.Propose 85- acre Milton site An 85 acre Milto ice a iang Uinst ini d InClado1 a detenlice imeates. cap Il id the C.N.R. tiP-pas. oays ind 30 acres coder option proposad Soc Sue se regnant centra, training contra iud ce- nia self ntaiiad site la St Incladea 5l acces prasently fcem Edidnl Marrop, â»ourlta cSereftLout a--ias fermatorp toc an iriatoal 460 issded bp llllitap 401, 1t15- swed bp the Dipaotmactefult- ta a lastlly arasged meeting FROMMS SITI for the oece Mapicheesi Deteniion Cenire, annoened by lte E. Harrep ferto and the betaoce cf tire site ensotd lin the Deparimeci of M.P.P. Jim Sncm je the MO acres nrithof etodin hondrd by Highcroc 401, Highmeys, tormerty the Clareritbo Precieotsyopetinrd sites vverr ruld out theC.N.R.bypssnd ghmy 25. The pao f ntond isilsrd i ho whesevces oeucne bc ssured Thte rpty s l oenacrd ihin thc saff eeealphtoegphe hear.Options havebcr taknrn30 acesof re t be ncreeritn (SaffPhoto ïke ïîaniauo ëIampi-on Vol. 109.-Ne. 12. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JULY 24, 1968 Townships wiII ask Milton to relieve polluted wells a' Sasaagaeya and liacpesing tonslilps are malng a jeint effert te seive fie long-standing palluatd welia prohlem le Oie MiMasn Selglts ind Pore ates. At a sectal meeting Mceday elglit In Esquealng repreanet&- tires trasta ohip oueils decldsd 10 ask Mlton fer wtsc Ie serviMe tIe toa rela A rensIlMet ai Oie reeres and dspely ceeces cd Oie teenshdps ali fersa the ommîttee ohidli wdO diseuse Oie problesa eith the tees. dpprsltately 100 homes ara effectued hy pollsled oeOls, a pre- Miuta whicli las lau dragging ce osr thu piat tes yeurs. Ttc fcealy ealf asit lssued a re- port ce tise estasi of Oie poila- Uin i fiat Uime Malrenommeod- id a municipal ester supply sya- tem. fLuae Oie Milice pipeline rus close lt tae affetid acets iicwu prapoued t0 lagi o Il as aL souce lffleproeectasfeasihlt. Mltsn tarued dsw e ropos- ai aI a jintt meeting lasi yeac. Mni Miltoi rspreseetalioos suid tee tees mouId out ceesidor Oie pretaenc uetil theueeatiocpcon posais oece aIl dealt tOi ind setledl. Rasmgoreys Seece Rill Coul- tec alto acled as Clalm.n fer Mredap's jaot meeting toMd top- roucntatines chicli Iccludod toc dologaticos fronm Oie Milles Sotghis ares, ihat lie lad In- atrected tht rienk 10 contact Oie 11cm ai R. V. Anderson Asseci- aies ane tlay wece tamiliar euth thie Miton oaler systeis. Figures ohtoli Nassagaeya tIerS J. C. taclolyce lad! weclad out wli Oie assistance of Oie engineering 11cm tlieed almost 400i people wceld la affectdliy fie system, tased oc an average ai 3.7 persens per liculioild, Apprestmatoly il - t0 galions cf caler pet day wceld la ce- qeîrtd 1cr eanh hcuetld ohlcli oeld mean a total datly e quiremeof ai9,400 gallos. Cosi of the proect if thetw10 afftcttd actas wece lionlad lots Oie Millt systom wold rten in approxlmatly $200,000. 0.00, P.C. fmceectng ai 7i per cnts loyer 20 yests ca.ld seata repsyment ai $377,000. Cost of caler -tbased oedacll Milloo's cale - eelU core 10 apprnstmatly $6.50 a moslli for Oie average hoseulold, Mr. Me- Iolyct's figures conesLled. Cost of Oie systtm wcldlalaboreliy Oie people using Il os top ai t prico of caler, Nassagaeya cconîllor Mca. Anne Mnlicthur, alarmed i Oie sminar of hosholds affected, aslitd aboutl caler aI tae Miltce Seiglits sehonl. "fi's cal seacly as crIlical as In the hoemes," anseed Rotre Cceller. I'Tlcre's adeep oel ind Oie caler ia reoaly good., le somne lismes eoeallingee't tatan out tht smeli althugli tae hateria ire destceyed." Il's lau repocted to ma Ihal childras Is the Millt Solgtits sainsi haro lato lU ind dactera are qusstteclcg if Il mîglil cri le the caler,"l Mca. MacArthusr staite. "cWe sued pesitiveProutflafora ce ose stale dta," Mc. CouIter replled.* Mca. MacArthur qeesliesed s sasemeci sade esclier about Milice latng sppirsnlied ocer Oie prohlesa. Ose Milton ccec- cillor, sIte sad, cas distsrlad abouet as soUicIe ohicli suid Oie tees lad lau agtproinlied. "Milton l Isonlng attodsthrcegi différent glassea,11 alto &vred. Mr. CceIter nid if Oie people le the actas oished lo ge ahead wli ther prolect, lietl conseils ceecerred iud Milice refud tcotruhwh ,teela g Msatiet "le matae il gellicul, "The ratepayera ment tes tht declalos,"1 ieslsled Eaipes- ing dopsty-ceeve Tosa Sii. "Tta firai ting ce sauet Oint sufferlng seduly fron1 Oie postal interruptice. acnordlng 10 man- aller Gîpe Roberta. ToIts 15 laisg usud for sonnecosasasalos lice iud oustosa papers are talsg tatas te an OshotIle broeori offce Soc hani. Manp lad pretcealy laun handled In the ame cap. "*Iti le conotodent," Mc. Roberts aclaseledged. teme et fie local ratailett are racelring Inotcng id tintements fros the sasisan ahe aceld norsafly la callng &M some areasrrivlng alflsldp- sunts. IMM al au ue stag a Ccer- toc servira mose iatinsvelp btt oves preto 10hfi strila fia service vas in operalios In the Isailler raral rentres, sinon flep an deliceceddlrctlp. Rural roues oul of Milice os belsg Sasal sn à Çtitti r- raugesunt dit rural carriers ind the oeruas id Airertren eqdaos are fils weeS lalinI mat- ed tres an Aceerlin pont OMO. Thi Georgetown rrl rouda ns delivered Sp Chtamion dMffra ma ouirS asaen expeirt. Eighieen Paets.-Tcr Crois. f or water Il applications N i Tht 19 applications fer mec- IIFUTC cloclicecre eorewd by H eights memlers .f Milton Conoicil tant cet," ceid Osesicg conne euth tl hminii George Cucrie, "lis wether Ml-~ w0 e id L h lapinii tee w111 oel tae ester. Ccuecil Tie applcations ocre ec.d of the dayhbassnerlbaueap- by Cceccil inCiee ommittte proaclied." Esqeestng cceccil- session. The conne repocted lor Boli Lavace agreed. Se alan lierriews sert latof planced on tOcglit figures shtceld la aril- the mon prondaicg aplicats. abe te preseet 10 ratepayers. _______ "Rcod figuersagreedReece Ccelttr, l"sd the coeselongeog- . l i iseers oeld doilt." I I1V 0 1 Sassagaeeya depeiy reece Billt i r ry h d Ssty cemlodad Oie meeting lime oas of tlie essence. "The Med- t e iest OffIcer ai Sealfi ceys tht 00 l situation is lelolecalile aed cacn't Acting n île adbe. ai arcli- continue. We muset matea de- lient John Marlintss, MilnPuli- cisioe." lit cocctded. lic Ochonl oard liasneiacoepted Cousoilier MacArthur cee t etOier ai inn tenders nPesed polltin spresdfing &Md capabile Ttarnlay ecenicg on tht pro- ci eneloping a msc l arger area pssed liliracy addition to Martic selesa it cas clieclad. fi. senior Publie Ocholsl spoSeaman foc oe aitoodelt- Prorincial oducatien tutOer pains preseet, AroMie Serrice lieu hâtd appeceecd consicies toM of lits non eeperiesce in resteng $10000, bt the tenders drilting a oeil atcd of flctditg ieluded oe frem L.* J. Zacetta gond cater 35 font don. He for $33.800 and accOir frosa cevtesed figues and tOcghl Mactic-Otecart Construction for coe or Oie lIne over large dis- $307111. tances laete houeses alield of Mc. Mariness oi disceas Oie laebonliy ratepayers. eide gep incfiguesiOiOihe twc tCcetteodeon Pag. 2) contractocs and report harli te NOT MUL 700 WORIIW VÎT, postal clank Boi Heatortog. tos stipe amtera yet remelos as tire pichet lice. Poalmnen endi cterks petrîteai lie lise far 24 Soars e dey siere the strîIk eief li effent. (Staff Phnon>) 001fl fia postal stri sot fie end Id ls tirat toll oieS, local IIltry Io geserally listing il iscevenient laI mont are denel- sgttsg alternats mtthods of tasi- nets Communiscation. ta a rundoe ceroey of local Industries fia aetilaco- id fiat seraI havo enfgred Curier serrions id oe are sidng AmertcrnchesOircegi ohici meail 10 ind frmn 0Usitd States peots cas la dirtctod. Miltce SpdrcCnmmlssionces nei lare s tdling ouotil Aageat 10 ind ce Immediste plans vt latng madi fiera 10 lecero de- lcecp Id bils. At Canadlan Mater Ca., Roy Duffietd acted fie plut asclos- id Soc flree soeks bt allAmor- Iran afilliates ladi tan adrised pror te fie strtla te direct mail fircegi flifflo Miter. The Misal la laing piciad op tiare on a ragalar idiedele bt n plans have Osen made ta dialofit Caasdtce mail leause of Oie pland hldap iattdses. WIati Ontario Stiel Produnts la alan ce ilidapafi teeto" laterruptton la cassng "solae- ItivM". giceilama svtflcetgoie< a&W Manning inrodlef, Aodp Mlity ohsecced. Couricra are lalng used is smne cases bt normal businss mail ta piUng ep. "fls cceaUing areaniprch- lem," lie emptasised. Rotas Scod Fler Mills are using Trans-Caits Ccerier service for mucl of floîr mail, accerdisg te JarS PetUigrec. Se notad fie 11cm lad tOtO ssing Oiem ocos prior 10 fie strilie 10 tuante depeodahle delinecy ta- rosei fis plant andi Metîctal. Mail piced ep aI Millloat6p,55. i la e nMonirtal ai 8 &.M. Oie sert day, ho noe d. lnOsiOlOf tas ta n îerrepted. liseerr, and osese gid trucS drivera are taen ustd 10 deliser in- valcan otare Postible. Gel ci fie ccentry Mail la galng hY express fromn Itaceol te aL 0,. location fcr foreardief. The Mil9 istrict Hospital la spernîlef a ccertOr servire 10 fia Ontario HoopMa terrirai Comedssion in Toronto firsa daya a ceeS tat cter fla fiat fie sujy mangloIcoaeiele la te potilants Woe de'lt receive tarda aud geleeli aiabs. Pigmeant id Clasueu le sCM for regional EN ice Milice Sydro 15 planning an adjusimectin1 hydre reiti rites offective Septomlar 1, Chairman W. C. "Bill" Rceney acensccod. Ttioce cuIt se a sligliidsnreise 1n rosidrotial raies. A reriston aillab made toilhe former nom- mercil a d lodestrlal raies. These ailila oehangrd te a sec geesl cils. This la ceceseiry, Chairman Roee esplaised,laecause aisen nreasu inwholrsale ratesachar- ged ly Ontario Sydre, and as due to ralocaliCost. Se added Oial Mydre lia any celer organeaion ta sucte1 a uuemtngiy ecdicss parade of higler conta, as Oie resîlt aisen inflaiuccey phase Oua ce lace lae experts eing. These high- or motn in somc macra lace bi ita l passedi on 10 Oie ceai- Foc ecîmple, ho suid, Miltce Mydre propcsed tht felleeing ce- sidoctlaI cals charges: lt 10 lOtS lcom preueni 3.5e net 10 3.OÇ cet. Ttc minimusa bill las lats nhaeged lrcm $1,71 te $0,00. Alck of 00<WHtpar month wtlllaemade aallabltsti spec- ul catai of.7Ç per 1055 100551- cmers using anppcovedeietic Oimilariy tht commercial id tedustria rate ciii le nhînged le a gentrat rate as fclices isi 50 KWH ai 3.00 net; ceci 000 KW00 ai 1.4Ç nt; tle Orsi ai Milton ConelMdnday, M.P.P. Jim OneeeopiisdteceuCscilere Oie provincial plan fer Oie site, sonailis development was very hlgh on Oic prlerlty liet ai Oic l0tpartmoni ai Cerrectienai Ser. vime s. Mc. SOc, renicwng carlier proposais fer sites on tht NieOi Lise and ai Hernhy, stro ssed the need fer dcpendahit municipal se reines. He ntedOthlandnwas Part ai that to e laneed te Multes fremn Esquesing and cas adjacent te municipal natcr. Tht Otyartmcnceoldlbaprt- partd te cegeOiaie nith the teon for services, iccluding partici- pation in the prepoed trcli sewer lice chich null la neeto te uerne tht ares. Tht desirahtuity ef Oic site cas ctnicced hy Mc. Onow nie cotad il had! nahirai houedarios eiO Oie highcaya and raileay. Douglas Pcnfcld, esemOnie directnr ai the Oepartmect ai Ceccectiocai terines, peited out tht average length ofistay of an inmate wouid la oint meOits. "'We're net intooingieoputidan. gerces people hero,"lit h&aute- cd memlars. Se noted the training centre tecisioed cceld accemmodate about 200, the refermatcry 200 and tht manimum seceriiybuiid- icg abouet 60. Tht actas wceld la seyarated on Oie grounds. Tht refermaiery eeld Ilae in an industrial seoiic that nceid poduce gendas fer the foen- Ment as ethers alrcady de, Mc. Ptoed eoplined. o facming opecatien is planstd fer tht ares, bt semte markiet gardoslng may la dent. Flrst prleriiy in tht thoco phase deneinçiment prngram ecelO la Oic reormaiery, ccen- cil oas teld, lacause it is a Sty te ether lostiietional changes in Oic prorince. Mc. Pendeld explaincd con- srcton cI the reformatery secton wceid permit irasser cf tomates fromn the Mimiceiedust- riallurmclihere thelandlsaing soid! ad plans mail for that acta te, la tureed etce a cliute. Trcatmect ai Mimnden oeid la fer alcehelica, certin classes ai ses deriaies, drag effenders and nceld aifer psychiatiecurre. These arc prtsectly ai Millironli taur Peterboroughi. Spaco viai- cdithere willitaused as are- giecel deteciion centre for Oiai The training cnetre, one ai tht phases propesed fer the lten location, ciii la fer youOf men Announce improvements in Halton County laui Partiy as a resuit ofihe recent dor tables euth sec oses; sud heattng nf a prisoner in Matin re-namping cf visiting Ornes acd County Jail by his three oei- arregemeits. mates, and yrehably aise due te fiecent compialnts vclced In the bâadreports turned Inliy theeiegisiature notes there au grand icrirs, the conty lail wi11 ose mlies tuet for each ceil- endergo changea. loek derico the day bt aia nigie Announced in the Legistature a prîsoner had te utilisa à basts ai Toronto recentiy, casaI slate for lis needs, thes replace I of 10 changes, inctcdicg Goner- heslde t lad in a oeil bardly nrGien Ryder's scif-requeated aide escegi for the lied eith retirernent cn Augst (he illlae rcom te gel out of il. iacli ce sicli leaneeuntil thon>; super- mersing the bsin ta tmptied visicn of the >501 hy a Depart- deen the loilel atd easeed out ment of Referin Instittions le- te the sele aieS, chlcli la ase secctcr ncii a rcpiactmeet'aas usd for drielieg caler, "Yta- generner is lnsnd; installatin ing aed waslhing. ai heany steel sereentng te alIOW Mîsister oipeferm Instlittios ue ai the exercise yard willicit Alan Groseman iodlcated recrde. ilireat ai escape; hirinof ai ance ly the county isils, oe coder chici te preelde fond fer prisos- provicil control, clU la lm- era; cemplrtc reelsico ai lail procod as qslckly as posslible. regulatiens, standing erders slnd thore attoes ionS-sp ell la adeiistrative methoda; paisting replaced bloce long hy s o of Oie jail's interior in hrtgttter gional ÉIsul any major repaIra caiers; adir.stmtnt ai salitI te ui lding eould la Isapral- schertales to talie latter ose of lical, tut octain liproveet anilahle guards; replacement of lace lau ud cll continue le la tce weii-carncd slab-like corr- made. 9,750 lOtI ai $1,21 set id lihe cesaaindec ai 0.1Ç set. Mr. Rocney suld fiat Ilitelen- truc pueo rate changes corne ocly aller aiong perind f ce- dectiona of rate sbtaiy. Tht former cosamecial idt taicaictal rates one are laic< mtcged loto aglacerait ratteMoih wlU man cedaclions for cuee usera; nreases for others; id ce change fer a few. niera cl la ce service or demand Charge for tle lai 50 ilceatts cd de- ffmed. Mcst cosamercial est- alishaments rit crhace a do- saand charge noe, Mc. Rooney suld. Se îdded Oiat elentic planer la sill Oie tari hargalcaoailal on the mackei. Postcal strikce Negotiations underway but a long way to go Tht Cacadise Postai Uniocaod mac dras aller lliry retire ind The hargaistng agents met S ils Z5,000 memlrswentoin roanli sgt 65. Ttaynedrae Sunday le Sel a Scedate foc airie ltstmurstayand aretyet tes per ceci otsai utce flieic meetings id saet for Oie Oirsi te ginuanige ofceahigs a i t ot years on a onthly tie Mfondayuidsaisice agreement. Moanohile appruli- hasts. Oies bt sOili no selilomeol. mately 6,00,000 pieces of mail "Thr mec roted 92 par mont Secreta" of fie tonal onios, ae lalng hold up ind peuple are te strihe. Tlsy are jost led! op Peter taclIlrali sud duere PIlng uon esys of delinoctng w010 tle choIetOitng, diriy deala, oeld la se proliem delivrorng flair gondsa. promises net ktand an Oie fie hacli log of mail "Thore Tht corSera colettd a 15 test ai Il," cie pesimas sud. la abouet 6,000,000 pIsses ni mail ceci an boiclncuste test bc. ceriors pînSet tle strila 24 lai os a national acres thal's fore Ose deadUse. They are bocets a daWy, ai fie rose cd fie peanula." chat lie did! show asie for 71 cets an bouir. bucilding. Passera ly hurltce- sonsascoucere aout cas tle tes Whil one poulines le Toronto maria occaaiccelly bt Osel as or ficte days immediaiely fol- opeely nid Oiect cas more Oiaa bau no volece of syl bud. Ieong the uetlemeet, sauye bheecng flesa, local Esci day tee people frcsa co "Waen people denldo 10 mail pesimes did sot find fauli olfi of tees talae fcer haut shifts. orerything flep lace tan eeçi- wsrleg conditonsut alsied TOrey corne from Mrsiiptoa,Clah- lef foc Oie doatiion 0f fis strIta floîr Mggientigriovacaeoasteoep nille or Toronto depesding ce ycei cigit espect ycer mail sala Prealdeot cd fie sain le Mil- ft saialaclily. Teo of ft a Uttile Ite,"' ta adotsed. tee, CIlf Lecioglea, sud tae local coctaracweeo n holidaya Poalmea thril gel fie rtgst average tatan homeo payosasalait obes the strtla Irola. A unli te shta isaur of filis peer. $11. Tlaey have a cesapalsery official nas uncertale ohtfer Tay wafla out suce la 188 i id one half par cent defiar- fle op d eM l pal et sot latIaid aecordtap te Chamionc filas lies li sue ind ose hall par sud ctera actadled for hoit- postal strlics vers ce ta Toc- cent gong to Can"d Pensisn dopa &fier fieastrlta hrstaeoula sad o sto&W isaou idar etostasa plan ind fire par cent gntg te et la able te collert. Meose ntfd tisa 0é f fis psul esaetl a Sapranuic plan altlch flopth fs grlSers rerelve alclta pM. UNf a ostrp ago. lInree Milton Hydro plans to cut residential rate Mail trickling through by couriers, alternates cmo coe henefl frnm trades training. '00e den't intend te housse in- maies rcgardtd as dangerces licre. If thoy de escape they cili cant te get anay fccm tht aroa," he rassred oenci. Tht prcçied site te StUR sub- jent te ou testing and nther prtlimicary Inestigations on celtahulity, M.P.P. Jlm Snce teld Milton Coucicil. No predictiecsnwereferhcem- ing frem Mr. Snon or Mr. Pen- feid on choc tht presnn Saiton Ccenty Jail oeld la clesed. hi cas noed certain changes cern beimo made in the Cceniy Jail te imyrece it stoce Oie Province ookci ner rootcnsiiility fer justicc, bt it nceid evnc- caliy la clesed and prisecers wceld la acommedatcd In t Mr. Once reriectd ihat Oie oentis ai Pool and Malien had stgnod an agreement te tailU a regionai detensten contre bt t assompion lie tht yrorine ofa Oie total cesi of justice, icud- icg jaits, terminated the agreement. Tht province plans te taiid about il institutions aif Oie type prnpoed fer the Milton site within tht cext i5 ytars. Ose i 5 undor construction ai Nopant e. lail Ne plaes have lau denelcçed fer the Milton istitution aod estimaies ai caon costruction might atari raeged frem lateee oe sud tee years. Mc. Sese blid coecil an in- stitutien ai Ihis type doese'tpre. stentî psy municipal tas bui wnsid pay for municipal serions. Se neted ene cf Oie rcemmotst- atiens ai tht Smi Report cas that ihey sha.id psy municipal taxes btacthOerecwassno ay cf keeeiog weher thua proposait wceld la acted cn. Se sugealted, hoeeer, as ie- sitution afibiua type, empioying aL staff ai 150 te 000 aed doing Lepurchasing loneily osî la similaLr te a gend sitd is- dustry. DePety Oent R. Sarcla point- osi up Oic ceeU for hessiog for sec rmpioytes and eodertd if sey provincial graots in lieu of tacts nere Maollsi. There see oue, Mr. teoo iodcattd. Seneral memlaroo>cketonsup- port of the Insituction ceeting to Miltes tased n tht delailcd out- Se ptsteted. Addltiongl in- formation on seenge floiee quirements oere 10 la prenided to lesure Oie truok sener pro- pesed cceld la adritate.