glo T Canadien Champion, Wednesday, 2ev. 26, 1968 VtCTORS in the Optimist Bikv Rodeo, held on Mary St. Satun- day ofternoott mene Kanen McLeod and Michaei Pond, showc ho ne rece long thein bikeo fnon, Optimist Youth Comcittee chenmac Jm Eige, A trne-ay tir cn the girls' compotition nesulted in a ride-off in the affernoon. Perni South oeas second and Debbe Wlso wa thrcdand eachtreceiovd a small cheque for thct good standing in the contnst. (Staff Photo) Boston celebrates l4Sth anniversary dedicaites gifts, renovated building Large caigrogaios over- fianedthe capiy gf testai Pr.sbyteriin Ctaircb meroint oi evosing servions on lagaiy. A service te mach the 14810 in- ntneraic gf theconffgogiODiMd the 110811 &ueselr gf th buildting van blaiInloBe mornint amW a service onlebrailg the complelin gf the receot cene- vnttas ai ntghl. BoBh services ver. hall! ai the ie cbrch on the Tldrd Unve Esqeenn bye, ta elderal saute ver. pr.aotud by Mir. sud lire, Stan- ley Braiwo aità memerial le Wlliam Hampsilre, maoy yeara an aiter aud former nipern- tendent gf Boston Chercb, A vilent tlay cabivet vin pr.contet by Jack Roertson ai belialf gf lire, Mary Roebotsn oint tamlly In mamory gf Frank- Oin eobertson, lideOme membor g! Bnston Clarcb, In the dlilay cabivet ver. elaced 80e commenti ceps sol! a large cemmeelivrivelededr ail maie g 'pooter and tormerly ovet by the cngregatten. One communon aip, dovited by lire, Ward Rutdell, vas ouil by tue lirai cngregaioo frein the year 1824. The renooitio lntodled Bhe reconstructi gf the chntr ares, the installationof&ivev ImOo orgin, carpetithe Beu of gthe Two bikes top prizes ut annual bike rodeo Bigliloig around 9:32 0 te Oves lo e Il ta i l, Ber. toit a hr.e-vîy lde foc tlrst moroint Satirday bolveon 120 vie i brind vew binynle ivsll- plane girl, loriedint Misslin- ont lblyaiogsterslaptmemborn ing the top boy anet top girl L"ot Debbie Wilsao n Papar gf Bhe OptOmist Club gf Milon binyclst. South. 0804001 volhantoer helpers aitd Wlmner gf the Boys» firstprine A rite-offIth e stterenona otheraasistantslbusy nillp.M. bibi, dmetoed by Otario Seel placet Karen fixanth Du ebbte loupectog bicyneaindaperrio- Pretilcls vas lest yooc's bicycle amcont inti uitîîeird, The lot ritern' ablîttas on thetrlcby reteo champion, ichnael Ford; ob"tale coura. Il vin Bhe vhlle Kasren lcLetot vas recog- lainer twe each r.celveda chaque tovols secosi bicycle raille. niset as woner ofthBe Girls' for Boeir 01gb stanting. Apal frein deterriolog each top bonoea. . . toiated by Bhe Tht evns via condeclodaion h riter'i sk011 on Bhe muae nt eb- Cinttln letor Co. tallai Cooly Jaii rear parking lents to 80 driven irmn Md Bhe emerget cbampion folioa- lt i O.K. taxi A Oicense 10, cçeralo a taxi In Cimpbelicille vas grantedtol Lloyd Elwo8 liaBlea ai tiai- Baveya Conseil liai vene. Mr, lib"es le a eoploye g Ciadien Panifin Oilvay. te saili bis flrm vaild 80 aporaned frein bais borne sent hi cempiny vuldte 80 lonsTowe ai Clontry Tini. He prWose a rae of 40centsaileorl f lat raie. Mir. lialbiessggented theiea for tax verrine in CimpOellv Ut 2) hl Incroavet wilO the eroctto gf liohavk tiaceviy and Miohav - Ieu. Ris luer 10, cuneil ssi -h On onit opermie 24 heureîadey --Dol' torgel 10, lobe 1n lie ..annexatio celebratioos" 114, veeboot in ilton ... Frltay' Carmain Bhowbont tance, liLter day'a lais trips oindtee 100ance aint itooiay's birevorki ai Cen anomlal Park. Pfl-RODEO RITUAL icîluded the checking and likcesng of v.hicleued. ffrG.oen Armstrong lokontaMavinSine icepects her bike prior to hor nry in tha OptincLot Club of Milton biker oadeo, <Staff Photo) Cockahutt Farm Equipment of Canada Limiteti han an opening for a dealer ini the Milton ère&. Cockshutt n a àsubsidiary cf th.l White Motor Corporation, along with the Oliver Corpora- tion and Minneapolia-MotinO lnc. Cockshutt ha n e of the finneet lines of modern form aquipmont, with o liteval ferm and discounct contrct. Why not contact us today, thore os à roîl futur, for th. right party. Clckhuft Farm Equipment of Canada Ltd. 120 Ore Roati, Brampton, Ont. cburcb aed rotaecoration gt the so Bhe r.eecatad macblary. interlor. Tb. oimeorlaltarntbor e. Rosi E. Cameraint ohor vev orgait and sea ivlpit voe litoorisi Cborch blironto, vas tdldcaled, adthBe renoeas cliont preachir ai 1108h otrvice& sancuary redeticalt tarigtiBe Rey. Byron Nevle. &fermer sa- ,voolng service. Iner, dt.tatbe eler'oU Emmeil licGlbbon presotntait liec. B. F. A84rev, i former Bhe vev organon ai f eo t gthe minister, dedicilod the dliliy coegregailoo, 11o80.1 W. Dcodgo cabinet. 11ev. J. K, L. lioGown, the vev pulpil. &Md Slely Wil- liorator gi the Pr.ibytery gf IIORNBY Huinilton clan hifs reungion roces, goums ame highlght By lire, Jm Hiato trip laraigh the01 Stte ndto le West Coast. T108 tB sail reusidon gf the Jim Cola udGitGreWhhUilit Hailtlon Clan wasbeldOontindy lot recently os & trip arXiet UNI June 23, ai Staniey Park, Ern, vont. 1007 loledot 180gooetor Mir. oant lire Albert liarchmont a yoar. of Btretsvllle ver. bout ami lir. aint lin. DosildGateiiat bosteau for this yoar ami en8084- granson Diocl Smith oliamil- 84 a volcome I0 Bhe 88 mombora ten viilted on Tbersday eveoint vbe sail don toadelicicoiplcoic vlBh Mr. anit lire, Jm taiedlon lunch. Durlngthebuness meet- lire, Murray Brlgden 8411 80 iog wbica vasIn ch oarge gi the leail ontaliurgsytaghtbyAir prideol. terb Hamilton gf Cutad for Englaot &in Wales Wrtaoler, Bhetolloigmembora vbora du ia visi l vila friands vers olected a fiic cersoont969. oct relatines for tires te four Preiidenl, Kerry Jepson gf veeba, Georgeon, oint acrelary - Miss ilnnmiiy terris gf Fort troîcourer Wendy Hamilton gi Erie illended the. 1010 aoelver- Gakolle. lic. ant litre, Arthur sary serveofg Eten Unit Plant vil 80 lhenbot aedboilaii Cburnb. for cool eair. Th1e picole villa Grant Gontlng haut Bhe mis- belli on Bonday, Juve 22. fortune le break as suke liai A cornier of races ver. 0.14 Ttieoday olgbi, white playiot hall for Bhe yaing foelk vi lire, AI- for Bhe toroby Iledits. Grant bert blarcbment inclarge. Foi- lad icored Bhe ove aeooiy tri tllaithe races apeait scram- for toroby vbeo il hoppevet. We bie vin boli fer both the chiltree ai vlis hlm a speedy recocary. and atolte, Prlsenvereaverded Frtods gf Vero Chave vora 10 the coupie w410 the largeat eorry le bear gf bu accident lat famol, lir. and lire, torb Ham- Fritay nlgOl vbeohe vaavworhloe i1ton; the oldestmnembrprtient, wvB bi s lave ooor and il ilari Albert liarolmeot; the yongent et unpeciedly ind ail off mne prevent, Diryle lircimetof g loger ami mingleather. Elodra; couple merrildBelong- est, lir and lire Jlm Hamilton gf toroby andet eemborhaing a blrtbdiy marent Bhe r.ent date, Sian Haiolto. Coogratullatioas le lir. avnt lire, Allm Fr.stdge, vbo vers C.vs.a.ooLOa9-19-9 merriet on Slalardap Juve 22 ai . oc"..a Bt. Btepben's Anlican Clorch, fl , 0 teroby, by the Re.CmnooJaoes tri E. Maxwvell. Folloint Be ved- INGJSTRIAI AND CO ding cor.moep i receptitavs beliithe clarcli hall vith te SURSATONS AND MOGtGR metnber gf the Si. ltepbeo's r1t0.1fN CONiSMsCT Anglia Cbercb Gelld nalerlog CIJiGom c for the63 guents attonaiin. Blrlhday greetonst irs' 2 HeOUR MoINENciC liotCE Arthur Flan1, lire, Jcln Hail- to, lire, Bnb orovorldge, Deb- 14e Neelaint, oi Bharon Pres- stldge vho vil celebrite Bheir . MR. FARMI birthttys on July 1, KoeBt dAldersno on Joly 3 oint Floyd aBrigden on Jelp 4.u to Thn Nerth Trafalgar Euchre Club belitBeir veohly eunhr. u s o e Thr wee1 als fe a; OOK NOW TO 1n in lay viB the prises gontgo ON Y( Oite tnlloni ers:lirs.Annie d Dent, lire, Ervest Martin, ttre, Phofle Beesie Cointeloo. Wilbori Nie,ç.S ChmrUie Irimbit ai Ronad KGngtiotl. The lunkydrivprnes t ere won by lire, Wllbort Nie 1, BlrB4day greetiogs to Cbarlie - Irimble w00 vil colebrato bis et bitd y on Friday, Jone il. lire, Mairy LasIle and lire, I*sO ? Vera ltllimsoe have left ont a octeig. servies ontl radedicnttd ho rsiovated atcour. Rayv. Stanley E. 118481, the preanti muisnietr, dodliciteadtheuvantam- mont ortie., spil mne vas ranteradiby the chodr enter tbe direction gt lira, Fiera 1110.88, orgaidie. Solos ver.e ranter.d by Williami Brait, Mn. tlerolditlchlrs, Audrey Poddle. uni a malbar vu ietn by 880 btie Quartette ef KInox Churol Miltan. As a Conlenniat projoci, toi Boston Young Marled Gronp coostr.ctad a vshba ami otopo fromt tbopaclrglttoti. cborch. An anjoyabla social hon. toi- lovtd la. evoolng otrvice. iaoy people piriolpalatl la the ranocations, Tvo comit. tees vltdon the conregtion oi ancraI otiior lnlvieuali ntain committees 414 lhir i. r shUr. In bolpiog ait. Th1e plaeeing committeo cen- nitla gf convevler Be. . E. Smitb, R.. W. Dradge, S. J. Wi- son, E. B. Wilson, C. Brain, D. Cercle, E. tovdan, ire, i. Mhe sel lire, W. Schreiber. The building comnittee con. s15184 gf conviee . 0,Carne, C. C. Brovn. D. Rbertson, E. tait.;, lire E. P. Wilsaon,Üre .1. Irving sel e. Smith.1 Donald E. Shiever vas: la. ircbilaci 1n charge of Bhe mnO v0i050 Zorge Conestruction Company gf Georgetown batl th. geveral cometc, GiI Vanseen didthla painting. Syer's Faedly Fasbloos gf )Iton laidthBe carpel, aid the vev orge wie procered brough Hautmont BStdosin Toronto. The cburch cirrien vlBh Il i hlstory geint bocb le liacb gf 1866 w800 Bhe cogregation sp- nrovtd thebuiling o te pr. 1AMERCIAL CONTRACTiNG EpAin UNDIRGROUND VillENG tON AMAL ItO0ODIGHTING :ONTROL rANEi wuAOU amit nbirch. Tvo yeirs Inter due inondation alois van laid 0.84 in Jsarym ge1 the liiBrsc airvice vuo boit In dse Swt Tii. stou for tBe darci came fraind ueRmQaiiry."lIfrO the farve gf TOea Dof wun tomber front Jamos Ll84ny's A fermies via lasiait 10 a anamulonnent selistiiid gtii vateis vivre oma,8ine a - u niâlt lolirs.. M.,aIMrray. In10 à boumant hall, a ver gi triae ui vais roms enter th1e anoteiy Mdn & chante parler sud claai routms vere idded loe 0roar gf la. nbercb. ln t9iT dm. Bouton Lâches' AId lnolld a kitrlien 1n the biool e a si flltylInt1968 the cbniraevaarecrotedo, ths. vevn origie lnsallo, oarpot vas laid on 181ef laelnrch indth lbinterlorvazredecoriled. --Uvolp se-ai-ay ville ai Wetnoidiy saut Acti Tbersday. Tbe tbrealtoncOn- ddtes made ove jolnt ipper- lance ln :000 tawin he borldlog Prier te electin day. .-Tley're ledit buii fLahait oft ha min pond1 ovory dur et ai. W. Pick Up Your Animéà FOR Butch.ring to Your Spe.iflcations %8-4331 ATTE NTIO0N Home Freezer Owners VILLA ABATTOIR looks foreend to estabisehing for yee a first-class at.batorand retail aleof meat pepared forhome f reo cg on these premi ses. CreofBasa Lino Rd. 8843 and 7thLino, tornby 8843 ALS MEA! GOVERNMENT INSPECTED AND APPROVED ' o . FRONT QUARTER 0F BEEF betwoten 90 andi 120 lbs. average 4 7lbc BEEF HINDS ... good and Iight mit ... 6911 BEEF SIDES -9 , 180 to, 220 Ibs. average 59 la GOOD QUALITY MEATS - Ail Cut and Wrapped Free W. 3180 Culta tou npeeftoatlooo PLEASE CALL TO REStIIVE YOUR ORDER ER... WEDO iBaling INSURE SPECIAL RATES >UR CR09 878-3454 Hillmon WRSUNO 1Cs PRIE RInd HUK lbSAKE lb W SP ERAS VIAL WTHE L E PIAST D O WARE LUT PRONLLYop OpnAtWlsed , Mn. us , Pli a i . 0,dlpm . R, la - The Town of Milton NOTICE TO HOUSEHOLDERS 0>Installation of WATER METERS 11H THE TOWN 0F MILTON b>WILL COMMENCE TUESDAY JULY 2, 1968 INSTALLATION WILL BEGIN IN THE FALLINGBROOK AREA -- OTHER AREAS WILL FOLLOW lie Cooperutio et of iHuolrs lis Cnrtomusy iRequested BRUCE McKERR, WORKS SUPEINTENDENT, TOWN OF MIlLTON A tota , ai. ot to alvo choiec boit (X th1e 228 Instinct boa Enue, lhise t811e Who girl blod la coasie John W. Coimitan 1 Rt, liltia mimod i t a"a Limite .vlce-proi Montrent, 09 directe et ai mei et Geueral Corpouatie C.P.L.C. Id dca- et Tetai Atiirta, OF Follev service a aintoy, J pie visite torytID Ameog ifJ. Merph * 1ev. C Satit te tayleg charge. I day a I opeo à 1 lira, Va opentng balye r. 0c.;R thm guel Ue crn Elleorne yotr. * Les deet for haigli I Clark poses. ttanC Ia a la vorie< the Irat Adjuito logo de am Mr dog con temarle r]