»sta ndre amat homoe etsy Joty 't at an supplyiog mis, Mitchall ViA Poara. eigr scnooîs compere inM T-con EiucLisli pouing alobis tram eighl puhlie echuetal coim- patatd la Cae scoaumatllonb Csanly Fiald Dmp #4 held ou Alco District i 1gb tehoal grounda Slan Wsdasaday. liudaat ropreslahlg camp- lettrine, BrSeukll, MuasB. Sahoula, Mi«Bru ej B. Sfhula, Milles, W.L Dieh Soboul, Miles, Robert itle laiul, Actua Mdl M.Z. Bennett, Alam 5and J. M. Decua Scheeal, lles, luekpeci Evns gai undearmsy oiarlp llr lasae Waesadsfy morudng, Mda dompilo Cmraiaaiug cets a&l atllqrsd deamres, matin-i aid slIl soum Bomaus lu Cae naoesaiampsl- lMu mire su tulles: Code: lime Street - Bt, M. Z. * BenusaI . Rlibert Littl. - i., Mactis treet-US,Brook- ville - Brouk., Cansphsllle - Camp., W. L Dlcb - Wl, J. M. Ihoyas - Ji GIliLS SVENTS Junior O0 pla. - DeMli oberts nS CsCy Qalm MS, Csrolun- go RIi. justes, 100 yd& - Debtid Rb- sais BS, Juee Drisawalor MSZ, Miaui Lam MS Junior Bolay - Broohvie.e M. Z. Bannstt, W.L Dick. lIn, 10t yd. - LcdsCesaUiS, P%1i1 Dus MZ, CoerUe Chriie B&t nlu lit yd. - Mary 11li.oll BS -Br@riSltteitMKmnsPier- cu Brook. - Anne Mairie at yMZ Ju Bird JM - CsChyAshlopL. lin. Beai - Ms, MS. BL. Br. îou yd. - CoBes Clomela US, DeSe aighy MS, Breias, Mtliabb Rl. sr. 220 lla. - Colie Clomel MB, Bacarr Mtal liLSam RiCblo MS. Sr. llo - liL, MS. 555. Open 440 yds. - Mar Nt?»k0 BS, i. liichoao Rli, Louse John- aiou Brook. FIELD Junior Bailaig Bread - Pet V. Camp, liaCloan Difis liL, Carl hatos Brouk. Juniar Ouaulg Bread -Dalbdo Roiberts BSa Donne Openb&ckJM, Evelyo Mîhlisole Brook. Junior ligh Jump - homon Mc- CarChy Brook., N. Maria JM. Jo Anne liopbirn MZ. Inter. Sislaig Bread -Virgin- la Waudleul US, Jset Vau Dam RL,Waslap V. Camp. lItr. Baalang Brsad - Loue Cantlu US, hoimo liroioh BL, Âmes Mairia ludy MZ. lItr. Girls liigh Jump - Âmne an uad Brouk.. Vicka lelsissi BS - Anme Maris loup MS. Soaur Stairg Bread : Hum Baud MS, Judy liady Rli, Welay Kenneosdy Brook. Senora liumdog Bread - Judy .Rllidy BL, Bollp Kacar Brous., Patay Presaiah MI. SSer 111gb Jumpi - Judy liola liL, Froaes Jaro Mi, Judy Lang Brouk. BOYS EVENTS 'rJunior 6O yd. - 1Ken Sieaac- smitC BS, liaudy Hlon JU, iffd speaker Membirs et Cae Botary Midgel hackey lesm mire guels ce hou. or ai Cae Roary Club meeting llaidnl masS OIcoach JouMcCsana lisere Brue o ad wsa 1h, guslaseur aiM raeaitdhi isrly cousactiso OIC hoceoy il Milles sud Mes fiuai docilaou tc go liet ret.reeîog. lia gana au iMlresllIg salle ct Mis exper tomes In hochey anda cammela, on flc pluysrs lu su entsCaosii group of youug hockey playors. Coath Jes MeCann ezpreaml Cae le5mnsspproatabntil Mpuiamladp Chrough Che osson Bah MceCuàig fai Cae tenam coach Roaey &pperilodCteas 'lO miehrs repreesslad Ch clu hshihcn Ctshe Caases. --ketouOseMuar leuDubymva re-elold cerirs ofetC Cos IraS Ontario Bagilemi DoeiCqtp meut Comitlit mass. BIU McQoay li". Junior lie yd. - Bau Stomart- SmiCh BS, Baudy Hamilton JM, Bill MeGllaray li". Junior Baley - 01, BL, JM. Inter. 100 yd.- Kent . - De Harrison US, liuld. McCuloh- Hiarrison US, Subit. McCuliuch RIi. Inter. MO yd,. -Pela Marrlmo RLi - Homard Coulrep MS, Des KOlCIi S t La Camp. Inter. 4Wu yd. - B. McCullSh BL, Bob Springer Brous., lioar Wlms MS. Inter. Balay . biS, RLi, MS. Seniar 100 yds. - Bid Fay MS, Gary Edgo BL, Jim Thompsou WL Soaur lie yda. - Boa lijbul US0, CMsoln Barkor MZ, Sien. Causalt] Brook. Snior 440 y<1a - Bob Couiiig Brouk., Charles McGiou RL. Reudy Woldou MS. Senior Boisy - MIS, 555, Rl. Open - 880 yds. - Johni Car- reCaers US, Pets Morlics Rli, Oulap Weldou MS. FIELD Jr. SurmloS Bread - Wayne Wharrao JM, Harney Caulier BruiS., Alu an u WL Jr. llgh Julmp - P. iiacar Brous., WaynesWharrei Jld, Key 1n WiCaers RIi. Jr. standiglop 11, aep & Jamil- Wayne WharrsiJM. KeniSewart- Smith BS, Con.e BrasaI.e MZ. hnter. %auieg Bread -P. Mur. lio Rli, Larry Gains MS, Suai lsmasd Camp. latar. 111gh Jamp - Dore Sur. hriamUS, R. McCuiiouh Rl, Larry Osiso MZ. Inter. Boalaog Ctep Jump - Larry Quotte MZ, Johne laiherly Mi, Sieen Van Fleel Rl. terdor luioig Bread - David Cunningham MS, Siai Parter BraiS., Arm TIlompsou Wl. Senior 1111h Jomp - t. Comneil Brous.. Fred liariogt MS, G. Edge 0k Or. Baaoiag Homp, Cep &Jump- Riobert Lawrence MS,lR. McGuiou RLi, Sheidou Borkor MS. IT WS A PHOTO FINISH oee dm o-e for a cia btweee Kent tumonol af Campbetteîtte ansi Sue Hacrisun of Miltunos Macein Stceet sehot. Roabert McCeltoeh (centret ef Robrt Little uchout, Auben, came in a close secued en the intermediole 100 yard dlash. (tcaf f Phuot Minor bail resuits dng a recOint Chamberlain, champ Orralai eesden. (staff Phota) TRY Terry ICait bit l'eu lomeru sud Kon Armstrong ooe ta land Che Optimists lu olclr anart the Legian 12-t. Blion Norlan Ilp- ladt and Ken Armlarong dcablod. M. Fard doubled tCe Laglou sud singles ment lu S. Smiit# Capuoa Bealeat su O. Farrell. B LEAGUE In0B League action MilaonAula Body bout Tlp-le Tire 13-10. Smith l!vund fur Cae wlnaersaud doubles veut la Staftard audDei- aie. Dilata siogled leico wbile ToirîsisL siogied oce aad Clor- ridgealld Ibree. Tlp-ln Tire tost Eisley's 19- 17. Doldo poned Tlp-lo Tire wltC a triple, a double and twe singles. Ciorridge dcabledl sud singled Imica. liystl singled tiie aad Smith (2) sudf Parer slngled. Scott Sacoey bameresi tor Che osesu sud doublad wbite Paul McCaou, Pele Rota (2) and Kavin Smith lripled. --fUou Champioo ciasaieds, tbey tilla uick loyers. A GOOD COMPANION A CIA automobile inauranco poîicy Cane, talk to you, but it'a a good tra- velling compétnion when you're out in tho famîIy car. CtA aumobile and accident insecanur caold hatp yu meet te rosIs of . . .damage dnc BY yoer car . . damage donc TO yoer car . . .accidentat in(acy ta yaucoef or main- bers ai yoer famtly. Fer more Intforsution MRS. THEA KURZ 3242 Luwe. Basa lino W. R.B. 1, Miltse, 87B-741 Co-Oy'peaor Insarae feerai records, lntadicgCait tor the 13 su 13-yelsr-a1d girls' long lump, er more et101 Cari- iagtou masiorphlicschoala'e Mme irach Mud field meet Tharadoy. Âme Bamasso, a grade 8 'a-q dola ai Fairniam Pule Sline l Lomille, bri. theistandingiaows record forCathe olmtitha lasahn loep of 14 Nel, IL enla cm-half Misa Rans*5m5 atong OICh Terry liesCaringin Lyon Jar- ais anda Judy Grean mas pari eta relay leaimhichgaisadFirlew svnofes totalof151utI points fur Terry came Cird ila e 2 & 12 yesr-ld girls5 100-yd. ds" amd came Cedy osa Loch shoart of hreahig Cae tomr tat, ais Imbue reord fer the ags groupo high lump. Boys il sud 120 msaamhil, piacod Caeir relcy tanue ci Bib Aimaa, Arra Bryant, Brisa Baais sud Ruort Lihby fltC ln Cae canlpetiiia. AimeoseB Mmd a titC-pbics stoaing lne C. ti-yd. doaib suW a scond-place alite long lump. luth Ca& iiadiiyoar-aldgirla' clasificatiuo PauliosBrdham rackod op à fourtC-plâce long lump effori for Cae larns cariâ- ae muai elarpohlicschoalsal hioo lsrudealailt-yd.das' sud Douna Bers 10 Cae Mpnosix- pmund lalol-pu campolitica onale gaiosd a BIC. Karen Ashcrufl placetd UtC la Che ldgh jumpiug. Active progr at Milton p Second Halton couniy field day AmE RWIshlw -ts- rec«Od 1 ut i Auytagteild mt Tean d ti-near-ota gtrlsare- loy leaoîa ohmh ylacel idl- a i eluded,,Karen Alaicrott1,, on r1ea fidors Pâîricis Paoel andla Fe boy of ie Cme s The advne o f aOosmoutdoor grouillai, Che roilomo ll sport 10 reachine Canada. i bu od of Hlli NoUler, Lysa Poweltl base almoolst ears since the Fred KochandLarryltictardsou, liratintoroductionof tOrientsorog placing liraI. le our schools aud camps. Riichardson mas aise rampa.-e ORiEENTEEtIfO la Che railher s101. for a fiCt-place standing lu aimbersomo but inleroationaty the 75-yard daslan sd scond in uoed terni for 'waytOadies' cor- the long lump, riedt out acr055 counr on tact Tologor compolilora tramt mith thCa ll Sofamap andcoin- Fairniow nled Robto Ril- poLsa Bssicatly the garse u fea, galoog a second lu tho long Orleeoloaieg is amcoss betw000 lump for olghl Moiad ol-yoor-old a trasoire teint and< a cor raly hoys; saW Crelg Paoel racidg On1 faut. Up aMhInthel lf.yard daehtfor ExclOong lu peoeo a liges, iho smon oe grue. Onleoloering caou le for fCa, for TIIe ttt-ysrd gIrls'rolayoarm tierce comfpefttao or edocaloal placent turCh, cossieg ci joieo inocontent' Bpara, Ssadrfahakslre,Allisoe At the ssrtig finou, Che Oclao- Forgasan sud Boh Gaoby. leer 15 givna sdefe.iled lapogca- Kasren McCay placet! fifih iun ma op ofthe surrodlogara. tho tf-y&rd dasli for ia" on the m0LPwill lesamolli nmber- sae.yosr aid girls. od cîrclea: Chey are Che cours, Ia Che 14-Yoarssod aoirclass- aadi 1e11 yoU were ymn mISl Cul ification, iCaCle Booce gainai! à Coe checkpoints or centrals. Vos tourC In Che igla lumo snd BIL Cea et outlta resos Che chech- Brouos heaed Cae aix-pourd paois in Che rigll seee as 5110-pal for aolheortrC.place quichly as possible. marking. Thle test central Is the finiah AIl la al, Fairves giad a Sose, sud alsa the sterlg aras. btoa ai 51 points, placlog it sera for clmpetilloe billes, your ilxC of aighi sehoals anar Ceo- lrol's 42-1/2 sud Frontenac'a Fr cus 34. Top Chrea ai the meel mare iec us Tecumeh oiCh 117 ponts, Pie- Vin Ourgia of OurS oglae Fire blad oiC 109 and Jolhn T. Tack Separîmeof, whoreceoîiyallend- wICh 9-li2. ed a municipal ira preenon officer's courme in Cae Uted Ctalas, soliah on Cae eoure alla Joli meeting of flattan Mutual Aid ln ourllcgtao bila ees. 'am p anned Mr. Burgin aise demoostratled seeral places ai Illerature Chal Iaygrounds out ire depsrleosattaoded Anl active pragrsmn lpnse for youagulers teliog Milton Golf playgrouuds; M yosc. Ttloreare leu osm grenaiu la uerne Cae loa. Millar Tourne> Mar"al Walie sudt Shirley Bridgmans are inocharge et Rotary Park grouads, Marion Reinhardtl nG or e o sud Liuda Bolaski 5t Brece Si The 401C Amant Milsc Go Schoal, Gait Evas, Nancy Mionc Champîousi o aainP lIi licb Raorts 0111 reol pro- fueishi f or t s adi Fr grinea J.M. Doopas white Lis Geosgetown 011Go sud CaI 1 Noble, hie Vsudecnand lo~.ge opamlGUndCi, Jensen run tCaahomwai te W. i. Club JoIy 4, 5 sud 0. Dich grunade. Tbis yoar, Cae Miller Is Playgrouod directar PauiFos- . tord evno ou the Caadien Gc ter soit Che playgrauids mouid Tur beIng he1d coller auspice bih.e partinb Conservaion Wea1 of tha CPCA sud Carling's fi Juiy 8-14. Thle meak 0111 lie &totalaif $10,Oou In plis. mon bighllgblod by louira ai Ch allon ay The Miller pures luat Musesum sud "praluci preour- $e,000 sud 011 lie precededt catioal' mbich ialvaies flouer aie Milir 2003 Club Pro-Ami pbioling aud Che Collerai besut.- Jaiy 3 far an additlooaI $4,05 ticolion of Coe ores. mailing Che 1968 Mlillar campa flo arecord sttine $10,00 Aise dorne Cet meek Che avan. youogulers mill bila et Keiso sud lisa partlona slm meebOn --AIt rîvers in Guelpht bi Flidsy milS compelliafln tramn beu docbired uaittfor swimeiî OshelU.l sud Barlantan play- ilis oetmer. hlaularial aste grcom cbibireo. are hlamad far the pullutaon Halton Heights Golf SI - Country Club OPNFRMEMBERSHIP 1le IN-$5.0(a Initiation, Foi) PAY AS VOS PLAY $1.50 Wo.kdays - $2.50 Weekends & Holidays Phono 878-6701 ~ HOW DOES YOU R CAR STACK UP WITH UTS CLASSMATES DON'T FAR. THIS TEST!1 Avoid the inconvenience, embarrasument, and expense of faiing a Police Safety Check on your holidays. [ Ths, Summer, vit offer to ou à Frais lMechanical and Visual Safey Chckl ILw!voryL ubricaion.,j HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOUR VACATION? JACK RICHARDSON CHEV.OLDS LTD. 6791 Hlîghwey No. 25 - Milton Souih 878-2393 878.3812 n i t- 10 le '/l- ELECTRICITY IS OUR BUSINESS Don't 11e a Tiaherer w11h Elrctdiîiy. Colt an expert fer * HATING *NEW CIRCUJITS *i ADDITIONAL OU LITS * OUTO0000 IONTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 for Conservation Week Smre vinle rucorded. The "elas ofa am acompse for Drieoooerlog caa te tournaid by soyons la 30 minutes. Tha bitter 0111 Site pai hlerraioul hompeotay) chue Che bila rouie frocn me paot la asotCer, latdng itl couladorallou Che problamos a Che srea--acddiag Chee aud loks Cae esaieltaM udoichest OOy. Ortenteeriag is maila[y a goule cg sid il combesCte plesre ofaille Chrough Che vade OIC s chllenge. in CONSERVATION WEFK in Suiloo, The Onario Orlenlearing Association anla Uniersity of Guelpbls 5r1i001 ai Phylacai Ed- ucatiao las out op Cae followiag Grleoleerog inbes. ... Thayare open la eneryonof ail ai ages -- sud lirelssacace toge Cath lads away tramn Che boob Silo white aalaylog Che calt-ours01 on Salerday Joiy 13 duriag Sportsman Day ai Oatlesoalle Poli Coervation Areaasily Orleoleeriot Instruction andbhihe are scheduled torl5.0t55.mliTis bilae sud instruction mil] 1e toc aoaryoos01Uailes. Al11a&e. a short biheeOpOiild for aIn participants. Tour mepadol- pose cao h. lerruoedî SuRalle- oSae. A compalltoa bila min le beld iaiay Juiy 14 aI ROalesoale Puot. Il wontlie difticult -- but a lt aiun tee, OsO m.is regilaraflua and instructoansd 11.00 ms.el Che races. Calagolias are Junior, 15 and ourler; loermcdiala, 16 - 19; Senior S0 plus; Veerans40pias; Waytarers, 2-4 lu group. Prescriptions FROM ELSLEY PHARMACY We will bill Blue Cross, Green Shieid, D.V.A. and Workmen's Compensation Clims Directiy on Your Behaif, 878-4492 * 212 MAIN ST., MILTON Thank You . The Councîl ofthle Town of Milton wishes to express their sincere thanks toi ail who assisted the successful con- clusion of Multon's Annexaf ion Celebra- tion, June 26 to July 1, 1968. With participation of this nature - nothing is impossible for us fo achieve. BRIAN BEST, Mayor ChrefeButamala McLaren's Pik.L-Barrml Coemam's BE D MIXED CNED BRcz aEAD PICKLES HAM 3 LOAVES 73c ý 48-e,. Jet Tl. $1.39 27Ne Clifornia Potatoes 10 Ibs. 59e New Crop Californla lie Chiqoita lis. S.nkisi az RE 39c Bananas lb. 1kc Oranges 39c FRESH FIRM CRISP LETTUCE Head 10c Prsswoodes PrShL a Il, c COLD ';AS EAMEALBACON 6 1 * Piead Pmnt e, ou 4 PKGS. Praessood's (Parom t If "pni aDuh Penaflso 3a95c * Head Chease vaPcBOL O GNA * Meaceni and Cheese c PiaPc b as *Mock Chicken j .:ý -Pi Ib CashLois ~ 1 WE N E RS PKot CHP 6SIbR.eia CHOau 45c PORK L IVER 24 9c, C FRESH PORK SI4OUWDER ClU ROAST ..................lb 39C Carnation maxell Home Disposabla Diapars WVAPORATS FLUSHABYES M 1 L K COFFEE 48 inpkg. - Reg $2.49 16-ar. Tait Tins 3 Sizes - Newbern, Reg.Medium er Todaiter 95. lb 2 tnS'1c lbcphg. 7 3c pz , $1.77 pkg. FREE DELIVERY DAILY e oI The. Canadian Champion, Wsdnesdlay, July 3, 1968 Orienteering, grand outdoor sport The ltowing are bila weela' muiner hal remîlts. Do. îoleany space demands C ora more no mentis fat meus. AIl bit mne pam e vos reioud cal i theC seersi schedoiadtafr lait nouS. LAS? WEEKS SCORiES Kdgbl's Cleasars lout Bren. nier 13-4 In A divliiu of minor boit. Las Orrunast hewioldIlg plîcher. Riaolir Lagridpa lliP- led L suilgid for Kaigbl'smbiie Lns Brawn sud ile Pearson duuhed. SingIes vent ta Glen Rolerts (2l,Mlla Bondrlck,S1eve Parers (S), lad Milae Seraflui. liaudy liadgars mss 111e iaslng plîcher for Bracier. Brandon Marril uripied ad doublas mat ta Milae Bradluy and Brendon Merritî. M. Arnold, M. Brun- nier *nai R. Citer siogled. ln laler A leagu actiaon Brun- cier balt LegloulO-1, Optleils lest Knigbt's S1-o sud Optimiste lest Laglon 12-t. Rodgers sud Dance pitched Braucier ta a mie. liadgers deabied tire, al! singles vent la B. Gray (2), K. Had, M. Bradley, M. Arnold, M. Braucier niai G. Dace. S. Smith1 hamured fur Che Leg- iau alla doublad bwine obite B. Farrell douibiad! aud G. BeaU.e (2) aud P. Capota sitigled. Bob Doas paced lb. Optimils ta a 21-8 vin anar Cae Lgion wiCh s hamer, s triple sad a double. Suilaf Hamilton lamer- odt, Terry Kues lliplud suddoubh- les vent ta Ted Chashoy, Bob Davia, Tarry Baoansd Sleue Wollaon (4) Milae Bolarick sud Raort Lagridpa bamered for lCnlght'u a Deva Mler said Doa Rab- elis douhied. SANDSTONE BUILD YOUR OWI4 PATIOS - WALKS - FIREPLACE and Stone Facings W1TH NATURAL SANDSTONE Brockton Quarry OIOITfOW - ONTMBO a77.402 ar 877.4218 -a -