Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 19

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'tla 228Sdonos lattend Red Cross 0>oddnrcii o nd Acton A total ci Zn8 pecople torsad Thos sino attitded theo blondl Edythe McGtntaRegCorp tors. Harris, Arthur Rinoo, 0 Halton cao- M~ot t givehblond ai aRed Cross flintie ere Peter Vadoneaonl, -- .Norma ioratii, Mrs. Glaya, lord Clemens Gog cF 0101h appoar- Ulnie held 1n Miltn Thoirady. 005 Pailorsos, Corneliuis Gp. Hichs, Mrs. tlda Rigo, Dmuglas Clayo Oadil d, Alfr .X Oithg IOe 228 donors, 14 more ce- stoOo, Frash Ciishoiti, Marn Forshoor, Florence Ef10etoos ide John Ches sn St I eatod busses 18 medlcai reas- Ctinley, Mrs. Lana EtisworRhy, .Lawrronce Mille, Deonia A. Sni. oy Johns Mciiimraith uang lineont j me. Thon ere oSt resplendies George Sndtto,HosaMtCOlliSOn or, Jus Wilson, Mrs. Irma George H. Prior, Mr ry day ete n in a caI o teesgative blond types Joseph Pondski , lion PMiipaRine tset vers srgeoily saeded a&a of John Traaa, Martinliaodestoss- -,Josephi Sersos, Mms. Phllia filons vhs blaseative typesPoe el, Rotorta Wrtggloaworll, Kcen Lesdnoy, Mes. Jen Diosdaio. IRve blond type AB sgative whlch Goreala, HiarolM Camernn, Mes. Rita Vanon, Ere Pl- te l congidered talle rare. Mra, Deratny Crop, William1 lips, Bryao HIlon, Bon KerrN I ______________ Cairas, lion Mercter, Gong Pet- Gordon Wriggleawoell, Ralpn*hI UptigreS. Hienry ech, Riohert J, Rirn, Mrs. Elles Harkem Jackh O L iilmal lit BtvâSm, Abrainam Deosato, Mes. bitos, Myron Roce, Brise Bell. Jeustin LodiSIR, Rd Gaoirontih, Jasin Clamemger,ltaroidJach- el Vigie Cuaeà Lt Cha tre Henr ony Staoley, sn, Alan R. Wilson, Ted W ind Mes. J. Cieten, loy Dona Dong motter, M. Cornie, Mes. Dors- John W. DatIer, preetdent 18of i pete yOt. viaGnaJmaCnnMs at M etoburcetay Llae-n Mr.PtioaaGraprreso Tonaiii, Mms. Jean Wright, eadIlt h. , receatyh ait, Gong Rnortson, Mcs. Ettie Bl en ihonieo, Mes. Aicos Pope, ad a ditect of Vepor Can- Robinason, James Johnson, Art Albert Sclionteo, Sydney Childs,( ada Llsatteil. ~~~~Melansmo, Howard Armstrng, DnMrly .loo m d o n ~ 0G eorge IL Con ti, e ec ti e Car l M ay, Tony De ruy a, M iss Do M r le o , e. I r ig, John sac-preideot 18 Vapon Cansada, IJeonl SatiMibloien MaieyholiBe.Ela Jh Meatral, ha oned Oie boarsd Etlo Nyhot,RouSti. John,PRobert * Jos Bansn, Lostie Siales, of dreelors cg Caitadian Molor. Heatheringion and BOOMn Pesi.t. Garry l(ayler, Mes. Jaois M. attour MisDPtttltlcr aone ts Weiiey Brown, Willam tGenseraI Prociin Rqtpment Morion, Mrs. Elleenierry,Vera -4331 cerporatos Tarrytosn, R.Y. Conîson, R. PMttlips, Peler Van- ------- c C" n aeradVapor ware, Mes. Carollisasay, Erin M us forp Cu" Cisbidats OE Oowdyh, Vtc Morgao, Gord - u e G.P.R.C. Timbera, Viseu Varimoin, Mes.fo bu e Mre. OstIer Mis aise ieannasa- Jean lieptaro, tydney Dance, Comyialis hase beau recoin- idvtce-preideei ad a direoi n I Corp, John Wallaoe. Mes. a d about Botoris fitOg testop 0 Cash and et_ Texture a Ltetd, Edmon10111, Elizabethn Cesedch, Mrs. Jean f or achool Mines, Milton O.P.P. Aeta, wthi Madwt aufltEdyWi&rpre hsek.BONUS CI ner Ied ______ ColhNancyMKin, Jis, Dtlls Mian Tratfi Act states: - Pany Mlieate MridIantl- A PINT 0F RARE BLtOOD mos donobed ot Thursay'a ted Cross 'Wliere a sclioollabusesppod iOn bouse shl G. Grexion, CharlesaChistt- blood dlosor n i iu n Milton. by Mes. tosolind Fermvicli of os a higliway or part o a li- ) IRensan. John Pearson, Albert Connpiellnille. Mes. Fnnoib noos ose of lino local donors oay on nhici tho maxi mumtspeod Follnclng the Trtalty Ruiatay Kerna, Mes. Belyn Scinsyler, milh the rare At Neatitpe ofn blood noho ottevdod the is grealor than 35 milos per erso-cas service ai Grae Aneglicn cinrci liarold Brown, Boy Newman, nesti-anstool cioni o Rd Cross. Noise Miss Mary Flonle, loror Oie porynne nico n vng )ridy Jusae W, arrn Lois pTn sonoo GNeeson ofhe Haotlon ted Cross boont depol hnlds the toto on dischargiog scioo chldm0n tory te met the sas minteter liev. R. W. Pester, aod se Oia redeceralin ci tine home. Amnag Rhone atiotaltng wece Rev. J. R. L~ MeGoot 18 Kox Preahyterian Churcin andl FaOier J. MUrpny of Hlloy Rosarp Cath- oltc Churrin. lies. C. Colas of Emmanuel liapliat Ctsarcn was onainle t0 attend duie 10 a corsaralone- laylog coreony ai his on charge. Chnarles Thomson, RSin Cis- inoiR, Stne Marsn, Sami larrtp, Ken liewiresa, Ed Boer, Mms. Galle Pe. Clarence Feonstra,Jim Brooks, Mrs. Marlorie, Brooins, Ken Non- don, George Cinioholm, Mrs. Flora Irvtng, Raymond Bonnar, R. Hansen, Mrs. Beryl Edwards, M. Pholpa, Mrs. EinaAtiorellte, Rohert Laminera, Dewact Doena, Rîlison B.il, Guide Rtgo, Harold Gowland. Mrs. Trnidy Poland. g Nass a gawe ya C ouncil Briefs Ai thelr rogular meeting Mona- destroy or sali aol, dng lot aller' day Nasacweya Counoni: 72l honra or reluom tino dog le uis onr for $5 pios $2 a day; Refe rd sa application t0 andal al iolsrod or dlseased doge qten a rond aliowance ai Tliroe wonld be deatroyed ai tino dis- Illde Rond in Conacesstn Tn to orieination of theo Romane toc- theo Ronds Commitine. Mr. and ioty but lino Society niono liane Mra, Vani Eden appliod for tie t0 inoep a record nf inow mony Maies se tiney craid sait lansd aod what dogs tiioy ouled. sunh a rntage in a prospective buyer. * Graoted $251 tb allon Pion. meo's Association. Recetood word frnie Oie C.P.R. saying liaita and short -Grantod laod saparations 10 armn gales cdli lie inst&Ued ai Peroy McGilvary aodJamosMaw ltae Guelphn nction on tino Ctrt at a cost of $300 otici. Usa in lasnagawoya. Tit oaa theo crossang mhat Itonk tino tinea Nonont iceosas inad ienegin- 9 tour Canipinoîiitie ynuh aint aen tO1 Charlea Mitchell Granel year. Co., Watt Rammona, Tom E. Rer- khov00 and T. J. Reagan and Ili- Leasnadt Oie townsitpiad tne cnnes were boiog hld peodtog dsed torr1,400 atpiace testotfa" impronements for W. R. Parias, hongnt frnt, Mr. and Mrs. Johie W. J. Mainon, Haitoo Crused Clark for rond whieotg par- Stosa, Miln Quarrtes and 1)01- poesa. berin Matertala. *Learsad Si. David'sPresty- --A Borliagton ooman ta elig- tartan Cinurcn wasin opposition inte toc a prise of up 10 $500 tn te a 9indaLY Osantsg at Moihwk Oie City o8Motrealltaal*ery. RaCeway inecansa Il tnvolod werktng on Sroday and added 10 the tratflcoagotiontallatarea. INSURANCE L.aarsad tino Commaittea of Ad>nstmetit bâad sat pyhlic tonal. tn.s dealise viRh land saeara- lins for Mrs. Jen CossaI, Mn. M and Mrs. M. Dadntich, A. Boers, Wiliam Real a&d Tom Cargili, auon Oie eohti< of Jasa 20. F R Pasda tip-lawdealiogwitl R.R. F R dog onatrol stating Oie Clainilie Milton, Ont. 07B-6357 lisiasa Society Ma Oie power tn ___________ WE DELIVER ANY QUANTITY ANYTIME (EXCEPT SUNDAY) 0 Yeu dkoose te. nglo dme mix - sa delliver eh. MIchaeIý's Billdirig Mat.riàs Ltd. 2M3 Lainsehoe M. W. IliateS onte. PHONE 827-1087 susaence os Mis. Fenwink nonetea he dnation. Thoe wee228 dosors oitihe soooossloi muinic. (Staff Photo) Hnry Vaodooheonal, Marie Furlant, Mms. Clara Klip, R. W1db, Alen Pooicin,&Posihoma. George Polloch, Marins Traas, Mms. A. liermao, Mes. Lynde tersion, lioo Maiiory, William Itatta, John Morhley, Bruce Mac- Bah, Joho Richiardsn. Robert Verrall, Rstee Rae- torry, Mrs. Jasa Pughes, Rd. Oaiiey, Dos Marsiall, Rejlean Theorot, William Jacksn, Johie WriilesworOi, Rap Watens, Mes. Gertrude Mounoalo, John Citeo, Mes. Jean Wills, Trev Honylos, Mes. Gwee Jettaresand Mra. Sheila ltalladay. Ivno Rhepherd, Cyril Koiglil, David Doloreal, James Mller, Mes. Audrey Johnson, Mra. Fiewers o1 Hlope campaignà ruises $4,800; thunks ait Milton snd distrtct liane so tar coslrltated approntmateîy $1,800 t0 Oie Ploniera ciHope campatgn, Chairman C. V. Canoon oflMilton reporied Rbis weoh, l'If nie mtssad aoyosa, nie are aorry. If yen missant us, w are sorry,1 ho onid. "We realize peope are can- vassad s0 treqseoll <or causas snd we appreciate and tian yon for yonr contitutions. We are avare 1ha1 eanrasioc ta a duO- Oiculi iaah aod ne wold tiholto painlicly express one apprecia- ltioo toeacliaed eooryooec aar ooluoeers winoassisted us and Rid so oeil. Siecial tha t0 Mrs. Cacol Bony oho urga- iand tle Miltonoaoassrs'- Mr. Canon ala isoihnken thé morchasîs of the 1000 fon their spoosorahip of an ad In The Canadien Champtoo, doring Cao-. adiaii Relarded Chlidreo's Weein. --Champion classilieda oilU help yon dlean yonraliic orhaoc- ment or garage. Advenuie noir doo't-wnias Inte lnofer sale"~ coismo, Ihen stay near lbe tli- phne. (a) oDes oneriaaisig a sinhool bus n ohlcn the nords "do 001 pass oDes signais Rlashiso" are marhed aod io rent signal-lits are iliominaled bit intermittent flashes; and (bi) 0h00 meeing n sanl a higlioay, othor tliao a liiglioay olîli nepanale nnadoaya, a scinoni busn on tle front of ohinli 100 med aignal-ighis are iliomiontnt wi1h intermittent flashes. shall stop the solidle before rnachiog the aclionl bus and ahal sol proceed onil thn anhoot bus romumes motion or the signal- Oghts aren o longer openating.l' Actoii Pre-(est Coacrete Suppies MANUFACTURERS 0F 0 Septic Tanks <Ail lilse * 36e. Wall Tii. aed Lida * Culvarto 12" and 18" * Sidewalk Slabs a Pig Siats Phone 853-1529 G. Brai- ergnuson, d White- nn Lnd- a. Renie Tine Cosodcior Chamopion, Wednosday, love 26, 1968 81 Feonatra, Mis. Asa Hiansen, G. Vanllngon, Wiliam Greendleld, S Hanen, Larry Snhuyler, John Donald Foni, Larry GeGrsaJ. Serd, John Irving, Aiea Mer- Misa Marna Taylor, Hernian nor, Miss Maroha Wilson, lias- Poiand, George Cain, Franki nos.Jeosm, Mrs. Ainanor Bois- Berry, Jacob Orinn, Keith Bur. field, n. Bonnieid, Terry Barker ton, George Vaughtan, Mr. Mainle Miss Isainell CothuiU, Barry Fer- Goidihoryn, John Chaneon, Don gsson, Lucien Berohe, Antaninas Joyce. DAY CELEBRATIONI HIWS SIZES HOLIDAY SPECIAL * 4 BEA&CH SANHDALS Tlsicl, ltghtwetghi fooc u bbor solos -give balefooR Aduit f freedore, minile proieciing from sumrmer olzzle. Assorted - J colours. Linuied Quonsuuy pecial. Sizes ê-2 9 Compare at $13 Speca N Ideol foc ihoon summer tips, polystyrene cooler keopo food hoti or coîd for inosrs. 17' x - 9Bh"' il". Floinis boole O THERMlOS Spedoal THERMOS PICNIC JUG FRIG PAD FOOD JAR 1 gelI mouided jog ions ICreps cold five imres 'Jrethno Insuation Urethane tessulatton tolone. vrlssisr- ep aas oes keep cold or hot. Biait lgrNeeloolice epssincltsw carry 51511010 freezable prop- re. fresh samd Re.$3d 28 rties. 1-lb.. .. .2 risp. peg. o s34 28 2-1in. s- 33# Reg. $1.25 SCHUYLER BROS LIMITID 459Man t. MILTON 878-2349. 1-4331 471L _6911 sped Free ORDER R Ss uow tNT, DON'T SIMMER THIS SUMMER LET US INSTALL YOUR NEW IAIR COýNDITIONER NOW.. ALL SIZES - BRAND NAMES - FROM $169.00 - Be Cool and Relaxed CALL US TODAY RICHARDSOIN'S M

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