Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 15

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r, lira. led &Is ise lise se Mary mingwet s attend, rom lise Mtit A sesrvice In iner efthCe 65tI annimersry et ordintion et Arcidencse . C. HlagravesO.It. cas heMd Trinty SasSas, Jase 9 ti Orme Anglicn Ciarois. A retideni t ofHation Centese- aIllisser fer Che peai year asti ahall, lies. Bagravre ca tacs MAN, ~~ in Tissn Q ecin g s ofC 1R79 asti he snt hie bhoses H. ami earlp estocalise Cere hitoie eartisg a Sarissier et Artse de- j gree i lieGIt Utiversty. Me ittreai iiness onlege in On Trtniiy Sonday edthCe Osas yea ir ca ortalnes isy Ce ti. j Rsssretd RW. L Mille, sisseq et Osnrio. Hie charges hase Ineisssd Che Miso fC Usi eter- Mlaiti Ceeo RO. ad CecPar eit Christ Charfis as Belleville Helleville ta tdiest fer ssd reetted Che dagrse of Hacisor of etttity ami tisen Dtolrasi of iIivisstly. Hels ater moed te Si. Pariais amsi . JiIp;ap hoagis, SH. Thisee In HaMei- ton, and wss Chassiain efthCe Hamiton Saitertsm In 1950. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Chonstions gothercd in tise rame et tise Lord Jesas Christ. Lord's Day 0IJNDAY, JIJNE 301h, 1968 10.30 a.s.-Hrsoiing of Hread. 12.15 p.se.-Sndy Scisoot. 7,00 p.s,-fJospet Service. Wedossdoy, 8 p.m. - Praer and SBie reading. Ail are wloet hs servei c es. Jesus said, 1cam tise doue; hy Me il eysmentter snhe shoti bic ocoedi. John 10, 9. BOSTON AND OMAON PRISBYTRIAN CHURCHES Minisler: tics. Stanley E. iSmith, H.A. SUNDAY, JUNE 341h, 1968 10.0f a.s,-Bostoo. Tise Lord's Ssspprr. 11.30 ose.-Omgs Open As: Service at Kelso Paris. toi- tescedhby ChurcisScsoOl ced CongregetieOcl Ficejo. HIOHWAY GOSPEL CNURCH A local assemisiy of THEt PENTECOSTAL AS8RMBLIR8 0F CANADA Pasior: tics. M. Chisienseo. LO)RD'S DAY SUNOAY. JUNE 341h, 1968 9.45 a.se.-Sunsloy Scissei. 11.00 o.m.-Morning Woresip. 7.00 p.se-tissestic Sereine. Wrslnrnday, 8 pst. - Biblei jStudy andi Prayer Merting. Frislay, R p.se._Young Peepte's Service. A Chorcis Yen Cas Moite Your Home rA WSrm Wetcosss to tisecyone CHURCN OF CHRIST No. 5 Sicleread ansi 45i Lime Trafalgar SUNDAY, JUNE 30t1h, 1968 18.06 a.st-Bisle Scisei Class- es fer oh agace. 11.00 a.se-Morntng WerMisP. 8.0 p.-Preacisfg of Che Ras tati charge vise Si. Jaste's in Oaissille. A preetatise front Grase Pecptaes Wacden Robert Argati cas saei lin hlm 9snday, sti Che service tncluesslessonremi- mnga lirp tie. Htagcanels non, Canon C.N.P. BtaglprSns, reetor et Si. Ioais In Oskisle, asti T. Hrendtant, cegisicar Sf Che diseese of Niagara. Tise sermonwas delloered hy lRt. liso. W. E. Bageait, isiop efthCe Diecee of Niagara. Safe year A Hlgis'ay Safety Awnrd foca lalaslty fre pear ves presented isy liayor B. Best te Police ChieS Ray Astirese dacing Che Mnnday meeting et iton Conseil. Thse mayor hast reeeived Che averti ai a leociseen escRoc Cintl day, and in pasting Che SOSrd along prsed Cie ors of Che pence in mtinttiting Che stioiy Pecsrst. Pellne Ciis Ray Asti- freî,epres d a.eiatIl ami ills~e ici t1l itc-spera- lien 1-ose thes ciiseen. He oted Che tn-ns tat fahaly vies in Juty 1960, as ise 'isecsedwood."' ST. PAULI CHURCN of THES UNITED CHURCU OF CANADA Maie St. as Jemes St. Minister: Roc. C. A. lciner, H.A., B.D. Orgonst end Choir Leader: irs. Harold Magee. SUNDAY, JUNE 30th, 1%8 t1.00 a.se Tiso congregation ot St. Pol's wiii woornhip et Knox Preshytcriae Cherchis hio Senday. Inveitation To Ait ORACE ANGLICAN CKURCN Mille,>, Otario. - Realeer; Rvc ti. W. Poster. Assisan Canon F. H. Mcson. SUNDAT, JUNE 301h, 1968 Tise 3rd Seodcy atter Trsnity 8004 ce..tdoly Commuenion. 10.00 aes -Moreiog Pravee and Litcny. Thec.d.so, Jsuly ath - Hely Coseeecio,10.e. EMMANUEL SAPTIST CHRRCI Comercial iStreet, Miltes Paster: trev Cicytos Cotes R78-4473 871-3542 Tise Lerdns Day SUNDAY, JUNE 3Osh, 1960 9.45 o re.-Sueday Sehossi. 11.00 a.m.-Moreieg Worshiy. 5.00 yoo.-Yoosh Tsooc. 7.00 y.m.-Eeio6 Wcrohsp. Nursery ai Scsdcyerces. KNOX PRBS8YTIERIAN CNURCH Minister: trev. J. K. . hiceJows HA. 878.6566 e78-2652 "0 coe let os woship am hase clown; lt us haeel issfe tise Lord oor Mkr' SEJNDAY, 3JNE 341h, 1960 9.45 o.s.-Sr. Cisuris Snisee 9.45 as.-Ymasg Peeple's ile Chas. 1050 ast-Jr. Cissrni Scisse i1.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 'LCM on IICPS St. Paul Uoitedl cengregation soi sip cis us. 11.00 a.s.-Nursory. Pictrese,~werd cruis'e show,, to Senlior itizen7s Mrs.T. Bradley preided over gest speaker, hy reqeest, se- a wett-attended Jase meeting nl etted a tisne puent, Arassod the Milton Senior CitinsCleisWed- Corner 1 Hiast &Friand. Memisers nesday, warmty welconsing tiaie were lstiebied te lir. Cleosenss seembers asti serai puests la- for anI lnterentlsg ansd ester- ctedtng Mr&. Nolie et iutes- talelng evnolg. petsa, Mir. and lira, Meltse, lira. Flots, ige M. Field, Mr. As Che meeting sdjserood ai amd lir. Cdmso5, Mr. estd 9:30 p.m. RobsertiLailgexpress- lira. Amos, Mr. and lira. Ted mi the eleis's Osooiss and Mes. itobinsse set twt memisers Vile Reid and hercormmittee serned rsiarsed aller Ilisesees Ie refresirmeeta. hesitl, Hsrvey Agsew anti Gerdse Theomas. Aller a short busieass esstise Timesaver ? William Resndat, consOner efthCe prngrism, called oneguestspeaker tometimes Vises ere in a Russll Ceets whorecenly iserry on thte rsed, we go oe retrred front a tstrld crose Che steed timit te maiseepalitte iisstlnotaded aveilltiteOrient. tite. Weil, bute meeh time de Mir. Ciements gaesoine ideusa vierestty sene? If yse drie one5 et abast s erorid croie mes mite ai 35 lnates.d et 30 m.p. aid Itlen sowing saudits onieng yse Save Il seconda. Hf yse Koseg and inlising et thse People drive 70 instead et 60 yse sae et iis cr0555 coiony. Hs Ment sino seconds. ln it raiyworth nie weeiss se Che slip, rt]Llng Che riais? Or are we really in at 14 porta o bet h Fiji, Sing- fint isig a herry? pore, Hong Kong, Meiand Daksar are the moat colorfel and fsminating lt tourista. --Beginoing tooight (Sledses Aller fis tait and onides Che dey) the Chater et Commere criai Menss a iser-day stao 65th oewienay as prfest cekbmat.d hy Munir residet Recommends warning sysiemn at Derry Rd. - Hwy. 25 corner A coroSer'a jury of tins sorCh leo, Peter Macie, Chartes Keo- Oakisnile retideots dectded tatitsesty, Joeph Chea, amai Willaert Veois Alhert Lair et Port Crestit Peoman, aine recommessest a asti Charles F. Meoro et issti- more asteqeate waang sytes tssaen stie s aa remilt of injer- be tetiattod aithCe itetrsectio. ion reeioest wheo loeir car wss Lsir andt M uoro cere promium- te coliionse ctC a fuet tii tankier est lt have hees on a titing trip ai Che ioterection of t3erry Rd. cheo Cheir easihens vehiee (No. 10 tisterenst) amdi Rtghway fallait te top ai Che interseetion Z5 at 3:10 a.m. Aprit 27. ami ceitistos oiC Che tankser, The jery, composed S of orCh ehth oas traeinog sseCh ons takiolle retidet Henry J. AI. Htghoay 25. Aller demetishtng the Port Credit meue car, tise taniser careesestacrene the searsytichi- s. ardso Cheo-Otds Ltst, car lot, triklg seerai esed cars asti cietiot $3,000 damage to these. Ae Irqeeist âiseen catiest hy ARCHITECT iiaitee Croce Attorney Murray tialtie anst as eoostectest op DONALD E. SKINNER Thersstay Jeee 13 te Oakisite HÀrch. - cd.RA.IC. Muticipal Beuilding hy Ceroser 17A Miii Street, Seile J, Actan Dr. G. K. Piiips. Tetryhese 853-2740 or J0 Slaeeaois Rd., Part Crestit 274-3428 Office Hore hy Ayyoisstset CHIROPRACTORSI A. P. KENT, O.C. Docter et Chiropractie 237 Kinos Court Crrecesst Cerner Mertin St. TueslayandFriay US OUR BUSINESS 9 ose. se 6 p.m. Saterstey Il ose, te 3 p.m. Dees h bca Tiniserr selis Phoer 878-2031 Eetrcist, Colua sexert fer INSURNCE *HEATINO INSURAN* WIRING NE5W CIRCUITS CO OPERATORS INSURANCE *i ADDITIONAL OUTLETS ASSOCIATION * 003500 LIONTS Acte-Hôme, Preteties Accid- on cd iehore Pom FEATHERSTONE Perse Lichility Yoer Milton Agent ELECasIKIC Mrs. Then Kure R. R. No. t, Milton 878-6378 Phono 878-9741 ro The Mutuai Life ROBRlT S. HART Agent 341 O ie Reed. Acton Bes. 416-451-3460 A Cu I Ors. 519-853-1527 AB V FUNERAL DIRECTRS TERS S McKERSIE 114 Maie St., êe Milton 0cr 151h vcar ost helyfll ' O PTO MET RISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. 184 Maie St.. Milten Phoeo 878-9972 ORs. 870-9678 Tueeda.%~, 9a.m. tu 5s. Fridays, 9 ose, te 8 p.m. WM. C. MILLIOAN, 0.0. 111 Trafalgar Rd., Qoaler Office Heern Dcity ieeîedioe Saterdoy2111. Ccli 845-1511 for epyeietmont Cesse in ch.. eck aIl the, Mturs o __________________ Ooiýs i t..ldo esnsrs. Aii Irans LIBRARY HOURS 4isItaéil eads, peser revient,on _________________ laver__ hgt adtiert, 6ew ansie usat Moei.d.y .id lcioy diha, tht. tesît emoto eesal. 12 no00 te 5.30 &S aeeîstrseurents) eetpas-as. Toeeday and Thereday "£er# sle-N stnast s, pan en d 12 oen te 5.50; 6.50 te 9.00 amrsaaaah ttacsîsns, onl urian Wrdeesday tract«. lSp tnt7 .p. ollets. Se 9.30 ou 13.00; 1.00 to5.30 taosautesPt Cloe Att Ocy Sotorday AUCTIONEERS MkaKewî C. H. TUPPIN AUCTIONREIR AND MILTON EVAÙIATOR 15 Phoors: Reciswood 815&424 O e56-4373 Mute. &*Whuse r- DEtN MILLS, ONTARIOI. ML g-et11 ____________ --Stust et Ioa Free Champ- ion osot ad timi yen a semmer lois. iJetais are in an miner- tOsemnrt oisewhere te thisise. Thse Ceeadien Charmpion, Wedoeseley, Jesse 26, 1968 g7 Halton County Credit Union reports on successful year Reperts on a vory eecouragng tirt yesreteçserattonoereheast hy mesehers 0f Che Itaie Ceunt Empinyses Cr0411 Utien, ai tise organelallns tirt anemaimeet- tng heMd ai Che lisoor te Milton Tise isoard et sirertoire tireit annea reporttisooes tCeyearhbac! heen arewardig ose, wiCh $11,656 te tiares and persistai teon totaliig $12,325. Direct- ers stectarest a five Pser cent dividemi on dOares antia 10per cent rehate on tuait lolert. There are presentty oner 90 mesers. A citation was preseted hy oard of Directors itretistent S. A. Allen t0 Garfield Brown, .csoty eteris-asttttitirator, in recognition et his aorkit eunS- 10g th crostitouion. Tise 1068 offceorsocre eiecles, etC mot tiiersretoroesttle same postilons for tise secomi year. Tise boenrst of siretors inciestes Mir. Allen, Robsert Beachs, lira. Eo aois, George Dunean aost Ctare MclOay. Cre411 committee ts composesi fGeorge H1150e, George Tocher ami lire. L. Seckor, ohite Che serotsnry commtttee tociedes Jacks Cor- lt, Mir. R. E. Jacissn ami Mrs. G. Wtotie. --This rondegceehrnstinrtad- os Che Jety t Doeminion DsY hois- day, Osie carehriiy, pirase. .-choolls out Ces weois. DON'T h. ae clown beind the whoitl Accidents Make "safety first" your r personal rule of the road when you get behind the wheel of your car Drive wvth caution, evod the tragedy of an accident during the 1st of Ju.ly ho) dady, vacations atnd - summer weekends ahead. Just a Reminder BE SURE BE SAFE IN THE HOLIDAYS AHEAD WITH A NEW FORD B.OR A LIVE NEW USED CAR WE HAVE JUST THE RIGHT CAR FOR YOU! GO - MILTON - GO! LET'S ALL CELEBRATE THIS WEEKEND The Bsg Prognam of Fun Arranged by s EE Our Town Councal and Chamber of Commerce MOORS 00 R C. LTD.87.39 409 Main St. East MhoLTON7Phon 6 I SEVIRAL CLEROY AND A LARGE cesgregatior Rt. Rso. C. R. H. Wikinson, Rer. Fastes and 05r o hasd for induction cerenis fer Wittiam Roisonr Archdeaeerr and Rectos of Ree. R. W. Foster es Rectos of Orace Anglican St. George's Churchin GuOelpho eere emong Churcis Thcrsday. Assistaet isahop of Niagara noverai cterey ettssdieg. iStaff Photo) s YOUR RED CROSS THANKS YOU Ou treatel thaks te the 228 doors who atended las, f eek's blood donor clrrc, alsoi e the ladies of the Catholic Women's t.oague, The Canadien Chamrpion, the Milton Taxis, the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, Harris Stationery, Supersweer Feeds, Miton Opt.om:sr Clb and al[ others 'aho asssied in any way vvith the sccessful PAUL KENT, Chairman, Miton Red Cross tilood Doser Clinic )ER g O lien and Osre treet- INK COWS de In 2 li. ive aerosnl n ose. gis piliers, etc. tises for up YOUR :DS a i ~1~ M a Ci Church Selvices

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