JuIy S te014 Variety of fun events in Conservation Week s tie ex l ied %ardoire ta.w. Wedxelsay. Io Rxxiwley sallr- for Milton. [xxx 5-R aith and .l uti ms.uged te pull hsd ti 100fits b xrt se x s Spe plapal 0011te Rar salir Bill Riusl VAY dhod, dltw" fendMlons, cour- leb.h lsbsf.nt Mall Msailles VasamIf à cd lb. rond by ly. An5d xx ,t CIA sul.. ormatlxe oi mIEA KURZ wr Bas. Lino W. flotes 078-741 tors Ixîxcaxce ons of Guelph UVI AMY t THAT ROsOM- H LOOK in for a s appralaci LL'S 178-2721 178-3251, IIG CH PRGPELLEG ( SAVER t eaîtres a pxw- Briggs and RIraI- laI gioxu mile aller bîe-frtee perlorm- -in ixeeh xut porl; bnstrxctixn; loisr- lineo Rrbellerlras- arn eaty; a zlp- bag - ail aI nx Mt Ne. 10 Sd. Jxly 8 ix Jxlp 1 u le..i di- mignotes! a. Conservatixon WesS la Haltos. Oxer 30 cxmmx.iiy service grouper are Ccxpxtig Vlla The lltox legixa Cxe- vau. AxSierlly ln organistes a gala cash of acRIsillex. TIse Seaixaeax of Rdi WSItR. Oakvilla represexlallox 10 Sie AutSoniy, Conservation Week bu asx Seex sxixlicaUp si- portl[ Sp aUl Six.e apl>rxachxii. Plaxaed tx alimulaix pSubli avoarejanusuad eipport of cou- sarvisllu geais in Hallox, sanii tx ixcolve Six p.55x b ii rama for lSeSilsrx,CmxsrvatoxWxek sail sppxal 10.11l age. The fxlisxclxg programa Rame See. schaciled: MONDÂT JULT R Officiai Ope01xg of MsixtsSarg ICoxsxrxation Are&; f Sexlabxrg WlilePreserve, jco.lxliig Six l00acrx reserxxlr jcrsaixii Sp Six Mxorasbrg Dam jPrxlxxt, la Six AxlSert's mont proseed. A Rom. for 2OcarIxOxas of xliifxwl, fcos, iixxr, axnd oSiter imitale; Six larin I aise xprimxxllag oli Sice dater os l.gfat hiiowl. J. C. Thatcher, D.p.lp idi- lier id Enargp aid lescurcea SManagexen ti» saxakix ne e- o1 precoaicx of ail <oxernmexi Toyxe, locallaxdswi.xre, cxsser- xlx anadax pro.. ai Six p.m. capsules. Pheantsî sai lie refaes! axa fielt slxckxii at Mexidaberg Reseroir as Six 1our of Six 1.200 acrexarxa, foi- Iowa. A rxcepion dm0l lie fis! ai MoRcsidserg Dame Farte ai 4 p.m. axa Six publlie la clcxmx .1 Six opeaing. TIIPOODAY, JPLT il Proecl Prexxrtixn Oxxr 100 cRildren ci» flie part in Proixct Prxsxercaixx, pienniog, irectxxg xxii carrylxg outl lRxlr cran amail conservaion projxct.. Cilirx, fromn the labseillx, Burllx<txx, ilton Re. criaio. Plapgrssxiix; TMCA, llxmxxx Society xxii Scouix groue ci» laarx SiroiRilprac- tlical xxpxrlexme and ixvoxloent theSi ca of conservaton., -~Mxst of Sixlle junior confier- v atixadita w111 cloir liore fixe, jcoilirxcl ateralam t eRors, Oise stream batiks etc. ln Sirir 000 lcoù arxs. hdl.ely 0111 ixiase Splilante, stock Rua axa taxa dock Sata Mxu01.sbrg Wuhdlfe Prxserxx, cxmlaig IRis con- tibution 0115 a picolc day axa _âa viilt isxit 'alIix BxSSy tSie Buffalo ao<c- ai Rxitîxaxale ~PointConservation Ares. , TO. Realeos Rxtiox Coxserva- lise AsSiorlty wiii prxixxtlfoi f Ilâal participation paroRoxotoloe thie pouxgixer.. A grand award wil1 lie gicxx ix Six <roop cxx- tiSaRxg iRe mosi original pro- Ixct. Assy txrxlixii gcoes eSe.h contact Six Autoirtimiaix- yp. S FRIDAT, JULY 12 ý"Adcx.Rxre Day ai lîo Dam Coservatixn Area; Aiicexlsrx Day wiii comine Sixe excllxmxol ci an oxuiixxr Ç1c0fc iiap 01h valaablx lessoxa on. iouxt las ai hoe Sa theciii. ecxxx, CShiidren freim OaLrxile, Buirlingtom axa Milton recreatix. iro<rame cill receixe instroct- ton la Orlx.cixxrlx<, lour Si. sxxarpsmest suii Six HaitoCseo- ,*y Mueumi. Thx Oxtario Orlxxleerlxg As- ~socilant axa Professer Alex s expre of Si. Depariment cf Oplical Eàication Univcxrsity ý-xl Guelph. will lostruci xxxr RN0 bsa xirl in Orient- exrixg -- Six art of ilhdxrxes. familiaritp wit cap a co- "1CASE" Tractors for Law. and Garden - Mony Ua.a in VerioUSj Sizea "PRICIO TO SUIT" TERS AVAIflLE Seo Thom Now AT PENSON'S FANM EQUIP. Ne. 7 NIONfWAy 151 rnlss mue of o-nW 877-6308 pase. Kelso pool etaf Sas xc- <suiixed a 8010n compelitulu in the aflerox EacS <rup 0111 enter ai12 - ommer tam,rocat 10< on Sixir Rxam te lry formte graid acard, Aiixxxisrx Dap 0111 xmpSasLxx Sie closx rxlalioxlibip bleaux Morts rxcreatoox andi coserva. 0ie, 1 se of Six future lit- euso Or alton. SATURDAY JULY 13 Sportsman Day ai Ratilesmie Point axa Keinos Dam Professor Alex Pexpre of Six Dxpartmxxnt of PSysical Eiixca- lion, University of Guelph, axa Six Ontario OrlexieerlogAssxx- atiox 0111 loxtroci 60 people ln "'»odlog pour wap in thx cilder- Rs.," Stacilox ai 10 &.m. par- licipaxi, elil lear Sie . se x. directixul cxmpa..,axapartlcl- paix in the popolar axa xaxy RiSIng sport of Orlentxerlog. The Broc. Trail Axaxclilxxo', Ollig xxSioliasts 0111 leaii fom- lUxa on nare Mise. lOroughxit Sie morrnig from ttlesxakx. Ai 1 p.m. Six aflercoxo suf11 dtan ciah a bang au iRe Halte. Sporisox,'. CloS Conservaion WeeS Ixcilaional Trop Siocs las- glas. Oipen tx ail memier, of Haliox traça clus, el<St man ftim; wlll compoex In a 15 dlay Rira contest fxr iRe iropRp. Foi- ore plans for Conservation CeeS lxclxiie Shil avant as an anooal and larger cxlost. At Kelso Dam Cunserratixo Arxa; Siling iotor higR gear,Spxnts- man Day 0111 continue ai Haera Dam Coxservaion Aroas. Don mfxity demunstraiox. xxii Sp- casting instruction w111 Sa axail- The DOkvla Homase Society »Caior-Bog Dog Races» 0111 ulari ai 1:30 ai KeIxo Beach. Axy younglixr iSiaaer-appy 000t t. loctx to xaler riflai away Sp cailling iRe AotRoity ai 878-6891. TOere 0111 Sae to races: Big Bug Water Race: dffl oer dO IbS., andi BaSp Bug Raco: poacRe. onder dO lb. Dogu 0111 le rxlraLseiiSpiealer, aid i.s masexr 0111 tr beside Rimn a, Sie padules Sirough iRe clpral , Prixe, iiutii Sp The HOW DOES YOUR CAR STACK UP WITH UTS CLASSMATES 0D1111 FARt THIS TEST!1 Avoid the inconvoy onco, ombarrassment, and exponso of fa iing a Police Safety Check on your holidays. ThisSumerwe oferto oua Froc lMechanical and Visual Safey Checkl HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOUR VACATION? JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS LTD. 67911 l4lgbwe Ns. 25 - Milles Soutb 878-2393 878-3812 Homane Sscety - ciSi a good triain 01<1 the doigtIl Meolers ci lie Otario Sport Parachute ClubS dli eky-ie darlng the afibernusn. KelsoPooli staff 0111 idirxct a celiirxn's WaIxr Sport, Day - 3 p.o. ai Kxîso Pool. TRe Halixî Sporiooeo's Club Trout Derby ciii iirao Sondreda 0f ao<lxrs ix Kelso. EtgSty dol- lacs worSi of prixes ell Sae offered ln eacS xltxocato<ores; Juior (uoder 14) anii senior. FisRing Surs 0111 lie frxm9 a.m. to 5 p.m., wilSa registratons for iRe derby 010010< ai S p.m. onSturaday. Acands ciItSa<lc- ex out tmeiately ai 5 1.0. whrx iRe Derby closes. Local Boy Scouts elill c<eratx a Salit concessionxfor thederby. SUNDAT JOLY 14 Sax Fox B.cday Kelsso Dam Conservaion Area An uhdtocir fuxiiay for iSefam- bands, canne race, cRildrex', art iplay, anii sky-iin de- moflsiraioox. Kelso Pool staff 0111 deco- strate waler rescue aodarllftclal reoîscllalox techiques at 2:30 Deidoor 'eotSoslasts cancon paie in ai OrteotoeriogSRilllike starting ai 10 a.c. 0Rero are clasificatioos fxr aIl ages: Joo- fr- lSandiierIoter medlates: 16 - loi and Texos of 1. Ccin- passes 0111 Sa acallabî,. TRis ,Rould R.00 on iRte Slggest acents ofthe week. TRe Mioloierlal Associationo0f North Haltcn wil1 close off Sic week>, acticlîles 01tR a Siset CorsRip Servce ai O p.c. Thie odeoomixxtlonal service 0111 take place on iRe acaulc Kelso Rillstde ocerlooicg Gec Eaeo Lake ai Kelso. Dnoss wdli Sa iformal. Mouotsberg Cldilife Preserxe, lxcxted loir mil, west of Camp- Itelîile, Camplelîcillo Oide- rua, will R.e open tiopublic tour tSrcugRoii tRe Cocservatioo WoxS, Teu cxx make reserca- tiens lhnougth ie AutRoniyoffice ln Miltco. A paining coolest for cRilireo in BucOongtoo, Milon, axa Oak- cille ta Saiog spocooroit Sp tRe xrea, Recre.ton Couxcils, The Canadien Champion, W, Ct7mpheIIvidiI., split huck te Campbellcttlo toxoolles broke avait lnoa teu Saine saee cilS Vlatxndxwo test wxxk. Camp- SxllotIlx won Six firsi gaine 2-1 axud lest .lte exroiai 7-R. Campbvielln .Yo.x.lIs dei- fxales! iatendox. Juniors 2-1ln a bnlIlitant pitxlixg dueltxWater- cw taxI Wed.elay. Affle Bepno of Watenaxco axa xîu Dexois oiCampbellvliUeboSiwxxt Six route axa Si xre eas Uileîte chxeie betwxxn thaïe. Baypox. Six losxer, cas Six vtcltm of poser support a. R.e limiteii Campblil- vilU.le t00 Rnit. lie walkeii xxx andi struck eut Sirex. Dxnii. allovixa one on off Ihrex tilts. Hex wxlked four axa struck-mt eighii. Watxndoxo 1005 a 1-0 leain l Six sxonxa a. MIS. Crawtord wa. fole onxonerrer. Heixe txl ecxc xx a etiha pitoS axa te Sid axat hxme on pas.xai bait.. CaxipbellIxtle îleii Six score at 1-1in thSi foirSi. liad calS- xii axa ext te ird on an serrer. He spraisei lie anRte al Sunr aid o..s rxplacia b StnOith whx ,xxrxii wen Bayotox drtppxcl Six hall alter Smith bâaa attxmpt- eii tx score onxapass!dall. Deoxie wax sale on an error lnxh Sixt waot sa iriRiea tx secoxa and .cxrxd on anxrrxr. Honten, Mlle Crawford axa Ryax ail singles] for Watxrdowx. Pxtxr Axarew, gxi Campbell. cille', xxly Rit. Llsescore: R0HE Camp. 000 1010 2 1 Watxr. 010 0000 I 3 4 Campbellvillx: - Dxxis axid- Waternii:x - Bayon axa P'. Crawford Waterdxwo aerses! their se.,- on erie, wli Campbxllvollx tly xl.xg sut a T-6 wix in txxlxxlxgs ln Camptixîlclle on Soxday. Bill Dxnle liurllap lis tttird <,mx inxeight days bli ied Rixe rux lirai 10010< as hoe allox- est axoxo russeoffl14litis. te Rit one Satter, oxîked threx axa stouck-out 13. Jixi Clark for Wateon gaee up aix roc, off situe Rait,. Hexbit to Saittors axnd xlked saent. wRite strikixg ont 12. Six its, lxx walksx and a orror prodoced flox pios for Waixrdown ln Six topt of the lirai: &Wa I tenxr Camplollotîle situe ixtings tx catch op. The offlag- ers iircppei behicii 6-0 in Six thind wtlex Pat Craxeford', douS- le and TaLylor-. sing<le prodocea axoSiar rocl. lu Six besicior0 Six thind Campbelîlîile pîckecl uPop taxfflict a Rait as Clark it a batter and Ixe..ed Soir pasaxs. A single Sy Damai s folloxcedlaler iSte lnxlxgSyPattxrexx'sdiS.. le prxoced axotker for Camp- Salillx inxh Sixt &M5 xi closes! Six score te 6-3. In the sixth a Rit batier axa singles Sp obertsox axa And- ~'IF YOU HAVE COVERAGE 1 oc fthece nn PrescipSc t c. IDDV.A. 1s BLUE CROSS O GREEN SHIELD OR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION We forward accounts direct every month on your behaif. MILTON PHARMACY 246 Main, Si. Mille. 1Free Delivery on Prescriptions, Druga, etc. PH ONE 878-2343 U UP H0LST ERI1NGls Capable Handa for aour Furniture Nors reen1 flarnîsîx- lii.,..~ ~ fi iim>-. xi...lor k Taiels MILTON UPHOLSTERING )RIE APTHUR R.W 3, MILTON 878-9094 Kiti Canada. Pack.,., Snwfak Redpath White Alfonso s Coffee PueShortening RUAI Blndd xlxseI Re. 37c - lb. pkbg SUGAR ost6C lbs 3 ,89c 5-lb. bug 39e Faxxlle Moderne0 - R". 2 boxes 69c S PE CI1AL F A CIA L 0O Ml1 L ANO IlS C UIT S TI1S SU E 'jjc Eggj hu;o, Tor goc FaellelModee -Reg. Twt lisait31c Re. 9c 77,4R9 c 8 A T HR OOM 8oFn5 egT 19 pk S TSU E ROLLS R.7J CHRISTIE'S HOT DOG OR HAMBURG &UNS .... 4 pkgs. 99c SwlIPresdum Fresswood'. Fa emunl Feu, Lxan Bach WIE N E RS tyle .Slicxd -Rxg. 75. EMA Io lb. SIE BACON EAALBCO Vas: lb a , lbe P.-brss F5rfixxh cpi. 6 1 FRYER CHICKENS 37c IL CeHCENLG 43lb Fresb HCE ES 4clt CHICKEN BREASTS 39c IL 1 Malie Lest - 6-ex. Va. Fa, * FREE DELIVERY DAILY 9 COLD MEATS Maecaroni &Cheese, BANANAS IbLO1c Mock Chichex Loaf, Dutoh Loaf, Olive LotI -9 5 - uni Pictile & Pimeolo, Plain Sologe or 45~ c ubs OxrlictBologne ORANGES doz. 39c FR I WuvteyIowi hucek gumes rocs Mdex the score 6-a axa set the stage for Six diic nintS axa 105h txmixgs. Lxsing, Sp tex) ruxes Rortson. dblxd tx open Six Solio 0f Six allxsi for CampbeUvollx aodi wext tx tRird ae Axarews ceas safe on an errer. Andrews stxix secxxa on Deooisx doulet ie île score ai R-R. Txfxrtucatelp Decalswas ut ai tlaiid trylxR tx stretoS lis Rit loto a triple aod lalor Mc- LaogSllx Rit andiis old Race ecdxd the game fxr Campbell- OyaO was sale on an errer ln tSe lOtS and scxrxd froc Sinston Henoox> iiouble ecitS the wix- ning toc. FxcSuk Rit a double anii twx singe, for Watendxwx. Fat Craxtord and ltexcxxd duSled axa siogleii, Clark 01x<leii ticc, andi Doicax, lluxter, Forth, Mike CraLwford, andi Taylorall singled. Oeil Robertson axa 0111 Dxools dooSled axa singled fxr Camp- Selîlîile. Deng MeLaugSUxn Sit twx singles, Allec Patterxon douSled and Pets Axarews and Jlm Early ixgledt. CamPbellville's xxxt home Saine is oc Oicdap July T at 2:30 p.m. wlîS Milton sopplyiog Six opposition. Llcescore: H E Water. 501 000 000 1 7 Id 2 Camp. 002 011 002 O R 9 3 Waterdown: - Clarkaxa P. Crax- ford Cacpwllvtlle: - Deccls aciiAc- drews OWN Strawberries e Quart Piclcing 3 Oc Boxes Only - Bring Your Own - AQAT or Purchas et Patch Children Welcome! A. FERRI 5th Line West Huttonvillo Phono 865-8202 PROLONGED yPROTECTION 'with a comploe. CO-OV è\ control program for Mies and mosquitos CO-OP LixixîxikStpray stab1W li tas ea oistm. Ridaaion -- -- >sî, proeio.n,txuls rx,,ing mie fur ussdleo aidssu2 miutes CO-OP S'ooam sr M-0 COOPxBrunSprayooexe N ,mi is sidsi taxue agist lix, acii cx ohpssi 1,t in etruof ceullstm builingsî. cetrl lests fote i, *es w ssis CO-O sl Se i Ganueitmsxc Sctirlipait fou ille , ei i susre, she s, p ou t> cags n 'mos,l i î C R.oF Vc-FxeF nd ou le r -vi g 'ie 0 li elîlea on ichoss tecnrt -s a Poisons ihe inets- - Ce hmcipl satie mll lii nsel ts. Ideal for Sabaexus aasue e 3 li. bnng istor cpox sti eCti an effectie niî of___ C'ord and ,poxx iOîlorm)iu inW butes, cxiile The Vp ffetam g«__ nsel, iualo etal. i ll CO-OP lacbe Solution pouh Cirn ndVaon xoxee vi.Rs **'- \\ effcv cotatstboleishenfe proc CotessOReu Rd 'iue wt ae, died n ima Leoe rfulcl.Iiolal UNITR C-FAThiVR OCnd :oNlTA Brout. St. Milton Phouie 070-2391 To Give Yo. The Necessary For Kgs'r '..tJrI 878-2131 AIR CONDITIONED W. Thring suspended following accident Mlilton cars ecixyxa a limtesii TRis weeSend repres.oi, a big mucess ai FlamborugSIpexa- wxxSeid ln nclong mIS races in exp Oatuniiay 01<51. Inth Si, Ot FlammroughS Oacnday, in ilex- Sata Brlan BusselI staredeighh testx Monthey aftnn and ln and pusSie aRead 10 flolst 1n Delaware Moiday 01<01, funi spoi. Aise ln IRe tirit Rast COOf ThRng startea Suiri xxii fliisRei tast. In the second Seat L. TRrlog state he iSatd Bin Meff D on't Inarthe liRd hastid e MlolRei D o1 ,larteii tird and flitieii 121R; Wayox TSrSlg ficisReii second IF YOU'RE aller startteg futS xxii Wayne Rowiioc mooxi froc iSiti spot tx tlird.TOW & W. TSrlog was ciapecaxi fon O W one weok aller he scasSe aiRs car op ln an acclident wit an- xlRorcracer. TSrng's moior.id body oxpi Rath damagei but R.e Tr A se eopeciei te lie Sack in action Mooiixy. W L E In the cocsolatioc CU Thrit< IL olartei second and imoppea txPH N last, L Thring startea lRSi aidPH N 1101,Riei 1ti ana McDeff starteii in OdIS spot axdas uxuable to ID DAY finsR lecause of englue trouble. On the leatere Homiien IR0xReii furiS aller sterling iSiR aid BuseIl ,tartd OliR and Siixud ic lasi spot. -This weeokJuneO23te 29,l, Caler Oadfeiy Coek in Milton and acro,î Canadi. dxesday, Juxe 26i, 1968 5 "GET A LOAD- OF THIS" fO FMLNT OANS kLASTERING MATERIALS * CRAVEL and a baset ofBxilding Maniais Michael, Building Materials Ltd. 2436 Lakasberx cdi. W. Phoe Brexia 827-1087 No Tel Charge Forget! GING .. . COU NTRY xI1 YOU THERE 878-3669 OR NIGHT COME 'N' GET 'EM I PI1C K