LThe Cenedien Champion. Wednesdey. June 26, 1968 B9 rmc coeipletc 'emnets in 't lise or ses. States .he Ontaxile Mcd Denel- nai Cern- snentures lys > a P.M. uf "ZLEO'1 DNETO THE WCARLTON SHOW BAND on1 tha, MO VE.nU An Exciting Future- ~ Is Born from the Vitality of4 our Community.ÀD COMMUNITY BALL kr-Milton Arena FRIDAY, JUNE 28 Let's Ail Participate 0 e 11 PROG RAM * Wedeeaday, Jae 26 t. taturdoy, Jene 29 Carnival - Merlin's Fiels * Prtday, June 28 Cemrnunily Bell et Millon Arene * Sa5aeday, June 29 Free Trips - Double Decker Bsies * Saeurday, June 29 Frec Teen Dene - Bnewers' Werehouise Parking Lot * eresy, JeIy 1 - lEeclea Firessonls Displey, etc. Cenlenniel Park SES FULL DETAILS ELSEWHEEE ON THtIS PAGE "GO m MILTON rle TODAY! 'qqq Wednesday, June 26 to Saturday June 25 >NLY Pi? PATCH4 12Ly IMS ARBER ghway - iwy. 25 - D~L AT form IE 29 -25c FREE TRIP FOR SENIOR CITIZENS - RETARDED CHILDREN - INVALIDS on 4 Double Decker Buses Leece from Municipal Perking Lot - Corner Iiogh end Mery Sts. Tourseal2eand 4p.n 116 BANG UP FINALE - MONDAT, JULY i - Ceutunaial PaU& * 9.15 P.M. - MILTON GIRLS' PIPE BAND - Route from Legiots Hall up Malts St. to Jameis to MII St. - Ovrthe bridge &long pond -to fleg staff at ~. Centennial Park. * Rtoves approach f rom tihe weet ensd In canoies end torches to flagttaff. - Tape sounded ansd flag lowered. a 9.4 AERAL REWORKS DSPLAYOv~fCntesfal Pd.,. ' lbUru h the cooporationof Had Chets dslKdtmrie' k ý % the dectIon of Milto Parka Sord of Managene.J SOUVENIR BOATER HATS MUGS end ASH TRAYS Will ba On Sae eb .5 MARTIN'S FLATS RIDES *GAMES À SPONSORED BY MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE MMluAi1, JUNE 28 - oors Open at 8.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Community Bail at the Milton Arena FRIDAY, JUNI 28 WITH THE.. AT THE MILTON ARERA (Crarton ïfijolubtanb 0 REFRESHMENTS S BARBECUE RCA itrRcrigAtssadSaso T' ADVANCE TICKETS - $1.00 - AT DOOR - $1.75 R..A IctrRcririt and Stars SOfWT' 0 Get your tickets now from the Town Hall - Any member of P n HITESO Council - or downtown businesses-. Every Tuet>day - Channel 9 - 9.30 pà.m. 19 SATURDAY, JUNE 29 Il AI BRMWERS' WARENOUSE PARKING LOT FREE EEN ANCE MUSIC BY "THE SHAYNES" ~LFEE EE DA CETINY HOPKINS MC. ""GO ILTO GO"i manuel 0 aumý