RAIN OR NO RAIN, therv mene somie voters lent meek who moiildv't miss thioî chance to bock thein mn. With e total of 175 yeensocf ege and 133 yeotv of voting rights hetmeen thete, in which tftey nvere e,înned ev electîon Steve Coee, oge 84 and Joseph Leech, age91, both hove getsofMr. and Mrs. George Seile of Onario St., teceive thymr ballots feote Dist- rict Returing Office, Me D. Fouhert. (Staff Photo) Hydro inspectors give safety talk t'en electricalinsectorsfrom octîcs ecpipmeî Ontario Hydro itrougit s timely ance0 fo bu tuS mexssge b tite Jone meeting of mexo lte appis.co Halton County Pire Prevevtitt ment, onder normal Buceau, heId In iltton Pire HR11 ceste s ire haz buu week. spectoex t014 0cr Approval msekiogson the et - fr00, Sllons fite veenis. Titey cited leu Standsrdo Ass --Csnadien Gs As ULC- Underwie tesofCanada s th tolook forenbus The CSA ,CGA oroqooment hasi pet on Ose, in dorfied an I.T Hydos NiaaraR i I ectrlesi approvsi I bold lte Bureau. "Ontario Opdc iteen lesderinol ad somre ZOO ele ors in Onîseo its. sved ttousason titocogit inspectio inspections cf itot sud commercial McKenzio sld. :' Hec eurgod Bure 508 FEE7 NION, a nem noble TV aenea rose îto the sky or t he Tevth Live ferm enst of Horvitp lent mecit. The tomer ixs te receice TV bems f nom a lange aea of southen Ontario, for releying te Ton- neito and nobcrbee homes, and inox ctected by Mecleeo- Hir Ceble TV, Three mont- men e pictiîred descrvdiog to erth mutile the ted and mwhite tomet mes coder con- struction. Its nt rte tellext n the ree pet - the COL tom- er eerHorrby ix 640 feet high - but CFRB is hoping to erect ove 740 feet tall cn the saeferv in the veer futurte (Staff Phnoto) 'Acteav Pre-Cast Ceacrete Sipplie MANUFACTURERS OF di Septic Tanks (Ait sises) 0 W 40 Weil Tule and KMs 0 Culverta 0 Sldewalk Siaba 0 N*pi.ats M»»~ 853-1529 nt atd sopl- t your home s or equip- [use, wil1 nt xrd, lte in- eumemitees tire dopsrt- CSA--Csnad- ostion; CGA socistin; and ns Lsitoestor- e xafety markss yingelectrinOl or U LC stamp tite spplisvco ientested and ectors O. En- MeKenzeo oS egion field e1- s depselmont o itas siosyn etrlosi safety1 ce uvdoittedly lives' tielt ns oS eeetries mes, instltotct buildings, Mc au mo miete xI OBITUIJRY Mrs. Elda Presse A teacier for 34 yearslZ12of ltote yas in Milton Publie Ichoots, Mrs. EdPeacl Presse od Thomas St., M£Ion passed ay pesîetflUy it her home on ittndxy, ions 16. Mcx. Presse uas qoîte settose 1n local sud tsschscs' orgiols- sUions. Site ttsd dons qoetilsits wort in edtcstloti foc lte past six yeirs, Inctodlng speech tier- sp cemedial ceadlng and o- portonlty niass teschMng. Site wss a psst Reg01 oi te John Milton Citsptec LO.D.E. "' former unit chi.rmsn of St. Pau1'x United Citoci wmnen, a punI pcesident of lte Internainal Reading Association, s&d active in te Fedecstion of Womeo Tescitecs and Halton Teasees' Insllittte No. 4. Boon et Calsitogie, site spcnl iterc ilditnod in Cocitcans aux! scod nontiteco Ontario. Mcx. Presse attendod puitlie scitool in Cocitrane, tigit seitocli xl en- freo, titengcsdostedconi nomal scitool in Noctit Bay. lite itegso hec teaciîg csceec ai Timmins, lien stagtIn1 Soth Porcpins, Ahitti Hsarbor, Depot Harbior, Clute and senecal alteér smslec nortiteco Ontario communitiex itefoce comlng 10 Milton in te otormer nf 1956. lite 015 one of 16 cildcen of te lateMr. and Mcx. Samuel J. Dtempsey. For slsters snd to itrotiters survive. Oecfsminp Includes 00ve citildcen and Imo grandcitildcen. Thte citildeenar ltacon (Mcx. Rlihard Peone) of Mlxsitoougx, Cina ai home, Ehis oSf Tornto, OffIceorCadet WilliamO ci Viclocîs O.C., and Sertit 5t home. Rev. C. A. Ruiner officiiet lte fumerai service iteid al te MeKecole Funeexi Home on June 19, ssisted tys&former miloter of i. Paul's, Rev. J. L. Gcraham of Toronto. Sons Bill aodDoeitk, itrotec-ln-lso Leu Presse of Motcesl. sono-i-law Rîicad Penne oS N Mssougaand friands E. W. rnstec sndTecry Deslaoc- tero ni Mlton oece pailitearers. Tite iturisi service was in te houpl plot ai Cochtrans Civlc Cemetery on te Snllowî0g on 105, vitCanon Eliott ofiiailng. Psleites tece wece Dervit saud Bi1l Prese Rihard Peons, wo oncles and a cousin. report any unsaeinstallationsor spplitocos 10 Hydrt'5 specIalin- spetionx itcsncit or IL local in- spectnc. "Reporting il could te a lot essier 1hon0 puttioz out lte tire il could caus, ho mai. A discussion followod on n% rogulstions covecing ondvrmskter igitis and electciclslxtalltdvnt o nimming pools. YOU CAN NOT EVEN iSEE THE SUN * .. if you hold a penny to0 close 50 your oye, &bou5et iseeposkss ploterton you k sxJ PROTECT YOURSELF' McCUAIG INSURANCE LIMITED 208 MAIN $T. E. 875-2894 DON 1T MONKEY AROUNDý Get n onourHoliday Special Godtr u s e and Ju10, '68. MTRSHAMPOO, Reg. $4.75 Special $3.85 UNDERCQATING, Reg. $12.95 Special $10.50 Clean & Simonizo, Reg. $23.75 Special $16.50 Wash and Polish, Reg. $8.50 ...Special $5.98 REMEMBER: We wiII pick up Iyour car for work and deliver it the day the Iob's dons! I I OPEN: 7 &.ms. te, il p.m. Modythrough Seturdoy I 9a.m. te, il p.m. Sunday MILTON ESSO Cie Mats and OntioSeIeRs. - 8711116011 Compare at 89c Coronation - Manranilla ... STUFFED OLIVES Jar 7 9C Compare ait 79c Columbia - Pure Raspberry or Strawberry JAM Fancy Quality - Bartioit - 28-o. Tins PEARS 2~ Compare at 49c - Austral - Prom Australia FRUIT 28-oz. COCKTAIL Ti Compare at 59c - Wethey's - 19-or. Tins BLUEBERRY2 PIE FILLING Compare at 79c - Ocean King - 1-lb. Tai Tin PINK SALMON4 H ALF PRICE SALE! Compare at 35c - Coronation - 48-or. Tins at~cFe Crtnfruit Drinks 3' NABOB SUNGOLD O R N E NEW compare t 5C Coi Flavour Crystaîs KOTEX Plus 2Î99c EaCh Carton Contaîns 2 Pouce Ac Compare at 79c - 100% Purs - 16-or. Tin 2 49c IMAPLEj F Ac ~ Compare at $1.63 - Tender Leaf - lW0s TEA BAGS - sl.39 Copr t$1 .29 (Marked 99c) - Family Size Compare at 19c - Jergens - Bath Sire TOOTH0 IGLEEM PSE89I SOAP 3'R "You Save Twice With Trim and Frics" LOIN PORKCHOP 79,b GOLDEN SCHNEIDER'S FAMOUS MEATS RIPE Schneider'x Famous Piaffer Schneider's - 6 Varieties FRUIT Pack - PURE PORK LUNCHEON COUNTRY STYLE E S SAUSAGE MEATS'.49 effl4K4 Pk. 6,5c Pks e0 7 1-lbSchneider's Schneider l's Cou lB 1 G Compare at 89c - New Orleans - Medium - 4 I~ ,'sus' SHRIMPJ I TKUF'- 89C 39C 0 89C 59< 89C sopars at $2.09 48s 4l.79 - Springtime Deod13an 49 r 1 s FI Pai poc Ne s f0r Fi ul Ce Main M9<. ptit 11.1. ty 51 the taxnt D.iLi The hp-p ei. s As te poe Sos GF