Lady curlers set committees Fire ladies wiII clean-up, paint lounge tour Museum Milton Ladies» Curling Club osecuffuos and direclurs motif Mrs. HazeF orfer's boue oc Joue 17 rîfi il ofetfi 13 pres- et. Thiey haut decfded lu gice tle cu rlin club cunngeîbrgifer lenkte is simmer by pruvfdleg lhe paet fur thie moen lu de fie aclu al curi. The luruffure cll lie otlaed and tie drapes lloed. Thle pet luob upper date f e t fer Gcoer 17, wIco il Is hoped rauli me mber wiît attend and ling ateng a prospectiemta for. Theo lîrst dran te sol for Gcoer il.- At a prevous eestingnaMay l7IaI Mos. Fnrter't, the direct- orsuoero asslgund te acomt tee. Ttie flot-fl cotouffre aid dfrncors art, preselou Bs Porter, filrat vice-preslIdenfiJean Hlarri sue (gantes), second vct- prosidrut Rulth Molfn (fbon- oplul), treasurer Glad MerrOîf, erefary Wlin Newoîl, sorl RutIl Gartber and Norma Kflohto, ways and means Enetyn Nadalin. bouse Jane Hughie,prises tese Andersen, muemlfnrelp Mary Bell, business girls represeol- aflue Juan Forge..' and public- i ty Doue Bar,. Theo directuro wfdted a sale, hiappy sommer t0 ail Olilers. --icinnl' uI, pleasa drive carefelip. The Ladies- Auxelary of MII- fou Fîre lieparîmeol cnmhlsad fifr annuel put bote supper cIlle altu, of Saln Counly Museum ai Noter lest week, and bellid a lief buioenees meeting aI the mseum lollnclng tlie elperr. I cas the lest regeler meet- ing for fhe smmmer menthe. Meetings wl l reume agele In September. EVEN THE TINIEST ef caris can e ho n ter- cital of studrets of Miss Murge Clerliser of the tancg anducpetent ducr as euidenced by. Jan Waters Soullo Dncing Saturday uee- lueuor stop caccrs Janet (rouer, Kim Griffitht, tg Wc Martin St Serier Public Schuol. Loure Leocan Hcother Cousens, Judy Jaes, Kerry Heff acd Fuîti Men, port of the ro- (Staff Photo) Students demonstrate work at Joan Waters school recital Nearly lit parents, Irloodu of eludeets uft he Jese Waters icieul et Dancing gatiered in Martio St. Senior Public Soient general puepoeroeum Saturdiy errnleg, Joue il te catuli lie aconit rcltat. Tis ris tic tiret ut tir ru- citais cnnducted iy lustructrose Mise Marge Clarlisue, nie r- celvrd a liunuîel ot carnaiones trot ir pupits lu appreciatn le, lier wrrl. inme reorded mu sicoisesup. plied tuy Gordon Aguco, Camp- lenllle. Amne thoe partill tatlng e: HIGB LAND FLISOS, Botier Cousons, Kier Grifftts, Patîl MeLean, Janet Leaver, Laucie Lngan. Judy Jane s, DeliersiRan- ie, VaIerie Gilks, Kerry Boft. JAZZ 'rAF - Sucys Agocu. BONGO BOrJCEL -Pati South, flelie Roberts. SICI-TO-MY-LOU - Wanda Oimelintnri, Lyn Frost, Buse- macu Wfndmoller, Shirlry Lau- rence, Anito Van Oureciel, Melli-Lisa Cescu, Jante Lngan, Denie Seratint. CHIM-CHIM-CHIREE - Susae Delacurt, Cathy Sonthb, Donna Flfspitrlck, Nancy Wallace, Mary Katierlue Froet. hfÀCK-THE-KNIFE - Arloe Grahamr, Shaona McCay, Lyon Watkins. ALLEY-CAT - Arme Fowell, Nurern tlisizzi, Jeauco Sls- lasi, Eue Hansen, Laurlo Logan, Oeeerly Waîlere,liusan Edwirds. BOGADSWORD - Sonyadirnew, Kaen Nickelle, Suzane 1110k- eule, Marilyn Martin. TAF - Melli-Ion Cescus, Grorges Courue. DOWN-BY-TBE-STATION - KaLtiy Arnold, Sindra LIII, Lanr- le Champeaue, Âne Joyce, Fenny Bneley. BOSA NOVA - Jon Waters. BUTTONS In BOWî - flriiy Beyolde, Yvoeeu Zimmeemao, J.cie Duprie, Nayon FloUde, ueon Reynolds, Kelly Moenl. SWGOD GANCE-Bralier Cci- sous, Kier Griffitis, Saleree Cilles, Lanrir Logan, JudyJanes, Dermeah Rantelu, Kerry-Etlen Hoff. BEATEST BEATKIICK - Di- GOOFS - Jance Lee, aune Loi, Lorraine Watels,Kim raine Seatikns, im itrilli Strati, Jaunie ane Ler. GENEAL SUAR EEL ITSLLOCN - ENRISTATIS OEEI, Agnow Karene nîckterfs. fi, ANID SILVEO TASSIE - Marilyn Ololmîts Marllyo Marin. Martin, Suanne Niokette, Karen IOliH JIG -Fatimoth,GD Olukotte, Ruh NocU, Margo NRoberts, Nier Griflthts, Be Clarlson, Bouen Carty. Cuns. TAF - rerrly Watfors. Spucisi fianes nere et HIGHLAND ROCK - ArIoso te Juan Wîffees, pupits t Grahiam, Shacon McCay, Lyn Agecu, Melli-Lisa ind Cet Watkiles, Cescue, Mîrllye Martie THE GOO SHIP LOLFF- Watters (hap), Karen andfSit CaretPO CuuVoiBr e- nickelle, But eeod, BranI Carle Colnson,ec iraWarmln-e Oi secial liantes lu airs. alle StisonDebrWaringtn liat Clarkern lue lie racyt CHARILESTON FLING -Mary of nurkste r put loto filis da Katierine Frost, fisie Dole- schln. cousrt, Nancy Wallace, Cathy Senti, Sec.' Flttpatrlck. -ei FRoberts ite Skating club DANCE -Margu Clerteon. L M "TUBS- Bramter nas f~ecI iof Cusoe, Nier Crîttltie, MiIton Figere Silflng MtEnnY-O-iOGNl) BR1101( eleoled fhil exetutire lu SlOWN - Sleliy Ooynonds,Yvofne at fhil annual meeting True Zimmorman, Krlly Mcoenl, Elecîrd as prusideuf cas Nayon Flonte, Jaie Dupris, Befty Oleuldci, past prosua enls rTRosoc TRAN DIOT -Nier Mrs. L" Tyrer, eecrelery itoiti, Lorraine Watldos. B. Cern, treaurer Mre. NI SPOONFU!. 0F 11JSAI-Carol Appleton, cirnivil frua Cunter, Floui Bird, Jeenilur Mrs. Chis Lingridgn, Stinson, Deira tharmieglue. elce-preeldeol Mns Fay 1 TREOLE JIS - Seeya Agon. suideCcd vice Mes. Nite BANANA BOAT lONG -Acn teo. Poell, Nerecît tcllslzsl, Juanne Direolors areairs.LizF Scliizz, Ea Hasen Larie Mrs, Fay Flrkory, Mos. Y Logan, Oeuerty Seitters. an r.Ja os THE FYKE'! - liarlyu Mie- airs. aicLauglil. tin, Suzanne Rilketts, Karen Riokette, Ruth Oeed, Marge ~-Abut f1500 marcher Clartesue, Brl an C.arty. rxperted lu lie Bonuit 0 ANIMAL CRlACKERS 1N MY Slip parade, lu lie leld le SOUP - lty Arnold, Oindra fis Oiturday. Local LIII, Laurie Chiampeau, Aune members arr planning lu Joyce, Fenny Roly. cipîte lu lie parade oi APPLES, FEACOES, FJPUM- front 10ivarea cunties, KIN0 PIE -ArlcuroGraam,Nihaw- n McCay, Lyon Seatkids, WITO A WIGGLE AND AWAD- SlLE AND A GSACK-QSACK- QSACK - Waeda Nameliotteer, Lyon Front, Shirley Lawrence, fiosomare Wledernllee, Anita Van Oursot, Mrlll.Llon Cescue, Jîne Logan, Denie Seraini, 'rAF - Beurrly Wattes. A MODERN JAZZ numeber in the Jon Waters School of Danc- ing rouitai Saturday night in Martin St. Senior Pubic School icuded ctudent% Arirce Graha, Shawco McCoy and Snn Watkics. (Staff Photo) SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP l2 CHEF SALAD ROAST TURKEY DINNER MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FOIES FRESH GREEN PEAS CREAM BICE PUDDING FOR REBERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 We Are Evcry ODay Throhael te y*"' 110O RESTAURANT 18 a. AIR CONDITIONRO Milton WORK SAVER The teig one tratures a peer- erful 310 -h1 Briggs and Strat- ton croire that ocves milr aller mile et treuhle-lree performr- ance; Oa uilt-iu cash eut port. ne-scalp conlstruction; rear- moculcd enline trertctertran- lion, maximumr satety; a zip- pcred fres hag -ail aI ne entre ceet. 'Sur nur gond me.À 10-2.5 SRVICE STATION Mury. 25 at No. 10 Bdrd 878-2952 DECLARE WAR "WITH FLY KILLERS" FLORBAIT The tiret and s11 li thebest dry halOt fy teIller. Easy toue Ite lte cern FREE- FLO" top carte. Be t Onuse In mîlli seds, stalles. plggerleu, etc. Aoaaite in 24oz.,40oez., and5 lh.con. COWFLY POWDER Prslaofyoar cowe from bltlegflla sen fat ap le 201% moe mîthI Oet limaI ment faste up te 2weeke. F1510 COW GIVE MORE MILK". Aeellfahae In2 kb dastar cas end 10 1k. bon. FLYMO'R The preerlue qseliOy dally stock spray wlt fast "KIlling Powar". Saie le use un aIl fleestoce or in tarer buildings. Aveilalee In t end I gel, cees. PRES SPRAY rThe aconraan cd affadIra eroel spray fer hecea and fende. use. Kilts tfiles, molthe. ephlds. calarpîltare, ae. Cuele ny $1.4. BARNFLY SPRAY Cornins Slîmrfheafe-cttecle against aIl resistant flics. Spray or ealls, pusîs, minduc trames, etc. Null- îng actior tasts up tet8cceks. 20oz. teettir makes 21u2 gelions ot spray. Availae in n2S and lAS oz. teottles. F LYVAP The yellow sîrip that vapourizes DDVP and kilts flics for up ft months. Safe anrd effective to use ir mute morne, feed rectos and other confined areas. CHOOSE THE RIGHT "AMMO" FROM YOUR FY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS! MASTRFE E DS 0 Diii 877-3512 - Georgetown *0 201 MAIN ST. E. MLTON 878~94 Le,- allier nded nuoya orges verly Carty wil- cing office 'sday. tanche fOrsI tcKay n Me- arley, . Me- n, and Irange Actun L.O0.L paurti- otire 7SAV-HERE LTD. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES REGULAR CIGARETTES KING SIZE i&29 d.4.39 de. OFF NICE 'N' EASY Insect Spray 109 HAIR COLOR 159 t51p. 1.39 6 Camp. 2.25 CRIST 2 COPPERTONE TOOTHPASTE FOR SUNTAN Cinq. 7ft Vogue 99C LOTION 14 Camp. 1.7 9 *MILTON PLAZA *Op.nTNK".. A Fi. Eveninga 'T19 SIMMER THIS SUMMER- PLPETPUS INSTALL YOUR NEW IAIR CONDITIONER NOW... -----ALL SIZES - BRAND -NAME-S - FROM $169.00 ttt Be Cool and Relaxed CALL US TODAY RICHARDSON'S ACTON 7 A.M TO 12 N005 - B P.M TO 8 P.M. -SATURDAYS -ALE DAY - 7 A.M TO B P.M Ne. 10 Sldamsad QUART PICKIN' BOXES ONLY BRING VOUS OWN-OR PURCHASE AT PATCH Ptaase - No Chldran Undse 12 BROBAR ALLOWID lu uIH PATCH* MUETS BROBAR FARMS Exit 9 Nu .DB JO H N P BRO W N - V EON T BA RBER MITN Cnnvenlcrtiy inceteai or ped hlghuney - Rnactiy 3 miles noet of dOl - on Hwy. 25 - ________________________ Ample Free Parking a d t_ S