Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 8

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8 TIre Canadien Champion, Widcesdey, Jua 26, 1968 Town exDerts drc For Complete - - AutinSevie Io ta eover or CRSA. SCHOUTEN ta AUCTIONEER 'rie leoens oiseau 1n engin- * Appicionm t0 lime Outirto Salon et an typea. eariogu lawt plocao iMi fluanc Miciepal BOemi for an Ioterton Dig or smali, 111 de themano. drew uillceotns iMeiuy os vek rl ader frinsfertlfjoeffis 5mceedectol soynher. te ho cempleled piron 10lie eed diction ln the sonaed ana 1 oi 16e pair sita limte ftue la Millen. Corcil Jetar eatooiuid Tel. 878-2576 tauds lime ladramentir grntld thie anSion im reolutima R.R. 3, Milton, Ont. 20mt b anneoao. *e ndrimei emsa fer omeoîre iMlon conseil iaammled ta te ime zoaoed ho le the oui ide enger, eliitoe, municipal efthlie 'mmrd Lime rtad olfleoane Plomger cd audilla li morting and tu lthe 'Suth aide of the Denny ielveoa camecl. planning board Rd. road alialooes. Tit wamld am muanlt icipa l Iials. plane lime rade laidile lthe touo Rockwood "WbiYt 16u te leo do for paonle dminenance )or- no? ao .Best sed Ohe laditons. International expmertsas they ievlewell area. * Stggeitet Il wuld oul la l1 teir n eaesled neediog il- piotical ta the lental eider le Consignmrrent Sale tention. arnge fer oe elecnSO ibis peir g 'rie soimniton D. A. idnCoa- vmea oe ts not onieduled eerepl -NE28m 198 ii e recommadait: foi the imard of edenitli. At 7ypm. ithSe GEORGETOWN SA LES ARENA Special Irotolen 0t ibis sale the lime trouS and nyninfinc her- fersnandvyounocoet. and o choice scionu ot opecn bniters. CATALOGUES AT SALI LUNCH AVAILABLE ROCKWOCD INTERNATIONAL ULV5STOCK LPD. SALE MANAGERS, Bo 67, Georgetown, Ontarin (4161 877.4101 2b 2 Forthcoming Auctions (1) Shert Notic, Rsale AUCTION SALE Thea camisais of the aid fais home if the LA'rE CHOARLES Wi. JOIINSTON, etc. Thosdgy Enisima, luase ilih I y.m. (nhuryl) e thr flounse rttaeia Rd. W. and 10 Hu'Y.. jutnuuîut ot0 tly.. Icent ot Texcc Station. Nearly al] lthe lurnisbings could ho clunnrd an antique, Vic- tortue or primitive, toc. 2 long gen, glasnare. citna; brass more; oak, chrry, wumul; Irra. and amoenretc., etc. Byurder of Solicitere. No rencrnen ROT ASHIWOR'rH, F.V., Lettoun r. fi) Ileaisa Reins liais Buiness AUCTOP BALE i-,iMERTB" HiU1ltEI" Aller 28 yrs situated No 5 Ify. Coouiie hJuaI nord ut Il Hov. Wedmesday Evnade, lUiy 3Si 6 p.m. Inirry N o renenv High quality furninhings. ROY ASHWORTH, F.., Aoctioeer. Sultiorrs- oructienrrersno0î nenponnible Ior occidents un pro. penly couerred cuitS or 40h01g sale. 2Oc8 Carnival opens today Miss Milton postponied Thstow outitl te ever- talfpy apmies and ani thome fooda wlelmed ulOh feiSelîes Eaniong ptglorî a areleovls. the osI flev d&ys Tla CimIeiler A toal of savon rides vin 6e ci Commente carlviala laiged ant op w116 sonme sida imouimle. ln Mide.l l uas legaogim iioy 'rie terris vimeel Is amo000 the hoiugm SiLteidi, naapled 0116 rides inollimla. Mn. Bamnier the loue's anoaion celebimncf saId ho eopenled OlîRgs ta gel on 16e veeio01, a hespentid la rouliR &bout Oaci lioy (yod- laap peomle tropngl aid biigl mesday) and ran thresgm la il rn ai imeqiimee of lcnle.ly 10e he or 11li p.m. eîcnioglml. loua. .'Go ilto Go"' insg ba10 2 Rosa imnconer loalamI ami of vin la on saie foi $1.50 as an is Main Sreet SOop idand ic dded feutue. 'bora 0111 6ie eoprasad soume feir lui nrain trnelt dancngl Stueday sand i nauld demopea the camy vini dane le the irena Fnldiy la Is pliand for enalda. -Neî16- nelebate annasolion. or permllliaf, the Cergy omid Socue 1te Smoi fatenta, lue 6ie i grand mages thagm 'o Milan MilIon cnent imîs lau Bisonin sald. postposAdil th10 ie fai ani vini ÀAfmiodistaniin e slopto 6e vormid la cnjotion 0116 airve imt dog, sadwicmes , pop# Seim-Era on F00l Fain. Pool opens Saturday wimol j desnnibed as i& very actio pnagmmiyPol mmPir 8111 nu Ism pimned far BiltIon Commuaity letimia Pool ts Opentef SateidaPe the pacluil Main0 ofer susmia lessans il $i foi pre-begtltmeis ani lagla- anrs, 83.10 fer juorsaandc $4 for lotermaidilie Mid senion Omlaim parties lilteial loat talent mid Men tuan 111 pas 13 Md omer vin be bli tOrailmat the aison, mii Gelo lih ilm01 he sloged laie la Auges it1 races and gimea for llitles. Puiei orlmmlsf Winileanl- amie einim day hemi 1 p.m.1eo5 p.m., O9eimf M<ainiac inmart fram 6 p.m. le 9 p.m. This 018 roit niddn 1l nents &W ieli 25 cnai. Pool 011f il the Rotary Park pool vin1 aise tniede IreiLd geord Bom Martin of Milto, bu immn- tranien Sharon Emmenain of CLEAORING AUCTION SALE Of Houteheld Faritne, Bonne Foraimapîriesii Apyrox. t mile wst ofton, ontheFirtnLiene at hareLt 31, nantIr oi No. 7 Hrfboey, tur EDGAR HISCOCK 'rUESDAY, IULY lad Ar 12.30 yom clmerp. IMPLEMENTS - MoConroik .cr.rcl prctresc ccrth trames, 1 Farmali lCcbi touton oith br.rrr nrrr (Firrehl maress;ru mou. Irlde acd PI.., n venr Kernmrec uumrcc clecuen milS good chcye; 9' 2-Ireel tretir. ali .rttrhonts, Gencral Elc- on noimIen; hep snoen. 5cet rrrreourr Lct.nd ctri. Songe vrcooo pcmy oith mut. _c., ,nrd.1 culcoctru -a- or; 2 Songe mtlking out,.rr 4 hue bo crrlrnc wmIe nî d gond ticc. titrer ir..c rr % nr.machine; Bongo, carir wh tnack. mrm lbrnd nerd clectrtu Seul er 4 pirc' dinucnocne, salad POIJLTRY - 60 roong ien, %et. gl.t. drîhon.vss;svea iont aOtinf te lev. trice sointccr.r.c scocvenir platesc and the reguao FIJENITURE - led -cbrn- hococld utroncir osnbrrlle; eirld and snatcbtng chain; 2- nlcthec drs-co pirc Crestenrild cuite; 2 mutch- ISELîEUS 7 mag ed tables ond notion table; Soctior Cod- rae-ra; R.crr sînnral tiomîr tables; 21" Man. t'omrnesc ,lrrrrcoc Crue Kudet coi'rV set; Elelraftler 17 cino.,rncr,loB 1etoftccl aminci 'TVt net; RCA Vrctor 'rV clephunces;,2 lrctr er orer sel mil ceTV et;19 oubmoco 17 repbon; Wrllard Setter poertabn'r; P00 9 combinat har-ger, 6-12 colt. electnin eoî ionmrord pV Pt-tin cradio; ,roihr. Englrnh rrdrng neddie Fta o record pyer ed or chrldson'c ruts and gaes; cm Fstandhl rcr playe mukeo igiil Webster-, drcticncrc, c dicing rom nuile, round exte tornrc nierrlo f74 1 le sion table, buffet and S chiors- crpie,ý re cc ci E inoc llui a-atone chrome ktcmn sel; s-c id re sedrun nleiq chromo kmece oboles, mn mai erv Olcl 9ock Sîdin ntiquon rticr sbope; 2 onotcn albe maticldoun - Goldn 8cukEncyr tampi; numo Iton tamyn; boi opdre; od n Bi4oeo nt roor. ae antoodlr uiqueiFloreenne lamp;12 pi Single lad oiS mallrlsntttrie sotors; newrol ofe ol!t ebidi desk' 2 tiareop doe e rîrco mvire; 2 stry ieddcr diiamp;la2asinl otinetli qoaeîrîyuoirctrc moiets; ki bleds; sei oE drams; bedreoon chn snk; moins- laps; lot dresser 0116 tilla.g nurren; reat Sovi qoantitp of scrop irot mdce brilas Sod cr106 marsil and many moerticlesfocn 2 pluie dreasein w116 mirons; merun 1 mention. lMpEl une cos day cf sali. No e rsire. Foras la ouid. Scaipsilmu nss la nesncd hefar iaiy 10 torn ew amen miles posessien. Onmr end osotlcamar ici reapaslml fan accidents diy OMUl. A. SCIHOUTRSd AssiUsee. a5WI Brn"d Elliot mid idoryiye Em- ameraoa of Georgeton. id lia Mosa ho eilIMi oslati u eian Mcde eu In ift g ieie h er * A reclen or piuedues an hamdiiog demilopmanl proposais annexed ladI94 'anlu àonete th lumea ami ceonCL EN l itS FURNTUR Stîlm ren Cia. Lm CHIN s L S o # ry tro CHIs. -m GLAee - PtENy ILY _WINDMILL INTERIORS - Brookville on the Cesnpbellville Rd. (4 Mlles Nortsh of Mohawkr Recernopf Pine and Cfrnice Canadiens, English China, Pressed Glass, Sucver, Copper, Fabrins and Frerning Ope Alternaiesnt Closed Suedepo FRESH CI4ICKENS ----------------39C lb. CHICKEN LEGS 5---------- ------ 3c lb. CHICKEN BREASTS -------------53< lb- PEAMEAL BACON ---------------75c lb. DEVO N BACON ----------------75< lb. PORK CHOPS - ---- --69c lb- BEEF LIVER .. .. - -------- 55< lb- WAXED BOLOGNA . .. ---- 3 Ibs. $1. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS - .-------.--- 47c lb. :RIS ROAST - - - 69c b.o z RUMP ROASI 85 I ScL : ROUND STEAK 85 I S b. SRONSTEAK - -89C lb. RDAHSUGARe 5-1b. bag ----------39< CUNE FRUIT COCKTAIL, 2"-z. ..2 for 59c c. UNICO OIL, Gallon Tin .............$1.75 d MAXWELL NOUS! COFFEE ....-----75C lb. 1- SMART'S SAUERKRAUT, 28-oz. _-4 fins $1. t; RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE, 120's ---- $1 .49 là. SPOT DOG FOOD, Case of 24 fins -----$3.10 *r FREE DELIVERY * -Joe's General Store A 176 mame St. Milte 878-3161 O RelieilOR 0.51100 le coieoe the Indstriiel salasg il mis on tend gant of Miltan la ignloiteniL '"Tide map elimot petote,% bu11 si lute dons,*' le miolamed. 'rie plonmmer 0.Ion moeedme pltaole board &Midnosiosld aiim ait bt-ae rud pattensa fur the undecelomed mnamsu ade the Coomlllaee of AJumdimO 01 the plames o semeneand de- nelopment uld be Co-Oo did. Eqimeen Ken Hlyde canadt faim * Akentel cnoura mappw iag the a ras vii 6e mgReied mo esetelol piqmerly develop- mmml serviceacehaere- -o _- BE SURE BE SAPE BE CERTAIN MILTIFI LUTlIN RYI COHSULT A MEMBRR 0F THE Brampton Real Estato Soard- 20 AUCTION SALES irsep of the miu bamnderies cemeplete v116 measlseslloli ao esimlted toit et $4,00. Re emggeited Il ummld leidtotrouhle me time Rtue if il was n dom nom. Conl imp raaotllaau6- ariosi the veilleu procead. Auditon IL A. Leaer pciolea ail natiti v10 applyieg la the fermai ammeallao eider fon de- fimiSio of an uameiviced irM im wbtei thenai mli larigedcnId be redened If summ mrelces os girtage cnltano, maver sen- tire mid itrai llgiti vera no pionlded. A rougit calculatioe nmilcatid Ohea coiiuveeaellin- aleal 10 atout aIme mine laut e notaet part of the lands icased imd have savae. He mfgeid nL ditician vua mesrey on the irais tu vii Mtanlle mnr- vins aera not sallamle. lic &lso recomemamndi iudY of the ra for lue oaervelnd ornas abolitd be made and ILPion for the itil of serices o projectios ideentuerspolmd cn lie deveicgsed. platnai Deraî Little muggeited aceisoncs et proprenies 1n the uiaoedire& shmld n i6egriatui- in tmer tia bplnofsubiis-. ion and the loua simosld aoqm i poiney at 10 elend loy asrcs beye01 ls ove buandeies. He ai recommendedt. * Piiotof lmmediatel oes Ing imp.lOv noeno &Ui the lards miexeed, pallieR il lna deveîqm- ment or holding zoe, la pra- vent undesramle developoseol. e Amenmlmeells la the off111a1 plan le lantede the icasted ira mid i renlnu of116e pramalt pal- Inlea le v10v ci116e largen &rol A stalilal plan smmeld la lcarp- oraîed te guide lue deailoposoal * 'rim mev moaing iylau 6e appimed la the saosril gras &M e iut fimie the ecîstIai imleg iylav 6e reviewed vaoh Replace with NEW Gênerai Motors BONDED BRAKE SHOIS S Inspect Wheel Cylindlers for leakage " Inspect ail Flexible Lines and Steel Brake Lines for Cracks and Leekage. 0 lrnpect Drurms for Wear Il Clean and Repack Wheel Be rings and A dîmmt * Adliust Brohes - 4 Wheels. Have th18 lob doms. and goeaneoed fer 6 menthes er 6000 elle. SPECIAL FOR 4 PRICE $3 WHEELS Cesse Is and Have Your brakes nsopected Fiee of Charge MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Mals St. Milton 878-2355 SALE JUST UNPACKED DRESSES SPECIAL PURCHASE FROM A FAMOUS MAKER ONLY s1 4.88 EACH REG. 22.00 TO 38.00 VALUE Jusi unpackedi Dozens of beautifui, ncw Sprîng and Summer dresses, and Ryanes bring tlhem t0 you at truly unusual savings. Corne scoop UP titese fabulous "BUYS" f irst tl-ing Thursday morning. We have dozens of dresses, ail ait the low price of $14.88. Ryan's buyers mode tItis speCial purChase from one of Canada's famous mak- ors, and we cre passing the scvings on to you. There are dozens of ways to keep you looking great cil summer long. Choose from ColorfUl printed or plain miens, Dacron sheers, surrah silks, Arnel knifs, to name luit a few. Shifts, skimmer and Coat-drasses- they're ail here, in c beaufiful array of Colors. In sizes 8 to 20. These dresses were mode to seli f rom $22.00 to $38.00 - This means that you save from $7.12 to $23.1 2 *... This is whaf wO cll "Real" value. CHOOSE SEVERAL AT THIS EXCEPTIONAL LOW, LOW SALE PRICE 0F ONLY 14.88 EACH SALE STARTS 9a.m. THURSDAY PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY TO OUR MILTON CUSTOMERS We ocould nuggeit, if possnble, that you sIrop Ryan's on Thursday, howecer, if you ceeeot corne ta Goelphr on Thursdey, vie wucl ke te point out ta you tIsat you wili ne dloubt stiti find a good selection of tfrese dresses on Fricten l're open to 9 pom. Fridevl - Whenener yoo do conre, we cen essore you tIsaI Il wlt bre north yocr while to, sfnop Ryes's. RYAN'S LADIES' DRESSES --SECOND FLOOR SHOPPINO HOURS " CHARGE" YOUR PIJRHASE - N 9 a.rn. - 5.30 p. 1PRHS -N Friday Dow PeYmet Re- 9 arm. - 9 p.m. RYAN"S OF UELPH qotned oe e Ryan's Sataiday All-Porpose 9 arn. - 5.30 pm. Accourt RYAN'S ARE LOCATED AT 115 WYNDHAM ST. N. IN DOWNTOWN GUJELPH beau ton lmpraoe vaculd i in apreiip tOie the Fr01 savez 'Il Day lui bi il illent the Uion am il ame for mos uhan I iillm OAn roplac oham la dmi breliot It' a aç periodi citicer get te for thr up h pan j estei pley celle tven prof indu aen -Fr TOWN 0F BURLINGTON GREENWOOD CEMETIRY NOTICE On and afier JuIy 2nd, 1968, ail equiries with refererrce to the purchase of lots or the openlng of graves or any other crotter having reference le, Greern. wood Cenretery shall be directed tor THE CLERK'S DEPT., CIVIC BUILDING, 426 Brant St., Burlington, Tel. 637-3851 WILLIAM K. SIMS, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk

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