Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 16

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INDUSTRIAL EXPANSSIONO H oIy Roscary gaordon partY 9 The Cittidoot Champpien, Wedneday, June 26, 1968Atoa iz2narcmp - Fancy footwork needed ta feed hungry horde ouatrg alie n197 Tho toanpio rporer oggd 5 doen oifomî. 1500ion Ontartn'Department of Trade and Itliooaed, at ftrat gliaco. snd an occastoaimpportingarm Yel, ai closer look, there mas Ride 10 Rie boott s ia thahchmin eorjgedat oe duhus l,3 l es eelnpmeot. nie expaosions, sirupyog ei a ediant. hors sud tiosse. a deffoite pattern. tmttom ni Rie stairs a womian alongolde, Rticg op aphotograph. CreafO bars, l,5onoaitiersoi exceeding a total et $153,RiIR.SRR tLarge stocks of eardboe.rdnar. One coiid wonder that: In les$ On lte upper landing efthRe mao energetically tossios Plastie The more hoe jtgged Rhe more pop1 and 3,1810 bihpond prss romilted 10 sorse 4,OOR nw jobs toms 5ied 10 and fr0. lieon oly Risc an iomr Rie eai HolyRes- baieRont slairs of Father J. J. toags Up te a girl on ththilrdstep ho reaRised the amot of Oiym- Genrs mnarfger of Rie ShOW and added t,tlO Sqiare foot evideoce d ft Reir means et fore- ary Gardon Party sed faMily Morphy8s residence ree on rew front Rie top. pies - dises footsorh. ;reqtred mas 3. etgdy.o proàecîlon capacity. maResn being a pair of legsohe- sepper wmid emergetrom sinbî of large pnpcnrn bags more Dtrectiy iethe Une cifflremwas to mupply a rreod of boegry twsso Rie suppliesandRie graod cholit llacr5od silestly awaliog Rie Long Last Rie gardon party-spereooial sup. pteamure-meekers so large oves piy commtteeof one.Dr. C.W. P. Rie doter, Who mmRiheywnrefed Wrighot. and kept in prises, rmildo't esti- The tiresesecetds lie pomd mate the velome. Riere may tiave been Ris loogest Otte tldog me do icnoe ...4, period bathofldis feet seraeon or rugtdhl 12opr cent ofRihe Rie grounn ail day. teee's Ppuilation, Stayed for Dartieglin a mecendbamemenl suppOO. reo, Dr.Wrigttbservedblrot- Asidefo tre Rat, tioodrods 0f WE iy tho liiitng et eerai rentera othors eisted and reisited tie wtii rofreeliments. then &ulteod cary tioigiot Rie atternoon ..bath op the stairs le miiere the aed eveig. muppor rnmmltoe mas mss- Among tiocir Impressive foots produrief salads for the ovening ocre Rie consmmplion of 14t eh- P b '5meal. oe nf Poplir, ddzechotdega, À End of year concert JO~ for Sunshine students ~ I Tmenly-510 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To popilsv ariRe uiynmfo h mO ni Milton District R8gb Scbe-i Bmmcl memlarstsoccd "the rildlshb Mckerleg tai boettear- acloclaed lion counetllc deabongc mIi Rie board" wee Finnce Ctelrman Glyo Roeats cevlemod efforts le ' ippiy cee-esti9 in- formation te Cuneril. Couecl bad nacRler reliuested déitailod floaccialinfdormation on Rie Rimrds oine-deon oen the board refomed le coi lie badget. Wbooin heIdormation mac mupp- Ried lion coanecl finnce commit- tee icvhled boarsd imons chair- mon Gipe Roerts te a meeting in oopiaic Rie dotails. Conril oas adnlmed Mc. Rolarts maseel anailableon the lion sugoggeeted and the Board lenlîrd the contil representatives te theor meeting. Finance Chairmat et council. Perey 00cr objectrd t Rbie bt Rie administrationo agre cn- Sider lhe invitatio. Cosocil dld ont eslabich ohoRier ns net the couocol cemmiline ond attend. Trusien Roeats bold the hoccd hoe e-UeOlion teo telle m se il repceeflaicec ehocld la on- pacte 0 and 005 adnlmed il Wmt Rie samo aigiol as lion mel-te candidates meeting ami 1h09 tel Riey shocld attend hl. Ritrlog the attitude ofthe cu cil, Mc. Roets ctecged Rher seemed te la ne effort to ge deo le lion meat et thn mollne Re noen aot of eerkbidla doe in an atteRRi t0 ansre sen questions lion Contil bat ie maletoimed the Board ho 'made a nletere eft froemU fIrst budget mctne' and oct ered quetios efthRe cocici '-hed ehe the Board ieaves, lie teck-hutting clate. FnhlY, i dot tinkheiy keemmwhala& budget le." Chairman Jehe Neble oggacci- ed the oecreet couclcom- mente as reported are Re most Ierdie boln l'ee eccr eccoun- tered." He malotaltedRiheBoard ted dece lic utmiost te tome op di a maollette badget bt ce. dattiens cnqmected wece impos- Mc. Nehle explaieed Mc. Rob- erts had beon omble 10 attend lioe cuneil cemmitt eeting leamoe oftacreeious busiess cemmilmont. 11i'veenodeclre to drop te a levenlle lecel leaos- mec the charges," be cootloded. Trusien A. R. R ritten noed many honce had ban cul in o tht budge nl ami ett.isd rom. claietc ocre luet a "cslap lenlion fare. 'il .otpeate Counocllor Barr is alter more pubhOclty thactacte. 1 Rf bey eael 10 get bath 10 au adoli lovel ami l lacis, tee'il be la recarni 10 dl scuce il," Chairman Noelr ceecioded. In olhnc busiesilmocc e. t certed traesportatioe ol -d te noded in Seciemla- toc 316 sto. -dentsetemcaced cii 235 lac O year. The poschbilities et aoad- t dillonil tee er tht introdocîil et douile triys toc seme baie, n mascrooeld.tred ami tht malle t os leil miii io the mmotter ie i.diccsion mlth lie eyeraloec d Reslgeallene more rettie ie fronm Mise CarolCorer,Roar ;- dammy, John M. Moeead Max L. meli Redit, Il 000 ceonted o DONT MONKEY Get in on our Holiday Special GOosd thrsagh June andi J5f), '68. MOTOR SHAMPOO, Reg. $4.75 Special $3.85 UNDERCOATING, Reg. $12.95 SPecial $10-50 Clean & Simonize, Reg. $23.75 Special $16.50 Waoh and Polish, Reg. $8.50 .. Special $5,98 JURE SPECIAL: Lubrication, 011 change, Complote Wash Reg. $7.79 - now - 6 o I OPEN- 7 arn. t. il P.-. Moesday through SahardY 9 &.mn. to il p.m. Sunday MILTO.N ISSO CaMa Maie aMd Onenl ls Sb. Score "childish bickering" ovrer high school budget tbis year te0 ge te acether srbe-i ami etbers oece leoo'lng fer bic- thhr sbody er le-vol. Addcd te lion staff miii la Mccr. M. Hoede, Robert Campbll, Jehn Hrer ami Mrs. Kacen Day. priecipal R. C. Runler nted ait ocre oeIl cecemmeeded and quaiotied. He expresmed lion sat- isfctione miii lie aeaiiabllty of staff te tili thc schol's 45 meach- leg spots. Thie Board rcommeeded Rie tire alarm psseRn aithe scioml la coneecedt thRe panel in the lire bail. A report tfrnt the Driver Edu- catien cregram ooted 5l cocele- lod cectiticales and 54 hadcasmed Rinir Rienom tests mith ehhers 511hin e mploie the tesi. Il mac propoed tiat ime classes la uoderakn Imite a yeac le the molt scheel year ami tee cars la obtalcod. Tion Board agceed te reoemRie aflodeot lnoocaote cregram miRi E. B.Ciemeetcllstoraecettoh tbe Pitt lonrabito CeMPaY. Purcbame et anair coditieon- ~5winners ofo0 received oneI OUR OFFER Clearance of Drap 10% off Drag JuIy 6 - Pici Dress Fabrice ... variety of BIG SUMMER FREE PAIR 0F DI Fabric) 10 be dca . .. rarnember Rielnsx Oclioil frnt te te then otage on Meeday nigiR fer hote a&noai ccd et sclooi con- tort. A crowd o tiesler 100 fled Aclee's Roert Little Srooliaud. itorium t0 hear lion ciddren sing so0ge aed rcnte petry. rîpils trom ear of etto tour levei dlmilayed the progcess arhieed duringthlio seheet yoar. For exomple, Rielieglnemrsacted out a tccical 100011 in numbers and ceotite lrem i t 100. le charge et the seniors mon seheol Principal Mcs. Jettares, lion Intecrediates Mcc. Michael, lio niorsc Mrs. Dolimi, ami lion hegimoors Mrs. flancoch. sesie Icheel mli net art- the end efthRe wel. Tlio lant day of CrlaeSs ml la Sattorday. Mrs. loltareseopialin- cd, l'This ls te mahe op tersen ice stocm lasi 0101er." Fresh Vegfetubles FOR SALE PROM OUR OWN GARDEN * OPEN WEEKENDS Wooldridge MArklet 80 Piit fie (Proi EXPAPO MANUFAFTIIEOIC Ontario rompantes compleied 125 licensieg arrangements in 1967 t0 xtlend product lionS Or ltrodoe new pc00005. States theon sooal moeie et the Ontario Department cf Te-die Md Devel- apmeni. Fmerteeo Ontari o comn- poutes alsoentered Joit osotoses sitho tRer firme for fte mmie porpoan. or for tion businesso ffice 000 (Eas of Kelsel MILTON eon setrceed mioee il mas noed lion IlFiymoeehlO etm office ceelloond îc ngerallec Phono 878-2758 Ample Foce Parking Rirmego the summo r aed addit- * hoqt bakt ho mi cd _____________________________ ions te tho bling had redacodII Rie air circolatli Pessible trom open momie-s. Tht pcopecty commilOO ens antherlzcd 101In- vite Rids.__ MILTON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL ville Roeti elcosd 10eR-ASa imn pois Oa- ROTARY PARK fonce ai meast louir font ig di gales and a loch, according tel& SWIMMING LISSONS: pools tse test se more insdq5s.a ARTHR. or your children swim? OHNSON, O.D. Opesasebeisi Tu.day ' ~ j 2 WOULD YOD . know Priday how ta prevent a drownina? 184 MAIN ST., MILTO DO YO . .. - ~ know artificial respiration? - )UR 1EARTIEST IF YOU DON'T ... PLAN TO ATTEND SWIMMING LESSONS AT ..ongratulatiQns MILTON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL THIS SUMMER'1 TO - Lessons Begin JuIy 8 and Rien for 3 Cost of Lassons is: mins Grace Karninga Of $3. for Pre-BeginnerS and Baginnerai R.R. 4 Acton and weeks with a second session planned $3.50 for Juniors; $4. for lnterrnediatles Mrs. N. Roesner of foauut nd Seniors. R.R SMilonIt L ise eected Swimrning Classes will be quitle full s0 f iii out the application forrn ir rment draw who <bmIsew> Soon and Send With Fee f0 00Recreation Office, Town Hall, Milton."o 3ath-mat set each CONTINUES ON: REGULAR PUBLIC SWIMMING BEGINS JUNE 29 ery Fabrics at $1.98 yd. 1:00 p.m. f0 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.rn. t0 9:00 pr. îer Sae vlidteCHILDREN 13 VEARS AND UNDER - 15c TEENS AND ADULTS - 25c k Yours eut Now. APPLICATION PORM FOR SWIMMINO LISSONS N am e .--- - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . A g e .-- - - - - f romn 59c per yd. up F colors and patte....rn--- -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- ---- -- . ... .. .. ... . .. . .. ..d.... ..... . .. . . SALE ON AREA RUGS Have You Had Swimming Lessons Previously? ... . ----------------------- W hal Crestti Do You H old? .---- ------........ ..«. - .... ................ RAPES (up 10 10 yds. of At Whai Level Do You Wish to Teke Lessons? .......----------............. wn Juy 6 - Enter Now Pree.Bginer or Blnien $3.00 Junior $3.50 istenndlaam o ner $4.00 oser new locatio Ht ed Guard - Bob Martin; Pool Manaer - Niali Strw; Stff: H end Instructor - Sharon Enrerson; Guards and miowmo-oI.

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