Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 9

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lym' to ditta i tae ato lormotbrn catff' tave boums roi ae rai, tee Sony. toIt, taon ta coMiladbatat i cartll la an Me arn di vàe Btpâ a t ln fils Saoy iaprovarnt. lb Witelailt la orné Chicao e voohrtop vailU ba fer tcrn -m tagilt tan tae grouos i l watts cornlertetfae. Bt thora via toogile evd- rStg nu tae ccaS et colora ta sous, eut iearptoet aimprovearnt vars mddeaf Ou randar commrnot& the chuge tag mua.' New largo os tif tan ad aimhe lv a ra n em v, te cotractefl fer taetag vablai appaarf le "1aSrad lbnc the atirr&ondtle gel &cros ta wat caraf for. lbera vos aciance et in lprallp aNa fer pelestrleo. pifau 1s olca mona aut plctlcg papier trein the lean ond avetog talcSlfos, Olt ml b cornet aelatrattan lra vos the off ditinctive toué et tila vak 0Eeoea aora te ta cotler or place of gature Oat toflcalof ptoantog to tabale tae Cornroellp Baette i existneeet Iiativen. lba Vrlfap acootog end nottlog vatf ta mora bnof, hpng nles Uctl ooafior lea oero v areteram o uche Mort colol saeu 1tÇ andUthe Ual. iura avallabtor aI cicra t 17 tena or pariong leppaf 1 ou a rt pa t orte omnon ore no tef p$40t0 ta m o aaf c rftp a cecoo t e Dot un a cnwm putovuh n h trrau etrratbi àceelbcu vu «Wi» bythe ark Bord ritu t raetnea ha Ptaito phep ndefd b id ne onlntrng faoo. B provafl fori mone lntorastig ethat 1 id aidlpilf ven t madfe place le att i ajoes- titia of prtotlv oîofprno. OAn omancnceno In a CMie cave- poar tait tae alovair vou la b raplacaf anSli a trip an B essetil. B teU te vIt rp fotra te me nmen et tae oh rr e otter ondorsùt tae prob. lorno large allie& fane. £mthiçfre Miltn lai IetrtIng iolacitera ir clon chic cal and cirecieg a cela- lrtiec ce mark ils aneaeier succacc. it'c a goof lice toe ceggacl a oholo carvi perinf of cocceeily ee-opeaeioe and irvolvecavl or tle part eteach citizen. Urfei h laership of tha neocl, cithzano froc tha aras ara icrilaf te gel cogecher cei show so elthesoa for île boyn anf lIc hoeo fer île te- coca. Cocil oaocof ce ticae caftng op île olelralioe acf tha grorfoork plano catarialira chic calk, fcefolly, in ceovnt-iclpi participetion. Ticarens ceahivo fer avarpions Thce Chacbareof Commrceaerivti han co-inciei oecveciely cich île faes ehon the Perle Ooarf'n firacorîn fie- plap acf Docinien Dep fiog iecerivg caraeceon. Thce Cormncoilp lait ie lice A orea procisas te la the mocicipol iigiciighc ef lice pregrac or che Prifep eveigendiica eilreeownmcalî group acleraicivg, lice crowf checif fo icue caI co îlehae cler anf lica por tegoleter c t s aqc iiy ee le useicap ofast Oitreste fas choalce oy ic ond e le oke ils Tîaoc e&'eoo evplofy tecverisg lt a cicravco ord -' Il vint. Unoaltefp thep vnt i btBac chance, btl taira la ne rnae vend vMéc vitI preêlce il. Oqiait tae transitia thal el cauy, vin net tes geueraotn. e Oen 1tau aer ratarence caw la tae long lot amrcear l'il lace i latter edaeratandlcg. Tarnperalores ln CMicao on tae cabt vet prat i M uxt oitar Inan d lornlfltp vera feaitafing ln i. tea tot cef air cafltiaog. esel orne il noce active participation in crealive lice felric chatis c crreg eogh le foncer a corlhp focue. Mos citeilv efthCe looro ore elcea- fp iveoivaf in noce cervrnicp c- provarneicerkeofecne lideor aneth- or, la il ai lice muonicipel lavel, service cil, chorel or fraeroei greep., The grecier île icveeienv in cermnceilp cent 011the parceccol lavai, lice gracier lice penerai coil in satisfaciono end octl prifo. The fecieco oc arrcaoe hoo ce- fuee the feeiivg of cleustrophebia licol ceernef te la eogoifivg lice atti- tues ef cilizeons. Tha eviergececl han redocef chic cenre of restriccion anf il hon code more vital lice roie pieped lp eoeh irfiiela. Thoreaere mere thev 90 peeple eireadp iveelvef je serne fern of rnicipal aclivilp. Aff le choc rhe rnmership of service elebs, lice ociiienofcthe choreheoandcthe frîer- roi grecpcevndpeeouae eabtoîf 'veleen. Bot there ara ocher eres of ceelive- mectIfoee if ceebca siel on ecnpi-5 ceccogcvg besetificotier of peercitreet, pleclieg o trec, ecctivg lice grecs or the boulevrdeor actcfpccg av croco f pil of lard. Iî ec le eocivg o sports leaeorergoviaivgoaccw prt. IlCcor blediig o cul pack, Ireorco grop or efcicer corlhp ergovzieoe Thoro are %impie opperocicen fer ivleetin eermnrnocl icproee cevt. Thep sarn' eh aI lice mnicipal ieei And voeeare witoiieecheir frus- trations. We've gel omechcvg le celebroce ctei ceek, Ici lac on rrrernler choc te developcthekcdeof cemncicpwecocnt wiii go lapovf rhe correel crelcebr tlcanivlarecc in,aeverl ion for,oand a cillivgcrcc le cerk on behoif ef ticr ror. Haee pee eherlef peer roie? PEEKING INTO MILTONCS PAST MILTON OCYCLU viteumca pictarof ta Armstreog Cicartie Barber oe terce, W. 1896 in o plate ieaneo le R. M. Clam- B. Ciocacis, R, Marchaendc T. Moora. aria. Ideetifiaf lea pice oe, ra fa Wiae, Walter BeWSc Raf indsfay, J. M. thes right, B. R. Bos Wf. P. Dewar, Atax BUstOfa, J. H'. McCnitec, iwo ndeati- Sugar and Spice b y b 1 1 M1 evi y THEO OLO tattaSto' MOtO ctli han e eceler' jonc as et end acfhe for neerno pla in 0cr scielp, frcpice lice in- moe viijef choc in e ccprrvinef, coofs mae l mrnc peols. This ove chicaieîd cornv-livef poel. Whee turccilfreesecionofcthe Tceve peccre yvccg, foc je ohero po coke le Crack al Loceclir Peck, cicere lice il. (Staff Picoto) 4 hie9n ro Morda îps Corefons lirlifep. Vo cey reclmer frern lest peor il oec îhe scîleel of ceciferele dicuson snreeicwasceeerioiPyeer.Heer icearoct tee chi aoue il chie peer, lot choc's no resort ce fergel it. We'ce eicopc otiriref the acoocl of ottention Ucited Blet es reniferle la- stwor chrir gierlees Jcip Peerlic. Over hece or' ce eer gotter ellta liclscac- af ve aouto Jcp i lecept las pan. ct carne le oe cicere woulecb le ry feo boildinge in lice B B. lict ouldctiv have a fiee or cicec fer ticeir caole lirth' Woner hec rn boidings cicere ciii le orord Milter choc ciii icave a Cocoticor flog fliig or MecfepP îles greeai te le e Canedier acf pet we fceccectlp feiite octoeripepess il. Oct hiscerp ce vol frocgict oith cicr hteeeicef of koatles fer irfepaeerc lot il cs feced oitcth cicrtitercirelier of lice pioeere woe carercommn! lien froc lice iltirîrne and cecifee'a icor froc lhico confidene. The teck of bucilding o ovicef end icfcprrfect relier cs foc froc ecc'- plote. In e orlf choc cee tice eperd of tceeel rivgicgucvi rtcîtieeovp' oirrer licte gloke, ivfeprvfece le- cmsdfficoit te fefive. Wiie oîicerc storve orpoicere we corcel le irfe- pendent ef lice preicirc. Irfeef on Canaacofee oenivleclncrsecndce- ccyorefcel ic ho aocery rroioandvecy clcficlc recpevciiliil te reelh eut le îhe hove-veî nations rocher choc inwerd te igier and cigicrr scanfards of lie- ing. il ce vitltchoc Conoda rohcece lice natiene of cicr worec, vol in a ecclicar- ivg end oii-renpecicg ooy, loI in aicelpfoian ocffrerrnefcaylthaloiii evnorage cn icor londs the kird of iitiveoc choc buic Coceda froc ilc ccileere. Iliiaoreo iiceclinref' oIae ond frornolie recoIns IcI il cs orim portant road if lice peaero erog for cs vrtc le cere e reolilp. Cocofo'c kcrlhfoy en Mevfoy cs evly o cyclel loI i11 or a oppertcvilp for Cocodcovs eecokevneohertcincheir futuce. ce coke vro prie vn cthr pocc boI mrer imoertavt, ce cokr veo ce- soer chec Coveots colo vn lice wori oile bcictoef recourogrmnt fer de- crepivg natiens ond foc cKeee wo nvrficfeogicfood. Downls] in this i o ch rcep d octe s Corner This Frtdap eveoieg, Mllteelces eUtl galber ai Milone Arina te crelbrte île mcceti conclesion el tle aceatance taig. t Iqpe tae Carlice Staa in1 plap an appropriate lu Ince "Titis Lndc la Up Lanof' le ccck tae occasion. Jet in case tay do, &nathe off chane Mapor Brlae Basi Is te a goot tengiog cafd, locn pasoieg alag teis partey on10e Sog, cît cp cocpBcments. Serrp if île cbyeanid rhpthm are i iltle Cheooy, lai cIe caros as long an pan gei the peot fiefd, R. t. Gsalbraih, Tocn tocne.! Wirv, ecifartifiaf, c earia acf Boa- THIS LAND 10 MY LAND ThisIclandlapland This latti payur lied Prom île CN.S, te tae Third LU And certh te 401 Sot te Il Sidrofd.. This lait teleogs toa nfco. 0e faugli for fie e pore Te cia Millt graw Btthe DItO.. Kopi sapiog «ot' Oatrille eppoeu s Oc leep ileir taies que .... 0eTisoan teteegs te po andt me. Pepeel cloront Titis liedi lscpylaedf... WeIl ce tapi prossing I oe a lontg lard figli Thc Board Piail ipd "Ths e ocs aidiglI DecIt petIote lilait creek" . ... This land tetoegn ta oa nf me. Ilapeai cherus: This land iecplatt ... Nov our Buttre'n rooy Weelotfgroott Te landf hoes and stores Wit tméotrp & a oaet Wang pies Bl olmtp mSt irai amBo..... Tis lant taats te pu ind me. Chorus ans morea... Têta lia viri mrnea gertu. toetîcen the cerîf seres a prelty rotien place le lie, sone c00 niera vie cltrîeg the pertef cg feck and berrer tel- leeteg the aoueesieates ef Sauter tiobert Klenedy. Bui tbere'o alcays socetbleg te redorai on croci itarnessandf bepeteeouei. Fer ce, Il vos the cagnieiloni flqtty cf caur- age and dtgelly preentef ly the Kenedry The triéh are eltee praentef as eeer- freciti anf ever-etlceelel le the pros- eee cf droat. Thslantacl oit lie Irish raute, gave the 0ie le fret pîctre. Ne teare, ce bysleria, lua se lces cleenicai accepîsneof tlrngefy, cw te the ittaSs Tbere rse Btite evifeece tuet tha appalllec recerd ei vilence le île Unief Slotes eill te hltor evee sloref dawn bp the reeeent antieonocf Kenedey anf King. Tie teelacree about the ale et gene ba creretp lectfeg the feer sitar île haten b loeu. Thareaire se cecy gees ftitg irait len the States îlot Il voatif lte 10 peer nf the ce-cporsion of île enlire, poputace te couidthiec ep aef gel rtf cf Wher. Att pafouldsit bave aneucdergrouet mtarket fer the osto. Accerleas clairc leynarecapeae-letcg people. Aed frep ceae il. Btthe trafditien et vielene an a fresns of ol g tlcngo b eeeee feeplp foie the fabrie ef theIr lie- tory, nf ltsn geit te la lord le piek ait. Tbey laughi the Brilléh le 1776 aol agaen le l81t. Tboy fouglît ench etber lesa ciel ver ef ececarnîleledfelreelty. T0ev faughI the %neh nf Marelu nf tuat Tenas. Tbey sitaclef Spane agele an fBcoy graites and couit p oit s malter ef colonies. Tbey billef piseger pigeoes and lot- fale ait tedlnn te the peint et extiectioc., Pile oe top et thai tee mssice werif cnrs, the Kerese ver nf the precoat uefeeteref car le Vietnacm, anfls a preity impren- oîveerecorf for c peace-leelec people. Pc con t eleg uarfele. t tolevte the Acerens ere a greit peuplae, nf basic- otlysapice-oolcg people. Tbeyfen'icnl le rails the worMd, as eller greot aios bave feus snl oit do. Bot the estfence et eilence as a cmaos te n esd le uavcff- elle. PeBitlcillp, tere lesa blolory eoasesool- naione nf etecptn cai loht olf celae s Ballan etate green vit, eeey. Aceren coto-berans were msen et vo- lencet Silp île Kif, Jaes Jacee, cerf- ereco loth. Gangsters lace bcled dites Blae kinge. TIare os e deep fasclciton with the carore et corferern Bla Preltp Boy Floyd nf John Dillcger. Att cbat'o the loais croco, le eeery- tBdcg froct gliens te cfvertloteg? A satt codie naou a coupie et stet kiltars, Bec- nie and Clyfe. And claPes mlltet? Moe et the ume. TIe Accriose ugtre, aller a eeberp eg eueroîreee, las enoglîl the i1dms, nf bls~ goteg te get whai le ents, ly vilence if eeesuarp. Vandalsaic, hoeftoonc, teatinge, tii- lots are pari et dallp Me is Mig entre. Beudeol Paser aet Blaot Paller vie fer anfln, anf pet tecm. The viol body cf Acerleses, the god people, the decent peopie, ceet e sic i teari anf tefideref. Tla Acerbea Dreco is iornleg lete a nigtmuitse. Bol pau oannai lfici a nation an tae perforcance et a lunette frînge. Acarl- oses are a people et gfodil, of beais, aef et greil Ingeaitp. terelthe Uv in ot i apa te purge the niclloes. Wr lace cotMong te te 8001 ibout. lbera le c graleeg lacleenneos aef iee oreeplng icle aur Ca"afn eedlatp. The ofy rococo lits oocparaleelp ronM ltat ce lave asioa population le abig country. Wee ela onl iei ne gond ulighbors our ypptp ndef ilferven aille nt nets- Biecs Win te lorde, nmlef , te; thtaprte lecs file botel tuect. IPages of the Past f re o icphe frit e 20 years ago Oaea froct the issue et OIe Canafin champieon, Jue lU, 1911. A epeclal meeting of Nassgcpeo- Sfip Caueil oie belli te the Chambers an Uonthep, oit île oroters ait preuent anf W. M. Tacle le the chnir. Ernet Drefgr was preuont te ditsoseth Cout- cil the trneer cf n portion et bis larro le the Toawnsip te te uf eaa craereatiec grounds. AI or dacelai conlfaritios tae foîeeoig rrseletiee cas pasco: cl-Thoi teis cocrcil pcclaue fro Ereest Drafge opprotcteip threa acres tfîlndtai a cool et $t 1er the perpoeofe crestieg racrîi- tileei grotte. nie Tawneip cin proolde 3l rots tf vire fene aed eessarp pools te pnrtbatpy ecloue uoo"- Ohe cetig tf voode on rofeo as dlsauf ndasrs- eltoo cas passait eapgtg Rtoy Woods te ait woofs ailte Tonshpleed if atei et $1,01 por baur, tiraootiegteecomec ce roe an possible, oitrr the eupervison et the wed iespecter. OSe question ef collbeg the Tonsip aete ereer cas fiscufe, lai Couecil fet l os net ifd- eteabie al ibis Boai. ASter n geueral fis- cuesio et oatiore pertieig te tae Tact- slip, Cooceil adioruf ta eal an as per pracbos adiourneot on Uettap, Jetp laI8 p.. 50 years ago Tnlac Iro the Issueoft TIr Canadien Chaopieon, Jue 27, l91t. Notices lace beae sn ott t lcoeîp »udgoe aeitieg tbao le lace aese finirpr caues ce pessilebis teeomccer. This le teiog foe te ralier tae farmars, ac ara toosraîpy colaf t eure an the uides, se thai the cecI et produeione Oi net te le- Serreptet. The reqeesi applies, tf cous, onlp te caessftanature thai ciairt ref lpi enter a iefge ar a jury, as criminel cases woolf curatp te tiaitf le tae or- fbnerp rnp. I lt toraffoer a cittor toc thr leai proesn te arrantge toe caues as oocl as possible ait teis Bn. Olo elgt snnai sucer echeal et Hlamilton Ceeoroenco oin te bell inhintoa, tegiaiec Stîrdap uoxt nf contialing Sec o eeL Thora vil la a receptin ser- vice le the Maibeflst daurdio aila ecobcng, vlan iffreunes o e oea vill la giron $1 Maper E. P. aitl id tas Presifent cf tae Epcerth Lesas, ind re' pUles Wy Prosident Pcril ind W. D. PIaBt. Sessions vontab blM fnilp thraglol tae veet, toe cerniege taen gicen le sofpy, thealtersnac la recroalosn -- bostiq, boiillât, garnes, etc., inf thr aeeinga te cfdreses lp promlcoont spesar. lbe pulic ire valcoca te atltep cn f tae seso. 100 years ago Tie froc tae issuet niTe Canaifn Chacpion, Jue i5, 186M. We onernlitt thai the goverrocasit ll orgnise i necinge tank le lon os tae lai of Jeip nix. 0e trot thai IltvnIl enteetielp paireeluef. LaI poung con lnel of spefleg iboir quacier i toe lac, fepesil thae clh Uc. Loge, iud they oUIla e rpriord law le i cary short Boat bhey vin lice nccomltetl a cou- sidorelîr eaeîur. "Allaw ce thragl paur coiecoS te ex- poe the sicipifliety afor Tonsip Cauel nf eise theacatrarluess ef noce et aur eegllorc. Tau ara daubilese noure Sf the pirttes tiait lace uet if suea a ire abaut the Us btee Lets 10 sud l1ie the Firsi Cocesseon. The eelpfif- neeulîp coton te te clore tae tenrng U shooif te ace fronc, and te scit sonne efthîe parties tuait Caoceil lad île lareta- lit, te le tiroconfllare froct the pulic lands te gai legel nfeloa Os the cafter. Naw the coutait cool lace luairntapcere feieg erotg ohthe abeo pulie coup te privnis parties, and the roiaf i tea cocu enl tte eaerti as scoop laeces arr teleg huilt cloe te île vcggos tract, ce tai laies caeeet irnvel vitalu leaing ttc dresceon c e ta fnce, rid tae cafk bnea f e test fai b nty B0 bel elfe in soeeplacaer. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION cIL . ,,é, e o eMUM Cov. c ,gc O 9 e . -c c 1-.. ct cPc. - 878-234le. aui, uc auMt c c -POUR B - Ne ecI la-s a Rpatte 'unu n

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