Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1968, p. 11

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Mt, a Voila Mar-La lisllap, ýElizabeth Fîth- nsanan, Andrea Woota, Caret Han- - Lapa. "Yat - Ue Flihr, Jtulte nusis.a Nacyt. KIares Adarna - Janet Caltai; flan Brau, Date iteelaxala Pat Ras, Datia Lais, Raeidt Kint, -Donae Cate;z s, Daple Cerdigly, adl, Doaira Wood, ,Ida D'Iite, Elat. Marihait. ,D DAY ver, Ioisais, Min, dater, taller. 'SACTINO ida Limlted UWlton araa. Thlte Motor ar Corpora- al Ic. modern tara nana contrea. oils a rial Y. imont 1 WItt the reletrattasanar rnarttag asexattea Ceaid fcatllrltl itipears ild aSd ta tedal nu uottlad toc a ra- amnt lacgth tim Ure tt'aUre te mrnev lien asrnrner aSd arnna reaxation. 'atetter Yeu noneffattartna artteva liat relaxin dataids an uilattr penar an a mnicirpal croup planning ataid tare arnnelbh trani- lian tueanlarged trndartee; a aewlp-aert- ad rnarntr Si parliarnent, or ju0f a plait ctien planning toc pair animnal vacatton. Iti Sareseas hanta aamatttsg ni the igattrancof et cor tcdutrp btlt's lntarealicg la nais tat Caaida' aatnrnat- IInldutrp rtlaflp laratad ta Oalerie, murpaead tilteai aSd tarot pranlacte aa the natte's maonter on expert tndnitrp ta tlmi Onarie o nara'nts for amtetleur- fta cf Csseda'a tOpl namafatorcdcspart vel Cangratulatos tatae ttgt setaol ta- dents wta arttcnad a ttgt enaugt par- ante ta oisilln procanlra tancr. te Ute Mitan artel tero waro faur, wittct I thInt releras odli o ah lachrtl and an the todentte efforts ATtc Rntary Ciet ta tntin a palah tend frarn Sunderland Engloutd ta oviti )tonta, play a rancort and te btat ta mrutiers' tomas. Ths tend I n a throc taetk tauraci Caadla and If tae local tnvita- lila earrepted the nesling rancart couet te setter attractian fer tatat ta torndcg ap as a prcttp talai mortt localtp. la coa pa'lro intercstad le arnae ai the Angoal dates, toero's a Provniaa top Seot Janboec scdoied far telso Angast t? ta 24 wtth rtllt sttrart 3,00a Seots froin Ontario, arrosa Canad, las U.t. snd aonce fron anarcaàsThesSted- IDaite eur dentale cnot ta pranlde Item las tean Invitd smcoman btttac boulotteai larket tafftandpresearofa the tam-Eraleoward ted temat deaadtu, se tid manaisr aidmsano et Latar Dap. Na word 0f uhttar taere nOs, Oi a teana possttle silln BiHl 0111 te sy aId fasttacd dape tbis pear bat Woa d YnneuChritie,ectieManfsf. tcere daaintsamte m uh oranis- c t i t cb r s , a g r e e d t e p t c t t a a Sd t l p . a t l ant s . Myp one ten litm So ir c r-perattan ai wall as ta mp oa fflb tel agnad ta Ttc tapla for annesatten tnancr,narp Isl iuecapc Idt a thes arcasealip la, aSd noe uMunicipal Iphons tac the coenee ofai reidants leaders la caniti, plsanding board aSd lac ybat 0f otaer toat ronoitaes oll te get- a n pe-olrti anpse attarnce ttng tata lac prei lnnalved la esplaad- o Ints-lcinaalseI eoe ng a tanu If pa'cc anted bo servc ta ccoaaall trâ uoed sare l pale ittaduo tcretî aacty cmettp thecaeg ot apt j d dieu el araedse ss a n taiett ds. anmu ethep comrapty ac cg boa- If taerease wtnr itta 'greatitt" pau migt eaai neanteer, aomcltng natte an televiao ta ies crtaily Tommyleog- otbaard ai crcotlp, aSi ailor pair tlents las, fftati aSd Trotsa bath came tIn sonc area. Iî'e auitng tas mort across larnelp. Ttche aio ttc clertîca mone aL ton mssn ta nomtieantata le in- lisiar ao iSIartt the encolas ai taa nlnvd tas ta sonrat wto >ant 'licca"l dette, hoanaer ta Il. la~ Down[s] in this maith Ilaoy dio wna Dld pasy ener tran teto ne ailaoac types lb. Nlat camait Wh ut railat op Mot mic, ad talcs eatting dertstes? 17. Oi coati; tac Cent Osme pa bit nu S teoe types, teD ttrn paa'e n ai lott relteai Rond 18. Ol waild ru ttm Se is et (dcailedc tp tilt Fertee,edltoc pt Caatse Prteter and Potlisher) ottcb 19. Ntit tchI lartaais secveraI noys ta anotd mailing a delsîan: 20. Cri roady: t, 'aa ltcid ta belors, 0. 'ale'n craci dn O belone. t. I hnow o goy uta trtad iO. t 'ae'na alwaps dom It tdas wap. t. Taoratiat a chaie. I. 'atp changeT fi's stIt warnt'. 7. 'aa td aU rIgt wollaail . 8. lt'aon lmant trahile. 9. Gar place te tifférent. 10. I tort the aataorlp. 11. Manageaient oalda'lta tooc i. 12. Ttc mca ooni tp u , aL 13. fb ia n salanl ocrnam id. Cealoaarn wa't lite Il. 15. 'as te'I' hane tae tir". I1. Pat il In o 22. Oc stoald 23. A commdtt 24. Gîna It Mo l5. Lel's aset 26. Slîn iII Sugar and Spice bty bai11 mi 1o ey This le telng anrttte hitefre tte natioat ecio. And ttacc's aattdng nara ccttl- arattrg taon getrg at onaa Ont. i tegtrs otca ya'-rc noy litile, ober yen cat a worm ta sc Il tc'O rcattp top elino taida pan, or ptrb op a teid ta cae natttr pa'tl wlnd op canarod aliah warts, Later, It mtgtt toerlitrng at or &lang, dmabptrc lint ancr a deep pool, wtenpya ran't swtn. Or It xetftt te ragtt optan a trac, ettrt stalicd wtt appes, whtle the naira of Gar. J. Jeatan taetere tran, teanala, "Canae dinn, po Uîtile tavle; I aro par cp thone aud l'11l ute the tacr et ai pra aad ttc polira'l put yc, âas ter Oic." tedineprcee pun, pen doo't roatlptnw lcdfecn, ar ye ast don't cuca. fl's rlImtlag aIt an lac Gaing laat retters linon a 20 1 waa rllntlng aut ara Oct, trplag dcqaccatclp ta naise lac gradea a tlghtor pilai, occaang bland soi telt I raId rlinbt n th lace odng ai a %aitttro and te teillcd, 'ahat san fl Tact dldr't mate Il ocra trabcr-tcartcd. Aol laco lacne's lac Ontb of 'narriago. Mont mnalas 0<11 clint eut on lac tirot Onb t a tecndomad alla long ayctastca or trînt amides ors attg teol. Evoa laagh tep taa lt'e aaery greeancn, oaaocp tla oe, at laap go. Or Il mtgtttecaaghtitheasatafanlp- 1 ais tortp. fia limtlclimtedaotaan toc crr aSd rartag thrait taarde sd os f1cm but ptctdtrg, prae but rat trlt- anar lacs, alla thecrotns dropplrg aSd tte. ASd 1darr entadscvrodfttotcn paur heart laamptat snd lac ehtagar foinf peu nlinted et an laat partlir Ont, ofilata thc stp. peu dtdr't carrp a nuv, but a parachte THOSI ITAILY TPIEi liiing a portin Oc thcaacghaaan, and anc of TafalgarataadilicuaothtLina inthe cansccuntaoncrcnaari Daumucn aroacaay bc aaogthecfinal broutalul ccaa-linad road haidavrca laacr enachr ore. Modcrn Courty. trannpoatatioc oaapacan cadr and cad- Briblesj en dev7elcmsen t Enqccnag Caonain' accroc amard- cant ta tae lard sepacatian bn-lec rainn iltoandataap fortacocos tcae C o rm er lagal clae taec lacfo lice pcaos balate thrp cao nrpaoctc, tas a Ina paangad objective. Fonst ofaI l l incan attampt aa put tctp. thea oato n lord spacclatan wch hao npaated cepacileird expansiinrin morth. the townshipacovrthepast fcopean. a p aneriestt. Siecond objactave aI te tp-iec ns ta lap and pacsern the rural oltatactea aI budet.t ttc township chant han bacarar anctean- irgip cabar an arcan otete nac taon- lac It.La ini bain0 coacîrd aI en uoptecadant- citbeg. cd tata. Cauccai dao ot oaccnnaaily tata test il lirai. tha ciec that axpansaon is soaottiog ta ho caidrd. Haccaca, tte capid aine aI aeanboutit stadp IL. che public achoal cccli rata ahas paa ne tagtt. cadc tan tecice that tha asscant ratao cacld ta bctter. Ttc tocnship P onît. nciud une cota industrial ansssmncoto balance the Ilarga nanidantial and loto or Dow. prcartege aI tte tax raill 27. Taulro rttaî be ...' 28. GoSd tait.h but Impracttral. Z9. Ol rat te data, 30. I Gant Ila Impossible. 'aaildn't Il teea lot cataer ta qant esat tag, Il cigarettes ocrc iattcnng rattea lasn oaocc-naasingT Ttc ttneat ai caceor and lac prlar ta. mraces don't acnm to te cnonit ta matle Mont People naît, lac w011cr tarîadcd. Noe if ttc dam Shugs ocre laittcntng . . MOr Il uagttt,attago 12, smoking bette wta lac tataes in the "June" te- ida the rsllîred tracte, aSd honing a dront wtb a gallon of wita coma op sd tact tcrrtitrg pau alla ait sorle ai ah- scntîes pen dae't undertard. by anc thc Or It mlgbt te, abaut 14 aSd 'aattod lite coatiog ahe a htaca witt pîmpîra, tantng ta ast a tiri a aI Haiton ta a parly, baawtng that pau arr lac Mont ropaltore, aoboard teotp la taon. This te (SitaIff Photo) a rottan Ont lbe eut on. Thora ns nana justaficatian lac ttc teccros and cauncillar Patteasnns gloa- ocy poadaccaca that any industaiel an- sasnathatawnship daoeîcl iiibe apcadiiy sccllaccd cp bp counicipsi- tira an the taonthip. Milton, lot rn- stane,ijunt arnncaed tcancindstis lacaad inbEsqucsng and iacann'toeny pans ao that Actan tortk thc essas- oe ral laearcdooreancd Ca. chiot tedi boa in abs townstip. Industay, aI cournc, as enriaun ta louate clonc ta tons and cillages 00 ttc laboa pool ciii bo tendyrcaen il ttac dortf eed the servce Praps the or ntap'n dilemea cou mcent aI an a odastri aI Pnquaaiog ohae ccli octa tfract. ncppbed and ucluta it caaid ho cr act ta locale on Esqurni T/se thoughtie,6é litter Witt thi tcgannang aI the suonca sesnOnteaia'a tigtoeyn ciii te car- aynathundîedn ofctaunaods oflot- atnto aecation andteoot aiesthaaoug- c outathe proic- andteandcthao they caîl ieaca toundn aI coca aI gearbge, wch cal1 not taapaycca acca t $700,000 ta, cean up. t A aucoat drive in ttc countay nhouid ba a pîcasuteccpcacoce. tut rcaîy paa an anncaang collectorof trokeen bottîca, niaraette packagas, ht dlogonapeaaorange peelingsaandeany nuobet nI othertemtaon aI auce ttcooc out ofarondoo by unhint- r ng mttOitotc Moat of ttc pcople oto cootributa il1 ctoitaisanmeaupo ould quactlypct p upoycaris unda nathero r o nt l val ae he golden cula cf acathtatca gcon oct ttc oancdo oth ttc tort of tte gachago ohmn thean obcaousaselfa a cterac an cot a nolved. Il -anas tta Ontarac apeartatont cf Higtoayanmorttttc mie n litter nbao coto l c, taap ita 13,000 taira aI Kangas Hiagtaya and Saccndacy Hagtoauu crac and attractice Guaino the mcajot cîran-uy pcaiod the sic mntnhstoccaon May and Ocacr chafus an average epcndaaucaoftnmoreart $3,800 accay day. Lattcningansbecctccngcnaoernoua and ontly pnobieocwictincacdcvol. uoesaoftrca nou tcads andcwtt the i nceano an danpsaatlr pacckang and btaing. 1 The cant aI uoobacing tans pccblaon ta.c cp cciiel enceed $1,a00,00in the aird ccap neelfutureauness peoplerpicoin est, ta help taep moade disanit In tacott Oua, ycarara enicceasiog aiutr of mooa- 'r'it aec taon liaca $00 onder the esy tighcap Trellin Aoct Ir littaaing. The taughtleac roada -an alno allen ccii as the saecy ai nI taoken glana nI potentcauseaofaa bioc-ouî orabyua swreinca the Lacge picas nI pap cinasheld on tae daicacan vision a stainon tacaly Caepaigna Ion laftera baga ornt bacc had noine effe prctîro ancd if tr opeatt catt yutlc-a panons and gocen .ho a taig pet tha asuit cculd tr An pact cf ttc tae Gopeartant cf ang free plantac bit Il raIld te eplrng, "Da'a pau ep fltta abaut mn molaccO' ta ttc lop i payor aga sdl enillog ito Non, paurali atwclgtcd 10 pardo, but paur fInte and filet soi tacth getng lite a olndnll. Or it raild tiea salmmlnglp ethlratlag moment, lte ttc dap aiea t vias la it oclt aai btnaed mp Franct teactor ap in sn apple Ira, bh ita r s alnstar sol ais poars chder tLa 10 bat il I recuit, It os a soandng rapoctenor and I tttnt wce btl oaS up tsagng tp aur bacs tramt lac ent. Tbece ane ancr af tae lints lvac ten eut 0n. Laina ofce Onts,ccaedimhe, robter limbe, soit oaes, trlttlc limbe, etardp colis. aveo aignal aut an a Ont,. Ooanor, abat 1 starlcd et la npL oaa tels as or get aier, vic clint out or daoctccsand starter, niler aSd soicclimba, arttl vic ane Oeallp toit, rlatcttng lac trae- trant, cran thaith ac'rc aatplw tac ilt off lac peand. The ont limbe (or ttcparfnts)cneat. cd aSd saapd snd craobod aSd dlppad Ttcp arc roplarol tp ttc limbe o ai itp sam ronomtt snd scrctp snd aaait file ineurnce. ASd lac sod part le la lacae arc lac limbe ie viet aur ottîdran ta clint aut an, no iarttcr tha to etactnth tramlciont andt ao nigr flaon t lit franthe granrd, 'atile ttop ocont la clit an lac aoalaglng limte ttat otît at tlam ta ttc sires or brak and lot thon flt Att ttto, ai crseo,tJsaproambtette tart that Po'l tII otliag ta go eut anaà Ontb. If aomcadp alt falt me a top- huiddrr ta heip me gaI tartcd optae tree. t capasl Itts te ortton teloro ttc ational Thcrc't golag ta e oa landelide. It map te la Qoaene or Ontarto, bel lt'e marc litelp ta tappenîin ttc tRontas, Pages of the Past laom champpan fitas sor tc ta ttc ac- 20 years ago Id te the entablant- Tallebrora ttc tsar ai fie Ca"âdl ai patt an an amie Champion, Jutp t, tIlt. iodiuntay ocld te Ocropplag ttc Doip vacant propcrtp la Il nervicen cote lac doantron tatrins aLrea an tiaItreet, rerd sites acoalabîr Mss Jeas tact ai Toronto 'actaed lac tactaca Ina anduntoy iltoan SneotBa lesat Ttaredap anrtg. Ttc building iaamcrlp occaptcd tp H. A, ta. "tarIt" Canent, las teer laoraugtlp paot- -Actan Fana Paess cd tna s attractive bloc calar, hot lntidc SMouta. A long lac snd toMles lntatcd for patraa'ls camiart, matle tt oe ai the mot attractive lting taciss in Milloa Mies tort canes la Milionrntra Taronta ohereabec tan teca assitant supervtser aI lac Metoia Arts Building Sact tac. bita formrtp oontactcd a tarot taties iittcaing aI ccc ti tesoortoansd Ctellls An sont, tirs, t Oct onr salay as Pearl Palsn sOIt alan &aisi aith la ckr facttr.Thertaaad bac. nh ihwyi a 00cr anc tolred mantere ai ta Gan- ttc higtoe clan mal aI ttc ltrdr Commnatp cidlenta thaaagh tite GraSns, an Sitardap, Juai 26 tac talcr acsng catatiats ta tOrd reanon pioteo. 'adona ta treAm- roangtcaîlac lam. arto o usinsaasncrp alpgvnatp et ooy ly nta, thc Mca. tocdgr Oaahp ofhttllgraoeandnaost fitoinglp rr'aanded to tp Mies Jorc Scatar ntataip abstcccting 0f Loctpart, PTY., both trrstang lac im- rcd causng apanc portanre of livingup tolahelraditiosst tcacriied tcadn. tp air satstea. Grcrtintsamiliteceai tramn absent membors la Narttcra Ontario, mooita carry 'aestern Coudud theTntd tates. aier n ttaac car Reaparto tramn lgt tranches of ttc iamlp ut io cnccllang chia ocra tortn aod thethisoriesrprtedtat lacre ocra taw anar 700 0iv1ng ntrebera a pecple wocld na- ti the tamllp. A flt pragrant af sports apicacrd paicat con oas carrîrd eut ath ton and priaces for caccrt droaccorots paung and aid. Hoaaarabie mention ois tinc ttcs compaig, tovn the paingont monter prasnt, lac refic ocrayanae. Inant non ai Mrc. sud Mrs. Eact B. Coul- acta actet cacpago aId. Haghoayn an paccid- erans ohioh are 5U years ago paovicanc cw a mnajor Ireccayn, liagt Champon, Jolp 4. 191t. ocyn 401 and Hiaghccp 400 Thc ospactri comhnaaarn ai HaItan, Peel -- - aSd Oattcrînn t tt telr ai a otrilor foc ncgteoacd ottîdran tas fatîco ttraugt. Dai- ferla han decoliad aSd oll bavn halI DO NOT FOLPa ETC. foc lisait. It la capeotcd, tooccar, chat the Anacng ottea taingo coura is the otac bo ceallaes wIl cacrrp out the punch-oacd ganoacaaon And thona ad- ocbcmc. SeMads ttc tramptan prapcrty, mntosatout roi Ioldang, ntilaciog the porclan o hct nalnas bean aolor can- ntcatataoseratn, ao ccportadl Ia The Champoa, on dantaoyang racIy aetan chat ttey teot aitheclatc John R.Oaa-tac, aI George- nay, aa ttc toîd1r nI one ganclano cadit ton, tes bora affarcd, frac fronn tsaao cai econlly ducord. and wtfreeviier.cOOralMltonlprop. I-er dcnteged naad oaa aatcaned ta crtirs arc aise oSder canstduratioa Ga arma'it tt th arttng ait of Diffarin n taad offica by tho local nercealtion final artneen eu te mate ty the tol- lac aeplacnment oith the notation aated- laCt dtaon i teeDll sfiar tce ast mceting y tent. n due coucr ttc replae. ai tae reety corîcl, wheutao bOtelp to tie metoaa dolp aeneiced by the lady - tcld ao nie ImaS math. in the nrtre aI aMas. tadlcp tent. a aasegaca las naiSd $1,00 a peur toc Il drsoatdo ~patritntr sociles ad Campbentattts aS Ilde td egea n ttc woang elaewtcro la the towshitp. In proportion sida of chane cooputers a a a Ita i p'aailan and ameel, Casa- nwcpa 'scotribtiorns of mna tac pet- rte parpoaes csbk amang lac Mast litecat. Tîrtoria Part, Ibns t lthe atteation tnoen il tp the taoa, laoi rcmartetlp prap noe, grass and Iraro green aaad floor tede brîllisIt. It tabred partralar- Ip gap trotardat rorobag, otan thara etan a largo aunraI taon ttc Snommr Octaol sof ailtlaient for the arrblp bandconcert. 100 years ago Tatan tram lac issue ai fia Camidaa Champion, Milton, Solo 21, 1o6e, Wr arr laformed tat Il le prnooec la Wellington Square la bacc a promnate Concert and atraoterrp fta aa Wellington Sqare an ttc cacalag of Taraiap the Ttt ai Jalp, tac the parpao ai raiolag meas la replace ttc attar <lt lett oaes rcnlp taIra iran S1. Luaban Ctorot ty sonme eaccelitaos bards, and oakicg soi anc. ceirp Impranamnal t In ttar of ttc Choc. OcreraI ai air tcot amatears thanc agaced la tuae ttrlr seceoro ntae occaatan, sol an wraaderotsad tele a tcantaal all Icaco ttc Sqoare aller ttc Cancert aa.d racrao teoamiltn ty nana- lit, vie tave na dat Laat narp ai or; raders oInt acat ttanscluas ai tae op- partaaltp la pap a vlist la tte favorite entrer rort ai cenittonaars Or banc ta thant R. S. Hall$ Ena. aI Horatp tac ttc natraltofa a Dominion pia& la tte staprtfdoneoarrcaoenstatks ai tae Victoria Otuaoo, Imparîrd tram Eaglaad Ttcp arc af grat oligt and stc, tetng abaut bo ard na-tattîrot longa, anad ta ttc llp ai the Leal, 0cre fret, Wr ooaecced ttc icai and fourd ifte lae 15 feira b lcooolereacri Whoban boat Il? THE CANADIAN CHAMPION s-, c, Ph a 8ac ,a 2341aO a-,1- -y a aae cn a,. ci 191aO Ma- sio a00.11- nacaac .,,aoa Na1: a -daa caa. h . c 0- W«aoa kcaa cuaa, ,,nauao. sce b Jim's Jottings by j iin ciille1 PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST

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