Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 7

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I .ES FOR SALE I'EOR. sanard, 6 78-935. 5c8.2325 TIN 1100, fia gad 78-9194. 5r0-2313 i-Ccansrb. ail 4 oew tiras. 878- 508-2m0 CE 4-dans-, geuid con- a. Mokas Sentd seo- 8-2538. 5c0-2275 s-SAC, 6 cylindr, an- 25. Cosh os- ierlts. $câ-22U4 flaon GMC, 12' rack n vas-y &oeidrendi- 98-2201. 5c&-2200 TEOR S-33 Tudor- -8, tonaoir. cou- uiraering andhbrak- IL 878-792. 5c8-2286 CAR AT .imited Parisienne impLEmkmT8 FOR SALE 32' IPE hall elevator, 3; Maassay Hars-rubb s-hes- wa- gon, 150. 8786209. 4c8-2272 MASSEY HRRSIS trsacter 44; agisn,. heavY duty; 2 - wheei as- truer, 16 rack; Internat- 22330. "ct2n9 rII21967 Cackshutt SPY swatSher cooditlonter; On- modal 30 SPY saother noue liane; Masaey Fes-guson mod- 44 10' swrathe- coaditioner -Maasey Pergusan modal 82 rasblne. 10'. Milton Equipment Coý Ltd. 878-211 410 FOR SALE The following, farm- machines, usod, Iow priced: « YF. 65 disel tracter. $2,.. .F. cultivalor. $150. .F. hay haler wl 1h ths-ower. 11,100. kshaî-t caltinatar deep, aub- Seller. $150. hsey wagons wuth bigla racka. an0 d 1200. de relie. $350. ho Deere heavy doable disc. seo1braodoew Owatoona ymoster - anather, troUler tye. 82.M0. i Toardo Blaock with *ese achines could bc aeea eeig tusrqoiae b-r im -Ut his Pontiac 2 -dons- lu eqsis-ped vItIs V-8 e Iollowiug machines coald aoîomolic transmis- fae seeo oms- Barsrie: lesecriag. power power wndowa, cua- b ay-swathe-, self - ps-opel- ic. This cor is fa au- Ser. $2.409. oood conition for 35 diesel tractas-. $1,40f. Lic. 672-369..$1495. - 4 Call Oakville Ford 4-Dr. *44-6955 or 844-9078 en sondoiwood tan cc npis-meniing rea lu- This locally - owoed le is equipped vrilla WANTED ne. automatlo aran& ond castom radio. Dstnigimecr- anSonne- tiade bas tnio ibs- ae ta te bcapeiaid appraisolI. Irv. Cowao, Route 632 ........... M Sheddeo, 764-2157. 7c9-2185 DMOTHY ood airaffa hoy, ai s-onw. Apps- t0 Vera Pontiac 4-Dr. s-dan 878-3434. 7c0-2321 a Chief 4-dans fiOs- ANTED, good homte for tropic tas-qaoiseweith tdog, 114i yeas nid. Phoee inierior. Equlpped T1 ofles- 5.30 pm. 7câ-2306 .economica 6 cylio- ne, aotomoîla tos. NSVERSSTY aludant waois and ratont radio ide todownown Tor-oto,a- carserruries- ds-lvlog ng 8 am.,ileaingalter230. ath ibis OK ued cor. 979, 7c8.2316 524 -$...........S1005. SLK wanied for mokiog oI ciel cheese for local mss- hevrolet 4-Dr. for a limiiad name- of ucr.Top ps-ire paid Biscayoe 4-dans- oed- ne 878-9740. 708-2332 exceptionally fow Finishad in iuxeda RIVATE haye- waoia soucd acilh complamnaiof ocre os- las-oas foam. Woald cries- and equipped sidar properiy whas-a ownr r coaonical 6 cyliù. lied t0 siOs- on for a fan ;ie ond auiomaia s-s. Coul Ms-. Grice 277-1315 1100. Mes-e iv 0000- nriie Rt. 6.Brampton. a hai n Il itlself- 7c9.2304 ee il mud drive I E qoos-letie singiog? Sf -370 -$...........11095. do, came 80 Trafalgar Hail, as of 710 -Lina <Trafalgos- -and Na. 5 Hwy., 8 p.m., Aercury '2-Dr. odays. For informsation, call as nasoals- equlpped Mas-han,, 878-2952. norirai 6 cyltedea 7c-20>4-i bol is idm1 fos- taa FARM thai nants a Ionaly o s- thotlia big fa saeiy 'C 50 TO 100 ACRES ofort bai compactini lalrg oueo.5bdrw y. Thia slylish auntonut.& larehueo, 50d-os linishad in es-mine Neos- Mighnay 401. nith campleanoino, CALL TOM GILES of duor and teotursa cars- lia. Uc. ff-8181 pov. S. H. Giles & Co. - 845-1633 or Jsed Truck Evonings 845-4483 rrolet hsif - tout pet-t- Relors s-ped with 6 nylindea 7c8 stloodard tranamis- cary daly front mndffl hock aob-ero and HELP WANTED dual junior wat Las i-ban 12000 12. MAN ta belpi in dry dlan- ris-i it t h 1e b al- plant. 878-9262. 8c8-2278 'foaiary was-s-aniy. EN os- boys t0 belli wiih 38-B - $.. 395....... iug, n apes-lasca neceuss-ry. '35. ga8-2289 tv Biscayne 2-Dr. D appos-tanity ta baild in is-apia turquoise prfiiable Raseleigh bastin- ahing inte-lo. Tahf laMilton and pas-i Mollo bilails eqalpped wiih iy. No apa5l noir espar- angline and entonmai- oaneded, DeaSas-s selling in mission. Thit cas- ha log districts doieg qaile yona psravimu onnea Wsiis Ranleigh. Depi. F7- bran kaptin fab I0r 4000 Richelieu St.. Si. condition for its age s-y Monireai. lici-1390 a aaday fos a itst la. 670034-.........S DEPENDABLE ILS ACTIVE WOMAN eolira la. Dut6es commenr- TEED Sesi., include carte of 2 viel ved childran Il and 6y-s.) DSO N gancra hsuekeepsg. Mo- ps-ovided. 164 dsys off y. 2 weeks palM holiday HY.i t'-Ca ls sy moibe-ly iypes aiaply. References pleaaa. L write n Southhampion, Box 291, -3812 jo Milton 1 ta read II. 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WRITE: Baha'i, Box 1 64, WSLL baby st la ns- home. Oakville, Ont. Pas- fus-thas infor-mation, call There ltn oto biain 878-4618 sIte- 5.30. 9c8-2276 lnoc a-obiatn 10 STUDENT JOB 16 SRIE STSJDENT wnasausommer- job, fall as- pas-i time, aga 14. CUSTOM snolbing, boy and Bill McLeon, phone 854-2665. gr-aan. 878-3518. 16o9-2163 1010-2505 CALL the baicO Oos-denes-Ouc nsmainenanae and stone no-b. Il LOST OR STRAYIED 0784779. I6c10-2214 BASEMENTS, allias aod gtar. BLACK and nOite port Pas-- aglesacaned. Eahbisb ramaved. Sian cal. Migbnay 25, os-l of Raonahle *raies. 878-2213. Miltons phase 87-758. lr8-2311 16m222-tf NEW cannas-al paspes-ly for WILL THE PERSON sala or, ren laeal location las- Who Mistakenly Pickod ieg s-aa. 070-4546. 17c8-2297 Up Tho PLANNING a Sps-fag wed. ding9 Why n0t camauit Milton Poarty Rante] las- yous rente) W RONG and rales-ing srads? Phone 878. 9413 as- 878-9956. 16c44-12i-58 HAND BAG lus AND 2nd mos-agge funds orailable, a 2nd mortglages From uno raperes lusohosed.. CaOl Oison Danany, FromJuneDraerie OakwaEeaily Snrestmmits, in the Milton Plaza 827-5713 anyime. SOrSI-OSO SATURDAY. JUNE 22 Pleose Relus-n or Phone Arrangements for RECOVERY The documnts in il arc of prime impor-tarce ta Ose rightful amnas-. lies 13 FOR MENT CAMPER troas-e, $4 s-e- dey. 878-6878. 13cll-2287 EL-ONTAINED 4 - monm as-as-mena for buinesscou-le, rraa home. Aspis- atas Jsy 2, 87"-173. 13c&'319 ELECTRSC MOT WATER METR wilO frac service. s-boss-e te-illasn Hydra 878-25-45. t3c-1728-ff TENT traie-s, hy -tOc neek, mosîh orsaaon.Lmok n a; Variais- Campisg Troaes. 878- 9384. 13c2091-tf FURNITURE AND RUG CLEANING MACHINE Do yous- an fus-allure mnd rag ris-anme. Rent one or nar cteasaiag machinas. Simpla ta aparoa and use. Pull instruc- lions nith machina. Rates for hous-ls use. Phione: 878-9094 13c-tt 13S SUMMER CAMPS OAK-A-LEA BayaS CAMP WOODSMANSHIP, CANGEING. WATER SKILLS & OUT-TRIPS Combina grai camping ad- renturesacilh aammaniiy cx- s-asianc. Sas-sy. Aagani fu. Jaiy apaningn oaly. MUSKOCA - BOYS 7 TO 16 Wriîc; RAY PATCHEIT 7548 sab Lise, Haroby for hrochure, as- Phono 878-2227 1Ssc-tf 14 WANTED TO MENT INEXPENSIVE 2 - bdds-m hparînent os- boase, as-genaly rredad for reliabia cous-la and baby. Actant 853-1155. 14052-332 HSGH SCHOOL leachas- wish- M t n o boîte os- apartiment, 2 bedrosu arailabie by Aag. 253. Brion Skes-cett, Antan, 853- 1630. 14032-320 2 PROPESSIONAL mou-Sas mtah la reosnoa la I Milteu, Plenase sentd partiaularof nics. commodation tu Bon 289, Cm-. adlon Champion 14e8-2326 Custom Swathing STUART McFADDEN PHONE: 878-2639. 16e-tf House Painting Sales-bs- anA Botar- 30N'S PAINTING OakviIIe 845-8239 16a8 16 SERVICES 1 7 REAL ESTE Septic Tank Pumnping 1 LAWN MOWERS BLUJE SPOUCE ENTERPRISES bomasio mnd Industril. MILTON - 878-6869 16e-el K & R. LUMBERS Ccs-iificdl cas-pools-s mnd gene- a oating renadalita, a1- les-olions, rer. s-unoms tin no-k MILTON 878-9937 ACTON 853-0633 16108S.f ASPHALT PAVING bs-leasnod pas-bing lois. Oaiy mach. Speoil sommas- s-alan. AIl nos-b flay guorantacd. s-as fs-cc satinaIs s-bacc: Hyway Paving Co. Georgetown 877-4144 126b-tf Sewing Machine SALES - SERVICE PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Mos-lin Sts-eet Sas-a-iornd rs-ais-s an olmabcaofasa-isg machies' lIc-tf Swimming Pools A. J. McCarthy Construction Phone: 878-6167 16CIt Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZE Tracs. Pcnoc Roana. Stone Piles, Ponds air. Las-ge clmn ramored, hall poiceacps-. 00e moula i0e gladi tu etimole pour Job. Watson Bs-os. -Brampton, Ont. Phone 451-4804 Solos and Sorvico s LAWN-BOY o TORO Sea the Terrifia Selectian Homby Garage Hornby 878-4790 16e-tf WALNUT RANCH LTD. Crispiled and bisahled Cons and Muss 24 Mou- Service Lia. Nos. 133-RP 209-42 Watordown MU 9-1044 16cti PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Miget asuhs-ricas for-deadar disabled conts land bas-tes CALL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lia. No. 94RP68 126C68 16e-if PERSONALIZED PAINTING Iotas-las - Esîcro- Sodacîriai - caidroîil PREE ESTIMATES 878-4382 16c9 17 REAL ESTATE A. E. LePAGE RMALTORS UMITW 55 Yeacu' Coalinsout Ses-vite Mene- of tOc Toront, Ontario and Oaknilie - Traflgar- Raal Estat Boards Cali BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 îles BAI4KING CAREER. Younag man, Grade 12 os- 13 graduata, interested ina o stona ailh a excellent futore. Contact f. Semple, Baok of Moatreai, Mil- ton. "c&177 MAIE EXPERIENCED LOADER OPERATORS AND TRUCK DRIVERS Reqals-ed for siooe quorry opes-ations. AppIy in peraon. Dufferin Quarries MILTON 14 WAITED TO MENT ONE or two bedroont oport- ment ors- aol house in Milton os- as-,-ounding as-a. $65 - $75 par mnth. Immedioaely or ha- fora Jaiy 31. -Reply t0 -Mrs. Ber. nadette Bayotte, 10 Jugea Si. Mosaey, Ont. . f 6c02202 15 PERSONAL "BAHA'U'LLAH" Ose baadred yeara aga, one Voire forecast the Spiritual bs-eakdlown ow affliiog oar wold - and gave us the sol. tioa Io il. Thac series of eveots that surroaoded abat Speakes lite consîitale the mmet remark. abie alory in mana spiritual histoay. 1115-1the aiocy of Bobs-ý CUSTOM S WAT HI NG Arrange Now to Ensure Service PHONE 878-6338 16b9 Furniture Restoration Crsfisman s-efloluhing uaplan- sle-y repais-îng. Antique apeclal ist. Fhee estimate. Pick - p sud delive-y. 1-519-833-2210 W. WHITE - ERIN 16021 DEMOLITION and TREE REMOVAL For Froc Estimate PHONE 878-6338 16b9 ASPHALTING DRSVEWAYS, PAsRKING LOTS AND BARNe YARDS MILTON PAVING CO. LTD. (under newmaagement) Pas- free autimotes, calS Walter Hayward 878-9234 Harod Agnow 87-95 1608 Milton Tree Service e TESOSMINO s REMOVING s TRANSPLANT1NG Pully insus-ad. Frac Esimoa PHONE 878-4407 tacg ED. MCMULLEN Contracter- " Cemeni Plans-s, Sidenabu & StanPu s Chimnay & Plasle-iog Repaira 0Sluaa Ws-k e Firaplaret Phono Acton 853-1818 18n41-tI PRIVATE SALE 4ýeroac brica baagalow aI 434 Kralaigh Caourt. Miltan, L- slaapd liig -dining omonad fireplaca. s-ac. s-son 15 a 24, fis- !shed in I rabh caos-ga-oge. Asking $24.000 wilh $8.000 dan. M asr and lotin eaxcl Irai coadition. Phone 878-3174 17a7 Leonard R. Chandler "Tac-s aad Countr-y" Realtor WE ARE RECEIVING MANY INQUIRESS fos- lasa cassis-y homes and aagea. INTERESTEIN S SELIMO? Cali us las- a fs-ce appraisal - noabligation. R.R. 1, Marrai. GUJELPH 824-9199. 17b43-tf Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St. - Milton 241' a 330' buding loi. Ashiog $4.3 0. 125' a 250' bailding loi. Aahiag $5.900. 10 crs-s. Ashini 17,8W0. 40 as-s-s. Ashiag $15.30 an pa- s-ad s-aad. 11750 ealp-a, 3- hadroarn Slas-cy and o hall banc, as- s-aI lacation, close ta shopping and achmols. dannnoi-s living nom iih lirs-placa. sapa-aae dirisg s-aan. kilaban, hase- meanilh farocc and land- s-y laclililcas. 120»10 fll ps-be 3 - hads-orn bs-lo bunogalow, living s-onm land diairg s-son. hilahan nilh onple caphoors-d, 8-place al- srdhaatb, fullthaacmanîwih eaIl- hcds-om and s-cacs-son s-aam. paos-ly lininhcd. STONE COUNTRY HOME Silald onî o0as-as oflland in aas-lh Oahrillc. cntre hall plus. las-ge livng smas., db-, in:grs-m hilahan bath plus paasial lamily s-nt, accord flor han 4 bercama. bol a las- hy -ail heolrd. Aahing 137,500. Hall cash doon pay- FARMS 100 cs, 2 fasnily dnclling large batik bas-a. Aahing 150.000 hall aash. 100 acrs- exran- gond arket gas-dar soi., -badrana hans-. Atkirg $60,000. Open la aIfres. Cail 878-2095 878-6057 17a8 Far Sarnics- ad Satisactaion Best Realty &Insurance Limired 310 Maie SI., Milton, Oea. 878-6292 878-6592 REALTOR $18,900 FUJLL POICE - Modes-n i'.--tsrey hans, living smnt. dining s-aam, hiachar, 3 bcd- s-sans, fl haaamaai. F/Aaii hair8. paltio, harbhcuoe, alosasnnd asrra. 5% mot-- gaga cars-sira t$816 mnthly FlO.&T. Lacaad loase la schools rn Milton. S14,000 - Idral araraîns-ra ps- pas-la ach 155' Is-araga. as .Milton Mata St., 132' ds-plh ze rsiderîjal R-3. 07,000 DOWN - Fally aertard induas-i ala jrt i Milton nilh 200' ftraas toal ars-c 4.8 acrs-, CNR spas- lineas- i S7.000 FULL PRICE - Couans-y lot, nas Actoa. 300 fs-rtmage ha 57drep, .79 acres-.Ver- dour ocli loa hacb a fisai mas-Ifofo. Cati Ms. Oa-bs-s 877-6582. S7.500 PULL PRSCE - 5 asre omdrd lat, nas Cons-hall- ville, 204' fs-calage. 37,500 - 10 asre lot hala-as- TMilton ard Acica. 6889 fs-ana- e. c-adrd, asran. Open la oflas-. Esjay the hoarftl af the Mati Listing Sasrvice IM.L.S.l coaas-lng laapian, Geoasgetown and Milton. MEOIsERS OF THE BRAMPTON REAL ESTATE BOARD Georgotown 877-6582 Milton 878-6292li lus an tI he Jcdcmns WEDNESDAY, JULY l7ah, 196t adate herirectioasaofthesaa- desigsd LoaliMaass-as spa- Theianaaas-coranyTender-nill caieseaîd tendesa addraaacd ta n-at aesariiy ha lace-ted. ýha aodesigas-d and mas-bcd Tanrds las- 52 Willan Street, W. MIDDLETON, Acoo-- os- "Teader las- 138 Pas-- Screa-y - Treassre-. la- Ave., Actor- la accos-daocý DONALD E. SKINNE, nalh corditionaof atcehssioa. Archiasai, tesetasalcs-hcilihbas-acsirsdhy 120 Stat-shank ad, tha anrd-agad as- t0 4:30 s-n. Pas-i Crs-dit, Oat. 10h52 onTsdcy tha Nialh day af Jciy 1968. ai Emmr 243, Court Hcaase Baae Lias, Milton, Ont- 19 LEGAL aria, las the s-archaac of thae _ _ _ __ _ _ s-s-tas hss-ciats dsosih- d by thsaidLoal Mnt. Notice to Creditors Pas-col No. i1. lm 32 WILLOW STRtEET, ACTON it s-loines cgainsa the Esate Thia s-as-cri oaid bobaa a nI OLADDR-N EIWERS -ROBERT. ts-otage oct48 fart, 6 isohca. SON.liofa15Charles S.,Mil- morcrsa ssand a d-plh of2 ton, Ont.,nldown.deeaed, who t, mar rs as- a. This s-rcs-es-y dird oa as- ahaut Mas-oh 31, 1969, i, part-oflLotlNnhas5, Back mustsbheilednih hemde-- 15, Plan31, oa pas-i aI Loi aionad pes-ssnal raprestatile Nanhas- 7, Block 15, Plan 31 and on aI hafare Jsac 29.,1968; 00cM. as dscribad la nasleaga s-cela- allas-. the nndasaigned wili dis- tered an Na. 184919. arihola t0e aunaIs aI the alA Or the ps-apas-y la ad la hb- Esiole havlng regard ans- t80th a six manm smi-dached s-aagh cloirs tOcu eilad. caca baoase nih c lOrre place Dalcd Jane 10. 1968. bath and hait hasmsnî. NATIONAL 'TRUST CO. L TD., Pas-col No. 2 21 King St. Eas, 138 POPLAR AVENUE,' ACTON Toront, Out.. Execuior This s-as-ct oaInd Oas c hy ts-catagr of 31.166 frai, mas-c as- Haidas. Pord Os Macule-. boys aad a des-lb cf 145 frai. 1196 Main St., Milton, Ont., mas-s-r a s- a, acilh a joe- ihei- Solicitors herca. This prcps-sîy l artoslcf Lais 1910l Numbhsr14 and13 according ta egicss-sed s-las Namrbs- 192 la 20 AUCTION SALES tr cad Toua af Aclas anad is devaa;hsd an asolgga' s-rata-nrdg ts-ad as No. 18620. ad B-o n g Onatebos-s-as-ssaaidtlbe LicsnscdAcines- as-caebccaaa s-nid-aohedhbouse cantcaiaig riae roma wilO cao s-arn - Lireulmoc abs-as s-lace hoîbroona. The ps-o- Pas-aîîase Salas s-aray cs aaid ta have a bigh s-cal ircans-. R. R. 2 GEORGETOWN. Pars-o er shati pcy cash. Phone 878-730 A tender must ha s-pas-îry 20e-tf alged and saaid and muni 0ie acaam-astisd hy ac or-ifieA U cheque payahbsla tehe Accoait- U 1O SALE ast aI abs Sas-s-an Court aI On- For tas-ta as a desal las- ai leot LINCOLN MOTORS 10% aI abs amn o f aIthe tan- 199 Gaelph SI. ait Moanlalo- der' The balancao the s-as-h- alan. Georgeton, On. ans maacy chal hae s-aid int0 THUOSDAY, AMRY 4th Ccourt nithoal nIes-est on as- At Il an. babase Aaîaal 21a1. 1968. Taxes Campicia dispersai of garoge caly choti ha adlaaîed. TOc s-u-- aqais-ena. body s-es-oic and chcas-rshall sarch abs tita ai s-ali cs-pplies. hia own ras-snse. Sa ail olhe Alten cash reelsîas-; 2 Reming- rscs abs conditions of 10e ton - Rand lys-ens-bars; Bar- >ca as-s abes-tandiag coditions roaghsaoddisg machine; vîsi- ofcslf heacourt asanadifi-d reord cabinet; fle cbinets; ha ths conditiors of sale acilrd a deafa; ntndOield mi-e- ha the aadss-sigead. Upan ceaIre; luas-us- cabinets; Esse- ptansait, abs parchsas-r maîlo card asriae; sait drink chall ha solitird leao coles-; eatension iadds-; Suent ,stireas-de-. ta ha ahlaioad jsolas; Bramas- air comprassoen by abs puasor ai hia an an- goindeas; vaIre relme-; no-k pesocs iraîscd ai a aaarcyanca. heochas, on nhelu; vises. The tender aad ccasaance oI Con-laîc 'B' linea o5gnmmet thecoditions of ale, nhch eqaiiseai; s-s-a- sasu; tend- ,ball ho desmed ta fos-mn s-as-s-rs; dailies; 4 alactis-I molara; ot scc as-ode-. ahail coni08e lis-a changar; large quantity of the agreesment fs- sala. Pas-aber pas askueis oa athe- ras-ai- s-ars-îtaats anos conditioons aI s-quis-malt; s-us-o; bans-aera ,le may hba ailod Irant C. and body repais os-pplias; ail 1.Leaaerlasd, O.C., Bas-ste hilte- ail; 45 gai. As-cm of 140 and Soicitor,. 28 Mois Sts-cet gasn; car-acacesories; ns-meb- Nocs-lb Acîco. Ontari, and Irant as; lar-gc qaîiîy of otw- s- Mccsra Hatahiocon and Thanp aaciaîcd mate-lalu; opark plus tac. Bas-stlcsand Soicitors, olcoas-r; 4 seta aI shalvea etc, 219 Mato Simcat Rani, Milton, s-la.; lira ssinguse; 1961- Bel- Onario. cadara Plymouth; alto 1959 DATRO aI Milton, Ontarto Char. Apache 0011 ton pick-as- Ibm 01hdayaI ane196 The onne- of Linmoln Motara this 0th dy ofJune,1968 aiis-iing mid ths sale mOl ALAN s. SPRAGUE, disperse tuis eqaimaSi anA Local Mante-. 1901 stock tOat il Oas take 23 Yoms tlassuemble. Cheques mutW ates-ted OTHER sae IoCthwiscuit.8I dy0 Onne- or aarlionas- ant mn. AUCTION SALES peasihie for accidesu cm ps-a misas day of sale. ON PAGE 8 ma 10 as-u. 17 REAL ESTATE The -Canadian Cbampioa, wednondlay Ions 26, 1960 7 A ON 17 REAL ESTATE 18 TENDERS 4-ROOM cattage on Lake of Looking for a Buy? Bays, salitr-bcd, fas-nihdas on THE ACTON IN AN OLDER BRICK 6357. s-ac 17c8.2189 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD HOME - TENDERS SPECULATORS, TOADESMEN. FOR BEST Scn diint RTIRRIS FOLKS, 8 large RESUITS M.on Z.diono M-ocns,5 hadaaomc, large an -._._enet aagh tas- ascone hains, sara r5Pblc cho loarge garage and lot. centra-l. Lo p oPuli SJS Oaiy $18000. 16,000 don la AND.- qaife a-. i - fil t 89 Library Addition to - 0EE OF CNuTH Robert Little RETIRE IN A NEWER PubBic 0F s-sq BRICK Orangeville Real S ulcSho Bunglow arag, wel SALRD TENDERS fos- tOn Boaolaa. craa. as-l asc Estate Board abs-c tall hae raceire by the la-or gourds, 3 hadroons, Air- 17.4o-lf As-ablîcca sutil 4:00 s-m. E.b. idad banancal antrs-a, 3 blocks S.T. te huc ond stors-s. MUST ____________ SRLL. OWNR LRAVING AR- THURSOAY, JULY 181h, 1969 RA. EDUCRO ae ail a 19 LEGAL Raoh s-s-sis al nus h tender S19.500. $3,200 dan ta qali- cd sss-araaaiy. branties mnd fiaA baye-. apacificalions May be ohiained In the Supreme fs-ont tbs As-oOitcCs offire an cou aI o a des-osia aI 125.00 JACK HOLMES court of Ontario for- rach sahoal, nhich null Oc REAL ROTATE BEOKER r-ftandcd -nb- the As-awngs 84 Chas-oh Sas-set Rosi Botween Neil Bowles vs oand apeoificolicas are retas-ed MroCari et ai i aaisacory condition. ACTON - 853-1650 MoN asarBndînile euie (locateAN Aeid phld Bolig it ahTnde n te required liccîrd aats s-ansbaîl2g Between Miko Stedul vs nt ahT-ds uIebln 17h52 Caaine a n amns MonoCasa-m e ai M. Z. Bennett Scooi-14100. JUDICIAL SALE Robes-t Litais Schml - S1258. j BY TENDER tallb srqalred frottethe ac 32 WILLOW STREET, cenatai Gasas-al Cootracoe. BU ~ ~~ d ACTON ONTARIO Said Tenders for Meathîai ACTON, ONTARSo ha deps-aiîad cI abs Toronto Bld Aswein 'n- oA Tris-shors- aaass-r at-e a whoatara a serv anicea wilh boaard andecellent ci- s-saris- prs-s-rit parril las- osreas- Ihon prsauralyrexpli- cd. 3 Blocks f rom Downlown Laarly 3 - hs-ds-aan hunfalow,. aitlaîd or otcrly laodacaprd casras- lot with os-r laniy- dared blîchr 8-s-iras- boath, nw bs-oadimati. Acbing $21,000. Innedils- poasesaion Bock Split 5 yeaos-arnw acbogasniepa-b land, as-s-oaadcd hy ars-a biachas aiab ratirg ars-o, a. hoany poorlird livirg s-mn., 4 hers-ana 2 baiha and fin- ,ahrd s-sc, s-aa. Onr has houoht, Aabog Orly $23,500. Home in the Country hunaowtatld oc threr- qara- tie onasre, hallumile off pad s-aad. s-lacil hcal ttachrd fas-gga Imnrdioa passaiaon. Ps-trd at $25,000. 5 Acres at Kolso Las-ny ralliag lord nilh eaacel- araeta w12,900. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17cg Vacant Land 22 ac-e raireat with as-aang fiowinc as-cal atrao. ail taaded ands-rry craic 3 m- tac ta 401 ialas-chasgc. la Canybeltvalr ca. Prica $250 pr as-a. Hall caah. 1f casc building aite- la nos-ah Tlasaagacaaca, cs-cceyad and saaid cr- rcs-laion for- cocanasy home. Ps-lce $9.000. 20 cs vacara land, pa-aly cccdsd. asrseysd and aspa- oad. ct hrr lias hans in v aiaiy. Ps-tard ta s-il ai 105100. Your Own Private Forest s-ca the goci g as- cr055 f an ils, abat waot comslhtag bal- ts-s ban acos-age, ibia aeic- ulcaa 3-ors-c hbricb and cacas huagalowa ciib sarlially finiahcd era hsds-ccn and bho-cm ta gas-dra lavai bascucra aith largs pan- lad roos-sajanr s-m ard hoos wcoodhcs-aing firs-lc;ain ticas- hacl s epasraic fan- tay bitchor tcith plsaly af s-cas fcr ocsry dav diming, las-gs hs-adtccnsd livirg tclwih clidiag glaca dmos cs-s-agtaccsoh dck v-so-i arg abeshcadad hcb icos - pisco haîbroon, las-ge fs-olt taoys- nith s-lt - local anas-y tcas-s-s-sard Ions-s- vls The cas- ocra lot ta becautifclly sadsd nith ctally as-cas. Doalt mias ibis arr. Fall pnice $35.000. Ccli Gihaaa Wiloaghby Lad. Anna& Archie Cairns 340 Msio Street East Milton Phono 878-6980 17c&1 Depository by 3:00 pm. E.D.S.T.

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