86bTh Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 3, 1968 !SUPRRINT NDENT'S AWARD, pieenived by O.S.G Superiniend- nt1 D. E Keiiedy. was one ni the ighiigiin of the schonî's first graduation cenrvmovyon Wedvenday Tcddy Poliernon received the aard. (Staff Photo) THE1 STANLRY HAIL MEMORIAL ooovds, giviev in vieivory nif Haton's late MP.P meeopresened dueîeg agraduaion dine folntearionSonl foteDeals irst geodaing cias test meek, HalinciEastiM.PýP Jim now, centre,yîreenesithe $100 chequeos to Trevni Carer and Paticia: inigee. (Staff Photo) Honor O.S.D. students, Zýý _ '12.4 present many awards ait first graduation Sevonteen monior shedenîs lormed tho lirst gcadualionniasai ai O.S.D., Milion. Mbm coromony teck place on Toeaday, Joue 2l. A rempli on ras halld in th1e ..nir schonl courtyard and aud- Iioriom, prier tl the gradualion banquet In the sad diningrnom. Approsimatll 130 relatives, iriends aud sad memiiersininei then graduaies aI the banquet. Dr. J. G. Dames&, heperinlomioni of Ontarin Slcm for t11e Doal, Belleville gavo tho grcaduatin alidross. lis introduction vias ginon hy Wayne Foi, Dean ni Residonco. The graduation chass waa ti- lrodocod hy D. E. Kennedy, Bey- orinlondoni. Alvin Smith oasthe yalodictoriao, The Stanley Hall Memocial Award was sharedi y Io studenîs, Patricia Lularen ami Trenor Cartor. This cash anard ($1100) ras linon hy th1e lrinnds ni tho late luanley Had, former M.P.P. for the Ballon ridini sol was presenlefi hy Jamesloan, 1he plissent nm- herci parllalent in 1the Prov- incial Logislatnre. nhe Dapaclnlendenl's Arard lirs on y Edwin Patterso. Gary Busch, Assistant Super- intondent, nopreassd approcia- lion 10 Dr. Demesa, Mr. 11mw ami tho oiay perlons invoied In carrying outiblis mosi eac- A graduation hall ras beli in the seron aoditorium fllowilR the banquiet. Seuter studonis and thoir escorte, parents, iriomis, ami siaff memhern iained with tho gradoiales 10 maon this a happy occasion and lnpayinrhor tiiuto t0 the stiodeols elhe are leaning selhent te enter lue wrnd nf worb. Furihor awards wece presenled hy Ernest Voss of Kitchener te shuionts in île Kil- chener-Watocloo area' aMi hy the Shidenis' Cuncll 10 nilher aradlualos. Arec glaucoma clinic possible - Lions Club There-s a pnslihillly the Lins Club nf Milton may le selling Up a glaiicnma dmi In the nsear yivoco . Durinî test weeb's meetingcgn the local cluh, Jack mryce of wnmilitocb Linns spOha nn 111e gloocoma dmi bei In Wnod- stock In Mays, noen 4,000 resi- dents of OiordCmuny reetest- cd for the eyo dinease. Thore more 174 referralslor more test- Ing, ami over 30 canes ofglati- coma turned up. nhe national anerage bs luree inovery 50maid- dents. Miltonn Lins enpresedl tin- leresl In asimiardblcheroakW 11101 il nen le arraoged fnr île lait of luis poar. In nilier business, 1the club agceed tiohaild arleoichait romp for a local multiplo oclerosin VIilîs homo, apponit Lewin Sales and Allert Schonlen audit- ors or te pear, ami decideli tn sponsor a hacrnsse as locdly tlndrem up inlerest forsadn the spnrt in Milton. --Nol aIl the eloclion pnsters are gne yol. onme nf Gencge Knrr's arn still p lr>im the provincial electin tast heUI. Billy White hold iheie liace lave McKnziia vemnorial cncîds as oiniaed:ivg aihiries nf the yeo. 0v the v:ghi, Gary Moaîtien peosevis thevcev ennl house leauge ieopy tn capiaien Mary Avv Chvvel and fovole Hall ni the wn- v:vg inithhson' houne. (Stalf Photos) IAERING M0RiALiI il GRAVL IMaiscriesI IMichaels Building - 2436 Lhakeahoe Rd. W. Phane Oronta 827-1047 Ns TIl charg JOHNSON, O.D. I ais. le pins fetUO AWAD WINNUS at Onlr a chool lar the Goafles sel neeek ncludeni Paula Harresivaillo rec. ced the afior speech mlapi sond speechreading amard, andi Kathy ONe. ond rian Dymnoos 0 MR iMt Weho mont deanofn reoidence socrs for 10F lr mark duri te m T. OU Pest liser Bans Hansen, blerneThompson ami Harold lladham wre t11e 200 cluh iraw wnoers for the mentit of Jone. THE1 FIRST ChAS 0F ORADUATINO STUDENTS an Ontario Schoni loi the Goal soid goosibve t0 the Milton school on Tuesdopoveigoltest mnk. A dinniermwasheld in heir honor, follnmied by adaneand many parents andlfriendsaet- tended lihe fnectin. The graduaiing class is shomn hore. Thle 11111 gradoales are; Carol Loerait of P5ort Credil, Petlit Lolaren ofiParts, Emiiy Osborne of Arbona, Cecil Baer ofDs,îmha, Doughas Basher of Gal, Trevor Carter of Windsoc, Briae Ce of Nernal, Rnoer Duech o iIlieu, Henry Fmnriain ci Lononn, Dean Lomon of1 Acn, Orlan blackney ci Oarlbngtnn, William Olten ni Miltn, Phillip Colore ni lhay- nec, Edwin Pallorson of Hamil- Inn, Rnnld Rldsdale of Wood- stnck, Alvin Smith of Itoqieler ami Gerali WidemanofW&alo. IMilton Parka Are IYourtoEnoy -I by reportinu nandallsse te, Miltes Pellie Immsdlatsl. Ontario Hospital Insurance announces NEW BENEFITS Effective July 1, 1968 In kccying wiîb ils ycacîicc nhrongb thc years nf iecrcasiîîî bcndliîs mbercvcr possible, thc Ontario Hospitl Scrviccs Commission announccssnew besefits for hnspitil out-patient services asd essentiel ambualance sernices effective os jsly 1, 19681. Tbcsc beciîs arc nom avaiiabic la ail residenîs covercd by Ontario Hospitl lnsuruncc for sshom sncb out-paient or ambulance serviccs are mcdîcaiiy nccssary. New Out-Patient Beisefits bn addition 10 out-patient bospitl scrviccs uircady coered (emergcncy cure; foiiam-uy trnaîmeni of fractures; radio- therapy; yhysîolhcrayy; occuyaîionai lhcrapy and syecch iberapy) tbc plan now provîdes fuvîher bencfils for the use of bospitl lacililîrs in out-paticnt Ircaîmeni prescribrd by o physician. Tbîs means Ibol mavy bospîlul vîsîls nol prcviously iesurcd, sucb as use of opcraling raom for inaersnrgical procedures and tbe use of hospîtl facîiliîes on tbe Ireaimnoco of mnedicai conditions, wiii non bc covered by Ontario Hospitl lnsurancc. X-ray esuminulions and iaborulory tests lisîrd as benebîts under th1e Ontario Medicai Services i nsuraoce Plan (OMSIP) wiii not be included in th1e new bospitl insuruoce benefbîs. Hossever, Ibese diagnostic services wili continuc 10 be covered on cannecln wilb emergeocy out-patint services withis twenly.four hoars of as accidet or wben pari ni baspitl out-patient service la camplele Ireulmeel of a fracture. The ocm hesehîts wIll NOT cocer any charges onade by denlors or deslists for profissinal sereices resiered i ath1e hospilal th1e une of Isospital facililico for regalar injections of drsgs, ai destal cari normally provided sn a dcslist's office. Essential Ambualance Service Ontaria HospitllInsuruocco viii nons caver. aiso. the major pari of ambula nce cbarges îvbnn an ambulance is necessary la lake a patient la or frono a bospîtl. The sse nias ambulance must hae cossidîrci srcessaiy by a iicensed medical daclor, a centîral ambulance dispatching sersice, a designaled bospîtl officiaI or aîîaîber persan auîborized liy 1the Commission. In th1e case of a raad accident, a police afficer may anîborîze tbe ose of an ambulance. Tbe ambulance must bc supplied by a recogoîzed ambulance service aperalar (municipal, baspilal, and appraved privale and valunîcer ambulance services). Cest to lisoresi Residest. The amaunl payable by tbe patient for an auîbarized ambulance tip af 25 miles or less wIli ha limitesi 10 $5.001. For langer trips an land tbere miii b1e an ailditianal charge of 15 cents for eanh mile onîr 25 miles, but se moire han 1125.001 mli h payable by the patient for any land trip. Whîre use of an air ambhulance is spenially asîhorioni by the Dîrector of Emergency Heallb Servie of th1e Ontario Hastal Services Commission or a persan designaled by him. the patient null sot have tn puy maie thas $100.00, includîng 111e cast of any canoecting lanid ambulance service. Patient Pays Hospital. Te paientv miii puy bis sbare ofîbheambulance casl 101the hospital whîcb receives bî or rransfers bino ta a place af resîdence-not la t11e ambulance apcraîor. (Ait uiîiinîredperîoîi tiii 11e liablefor lînfuli auîbîlanîce chiargesn ofS25.0flofr a lanîd trip ni 25 éîles or leon, pins 6i0 cinls lor ecc uddiîoîîal nmile. Air auîlanîce îîil/ 11e ciîarged ai the usual ful raien for îhis type of serv-ice.) The Onario Hospital Serices Commission null NOT hae respassibie for operatisg or dispatching ambulances. Tbis miii cntninue la b1e the responsibilily nf the ambulance aperutars mbicb, in sonmc cuses, miii 11e public haspilals. Tbe ncm out-patient benelils are designed la close th1e gap in protection belmeen insuved hospîtai services and Ibone services mbîcb are benclils af OMSIP and ciller camprehrensive onedical plans. The ambuance benifit miii n01 only case 1the imandiai prablcm for 1the putient baut miii ussisi in the devclopmcnt ai a weli-organized ambulance service tbraagbnul 111e province. Ontarjo Hospital Servces Commission Toronuto 7, Ontario Make SSummer '168 Your Most Attractive Time Yet With An Expert Styling FROM * AIR-CONDITIONED 133 Main St. West 878-2131 BROC I ight esi b 14Fil ait or Il in Co ThTi Cal"; Bmq Tawi pond dreai WM Rbe Mi Mel eale? Robe Gary BI: ale Cary nW 10Mi tin Chur theCi hell r.e i Seai iec Sotte