6Tise Ceveduce Ciscpioe, Wcdrcesday, Jure 26, 1968 Eio t t - Bro wn Wite gtade atd ceorn atnd The bcfde's flO-lengOs white 01111e bna Aecoested Lireilte geo laatoced a lace ilodice olilh Preabyteéle. hciso nc Jase 15 a lace skdrt sud1 traits 0f lace atof far tle rnarlafe 0f Lillite Joyce orlatsaa. fier Oscea tler sal Browa aud Willame Nelson oti scallcgtd edge oaa ibId by a Egluit. aleer cap tipçsed ts peacOszed Th1e bride ta Ose dtegkter of oisferia lads. Mc. ted ies. Hiarold L. Bihoon, fse carried deop pink roses. fi, 4, Acf on, aod Ose groome la Tile ilridai attendants oece thels acof Mc. ted Mca. Frank Mite Carol Lawson, a frieod, as EllilaI, R.P. 4, Keniloortis. rnaid et honor tedMiasMaro Loi Tile Bec. F. NO*Youngetfliciafed Brown, couin! and Mca. Paftricia ai the Osre. o1clocis cereesny. EllOOtI. sister 0f Ose groom, as Mca. Gleeta Benf ou played the isidesaada. Tileyooretdestlcal a orfisnantd Miss BefITAAnne Brco melon cofored gaos 0f cisiffono % rousin 0f the bride, sanf G oser tfaleta oltil Empire isodice, a, Perfect Leve and tsfedding scoop oecsUce aod cisiffot fr 1 Frayer. faîliof traile Osaouiders. A _____________________ ladplece et flociers ild fiseir s colla andt they cacried melon and OBITUARY white carnations. Tise bride oas glcco in mac- Mrs. ~ ~ ~ ~ g Lilia Blrcîo ierfaer. Mrs.LillailBarr r'Goomsanoas Wayne Mc- Mca. Florence LilOten Bacc, Donald, R.fi. O, Arthur, and tise mornof MiItonCoincUOOr Per- ussers oece fiarry R. Brownlr.. ey Bacc. died in Kingst on (ton- 0.0. 4, Acton, isecaier 0f Ose 1 eral Hlospital on Jase Il, 1968 bride . and ealfe ErerR. 0., aller a Oscees peac Mouns. Grand Valley, fciend of tise Oie oaa Miro Jsly 4, 1881,.in groom. Ocoito, Ontarie, daseatter of Osa Tise cecepflon oas iseld le tke fate William and Mary McGineds U. A. W. centre, MiIlton in tise andairoaa rarciod April Il, 1906 afternoon ted ecening.' te Wilim Josepk Bacc et Eings- Tile brIdels mofiser recoied toin. Oie oas a ceaident of Car- oeacinfl a turquoise lace and lette Place and TickMirne for nylon Ares oisite accessories fise pas loir yeaca. and corage of yeto Munis. flue la scclced bp dsogisfers Tise grsomts mofiser chlose a Mca. E. Green (Mahal) o Belle- pink coif and dreso ensemisle, ville, Mca. R. Joslin (Anme) ci malcilo acces socles and a cor- 1instoIn, Mcs. A. Hamilton (Ada) sagle 0f rIo motie. of Port Credif, and aona Cadil Tise coopte teOt en a trip t0 0f ChaOsale, Robert of Perth,. Western Canada, the isride ecar- Chtarles et Cornwall and Perey ing a pâle plottbrsetde esemle, af Milton. She oas preeced white acessocles ted a corsage ilp Jamnes 0f Perth in 1917. Also et punit coes. scclsfog are atcnfltecArnold At tise ooddicfl ocre goosîs McGlnlis 0f Kiogeton, la grand- train Brampton, Wafkercon, chlMres and Il great graodctdld- Mount Focest, Toroto, Durhale, rua. Oie oas predeceased ily Damasces. ArOsur, Konleoris, lac taialaod Wllam Josepis Grand Valley, Bronle, Snelgrove, Bacc. Hicale MoGîteda 0f Rcd Limeiose, Precltcm. Kltiside, Dec, Albeticastlote gransold Oiliamleord, Waerlo, MilItee Mca. B arc ote actice as te and Acf on. organist andlfandapteilsolfeacs- Among fsel e ore frand- er 10 Occeto Uoited eltarcis for parents efthlie bride. Mc. and mrtep peara. Oie oas alseu trea- Mcs. fiarry R. Brown, R.R. 5, aicer 0f Ose ceomenîs Associa- MiIIton, ted Ose graodparenf s et ti of Occelo ckrci and Odle Ose groom. Mc. andMcs.William member of Oconln&s Womnesn ElliotI oamases. ThecoaddiOf AssociatoOn. cake oas made by lise groom's Batotais er deilOs ske attetlcd mctker and deceraLted bp Mca. Bae United Cintrit 0f ingston. Franki Cisiolle et fornist. Oie raated aI Ose Caflen Fun- Tise coopte are maiio fileir eral Home. The fosserai service isole 1n MiIIton. oas blMai the United Clacch 0f Bafore Ose oedding MissCal Ocoto, Jase 14 ai I p.m., olOs Lawon ictd a mlsooflteeces Bac. YeKetoI Fenton the officia- sisooer et ker isome, R.0. 4, Ac- ting tnioster. A friand 0f île f00, Au t & eau cosin, Mca. farnlly, mas mictlfis angll the DavidA Claaa anA LIMa, hld a Twetp-Tid Palm PaIlîear- asouer at Oseir ilorne 10 Br00te ara Oece granises Ken Bacc of foc relatives. A stag oas hla Perth, Jofhn Bacc of ChaOsam,. is KenilocOs for tise groom. fion Bacc 0f Perth, Bob Bacc 0f Cornwall, AlbertfJosinetiBostis ville and Waynoe ren ofBele. Karen Doherty TOUe flaiuer le arers ocre entertains ut franAsons Kels Green of Balle- SC hool closing ville, Rtichard Barc ChaOsams, Doif Bacc ai Milton, and 01B Tkinlalcdoonotcr Joalfno0f Kingsfon Te aa radai n o nfclrt a. Bacc woma a p.e faily Soisool foc Ose Blti ai Brantford and bcbg houesa br a oas iselA Wedotdaf eceniof ail 111 bo cc ier. Joso 19. Tisoso affeodIof frole Milton ted distict oece Me. ted Mca. C o -c) m en WiliUam Doilet, M,. am, Mca. ni n Allar Clements, Mca. KnWt ut s m mmdmr Ms o Mc William Boot and Tise concert opessed Ost sole. 0111 Musin, Halton-Oranfe- citons frain Ose Al-piece seiso' ville groip managfer 0f United orchstra. Karen Dofserty o Co-opertises 0f Ontario ted Milton Is ose of ifs ycenges Jlm Auger, msnager 0f Ose Mil- members ted plays a elio fou ircti, attended a saies Tisere oas a asort play "A Gnis mnagement sotlstar forco is lelter Osao a Jet"~ put on5 b operatice manaafurs frole accnss members ci Orale 5B and fKare Ontaclo lusf oeek. The serruiear ok Ose pari of a cira dutw stceaoced ily United Co- i. E. Armstrng seipeinte0f Oporstlcea 0f Ontario, waa hldek ont efthOe socl oaa charma at Thse Talisan le Ose Beasor for tise ecenig tsutd teoncE Valey puac Kmberley. Osere oece 2liacingtle Seous The somitar oas desigsed t0 six of isole oece graxoatit gce managers traininf on Ae- Iccle Grade I2 and Osece are t celoprieisl of saeseansd seccice noo pepils osiroltiof in Septee prograrna t0 letter serve moe- toc. bers and patrons et Co- Cfaeraticea. Topics cnseced in- Dtiring Ose presontatins claded leaat ceaI distribution aoarda a prnicietscy prise do metols, credif. marketing, aIeA isy meleecoa etIfonCla ernploee sud public relations toc, Order 0f Eastern Star, o axai adcertlltig. pcesenled by Mca. Alite Clou ents t0 Lacelie Bcaaeau of < Touo0f Roese somitirs noce faoa, one efthOe Grade Il gel field, olOs a total 0f 100 mate- uatea. agemnent people atteadiof frole sucS 0f doIt separated commun- Scilcel closest for lte ElEO Mesiaa Vteilleek Hill, eut of ce Jase 19 acd Kare!' Dolte Ottawa, t0 lasît Ote. Macle Intise axaI au 1l sfudenfs in lier gr neost, ted Cattaro In Essea oece promoted te Grade sf0 e Cout lun the outl. brai casa isonoea. Your Family and -.. peur prapart deacceae coe bey Aayear local ledapencdae lesurasce agent, sos ara eqalippeai 0 W. sole Insuscee fe te adulas Yeu bause se. represeft net a0» aul aModal but gaveai caNlle MCCUAIG INSURANCE UMD M MmI a. L. 1111411,1 HORNBY "Down Memory Lane"' theme for Institute 6Oth anniversary A CANULE L.IGIITING SERVICE hlgited thse Mrs J, . Neelees ôOth accversary clebratioct of the Horchy oflthcPasc, ad Wovetec lcstitiifc est veek. Little ieatit May ehe lit oce for lit the ceedie roptcsentic the future of tihe aitecdcd thse ce busuyW.l Leckigonetekit L. Secpsoe Csurth, Hotfsy. yise cocducted tise cecdle lighticy cerescecy. Institute memorial to faithful member Tise Jone meetingof ethOe Moistats Union W. 1. oas ild Wedoesdap. Juce 19 aitie iseme et Mca. N. Ltetos. Tise presideot opesad Ose meeting wlOs aL puema, followed by tise lostîtufe Ode ted Mar Steoart Colfocf. Tise pceget read a posce fa usoey ci Mca. Geocge A- tewo bat iai t a meeleter cf lise Instiut for 411 years. À momentas silence oas obsorseds folioeed lp file Lord's Prayer. Mca. Pred HarMiffle ilrougkf Ose iligs aof tise District Anoial te Ose meting0. Silo sald Ose ladiesied cofed for a fold fcr exptesion 0f Ose Agri- culture Coflego, Guelpis. A cesotutioO. cessoring dectersior cofusinf t0 go cet te Ose rural areas on iloOdsys and oeeisends oas passod ' and is co te go on te Ose pedecated Womnee's Istaitute of Onttario t0 do as muck a possie f0 create a ileffer situation. Plans for Ose Aofcat il bua trip f0oDundcoCastleOerecele- pleted and also plans foc fthe 45Os annicersarc of tke W.L, An asnnai donation etf $5 oasf approced fer thse Osrsary and $10 t0 Ose Sfistrict. Mrs. Gtaies favored wtsa solo, "How Great Tisou Art." Haol catI oas aosoeced tOs an item of cens dole isy tise instiftet fose NorthsWest Ter. iforlea. Tilace ocreOietalers pcesoot aadsfx 01 csffeca Evecy- oie jet ted lu 0f cglng file Hyrn et ait Natios. Thse standing commiffees gave Oseir reports. If cas declded te senti foc plastic cecers for Ose Toeedstcelr Hisfocy. iseof mooOsoevecyete oassasted t biie a orappod 'Mystery Pac- e1l1 for sale. Mrs.OBasiec resd Ose esof s ecflfled, 'lif le tise secret et Bappltess." Tise meetingf ctosed olOs Ose stoglcg etf the Qsoos and tise Istitute Gracs, aller cisicil a daioty lunchl Oas secsod tsy Ose ilostess aud commitfee inecharge. --Mc. Motorist, fibre 010 le rny more ciildree on fisc streefs toc Ose sommer mOotils, starting skis oceek. Pleate drive carelolly. fiadre0fay affecooo, Jaoe 1f ga 8 a ilappy Occasion foc fise" rcOfr ttotoests Iostifofe fleo le out 50 lades gaffiecedaffloco. le Unitced Cilaci (nOs lfllccesf) W celebrcis e ile fofaoiecoicy. Mn cmec mers oece pressai oM Oakiso le, Brampfott, s rcgeoott. ilton,0 Aailgcoce, o Mdflocckp.as oeil afs thea a- O nt memtlecs. t Tise pcosfdcof. Mcm.Cecil Pat- t caon, oaa M.C. and opeood fisc E rograe ofisa fe odsai 0f i elcome. Ail fofoad in slogfog s oe lostifuf Ode and G0f face P ie Qoeeo, follooed isy a toast t0 P he Qaeeo. A delfletau foociseon Wa as secced isy tise Ofarlighis u01f t ifllceef Cisoci. Tic sicely ecocated aoolcecsary cale oas ftisa centrce 0f fisc isead faille nid Mca. DelleO D0005 lise h ooo f coof in theis cafte. I ofrodaced by Mca. M.J. Brcown. caos oece Mca. oy Wilson, seccetar.y-frealinrec; Mca. Wil- fal eMPisecsoo.clce.Itcegldeoli Mra. B. Alexandec, di1sfrct sec- refary; Mca. J. Bird, distict c ceaIdent; Mca. Brown, Mca. D0000 and Mca. Peccy Meccy, îlfe membees; Mca. Patfecaon, ce a corntoacy aolflled, Dooo Mernory Luie»tohcsOat ost appspçcafe aIl broafft ict maoy rnernocfaa Mca. Ray ilson f afcodaited fila ofilac elelera pcaasfn. A concile Uititi sevce oas otducfed it Mca. L.ew Saatpao il called on Mca. B. tOselaods f akicll, woil Ut file candis sr fila pat Mca. Paffecaon 11f le uns foc file presoai andf Uffle acfis5 May Utf tle carndis foc file Ituce. Miss Lambafalafaeocaed tfh foo accocdloo sol oa. Mca. 'affersoti called un sarne 0f fila agf preafifeots t0 say a feo sorda. AIl aoicessd fiseir Tile secceary coaceoer, Mca. C. Wcfgglesotil lhaailed a&l ofro tsad talas part and fboaeohb ftad lselped in assp oay ta afllhe affersoos aL sicÇeas. a1s0 file ladies w111 seed fila lanceon. Ail fol led In cepeâftte iM Stewact Coffeci and file sfgig 0f Aald Lag Opte. ý congraaliot mesagea oece cecelced froce saine 0f file mein-, bers oho oece attable te attenai, Ocoefulou ntius Roffa e d aàler- lally deslgoed card aho a1a0 a leffer wau rceeied Icounthfie memilaca 0f Lare Institutse ia Northeco Iraland. THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Wishes to Extond Sincere Thanks TO THE0 Ceptelns, Ceccessors, intdustries and the people of Milton, Hornby, Cateplellville and District. for theit help in eakiog our annuel campaifin a seecesso f wes with your efforts that thse Mrs. M. Frcocs,fiseselk" furtiseted. e.Mca. J. Birdbisoifilsgreef- lg fodoet olilheS fcom Ose & hlia adei eoydistrct. Mca. P. Meccy tis er Yoors sieeerely. peietMrs CclPiesnul folly oay face tise iso oy VU PINCA MN the pesent Abou 50 ldies0f Hocoily Institute, tcllisg et aIl ORCMAG HIMN lebrttue et Hillctest Unsted file oci dooe fsp tieladies es- A EBUH tseclally, doci0f Ose ose yeacs,DAEBUH (staff Pisoto) also 0f fisc adted ciid fisey sponsoced. tise momoriafI corner, Mrs. C. Ford cead! tise 0sf 0f Propesy iscusd tise pasf prestdeofs, 100 cibleo at Bha'imeeing eepresai.Tise names sfthOe tle and Campblttitte gafisered ts 100 isese bolof pceaeot. A fi isads Resttectet receofly te foocts itfe memiler, Mcs. Arciie hera falk oe pceisiesy ily Mc!'. King, also the P.Rl. officec, Mca. Mary Lamon, a Baaiain mOaki- F. Brown, oece alsou pceseot. it1 itoe. Tise mainte oft tise Miss Etiset Ocooidge a formeer salis cas Chisios Promises Fal- member. gace Ose in Memoriam îitfed. Sfio descclled biot Ose the isoecr 0f Ososewoiacefsassec dle greaf religions are closoît, Bis- aoay. fsce af se read too sery es thosogi fssdaufeofafteacis apprcoprciais ples. Secocal ac- ted propilesy. carion solos oece rendered ily A fllw-u srie o taksMiss EMains Lambi aod lacit cen- ,oe file sebfect et proa 0f taîka foyed.O tso lecilycs.Lesoa~td~s Mrs. R. King intodfcsed tle I U O begen orao. Septmonr aiDd' uest speaker. Mca. M. Frencs, O N THI S SNEW BALERS Inforost Froe 1e, Juno 1, 1969 :FLY KILLERS" : UY TROUBLE-FREE BALINO Seethe "" - * FLORBAIT The fiso aed otill tise ist dry bit fly 3 3BseLoR.87-18Balers wvith or vvitho.~t P.T.O. Throwers : iller. Easy te ose ostl tise secs PFREE B F1,0" top cous. Sale tuseinml (O. TD. heds, stablecs, pigfleries, etc. Aveeîfais MILTON EQUIPMENT cO TD i 24 oz., 40 ez., and 5fb. tees.M SCOWFLY POWDER Don't Take Chances On the Long Holiday Weekend! 0 YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF - YOUR FAMILY e - YOUR FRIENDS TROUBLE FREE UNIROYAL THE RAIN TIREI SPECIAL' 0 Wiuth rde-n FOR 0Wt rdn THE @lR ae rll sstaaees PR30E Cr eato tppine TNP-U TIRE SALES l-Il-a Milton - 8781-3131 - 24 Hour Service TIRES S mentltests upftole SiVE MORE MILK" dastor caus audiO0 FLYMOR The premisoc qoality dosly stock spray aiith fast "Kulluf Power". Balele o se ou ail livestocior cn farm bisldscgs. Acaieble lu teand 5gal. ctcs PRES SPR The ecocoeosnal et spray fer hos a e tIses, mathls, ephs Cosos ny $1.45. BARNFLY SPRAY Codtais s Omelisate-ctteElibc ogeirsu ail resisslat tuies. Spray oc walîs, pcsts, oicdow trames, etc. 'fuît scg actionclasts uptc eeis. 20o. bourle makes 21/2 glallors cf spray iceileiste cn 20 andi 160 oz. bilfles. Avalfabte In 2 fl. k. bx. AY rid effetive aetosat f11 gardee ase. Kfffs is, caterpilfars. ec. FLVVAP Thse yelloo strie that vpoizes DDVP and iss lises for ap to33emocths. Sate and ettective to use, in mils moe, teed roetts acd other conficCd aces. CHOOSE THE RIGHT 0AMMO" FROM YOUR FLY COP4TROL HEADQUARTERS! MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) 0 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown * SEVERAL Rec. R. I Checch 1 65tJ, A Socs Arcildeac af Gracs A ceai tl Maao a ill, P in Rsodc carni g s greas ai Moofreal 1903. On Tc yac fie afecerete 0f Osiaci fis cil Missi on lait 0f R 0f Chiia frorn 19 leelleef O 0f Olelo PHe lal bocleafi, fon, au' Mil 306 Oc Ciss 10.30 a 12.15 p 700O p Wedoe les o isy Me sisaf 1: PRO Rec. 10.00 z i 11.30 Sc HIGH T Patc OU? 9.45 11.00 7.00 S, Weda. fi ltridaý S A ( A Wa No. u 10.00 11.00 8.0 10 \V 11_1i.ý -