Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1968, p. 10

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A BRAND NE5W 00K wl copn otnPebtra bilingqs 10Oyeersossid adthe Bostn Pmesistesssncogre gatnis 148 years old. CsIebrelscs for Asti cs iosw heid Sscssy, Heeguest speke e. .K.Caerîon ad es S.hE. Smth look o s Mrs FoOIsSlski pIeys thesnwcg-, a part cf tise reoedl!.sg pmograi (iStaff Pisots) KILBRIDE Dedicate new troop flags present remembrance book Bp Mes. Billams Baisse dese 15 at Kflbrîde Publce schooL Os bise LE ihelst LeBibelde The esesLong cas spent playiog Cubsand Scts afssg eLtb bheLs progressie sucre. Bies leaders, paradsd trois the bail sers Mrsa.Joyce ALdesos, Vesn- te tbe 9:45 &.m. cboreb servLce se Robertson, Mrs. Bob ELLiols fer the OfficLaL dedLselLessftbeLrs tol Geosge Readbsad. usw figt. Bebby tsgLLs cas Aisosg tise masp gift and standard veaser fer the Coba, carde Met. imLpsosssssived dLm Gestes fer tbe Soute, wbie ee ileers, a catch irest tbe Davitd ilebsett seeeLed Lbe Casa- tasLLy tsd a pis trois tbe United dla5 fitg. Cbucs Boises Ls ilLbrLde. Fotieloisgtbe dsdLsatLos sers- Haetsg bad a promistos aod seey, taonald Coussis made ils teasered t0 Calgare. freeds presestatLes et a Beiseisseasse and relaties isetd a taeeoeil Boseto te ls bec os bebal of ptrty tee Kes Boilard and bis tbs Ladies' Aoailaey asd tbe ialtLty os ilcsday ai KLLbsLde Mss't Gesse CocssLttse, astast Pobis issasi. it sepeeLasios tes tbs ose et Ms. aui Mrst Bolhrdtand son ils Bsiray sebeel eoeisfo tee iL sers preeeted wLtb farsosti iseisgs Tbis book cLil esesl- glt caily cestaLs a record of aLt tbe Ms. asd Mss. CbaeLooliepleies <itsantd donatiiis msade to ils and Me. and Met Eie MsArtb- cbucsbovereerse ce oLcitsd Itl Me. and Met Tbe Unitsd Cbucs Boisese oit tad eptero ai Losdon Last KlLbrLde bield tbeLe tact mtintLg iatoerday. efthIe seasos tast Tboesday is D7ibbie and Katisy Ceactsed ils issnday ssisooteooceilhMet et CLear Baiser, Floride ase vis- Met DtsLss psesidLsg. Misseta itisg oii Ms. and Mes. Cris Boss sosducd ils desolLeeti, Msiletbce. Past La. tibe etotatos lisedefeat- Mes. Los ae s etOnO Miltos sd by Oies Billiams L3-s ai KIL- sbeced sbdss os local poists et bride Fritta0, dose L4. Kiubside Lterosi. Mss. Dicos oas tbask- Pse Bes e e ordetcased byHorn- sd boMs.dJosepbensey and bysAby asscoeotL27-i6aa pesestd sues a gibt in atiterci- Possby Meeday, dise L7. Kil- tiens os bisait of tbe grscp. bride Squris dtsaed eorsby A Met enry gaesassadisg 10-1 tasi Mcsday,dsme 1 Las sstLtted, '40s Acres of tait- KdLtbeide. Kibeide ittotame de- isoedt. tsated tarciquis ai-a ai Pessi- BLsetees ladies sereInattend- oois Bsdsssdty, Jos Lis. OsL sacs anid reeisdsd tbaL the set Thoritay dose S0, KIIsîido At- meseting wiii be beLd Is Sept- oms sere dctsale d by esssby is1 sisbee. a score of lt-E ti Sulbside Bisety-bsve feiecds and rela- Sesciets detealsd Oies Billiams. Boses attseded a bietbdty parts 10-1 ai GLsc Billiamos and lise is bosse 0f Mss. Maey iLip- Pee Becs dsteatsdisLsciliams sens fils bietbday, Satcrdty, Pes BsesS-Lattcissiliiiias. Games, prizes, dinner for Emmanuel's picnic Emmanel BaptistChisseebis- day sbsei tsiiîii pisolc s asbeid as Lowttlle Park oo Satuedap, About Lis adals asd bldres sais Bp buce ocar toile biaucifl park tort aMostssejytbe tilser- sots unthe l eadersip of Bec Con, Bapelsintees, Chireen sers Jets Wells, <tis; Balpb Morton, Tes Pie-koe aitdCossy Sorse eets ses, as foiraws: Sacsa (tii cisier sis reseioed prises). Oints 't - t, Kellp Visiery, Oltne Les, dsey Campbell. Beys 't-8, [se Brady, tatoo * Beitte, oe Babies. Girls 9-l10, Jaed se Les, Suat Burtse, Disteeoer. Boys E-Bt, Bstevs St.dsbs,Jot Mitles, tRobert Pareil Guets 11-12, Chris Pssrios, Doisy Sastai, Sas Belley. Boys t1-1il, Boas Beedbac, Datle Bielse, Rtbesi Fasrell Msed Base 1l-14. Mitle Bas- am, Davi Usydes, Bsant Bas- Clt<is SasgigJaeaitCae- e ep Barres. <ggtae, dlsisJenBto. DetultU bat retapt laies O Cata.dctsMstg <ntari, sas, Pt" oiles, Tbre-Lsggsi eace, Ses Olptbr Dos 5abkirti, Ski race, cissd,Jckie Moikte, Besda Baren, Bstty Doolis Mysesy peici, Adrisen Oeese, As bhey gssliesed toenjey the bwnetifui mypper, Paesce Cries asted ils bieseing. A deilcies ceai sas cnoed oier tbe con- veesrp et Mss. J. Calao assittd Bp Mes. DeBses ait Met. Osiccsa and cas sered Bp tbe psssg people. Worm about kagars ad hlastiagq Caps A boiday iscisdse abotthil dangers et biatisg cape sas ose bLgbtbgbt oftte sslspsbts meeting tsss citsses et stodssts troc Pisevies Scbsei stent ai MiBton Fte Hal os Tboeitay. Grades I ait i efthîe shoti vtited ils bali asni Cbiet A. B. Ciecertt cssdiisted a tour efthBe tiretigteet' equipeot anod trucs. [alec le the upasies auditoiusm Bhey ses, iso ctme filme absit lie samety, said ChM Clemeri demuaisi familples tf dynmilte Mlastis reps, mars. iLuit eMM Ul te ou Ifse ltley tes <ses,! aup. geai isbs st Prit bt i t Bts Eda tbe OT gros puis gose motm Rondo Bp Mes. Ceeul Patsersos ils pseopls citantd thegcseu i estabisbsd boises andin 19i67' lis assoi isosqot fsor lise cciletedilheebst 100 yes- le 8 eiass 0f Perey Mesy Inodose 196B tdstsarescailing mic as teid bilte auditorlim bletsey by teltg lt Braistalsa Bsdseiasy soti g disse LE in tbs secsit itsdred yrars t oes itO parentst; iciet gradsais. Bsmariudthal scss lesan tii<sssattssdisg. esposaiities lsieaui, tisese mcipai dohs Sostspsscinsd Ouli te ctey proees and e preset, llewed by atoast trssbisd sos sushsaste, euis, As Ossees psopesed Bp Ray- itrites andt besaaid otity of e BKing, and sis<tgciilJeil sac land, ils ttors bods bas- ser. Appreclatios to Boise ards, danro eéen-des sitdsn ilcbset Assciation asd pae- and ituis, setiselog, psoeety sas <lors Bp Eddie Ford. and csecpieymet Ail ilss mate Btse lstsesisg, te aises- a brel tddrsss toast Sre tnd t challenge. icbalcanof etlesBard of caties bessgbt greetiogs to He adclsed sbe cias te ses- geade 8, tisoiltated tbttbhesT tisse ibsie ediottios te tue- Id seyBkeip osiy bioss fi,tiettad e able teitit s grade E basquet besasse socse contribution tee <reste r 1969, <rade 't and E classes service tssitoid. He aidasîns tee ttteodisg asneoscooi, te spestatees Le Btsi, sKies toltsb Junior Higb. B. K. otek set respssibililies wits îsteosg, ilpeeitsdeet et igb cotises and qucalty et char- oil Pubies Sebseis beseglit actee, Bhey Gieos ot r ilele v , isogs tc tbheitlss asdsom- Sose cel, and msttbeballenge& îssted ait stodeots os ibsi ofet tisres. Aiooysdoysse iet fortone te it abls to ttend so is later ysaes yss clilb ass se a fios sebooi, obes ilsy reisse os regets oser lost o isesathe tesb aie ted see oportutitiet s egodilatste- ope ifso aces. Bs adoised dents cbsese oiseiy tbsie course te tosese missao oppoetutity cf stcdp. toc t gond sdccattoc as iqipor- tcits knocks but oce, ILmaysot paco ibis oay agais. Mes. Doso- sas, pe sdsnt otHomeandticoo estotoed <ood it les 10 tbe sto- dens oo thissi ftutre atisitOs. dody Stoitees Lteiced ils gueus speaker oftis oossing, ils Bos. Casos J. B. Mawlostt. itspbsori Anglican Cbucob Boeotsy. Cason Maxcelldeivse- ed as istorstisg and tbcugbtl address to tbs grade E sites. Bs eemisdcd tise etodeote tbat istoey Le madc Bp peoples, Cao- ada'ulait etc iseasingiessui Hs titd ilsbhumeossterysof a lise clicb etc isaeted,"iftis suds e lacp, iL us upelde dcs". te srssd lhai a stopilge te- day te opide dlots, and ibes id oas ceate basse. Canon Mat- oeil oeged tise cites to base ish ideate, esamine stsstuily, sMi est tbe eigbt trois the ssstg, and gel a gond edosatio ue ssssip to beetocaks mue ccosp, itt to se able te <ive bitter service te feuLes mass Tbaoktwasstpessedby<Hererts ROeeig to tbe guest speaksr. MORNBY Club sponsors final May' famil>' has big Bp Mes, Jus Hamilton Carol Lesie ait Stody iSutb- oct retred eesoi teest a About 100 cembs of tbs May sacation Le Bngland. suas gailsesd reetly for ileir Ms. and Mes. Pauil May and tamitp reco ai tbs BsenBp Peter Vos attssied ile Commun- Park obese scesysos enoysd a Ltp Bail aithil Miltes Asesa on licotifsi pisols Luncb. A Mis- Feldap ecsling. ote-s cilsse wsa itsessd tus Ms. aed Mes, Toc Baistisai sisose deceaeed daioig ils pat toi ttcilp qsoet ils meeteit aI so peara, Foiioelsg loncb, ibsie cottags Lo Bait. tbe presidasi Paul May selComi- Ms. and Met. Leite <atiege ed tbheteisite isessesi. Gifla resiced o melic os itoday tees oses presustsd to Mss. Leita a tcs es acatios te Calgary, Brows, ils cidrest ceser pro- Alberta. Tbsposeesaeccptn- sent; le Sberry May, tbs psssg- lsd bp Mes. Bcsisdgels parents, sest cembie prssst and ts Mr. and Met.ineWsallaceeof Marila Map, cbo tresstd ils Bipil. tcetbsst te attend tbs bappy Miss Bettp TbomsonofM Guelpb gatiserieg. Reportssoere ecsi- speot tact oseboit sitb Mes. Bl- ed freot lie esssttep and tbe mer May and Me. Faui Map ait treamere. Tbe ciectios of of- Sberry. tisses for L9iS cas coiteossi Mes, Barold Treasr et B.B. and tee as toiloos, past priesi- 1, Meadossats stase dieregusest dent Pari May; peesidstt6c- onSeil edt esslg wilhMr. and aid obhais; vice-pesidesi Mes. dis Bamilon. Cbarles Tbomson; secesaep Tbe Joos mestingof et Bsorth Rthl M asos; ted tretmues Lensa Trafalgar Cocccdlpy Cleb cas Pcegsoi. The semaides o et lueai ai ils home of Mes, ougitas aiteesses oas le cbarge et ils OsIgist. Ms, tass DnslLng, spoetsocommistes, Me. and Mss. Bne pesldet, nissisi ihls ai- Otsk oton and Ms, ted Mes, les to ths meeting weMes cas taciglit May obo sosductsd t oensos cil lhe club "Ode.", ssep bctesstiog and entestaLolsg Prise o e business past of Bhe afteeseos of gacse and cotestt. meeting the bstess sessd the Tbe ol Sr acremstent ofCois- lades a ssereting ssIi drits. mison cas sosdotcted bp tes, The gotl sali mas ansasessi bp Jack GiiLap, B.A. (osssty ordais- l't ceiters andiilee vsitera. cd isto tbe United Cboesb) in Misueso etl test meeting siesre Eden United Cboscb Os iusity, rest Bp Mss. Morics Billiaissot dose 23. Fotcowisg ths seesice, un the abssceo etB sesetep, Busser Masos, siet ci lie ses- Ms, dio ttasoot. A lattse tf cso, asksd Rso. and Mes, Giltap Bhastks e etd fronm Ms, B. te cne foecaed andin ba tes, isaist l th .GP.B. ilcboti, csll-sboses sords, espssssed to BoeoBp, for the geteesis dos- ilsis tbe appeciatios and geati- tien eecebsed trois the club. A tude et tbs cosgssgatlos for tit lttess&Kaisosreeslsi trois tstlosip snoed desisg ils Pso. B. Moobse sss sas lhe pasi pets. Os becla et tbe con- <tees speaker ai Bhe May mess- gegtios Mes. Bill til,. pres- ing. A gei ssii sesi sas st test of tbe 5.0.W., peesesisi to Ms, Pearl tptellsg, A letser tbeîsoitb a cck radio. Ms. eqostng tee soe voiteer and Mes. Gitlay bolh epressei mostes to bsip as tbe BL.P. ilsie appreciatise tes tbs <10t Scbsei tsc dapa a cesk toi tue and aiso o teehe so-qserabon aceapa of caiesiai mas seesiosi gvnto thesi sbite misissoslng teest Met. litas. Mes, Gordon in cu idt. Mes, Gittap, ebe LesOs asud Mes OtItliit cee aeeistsd in teaciig lhe Assisrelsissis to lotk alser plans tue a Suodtp scose stass mas gie t cysteep vus trip is lhe fail. An ccp tnd suer bp ils mesitea asison s ut a taslsty eftart- et tbe sites, Ms, and Mes. Ou.- ictea neosbsld sutb Mes, DaN- lap and facuip tee misolo to al giest as thlisaccilosese, Tbs ses field In Bosbes Otteie meeting eissei Oi ils seosdie- caited Lardes Labo. usen tsllnsed Bp luncs adt soc- Os Suodap, dose id the annuaI teisait. The sesi mseting sill pissbs et ths Bde su ongrestilot te ueli asib tisshoe et Ms, sas brai astb the obp Park. Atas Boss siS Mes, dis May Close to 65 set dlosn te a isil- toi Met Borman SpteLlng in sites piosis ksscoo PeOt- sharge efthBe pelgeat. bog tise luscb, Me. and Met Jtct Me. toi Met. Basep Loisen Pries ait Me. ait Mea. Bit U l issd mies Me. and Mss. Bsem- cosdectsd the <tises and con- an iltots5s< of ltesi e on tess. Bosepese pastiPaLtsiad at u ilabei esesiot. a cssssjobesiews$sspst _ _________ ingeilene Bizsabeth Bail bas tees tat. MR.FARME ing tee Bhe ptaisst me ils lesr Mes.rbsotugses et ustom --LeI'as ho" Friiap'scraisse .0 BOOK NOW TO 1l stise taict maUtie, Theêtassi f andte bsslâpees danst tapd K ON VOL ..Thea ngcegsParade rtsaG S att I t; iAcid e ttecâp_. atsisasssss SM Pesestatles sof amards tot- Iosled. Mes. Perey Mseyps- sestsd tbe tecgsby and ceeo tor citisesbp, in cscoey et be tat uboand.c Te qeaitp tEstait Bhe sise muei do <tsli eset tisesegisse tise peur, ss-perate wdl toera sdessuttea ai sters, te Isatrises &W nit- mussrudit te hista aS trsfil aud dseo a sas of reqstsii- itp. Miss Louise Sammit sas t pesed ali hsppy esipiesi of Bhe asasd, as shosas Bp tes teacter Mss. Pisse,. Me. ait Ms, Biltais Batter peetd Bhe Belley Teqiisp tu Boger taedsng tee trademios, sud Mes. d. B. Masellsn etlf et ilybil BesostiObepfer i.O.ta.B. peested tbs trspsy and aptesr geserai peetiilesy, aisstcBsg- se Dscltg. Congratultioses te ilese tes ysstg peopls. dody ilteedees ses ai tbe piano ferlte ciociog G Canada. Tise banqust sas ctteedbpithe ladies et Chrsat CboesbAotliay Gcatb, and cas mcc estoed Bp ait atisodisge ls et.in cipal Ms. Sebtey Lssllsd thseparetsats eno a sociliOms bn Bsec bils tbs grade t studens beli ibsie dase asti ptrty is tbs toi- itorlim. iSscsrl tablses oseue cee pitysd sltB prises tee ith soes gsbsg te Mss. Bey Break and Ray Sithil The sBsdssts ait thissi tsabser Mes, Ciapse bald madle tbe sesy atteactive place corda tee Bee bead tabls ted grtdsatsse table, alto sery pretly tntwe cesses for tIi the tabest The tsbsel tsemti sodd os Pet- dey due 2t, Bsclishaiesdsota ait tsaobessasesy bappy ait sals blidty bilsth seat w mcstba, and te ths grade 8cies ssep< od wist or i uturces. auchre reu nion Me. ted Met. Clt Brlggis- esetb sstseiaissd the ttiLly is a brbipes disses et BSuittp Jose 3B se tbe occsionsoftii dtogbtee's Mertbday, Mes, Paul Tbs tisai sosbre Party et ils Nortb Trataigar Bobe Clobeas bsMd se Btcdtp aigbt, dose 2ii itb L0 pole attstdog. Tbes uses 13 tablesacsasises inspiap itl ils prîtes gonDg te ils tol- iesieg sisees; Mes. itetala Klogsbeti, Met. Harey tas, Met. de Soaisisit (sbc pitpsd as a gest) aod Jis Hatitones Ina sesiai deas dse Bulis et Muss scon Bot psods et sbese and al bot of cbscsiates iSosrai drasas ese beld sitb prîtes <t sg te Artbur Burtse, Met. Jack Posas, Met. JcBttlls, Mrt Cite Bulses, Frasil Peasset, Cbteils Trltsbis, esis Martin, Mea. Brais Martis, Mes. Lest HamsiltBe, Met. BisesMayMet. Bey Break, Met. dack Pies;, Mes. Colins Betty, Msdias miL, Mes. BssaMd isgsbstt,dseii Ceai<, dackspesasFeasbtadsp, Mes. Htarvey Duse, Mes. ta. Lis- logstes, Met Marila Bishard- son. Otto Mtrsisisat,BltiTbsis- s, Met. G. M. ileair, Met. Madgs Crsl<, Nr Keas a, dse Buls, Busser Malisn, duc Ham- iBesn, Fetnk Rbison, MrtBdl- mser Masse, Mes. Margarsi Tsrpstra, Cite Blsot, dack Bites, Billle Hamsilon, Mitet Balpti Fetlestot, Balpb Fst- sestes, Mrs Olive Raine, Bse tilsgsot, Celn Betty, Mes. B. Reid, Ass Pertes, Batser Bars- aed, Btlled Baise, MrsBWlbset Bits Mss. Gels Marsbisem, tas- vey tDsse, Bussest Bis, Cbaebse Beown aed Met. Frank Badiso. The ladies cee aIl peesestsd oi a tee ecipt bookts tils areelos A dslsclsss luschs et cake, ice eam and stetetue- ries cas estoyed bp ail. Otte Marabissot sstsedsd t soe et itotns to tbe ladies tes tbs pisa- sest eeesg eblsb cal stisysi Ep ail tttsdisg. Tht suhbe club ciii stat tbsireusohes sest Ossobe ttaie and ils te- seat meeting wli bsthed. Aoiieesaey <ssetLsgs is Me, and Met. iSot iait sbs Mill sstsbeate tbsir ssddlsg asodoe- smry os dcty 9. Bliltdap gresiaga Ss Mes. Bill Sotrtist se dsiy 5, Btery Lets Jotp t, itmmp Siait asnd Bey Bliase onp 'ty, Mers, dtck timp- ase on tuy ait Murray bras- tol o c urIl 78-3454 %l%%imon t% vTfltoblesI F0R SALI PtOM OUR OViN GARDEN * OPEN WEEKENDS 80 Firet Lite (Peau fise oR <elsef Phono 878-2758 C A-cIt. baskes csned s Tisere nere St etudesis aid a&l altssdsd ils banqet sn lhel boos. The tsilostsg are sais ofet l stases dohs Aides, Mary [se Baip dJen Broen, Oiana aSd Damta SceaisdestCsiises4Wit- Blau Cites, Cytt"t Cardttglep, dames Osat, Bt<r es si<* Bayne Ellis, Bisasse Fisher, Bimard Pord, [ee PtilersBepi- et Baset oegitas Blanss dames tlsss, Gary 11iBtsn Ray- maid King, Buipy dames, des Let, onali MsMeetec, Ciftssd Bas, t5esbert'Bser<, [mise Stait, Rbert hunt dudith lauadere, Gitipa fltl, Faul Btesart, dolie sasv, Mischael Sutherlani, Thomaa iSsslumas, Rbet Balitcs, Mary William; Sela Kslp, SaentiaiSlp, Mailyt Apes, Kesisk atd toer Mea. G. Fiser. Ths staff et Ferry Merry Sllsent beM a pesestaies tes sotet cilir issistes Miss Mac- lis Bail,.fî Ao<ut ide-te-be, Miss aid u Mise Btdtisse cite tbe peesetaios siteelso- tre tst tettis. stresismetsand a social ueu cee snoesi Ait m..hors et lt Meery SBolSetaf 1ill bi sstosslsg it Septembse te slasses. BlsBhdap gsssda<gs taisseisEs Carol Apes, Lindt Kceselg, Sesseil Aiieesse, taeitets Pes- itnde, BSesro Pesige. De, Gerd Btlte et Hamiteg, Gssmaiy siasi Bis pait sesi wil Mis alise Met. Bert Bing, beotbee-i-l-is, Ms, Bing tai itclly. De. Btlte la apeotsaeee ai Bhe Uniesi t ofSamitet le Gsopbyaica ait mas bn Canada ts lecbsre ai theBWestern Uiverity ai LondoneandiieiedSates ai Bsstcsstb Uiesity noer Beetos. Os Bitsesdtyhevsited ils Tooto Metssssieglctl Bis- se, tlilg ba o le s bome os Tiusesday dute Lt. Beastp congeatoitions isPer- ses Lawrence se ssisbetngaie 1t i Mtbday os dose il slBh a eMalt taclp partp, Me. Las- encs bas lues inoMiltoniHospital bat trisits aeplstsed tsotiss h le secr as hoe silis sse-is- lac ait dtugtte Me, ait Mes. William Bilis and ltclip se Brilasea Bsad, Mise Nancp MsDOsgail etGab- ville setth e boiday ussitid w055 isegesdmoter sea Peey Meey. 10Th andenChmioWenedHoJly3 nor8 su ets at Grade S banquet Pesey B. Mesry Isissel FielM Os y amarda ait toeam meae Succeur - os Hilsse, etin Buth, BddypFord, Tom lSstmse, Bit Gooisg, Ted EH,. Larry tssep, Gary Eus, dis, Vaties Marêtl, Rond Mian, Bill &es- art. Vileeal-Bngr Osuttsg Psel Stesart, RaF lng, Tenir tUba, Jtmmp Tallpe, ISesta Rs is, I Sewar, Ted ESll% LtrrplSacp Bastal - Michael Balises- 'ami, tager Osisg, Baip dames, Osavid Cscdiet, Paul Seart, Eddy For, .aceytssr. Stbiati ltL - Bet Wallace, DOsg Plsse, dlm Osais, Miie Bitihcrland, Bed PMaison, Oas, Cesdinglsp, tise YaiseMarel, tascboc Gis5o tasip James, tares Misittean iletiBail de. - Brue Halley, dise Mamneee, Btsl Cole, Gasry Paitess, ane Billist, doa- sais Pisisé, Laurense Smit, Peter Lerite, Sid Gotding. FIELD DAY Fist S,. Saper tasing, lat. Garp Geaiing JE. David Sttisild, Seona Se. Dut Bilses, lt. Jets Faiterso, de. Peter Lerche. INOUSTEIAI AND0 COMMERCIAL CONTRACTINO SuB*5ONS AND5 MeOTO 0t03I50t5itB -IOGOND isIRINO 24 NOUS 5MAINTENANCE 1315CR .8 AAq BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT1Y Cockshutt Farre Equipment of Canada Limlted has an opening for a dealer in the Milton areaé. Cockshuft is a subsidiary of the White Motor Corporation, along with tihe Oliver Corpora- tion and Minneepolia-Moline Inc. Cecksheet tes ose ot the fisses Lises ot cadurs fans eqesipiseet, cith s liberat tees and discoust costeece.t Why not contact us today, there is a mal future for thse right Party. Cockshuft Farm Equipmont of Canada Ltd. 120 Orenda Road, Brampton, Ont. 'Titrd as. Estk Sau tri, Srue flaty dc. Lasresca Vêtit Volliêptu - Mar-Laa Bulêey, Louse kStrit, Blizabth Fisht- es, Oses Jessessan, Andrea Dtit, Denise Bsod, Casai Bat- ahi, Mariass Vêp, "tYt Âreas. BUalatbUt - Ija F5isec, dJulie ESorc, Lpdiu Titis,. Saspiu, Dêstui Wosi, Marianse lapa, Caret sassas, titas Allumsts. »b&i ui s. - daeti Caiue, oses Break, taase Brett S& Kfey*, Dtaes Seatatia Bancp Bu, Fat ts Dent Bai, dans Lew, Sedl ings, Own Batep. lSotali dc. - Oese Catises, OehsbsibllsasaDoyle Cocdttgy, Sasse Seward, Ositis Bsed, Elles Gotditg, ti OOPsecte, Oiae Laumb, Mile Marshal. FIELD DAY Firai te. Louise Saurait, fi. oe Cathise de. Lura Bllusgt slecond Be. dalle Estee, Iti. Ostie Billets, de. Dies [ams. le. Mary Billitata Itt Bliie Lister, de. Debiste Fuier. 5Wits flsarni tri mum igi <ratp pha Ume et et aise lesce uiSs etn I êhoes f in lap Sa il hè cm sealss dtudis, e I. 2d. 3.t a Isl. i5. al. ogi. Geg lie .u lest. s.ali

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