a -- 4 Thec Canadien Champion, Wedn«eidy, Jane 26, 1968 Fish and Game News - ty are c lite 90 AI Boas lime ni tae piar lbe Boanne Satrlmn' Àsoationt auli filea iasua a werd tf varaiig ltO& etera, liaitarmat and le gararal eeryoeh vie netyi blqn alitora. fiant ammar ltraia ecad Sp aeglacld camphres, ct.rnlaeely diearlad cigarette latta or nililiaitlires leit naladed bite olnrd mtey tne attopalt vationt. A0 persana eaieg binaI atis auit Mbss extra can with the necai lire ibis ateriner, and remembir the itlltultg pnecantleta. Sa-it duat a camplire cdiis lliameddatr ligt mes dtitg "tlig itd advitaenpnleg atirettatdrach itiatar tIt uith t slicit, thee dreact tne aglat vith Ier. Wie travelling Sp tar tatar throuit aut ailthe vidaw, use te tait tnpy. WhMite uailig lteete na ligider, nt maces, amd stop t ins me. Soaaite fl ea le rael Gi April 18, 19680ai23 tacS raititet IronaI vie eeled, laggad and releaaad te Lake fit. Clair. Oidp il dayi fêtir lia Gipartmoli cf Landî and Foreela reportad i t e- captue tf the amne 5h in the fiayiieli Rintr att ni Gidnrie -- moto tanai 100 milea temain Iler vian eritalsy tata. flane la a ivw tait liait regelallet ta len aifetllotig 'eerp anglar ritelieg liait for Msow se ua i mnavebi Sa nam lgily mcrbed tna tope ie sa ta leaIeS mitnviw, ad o nuaod idaa shaon be dnmped ita My lass, tenm et pond oeepl the tae tey yene erlginally taen irte. finale, Je and Det Mardatho, flard Caote and Kee Lewis retcttvd trrin Holinu take attoetlnttia fcuesue Laet Trout. Fred Grant, Clarence Catite andJataiederdLaeile lraetnd te Etk Laite receetly Mndtheelleullta remota lola. Titep retire- nd uit six Laita Tralt and reorlad alfita trip. Leritp Je taindor waie bne vivth la Whliloliai. Jet Cernait, Pote Delage and Ford Smedte of lie Louer Walber'i Unea& ail S a flideig triploemcmber. Thep 11ev ItimSev Isa te Stebe and tar nliaitttg Boeit Otibec tienta preneeded le catchtltait, liait, and moe fliait. bilane tep linhadi thep liad Il Serîbren PIb aIl ear 14 painde, ehx Laite Traut rmailng trite 11 10 il pausis ai Picerol vore cangit and liratn tacS le, ai thep aIse Ibeir fi1 and aid otav ie rim en trieg tem home. Corai cacglil 16 Piclarel Itallepe) i le hanoette uSing a Ctadittriggler asa lane. Titapuen ail nlnurand te the valet ancep tinnvliithmadetalagoumaiL Letp Styler and on KaLrnap ctigit lhi fidnio Laite Trait Ai Dotalt laist weotin tes ta t e hioutras. Sat mata enst ina f9is oaar, intlime a e a goud laid lorth lb itndi. fia Simanl Maut Black Bast lae ci Bo most soglil-ater liait te iutae Gitaneo. fils figilg ablitl lit etpnahld Sp np alleot liait. TheoSamai MeuttSansalae qtttgtid natlp amlmer sipautar. Si ta prdaeclad titriag ltea iig taritd lot a qteelal recst, mail flats lap their egga andnlealan e linr fer Lisem. filant Bla onet ter itaid aneamengliotuw Insalvt lionait ol l can 1er thit effsptitg. W te outer raetes at 10 degreni tae lemata ti reidp te lap bat egas. Haettg laind a Sotl liredp eaaid Sp t Maie tlat, do lapa Ser egas, thep arn ftiliaed Sp tht mate ad lbe felais alimsot su ad the tati to getrded trit N t faotta Spb the mate. At tiime bras e viS attiSe i aopBoeng Bh onen wiBti Ma nrSc. Thte taogitîltsa glat Bol aeStes a taie leatea 5,1000 aia ciçrnltecd, soete te biet Sp aiclata, citeS, carp or tous Ppeit. Il talise taie elgil yaara lereact a leeglth nf 16-17 tecitea tas tîy irea slaw grateng liait. Midgets beat Oaks twice undefeated in five games Millt Milletscameup agdais Alteor Bol gime Date Calta nm e eaoghsni tempetitetn via Mllleg 556 and Tom Me- le the Hltan Caetp Leaigevhen Tracts 417 and nau id tae top tBoy mttntSailla Midgeltitnmns- sitae vert bila 300 taltteg at- dey lare and Monday inODaille. etage. Millt un Salt gimni and ira oidéeted! te tee sorts. Opten- Hetrea pllcSed Mas secnd uit lit TlinrSap, Ciakie uta aa i o tun It e c4alit OiSelle oidafealnd. Meidap uliet tSep bai tha 6-5. Dot Rlttes une igaiot Tom Milt lait i t-t leid le lia Dtpymnd ln beti gammas. Ithe laurti aiss a 4-1 ladiln t ih litS gime Millt tnrad an and Oaie narraed I le 4-2 lb lh irais ame lnth îort uben they e d n the sith Mid taire te île ffili. Seieilla tcond arce inthe bBrd sud Millt tnored Nwice te lie See n th savnth ut ta eth te lien ibiad 6-2 bt an l ta footi litatat t leSt Oekielle dwninte Barn Johnsoatsiales!e tuirefor aevnl itter OiolfiUe lit for Milit and Tom MeTreeit trlplad tnrot rata, tatreviaglihe margie Visit saglaall ettetonCnrS- le I-t. muait, Daei Gaet, on earea, Tom MeTrarit aliered lere Tei d soai! Ket Patn. ligaents sud a neetallnd solde Maset, terraw tidapmtd uSan leataied Il enth ltlirai d the MItltg for Outvilla. plap O thîe gime, and ha expect- Heaine Saitail 2htieri aI. sd te a aI outr a met. ladt lhi ies and mne udtk Uioa Mlt Oymodtnlira eme;, Mirtp CYntil soed lie lirait aimait cal elgld lImes ai hall ne n ub e la riplad ita lias tua r.ta. vrng field and Dane Galtalit Mnager AI Palt sisd lbe i Neo rn omer. 05e liai itnye mule Nwo arrori, ulicit ta lina aiigles, Daet a ite rn more thon theybe be aiig. aid a aingle, Ileartt N llea, Vire play pnliy veo errorlesa uhite ClacSmaeS and Ditoe bath bnho tab it aiagled. s----0 ----$# IIAPPINISS ES WINNINO n heckry itickt lette lehhy Huli, and den't thean e peceqengtete hecc tl. jtt Mckny cf Geerge- towe and OrewStepheteof Port Crditmnte eteeeg a cromd cf yecegitr nt the liehhy Hcll eight dimet in OCheille lait meet, The dner ,eat tsnoed fr1 the agriculturtncemmit- tee cf tht Ontll n d Disrc Chateher cf Comere (Staff Phote) Nayler wins in relief Red Sox edge Preston Millt lied Set terne teckta Pnaine'i lirait rn le lthe lrai puay and Cernie teiald le gel toeit vlodag vaya, beatag ltae leng. A single Sp Aldoruao Sp Sali in tlrd anulir and tas Pret Piratea. Milet lad! lot sait t triple Spi Orlula thePnies- Caitch 10 ta re tae Tn befare Nor cita ganses caller ti lan pilcai accealids for Nea tep îaM gIl the bla lthetirt ucuit. Presto a nilthe secandisnat itama eladog ai itaM plaie. fluwanto a u M billfiltMW Ormesc vaSt la loma itea Mau Kea Mouentiglcddeicoe Pnret ltrugglc tb laite a 3-i Maore hll traMal hitnag lbe homa for lbe lpiag nia bilote bo lad ai lin end ni te tcnd anS biha lgl iit galdti eagt gSang la eonda. ioula I 4-2 la the tird. Miltoa A douitle, tai d toi asingle lanc Gras u the lirai taillesd la maore tia rnaioloe otorcd Bark la te lMird îaig mua la facelieolarao, thePres- tise ginta la te, ft and vial e f i tie Bons 8442 laids. lan pIlter la te a dta ld la the Sit IaSng. Carrda suine ladt douled! and fim for t douMa, advaaced la The gamas vtas matted Sypoo trailplesd la tuae llimeatitlcallr tlrd au Boi Laisu arilbi niilg ft oumeoeliorata la the gamne, daubc leel t t ed soecoaldoa Ntlar'e single. letm ta minute and ail aiOal tint off. MeCulciteet aiagled Aiderait Slarl an te cied taem lia nazi, and atver tblela Carrda la tlird and Boan uorbd lot Preston, ailouhag S" Mbi aaialiiai the happy medinum. iam lao a hitest. iomaubnr la lie laalige and va rnplaced The plaie nciplt aegittheIre salaera crossed and Me- Sp lilarai Who tllouad Nve of tae Millt Clnbi ted fats ensua Cnlcbae rua tb third, aEiready ies tatae Si timing. la Ues! Creig Oit ouI aI aacped Sp Carda, and fores! Tam liaetalhaenidNailgi aecond fnr ftlleg tb tag np oua àMm ta rn itaani. Il lonbed ai If and vas refiaeedl by Stylet flte lp baILl SteSi u eacladlrn te Proet Ibid itamat and Boird. lHc allaites! tor MitsRîp- te poma tarlag lia bit dalale calcebasiti Cardae lrappadl but lot alloued four li la Boere- ft lellouad. tbe lraI Stamea gai tain the citiear Of the Pci. Millt acotid taeIrtlirait na _____________________ lne tirait lniglillll Curla triple.Bus snatcre! nltease- nd ube an lsnglad and stnd fn tr tg comehuck et Ed aicLeidis triple. nhe te ye s stn yene Sali tetalaanlte llit Aller ipotiag Guelphifourtmn a tStc trn Guelpht btlera lelittg. la lic lirati ladtg and Mouillr aI. A naiS, lue sacrifice tee and tne le the aseiod tb fait balds a dea end ia ifalot 5-0 M£ile Nidifiai El l Fl- Hlousain oata la at tae alia Jack has new uniform Lovlees but keeps his style .b -iret.. M g nnltl Boit Lee aid vten ail-dat binler Jacit Roets lected botta lot six and oe Boird talangat i t eai pilcittre' <ail lare liidip te Roerts and i fierfiegn Cardinali taided Lae aid the Millt Red tax a 5-2 dîiîît. Leet dlatd oane a on e Ie, iosetd oe free poe a" fausesd thrie binat e n s tiigs, sif thee rait loa con- trel prablomas le lie otetb valkitg the lirt tiret btlere and ihlaltg t single liai aetred lue rna. lita Saplar raeeved Lee le the avnli and gae np c siegle ta thi lirait btler lae bicnd, cctrlig tae Boird ni, for liai timing. flarllego gai ane rn off fatr Mi nff Saplar lnte enol and iellit. Tlay sonnd ne te the lirai, tnt e li te avnliaid one lo tie lghti and mincgtd ta gel doua uSaI coal tane bie a vlaling dont Iaeg rallp. Robearta lircu eot-l fot. six lalngsand nie replanad le the tateath Sp Gag Chllaua. Sapler gel a single le lie elgiti vith 0111 Cuen atirai thraIt a wats Cerni goai tlirdSbut Saplar gai angt gdintlecnd S nretr the aida and nlinee anc thral. ReboUs edge Sox Milten pel a raneeratedt t itiig tirait leruard lit fait short id lin mort. finaalrn nis lie lirai mant leface Citewa le tSe lieth and taggid Sim fer i singla. finiaitptped le aiterlalet and ainCetnliie ilaed, Bl filial sturitoaI fer lie secend aIt induwit tae pressure ce, Kiee Mette droe cae eter fild lotia doubla anorieg Pallirn. GDereais dengled le lad thi baesSau Citea lime lttaoge vit lbe big Ilird etrila ageitat fid Me- Laid l etite the aidia. Palleratn, Mailar aniiedrecle ail aiaglîd for Millt and Maore deled, Ctii doublesd tuie fer theaCarda. ieuIgla iglad luie, Saliciitatg nOd limeis ningles sud Cbdîlewa denglad tuti tas aid teitnop. Ganct and Colletc estitglad, Millt rlayed a geid defeaie gime. MeCetriten teldad a flp hal la the doxt and made tae liraw Irel cntte field te home plate, holding fïiaiSatg te tird, acd Ilbilrittd i Ste rng defecot tut taltngo lcterubheebe lirtu a lanioaI aI lie plate ftram ntte field. Oitl Cotrin made a liraw laIete ithe gime te picS a min, off aI Ilird temi deep lait field. Latyle lttetmodlaleareacit- ed the oid-tialî tf a 14 teti foarnimantil PortCrdndlt- erdap. Inthelirsaiud Lutllle deietld Caea Ormve id Peler- Sari 6-1. Jarqes Piqelle pllrSed gle- Ieg cp Iv litsI, lMeg nousiMd dtriitg aIt six. Layvuele lit- litg allaci vises!b adSau.emit DoneCnrrevihaSnomir anItwe snglea. te King, Lae Cetlaan and Daug Coeardule ail dauled. Demata Sanlait and Matit Bick eteS aitglad. Loutilla dnuw t Spe lne inecnd raind and mal Ceanerai Elacirir id Toronto ln the seci-linal. Thb lial tara- via fi-I, but Deeal Eladnrir van bisacstleyliait more MIs.' Jacques Pargiella illicited! the lame living cp ft Mis, udbde tone and dtiing aIt 10. Law- villa ddntl gl a tatarnvar tas finS DemiS pilced gerferl No. Central filacîrie untlb taura-. meaI te Datait plleited dtraigit oSelalas. la rogelar leage atin Let- citle deleaod fltta fltel 4-2 n Tnesd Jetae 18. Let Caul- so pllrbed tSe onlin lne. Na gine np line Mitealladaettiad ainic t Iix. Latila treitaid 2-1 gdeng lainthli elglili lttltg but ecnred liren nina te a singla Sp Larrp Campbell, a daMbe Sp Boyd swings big bat Fo the Finestin boosts 500 average Hamilten Rabit entd tite lit Ivie tcit vhileCraigBuh ite viit lte Millt lied Set Saug MeCuccioo, tnta Gerecia , Wededasy, edgitg lte Ste 3-1. and cd MrLted ail itad! singlea. : Il vii te sercd tino the Ive teama met, Millt aimte R lit Pal taran senr i tae ely Io litain itn Miltan. rn ni titi geor lie lied Setox I vh ite hailid, wne le second Bill Snyd itetted Mis 50 eat-o an errer and aetred et teva ROSS BRANCIER lieg aterage, aceotllg fer hall Gertia' inegle. Miltleft it tt ni tite Reblai lita. fiepd trip ld metten ba. JIWELLERY le te lirat ieeItg and aiegledle St Nyler allaaed tiret ruti et lte lird aux! tarin te four tipi ix itl, lice naliteMde errer. te lte pdate. _________________________ Abati t, Miga sif Arîgite gid-Le - lte tiSler Silsof tii lie apleruite Hait on Height Golft iteld ltae Rltix ehSilo le aiex, i ega. The ecly one oflittee zCountry Club lita ltaI varc't a single vailiig- sa vitea daulnd. r U< } OPEN FOR MUMBERSHI7 I Per - $95.00 (Na Initiaioen Net MiRa ibasd a mone acceaifll PAT AS POU PLAY lime ai bit, SilSeng Kierade 1er ~ ~ $5 eidy line aingles, but flele tascore ,cf M $.50 Weed edys laera lte ainlth lndeg and thee hnn vaein t tnee ni.O BL A lia Pallerace and Bll ElliotI Phone_________878-6701__________ agait Guelpt. Titp tcr!on e Sli te Boird,fourite tt ad vae la lbe Sali fer tae via. Rilchard ClMaien lhiftrflta complate ltmigsebutuwaaniand Sp Tnt NaSato la tie al Clamaid iiloued lin Irns et elgt Mie, leeed tae lreopaie rtouvrney a ction Daia Sinclair, a triple Sp Gaug Ctnerdtla and a ailea Ste King. Dalai linclair hau a douMe and Nwo sitgles la pine the Law- cille Mllling atlacit. Daug Coter- date liai i tripla and t angla, te King Nwo sitglas ans! Larrp Camapbell lied a dingle. On Tittteduy Jue 20 Levulîlle ptayaed tan exiiiontgiai git tonap Creet Qtglop'satie B1f Fatr Fooaill ln ailton Thb gimte îidod ta a I-i lie. Tbe tisama liit agdineaioptap extra tiina. Jacqnesattepit- id ft lil hall, strilltg aIt il and utlliig linae. Murriy Dau- soe cnliicbed t Sigles 'for Loeville whilate tu inifdaitlad sif Lartp Campbell. Ornditti- clair and Lae Coaltsa cit luh i- lad. George Bedford pllcbed for Stoey Creait gteling np sax lita soit stlig ail? Lave bot- ter&. Lounvlle plapi bota lnait MotI et Fridtp Jue il and da Tceedtp, Jclp i ploat Pretar i Outrille. ba facesd le rtire the aida, ait boal te oui lira biltera la acceaso. Thiige letbed a Uile ble for the Fîpara vit Cty ona rn la lhii criait la the lit four laga. But tBoy ceigit lire la lia t vitat Barry Eliall siiglad and Barry UcTract and Kîllh iMga Salit raiited. A tec- ilico lp Sp Lois Faggle fol- laied Spinre sccesaive singles tecaabied lorte fatr rn reily. Gary Naplar, Otite Baugitaed icitard Clamant, taglad la fliS timing. filllai lait idanage ni an arrar and acoted vitai aiTrict doait and Metitc tared an fllggt daMbl forlte iauig na. Huisstn lrlpled and Sitglad lot tae Guelp tleam, Farttehtdailed tas aid Tlinitr. Casstalîn Peit- eu Nouer and Paieanf Singled& FISHEIMIN! MEMBORS WANTO Trout clb Oc yaarlp Il. Ceetrîttp lncateld Se 1main Armen & itoer. Picnic ores. Great fcmily recresatien. For fartler Informaion PHONO 519-853-1028 te wrnte R. Smnalas R. t. 1, Agce CLOWNS-RIDERS TacD PurIrccic 23 ad p At $200U CîlîrSEn nu d 1.5 a n Pnitelp Ne G teI Clme DayRE TONaeHu e l Plaie OfpuesurV ANDreca aluAtalaa Tykes tie Miltoa Tybas lied Wàterdeuu 848 la edalardara Wadaecby. Cratg SelS and lietfinulny shr- od the pitciting fo ni Mlte. Titnp vota doua 5-0 ci ltae end of ltae foith but magpd topull &heduIitp lthe @bd et ltae Sali. Valerdaun ooted librea ruac ity Litseu eltla lait aile. The Tykea Plla! vaU te cam ltae lie, managcer Bill Roimn eeld. SMOOTÏIIN nRI WAY la acwded, diffcil ddulug oeeditieee, eer- ey une le the lelelcec final preveen aeaveep end aelceel flilce caliera aurI l td l dllg cctcefy and roacaay. And coupl. laiea yeat circle cf peul icealea aih CIA ceie. maIle luceucenuce ver- se. Fur Information coist MRS. TIlA KURZ 3242 tm ant flUnLe W. ILt 1,'Miltce, 070.9741 Co-Opernînre Inanranca Asscicatîin et Guelpt CAN ONE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOlli FR1511 LOOK Cocue ine fart à Complote appial AUTO IODY z0 87842721 Affis-Chalmers WORK SAVER The bug eue Ceabornes e pn- ertet 25'-lp Briggs erd Stret- Ion aengîe blet gie mite aller mileio etIrneite-Irce perform- erca; e bitlt-u niaS ot pot; no-scalp ctniruction; tan- lned erejue forbtelererc- lieu, miaximueta sep; a îtp- pered gsseail - attl et nt entra ceil. Soi au nd Mtm lot i Strlaun end cardanseaef 10-25 SERVICE STATIO Hvp. 23 ai Ne. lOBâtr4 878-2902 ai- arici vith r gela vi nakill tau la paril I imau Offica Pnt conter i crie tproea St laI, etplid Vloua.e lii vol TI Pl Onur part i plaith prn»ec calfl groupe cetini lpla *Priser trdlaliî Point C tin fjItiial Pi vil be trlibtir Assy lp. ~Adenat the et Birlig lan lt amcarpe ,*y Mua Tsitit sii ocf r' FA FOR GAS APPLIANCES SEE... Richardson's TV & Appliancus 201 MAIN ST. E. *M1tT0N 878~94 12 NOON VISIT OUR DAILY VIENN - A GOULASH METTE il"' AND SCHNITZEL HOUSE Holton Country Inn BANQ IIENVENTIONS ROOMS - BANQUETS - CONVENTIONS SERIVAl PRIVATE PARTIES PRIVA rE PARTIES la DANCE I Untry : FOIR RRESEIbVATIONS 87"701 litCOPEENN TO THE PUBLIC) a't? L TS - Co My lU - LOUNGE Wou of %kway 23 sola shdh une of DININO ROOM No DANCE 119 TKE LANN en S Si N" FuN Umm»»d rMY SATURDAY