Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1968, p. 12

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L-ý - - _. A ll-ycac-old Bmv pear AnIs aiSicience stodecl ecleriog Grade 13 in Seplemiser ai Notre Dame Aeademy, Shasron Watson of Milice Is mr Ceseralin '68 repremoltaline lbis oeeB. Born in Dcmnili,0N5i00R5ei Shaoe eco cci Ber parents tu Millesn about il poes &go. Acem0 in lra-mrai basket- Bail, volleyBail, sud btowling, site aIc played ontelkRotarylRaiders BamB&ainat. A memtee ai the MiltoneC..C. Mies Watso ors parI-lime as acailtress in the Collage Seli- cmissco. Ste placse îcattend leaciters' eollage optes copiellon cf Ber higB seitooi eduralico. dt an eye le laecig Grade 4 pupif s, ClIBer interesls lîrlude tennis, trelier sleig andi driig .. . 0110 cerne sperlalccpariipaion In 1aseb&1L Titis past year, site assisled ciit te typisn oon"Nodacl lte ceBcel yeacitceB. Nece's olel sie lad to 0y Oc Limeor: Loericg lielegal drIciig agp wmuldcoldo acy Baco, sice ceci pog people dricO belore thep're il, aoid if tep dracit islieir Bornes r505Cr tao o lte strels or &cross tBe Serder thsreld Be lecas proitles w110 tem. On Grogs: 1 omidol Isa tism, lecue a lo1 ai tem cao Serome habil forrng. 1 suppose lir's alrigit foc people oBo oanI t0 gel cet of te ceai orîd ansd lire in dreams. The sale ai tie type of test dlouldo'l Be legalited. Titat eceid oeiy, encourage ils u. O Mllton: Ild sceser Bmvi 1n e t000 abot lte seme aise, Sel Milto leeps Ion nlote a matet on mit ececynne In Oc Politcs: Trudeau 0111 pcobaBly do more, soi gel more action ton sorne of lte otiter candidates mlgBl hae . .. itelsgot more '1esergy5,' Sel i dce'l féai ite's reaily guith1e exper- On lte Potkeg Age: i sbould Be leit aI age il. Ymcnger pecple's ideas 0111 change often, aoi teir opinios are oct as stablIe as tey omid Be wBen tey gel older. On Religion: 1 do Seitene le God, Set 1ldcc't teet religion is sunelticg people shtmld maite a Mig linig ai or Brag about. A pecsoo doeslt hace 10 go tu ritorci eeery Rinday 10 Be celigius. 1l's mocre pecsooal.. Idmailisa there 0111 eeer Be aounion ai oiuries ....earit por- soc is irmgit Up 10 Ben Rorn Catolir or Proles- tact or oitener itis parents nere sud o're lallBingsait lte saue Gaicentere's no ceed for union. On Ber Coclempocaries: TBey slsmld do aI least as gond a lob as tote cito Bace <ou telluce. Titcy teeciht ceeds te Se impccned and tey1l pcobatîy lcy 10 cBange il otoc tBey gel lte chsance. SHARON WATSON, our Gonoratioo '68 represeotatiue this week assised in the typing of Notre Dome Academy's peor book, Noda" (Staff Photo) 10 7e 1968 f eoap6tex fy oa, Mat, Youth Froot Co-Ordinator 1'd fille t0 apoioffi<e foc a.cy wndoos lise oid Pontiac and 1 itreke Friday evnclg as ce lefI 191 Main lte lali lime for to waeks, Soaucd itarrlers sure are gellic< oasy t0 itreanit. ll's lte onastem fer neosaper people t0 retors from acatlion olit play- ey'plsy aceouets ai teir acliolties sud verbli maps ni lte genI- rsphy tey ccveced .... attd if yot do anylangoort rnportisg Il esc Se icieresling. Bol as for me,. ts g010< oSle à fairly prediclaitle, LM itigitlY nrcportaitle suid Icoly duif, resllul, ceas- lilial soatîle basomo lte Bedrccm and lte refrigeestor, wiih ocoas- fouil exhasticg iies al lte oay &oross lte liotognccrn tothe non percit. * Ose of lte Great Jepe cf eommslicg belorco Catopbelilille adi Miltce la eeded. Dextreyed. Close fcreoer. Aitout tac, eeks @ge the ncr mec fr00 lte Cfasly ai Natioen. lticBI< tey Oece dagooideed, 11Ued Inlte dipon theTow e40 1 e olmerpas Ufeai le Be ym et cocO Uokp a lit of steed (otiltg iile<si, ai course) îeMlsg smlth frein Ne. 5 lideread and if ymu took limi nua* grooSe )mât rlgll, ymur okeels cere 5151 gelliog bock on lte gros lnîe m 1 mab lte lfat turs lecards the AUtel faim. Nec ffeg loa, lo bmicksOt iaoep gala' border In nacd. e WeD Pierra o14 bey . . .. aller ymu gel ccd et lte. scriBes osait lage heu aBorI Lwa Young ega? YmU fsID&led ymenciglsi tainsa eai e thealsione litaeye eeils<bs h W e d lilias sa aaldd Cio eseosesgcaby oiebgt à Youneg op edMb etOlia tisa haigl cf 1aMenla Milotoreis 1111 tih- muec. TMs Frontv clo Be 5<g fois, Mapsot of salag a huile mmu 408* -Od AMONG THE AWARDS presontod ut Martin St. Daughters of the Emopire. Mrs. Morfie is shome SUMMER FASHION creoted by home econo- puepose room. Here modela Anc Weiss, ICthy Seniur Public School's olosing assernhly Fr- presontiog Io (front row) Mymoa Wilson, Clou- mois students of Martin St. Senior Public itchool Mollie and Lynn Durean file past commentator dayvvorethese scholarshiputsaries present- enEl, TanisWldfon ad bak rowlGary were on display to a largeocrond of parents Wendy Kendrick. ed byMr E. Mortn, educto seceary of MocDougall Rober Striger Caudee Phelps and foods Frday afenoon in thegeneral (Staff Photo) tho John Milon Chopter ruperio Oder and Loi Fa. (Soaff Photo) 1.. t ~The seldom-discussed subied of family love MARTIN STREET Senior Public Sohool principal John Bell, mho lenues the sohool ofter fiue yeots to take o position as princi- pal on Durham, was prcsented mvith a table lamp on behalf of the students by studet couril presdent Shrry cKr. airs. Emms, oulo ouns citod for hao:ng assisted the students on their projeots through the pont, alto received a gift of oppreciation. (Staff Photo) No Youth Front on JuIy 10 Cer Folks: Braco yntraelf. Caon op. Doo'l cry, butîforlthe cake ofTite Frool'e ego. tir's dkay 10 fr01 luse ynt 05.0110. Bol titero oic le no YoultFront for Jly i0. As pot con ses in "lioaBn", yotrs in ords is almtdnc saip for acouple of weeks of Pore Freedom. We're going tuois taliig topo.. . evn for ooe week ... bul titrs easy tu sce lte problecos ltai old ite icooloed In geliel up Itren Y.F.'s in lte lime alioced. We'Ii see yat Joly 1l ltotct . iit Goneralico -68, Jaoel's columo, the Scaitpox snd &Rl the resl nf it. Rave a gced itoliday... and see you a ceek Wodoesday. --- Lar. Free dance A frele endanec,partaof Miltoo-s lacg-tp ancecalico cleitralico 001the oeebend,dceo a orond ni 00cr 200 teenagers end leecy-boppers lu Milon Ariena Salurday 6<01t. Tite Stanes banod front Anlor acd M.C. Tioy Boptocas kepI things lileralit itoppicg for lBree Bmurs. Cotocillor Pecn Barr sud Ieeor Austsu LedwitB orgac' ised tce enon Ocbeitalf ni lte locnoonI Bot spokc bieefly durlol su intermtission, orlor- 10< lte teenagers and orgiol 10em 10 Se proud nifteir eepaod. A largo sig0, "Lcl'sCloTeeos, Celeitrale Aaceealioc"' featuciog a mapshyin th00<e preseol andi expandrd bu itoodaries os ondispmi behind the orchtestre throtlt the eoecicg, Il cas don- aied My Pal Foster ai the Mlot .crealico Departmn. 0y Jouet Fecrier Thte mitieci for disreasicclthia week ia one rarely ronsidered. Il con Be oveclcooled quite eanlly, yel acueelsig aloays cornes Up 10 prevnc il from beicg lotlly fccgotleo. Youmgh 06<11SgB, plat migit seofi, excuse il a olt &long ymur lise, Sel oBec ymu geO rigBî don o1 Il. ymu'D proBaBly Se <la yen have lil. Farilylcoe. Titere's te ose mito mys, "1l doc'l owe acyBssdy suylidg." TecBrdcaily maySe pot dont. aI- 1er ail, ymur parents are espect- ed 10 loise ymu, sBeltec yn, and gire pot ail the secessilles of lite. Titere slliexisls,Boweoec, te det t0 pay - tBaO of loea, apprerlaice, guidace and ces- pect; ctol dy 1u ymur pacents, Sel tu ymcr slolers a&M BraiBers as oeil Ymu eu say, "To beck 0110 liem, rny oid mnondcrs leas," a&d 'ail ry molier ever dues is cag, ceg, oei. ihls worried oBal the seigitkers migsl sép,"1 or "cito rares about IBose colly cosed Ut111e Brssll" Today Coa is B1ghilg foc uclly, a commun bod. Pertaps aL famly, as a unil, coul sel su exampie 1n ils social, fimorcial, ernoliocal aspects. A commn quoe, is il no, la "CSerilp Se- gins aI itorne."' Il Ses beec said familles Saee iraI teir fun1 mesuiog, poopote, ssci ideal. i stands lcday, coly as acoter social structureoaiB Baac'l pel Beec ecgelfed w110 rnodernisation. Weit progresa, ernolios aoi famil Sods od- eccated t0 lte pontloleslioclioc' Nol lolally, tradition les See Ion srcocgly Inslillid in mcci tu permit the ioss ni a famiiy unit. i may Secoln vague, or Seried fer a lle ohie, Sel il's aloaya tece. Whien pm're flylcg hMgB, cacefres, yoss're irnrediately SAVE $87.40 TO $104.00 Onea saisof naciN a98riginal aqsipaat Firestone Deluxe Champion WHITEWALLS 4 for on for SH0 J -1.NGI MrCUY orTDbrc. Tsd.u on thii. Plaza ýna po..it8i3y ~~IampoY YOU TH FRONT~ ------ ------ ------82 The Canadian -Champion, Wedneaday, July 3, 1968 1hro

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