algntiriance. To nty ai home ony enening at aIl, 0111 becoreiararty. A dark bouge, a lovbed donc, id lbe continons prestance 0f a hakv- aitteer, ad no lie constder- ilion given, 0111 suiote recrea- lion. Oince thie restrictionsacvecern- generationo 0111 merge as Cour Oiat lslonrecreali,mend the older people 0f ibis ne, 0111 seek rneOiods 0f rejuveralion, 0101 Oie desire 10 gel OP 011k Oieir i las been pointed rat te Mer, partielleOie faut living 0111 scre Oie huain race ofîii lime toto, slowing doon in Ohir aclivilies, easing off Ohir play tiere and devotng mnore Oionghtîa nd0 ef- forts eo develoeelng ilarnielves and Ohir farnilp. BUT Il rue- reselon las eshten mver Oie komnia race 10 lbe exlent vierte tOiagkl las beau exoladed; Osnaodgamea caild prenall 24 hrars a day, evecy day. Ilecreaion Is a Unl iIn a chain, hontever. Il people pot forth ail Oielc tUnie and encgy foie plae- lire, oliere loin tbey fiat ronrn foc oork, ohtck i 0r Osuapplies moony foc Oie suppnrt in Ohir maierlal hilnge as oeIl as en- sire play 0111 cha, part dop& coût tie deyi feus the 'er' for Oie: The lt il lty i ain igaan leeiry âat hislllng, lastUing,b rli Amertra . .. and have à l fkt to b very prrad 0f Ohir en cornpllhmeois, te] Tbhel Otint fairerai ciliiena Ou ibese municipal gianssooliad id, e mlisfortuon to bitld 0 nnrOi lbe No, Idhghoay êtreuvoeder- g lise uhere Oiey belong la obahly jent a side-effeel 0f ogresa, Wh1te fils funto onrse 'T10 outh' satd nompîsie akout lnateg e eonnlty% rural ldentity, fils io faille. Te preserve iis IdentIly, or ave nv chance ... pride ln the A main coovcei 0f cesident nti-nnrOi Claloncas la the laeh f ihinge for Yonng poplei (May- aeenold pople) tedo . .. ard nrooeone even ven s fac sale ay Miltn sa encllecton o0f burcttes, baises and onrvie stations. Flne. Let's goto TonOiPou- r, or Thorls Whbela, (tliv nu ollerahating cluk) or busting Union Arera, or Mohaok Race- îay, or Kelso, or Vietoria Park, or Centeonin Parkl, or one 0f he blf-donen gol courses ... and diseuse IL DO Yeu fmil Milton is a non- aceUve place ohere nothing of onseli mportance gons on? Those Sbot Raiîon tona Rai ny o moeh have he printîrge eaeh monOi or ofatseodlngito 0f ibeir bIgbent-raohing men 10 MilIon . . o hîchin1 case yon'd forgoieen . .. la thie cainiy ton. We ARE à collecion 0f boos . . . soute 0f tliem atraigit ait 0f Comorcon w11E gloa and steel &Md cninced nton-oork, and semte 0f ihom great eegoni margions onst a trfine amaener suat les decoralivo thon Oie oniek-puklicised estâtes buIh it Oie same lime in Dixie, U.S.A. <mayle C.S.A.'). Receotly, Milton os graoied nictory in a lovg bitle 011k ced tape and nmbtiousnemiepalltios andiasoaresiltoeave ineres- ed ptentil industriel aras p- preclakiy. Ton msy be loalified in feeling Milion oas geiling toaC ln lbe rai-race for à ohise Oiere, han ioyons woocsayabis anoon Oie verge 0f a boaiideo om lise tonit fetos Oie falets. fils a great tonn en line in... aod s greai town t0 linoe nar. flore are, 0f course, yonng peoule oko rugc ait 0f bown Fcidav Mda Satordar idgks. .. 10 the krigkt ligkis 0f T.O. or on 0f the libeiboce taons, lai Oiere are )set as moiiy wo rac 1n ftacorn her paits... nvecioyed le mile use of01e saume aelinl- lies local yotvls havennverloned. lia bord t0 ay 11, folks, laI fi lonks lIks CEe nlder reaideots hayo balt yi le, lbe draw on Ouas rounat. AI lbe Annnlation oolaktralioo a mnoi ov ai ligo, crer a Oion- sued jarnred lbe arera in ce- rognition of Mltonla Great New Secoat Rleich, or uhalever, Wbsn aretlb reallp 0101-il Young peuple et11 irisam gatng le catch ai? ng tbem le soeurs Obia de- 0f bast amd lonsle livng. A *diarefard for Oils aspect k) 0111 deflatly atter a groun 0f fue, lat people as arelii bend Opa lage 'ge accauit, a fast Pare le iel 0101h Oie bast endacaW tri from Oie premiae w101 lng to show for ail Oie gond t Oey bâti. 'tk commnications Osglily elnpod, cm mlgkt decide te a rp toternoeo ad a muiner plaonis. No longer nigkborng coanties heMd fascinationo0f tty. erliopa kv 0118 terne dancing te b ulia parltoutrfultdof ore sidel duel. RechaPa Oie owdl 0111 dlrnetd frem l11h eaay accesa to orething amusoneent poople igkeloge cr createvlty aod estkosiasrn. y 01l offedt recreateonhaeded hremt on a silver platter rallier n liting a fingertoorkinrlt. ouIi take more te paclfy lbe non race. They 0111 loseOhir n abiliiy to aipply lbe Crealin- for orlginalanosemeet. Tbey glu lacome onling, talking î-loning root s. [n Oie lIai cenhiry pole loin chk larder, lai oork harder havtog fun. Little Jante 0111 c9 wlitha bhysitterowhte marna Ipipa lait off foc places on- onî in ihelr test foc a gay ne. TomorrongtliOymlghl en nIiti Cousin SaLm aI i3901 root Oack iOde 0f Oie Monn, iter Limite, enteralit Oie cheose ea la outdated, iso't ltT 182 The Canadien Champiov, Wedvesday, JoIy 24, 1968 Unity for ail mankind easier said thon done r Don't Forget! T OWN & COUNTRY WILL GET YOU THERE PHONE 878-3669 *9 DAY OR NIGI-T :_ SAVE $87.40 TO $104.00 on a set Of 05W issu Original equipmiflt Firestone De luxe Champion WH ITEWALLS 4 for $100 NOROEYDITN CARDIE GALLINGER MERCURY LTD. ln Milton Plaza 878e2883 mý- The 21 st Ce For Milton's sake ##Oh Lord! the pride of mont" rme:ahave corne rmea have glous ie ne to 0f ng k leely gong MOt &W love kod aies akovoe Ad niglels lAnd mons and stars Ain loog-loved dsrk Of gesile hions on eveolng sir To biol the evind To alioap. Througk mlae parka Where sllaot lovra Leave Ikoîr marks On Cr000s aad gensa Of mlalp Ughl In dimraton Wheco nlagera play A geolle mone To ton Oie mlod To siflet. Of lonly uslks On City alreela Wkere amog Md ailles Cover op Remilies la longiog eyez And disotal colora Spdashed opon A klddeo esovias Groupait 10 bide And loit Oie miod To aleti --Gay Oliver. CampbeI IGH GRADE MEMORIA SI M RAL ENGRAVING r2101 iisp* hais se Seaiser Slemap", ho saCa, ""We Advertise tStay AHEAD"" 1~ Gi FRONT ~>~si To Leii Oie md 10 leep y - -------------- ----- tatillot Canada Cid Pag choir s floaven, Sopber The chapter a tImo Loiro min end de vie i Vo go 1' If Oiey RIve, ao Ose die. They Isavleg ama plu sacé o lot os houseki storyl Oie Lo The r uen ai 1 Ladies' 20o,00( placet] ara ai' servait tluer, Mr! M rs Campi llogioo The et let. odicai lly aso Ovet staden liong r of Oir York i Tbeym snulle traini Las Reocre or Coi a titr