2 The Canadien Champion, Wsdeshay, Juoe 26, 1968 Start of $682,500 project Let trunk* sewer tenders The $189,966 nid of Ciaiceen Construction Ce. Ltd. et Wostoe oas accopted klostay kv Miltoen Cenel fer construction ci a new puImplng station ai Oie lrealmsent plant BM Oie tirsi tengui of a t5snk nenor t0 Oaki P. Englnenr lKen Nyde revlewcd the trenh newer prelect 011k cUnil, planing board t own of- folese aet consultant. Ne point- id ont Oie newer lg dosignediea fionaly, egtend Sortit t0 serve landi t0 Nlghway 4001k onthi trente inteing le serve laed reonly Bnnened te Oieesgat. The rente cf Oie tone ronly paaels the concse efthOe streno Oirnegk on net 0111 eventeatiy suiin- Bu Oie Woodward Ave. psmplng station ohen Il entends Oint fer. Total entlmated cosi et Oie trsnk newer programt fromn Oie treatment plent 10 the aeg norOi efthOe taon Uine rond, tnctedlng sek treotis at George Pi. and on Ili Pane LIn Pned, Is $682,500. 'Can we charge Oie capital font 10 Oie aenened aiea wlOiont charglng fi nver Oie prenent toun?" CounofllSorP. Barr paes- tioned. fThe engineer polied ont cosia mlghtlikg recovered as the land developa Oirongk à capital contribution program. tOiollotor D. A. MeConacie eitphaained il oaa net destrahte tn Split Oie msaictpaflty. Saine efthOe oai n te recaptered btl te pcdtid ont foc if Boy munlctpalltiea lenp acapitacon- trlbttln on IndustriBe laet. Counncllr C. Fey referrtng te a capital ceai hreakdon pre- paredl eBrlner, noted et the acre- age tak ne ervaid ooy ahout 311 oaa for resideottal and 700 fer tindustrie. On tii hiats te ong- gested Oie proponed capital cont od $050 an acre Oas tontlon. Counocilor B0k McCsaig neg- g05104 a munlcipatity Oas Ulte a busiess, It was nonsaary te lovfent t0 ake. Ne alseobjected t0 montera tatklng about "Oie old towo and Oie n ton. ttkg a0 Our 100e nOe,"# ha emphasig. ed. Ne eIausunggested Oie lrech 500cr wonld hanefit bath sections 'Welee gel le improve and w have glt t0 paY for Oie lmprove- ments. We oset 10 kan hon weire gons ta pay for tkem,/' COneniltir W. Ferguo ogmmeil Agkmifethek prolect oas sec- enfry to tieoelqit Oie anmred tarai the eogineer pololed ont Pal $153.000 of tkg origil i d la for replacement Of the iodter- aisi! pemfplof tatioo ai Fulton Pi. "It ond hae tb e. placod regardlesa 0f annexe- Receive Oak apology An Oakoille apeIogy t0 th. Mayor of Miton and memtara et the Counetl, cenveyed --the sincere apologiea of Ihe Counoci efthOe Ton of Chkvlle.,' for remarks ofe Oic nhoile Mayor. The stroegly sorded resoin- lion, Pnsned lent oeek kv Oie ogirvolUî Cuncil, decrled Oie "lodecent suai tenltlngi1re marks about Miltonnhalnga "can. cer oe Oie backsde eofakvSlle.,# The Tes0lulioe slated "'Tint this Couac' ldo, p.jk9eI0depîor ie. siBtîrnolit m at h. Oietavo e of Sl ^n ..aIso e.îe ft. selftin it."1 Mayor B. BestreplrtedtobIjl. ton COiflel le hâdalso receed a lter froin Mater Anderson Bet tied repllod oe a condidential hasts, as Oie original lerbi l been receloed. Milton Ceuneil, kv resoletion. Bchnonedged the lere Bod ex- preaondth ho Spe a btter spirit et goodoil sod co-opocation onld ha establtsbmd hatween mde cnells le the near ftutre. A PERFECT WEDDING Isla wIth qoslity înnnllery frot enggeent ring la weddivg rivg aed the couple's eocheoge of gits. A DIAMONO IS A LIFETIME GItiT cilses -Nith Cegfindeice lion." The tru!0k OOiOOi wao eacesonry te service Oie tand amd the neol tretch et neyer renta haloa Woodward Ave. whach ond relieve Phal pumping stat- Torijos le Ponncing, Auitor N. Leaeer onggestedl on a $680,- 000 prelect Oie annel paymentn old heabount 10 per cent. The Mayor poted ont Oie C.M.HLC. 010l finance $133.000 of the cor- rent phane and forgive 25 pr cent of mde repaymnts. Prepantion of contour mapa cf mde complts bown a Il ota ha aller annezatien oaa recnm- menidN kv Oie eroineer. go cap- ital cent figures conldhbadeve..- OPed acneely &ller stodylng tetl nerviclng costta 10e mden- tire gres. "This skonld ha Starled non for cotepletion kv the end ot the year." the engin. eer suggested. Connecillor Fay conctuded that If the lrunk neyer projeet pro- cmeds thnre wnetd have te ha a Itigher capital Ievy te cover the eevelapmnent cents. Mayor Beut acknoledged the amonot of capital cost centrtIb- tden to a t evted wnetd have to hae studted le more detal fromn no engineering Information. The motion te let the conlract te Clargea oas epprovedi as were leu ettier tmptemelteng motions cantins for sgiogo an nament with R. W. Heard and permitieg the flnanclngot$133,- 000 et the projeet wtth C.bLtLC. at 6 7/8 per ceet tnterest. 0f ttte amount Il oas petntedl ont appreoimately $27,000 would ha forgtoen. 508 foot TV beocon Piitdté Staf SeW.t rising on Hornby farm pw*hw, gees te KItdae Large aectieo et steel ttng ara beleg hoted skywnrd, amd a A member et Miton O.P.P. Lyno, a stenographer ait1h crew of aera. cnoItoos l campeivfng rnSg5n&hae th detactimeet fer tie paaiflive tee Cmclty Stterrtf'a et grcod as a lies cotiSe TV toeer is erecd ln a feai field ens&of yare, sgt. C. J. Parkinon ha, Millen, Hve on Ange llern his week. . = . - . Maclean-llunter Cable TV ta erecttog a 501-lent maater antenne there at an eattmaled cOst Of 901,000. Chtet Eotineer t he pro- ion, S. Miner netd it 00014 pick up TV stations tromthe local areas Pins Parrne, PetfIot and Pelerharo arase and retay the signe t0 homes sehserltang 10 cahie TV te the weal Toroto, Etnhtcke and ktisalssagt ana. The lower ta lecated on the naît aide of the Tenth Lie, Oakeifle, heloe Upper Bane Lige Rd. met Pigtway 401. The property la ewond hy Toronto radie station CFRP, wtdch la nwalting appreenis te eroci a 74M0-fn teleolslon towsr n Ohe saine farm. htoclean-llenter's tuner tn gctng ep ln 20-foot white and red sections, imhedded ln concrete ai the tane nt anchered wltli $av- erat guy wtres. Actent ersetion bogn Monday Of ii week na hy oipperlime the -"skyhook hrlgnde" haid 140 footet cg teuer la place. Mr. siter nid the jnh ahontd te cempteted hy Frtday- harring otadalerma. Staff fcrgaal affective onJaly 15g Blet Vin taeBrB on Hust daes tte -man ltclnar O;P.P. lelanhment la No. f District. 010. Parklinson bagan bis sereine w11k tke 0.P.p. ln Jgenary et 1949 ohan ho W"aa pe t thek Mont Firent cSe. ls Joee 1951 kg lrantfcrred tn Gndsrlk and in Octoherg 1919 ha Irans- terrad tn the Wlngkam Dg".ck ment as censtahie in charge. Hc oaa promntgd te Carporal in May et 0963 cd tlranierrod 10 Oie Milton Dtaniâcment. lis tecame B tiergnant la April et 1967 ohile onrvtng bare. lIe aisi tan otig niai daegkter e n BgEL Paritnon la a memhar et Qui Masain Llga lad kUn home tedile laMaliuss Lodge Nos. 33 la Gadsrink. selt M.et«S1 hmr Tu.sday tInstalltion of mer onter m.- ers le hMilton homes 0111 haglst relt Tuesday morndog, own worha tepartmoot saperintendent Prue Mclterr repored titsI yack. A ipply of maeter$ and mie ü:». stalkeral truck are on hiait am tirit ln the Fatingltrooe &rm. red legs.8 ThroU itac PrescriptiORS FROM ~ ELSLEY ". S PHARMACY We noîli bill Blue Crossy Green Shieid, D.V.A. and Workmen's Compensation Claums Directly on Vour Behaif. 878-4492 * 212 MAIN ST., MILTON UTS YOUR MOVE NOW' o OPEN MONDAY TO iYEySIc You can move int a new wide-track Pontiac, Bujclg, Cadillac, Beaumont, Acadian, Firebird orG.M.C. Truck fr F I A O 9 PM Iess tisan you would believe possible.ISU Choeck thin bcard for the reconditjoned ccGoodwulls Used Car cf your cholce. Ail prices IMUY WITH CONFIDENCE ROM Wlare dlearly marked on te winnlahields for thoset who like tc, window shop. - AND REMEMBERc Our terms are tallored to your individual requirements, with only $2.00 MILTON MOTOR SALES LU.a Our Affer Sale Guardian Maintenance Service Assures Customer Satisfacton for the Lif ofour Car 3MILTON MOýTOR. SALES LTD. 88MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355