Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 12

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64The Caoadtun Chempian, Wedacsdai', Jusie 26, 1968 MISSLOIS BtRDof Milon ham et e hrd Ao John A. Dougya ofCaledoina wetAg ereon ast Pa' Snite Calodocio (Photo bp Milon Photoy oyh sý Douglas - Bird A domocrit urigiosllo ouood Hamoilton, eotton, Obhawa, Oais- Bp tbe Bridals grimtdltnc as ovitae, Watorlord, and Blmoe. A usait M drive Mr. sud Mrs. Johto spootai guost oas Mrs. Saraih Alesander Dmuglas aad tooto at- Botdy, wait bad n tho amose tosisots bhroigh Milttan sfitar far bath tho brido aodhocr muttor their marciago lu Bt. Paut's abao lbop ere0 tabiss Brs. oouron at Juoa i. Original oo- Robeort T. Crosior, graolaotbor or ai thea old carriagr ousFostor of the bride, mado tho ooddiog araooridgo of Omagh; it is n00 cakeo. awnud Bp William Bapoor of The cetral Adiroodarho and Milto. Eastern Ottario w000 the des- Thse bride is LuiVn Ao irti, tinmatioBs for thair oeddiog trip daugtetr of Mc -udrs. arume sud tSop are ltiig ai nBR. i, aird, sud te grom la the son Caledosota. ai Mr. sud MOL. Cecit Doiglas. TBo brido's golog-aoumc 0.0. 2, Caleoasi. seoble oussatruise tari Boa. Charles tlainar oalictatad drosa, owhita cot, saopsccosscr st the dmhioetogn coraaacp ins ,ls ad oirsageae uyeBo rosas setlug of pollowst otthito muais. Thora oera sevoraLlgatttarior Mrs. Marianoe Mage ptayud tta belore the weddiag. argus. Mc. and Mrs. SheronudtHum TBe bride acre su A-liae ittor Basted s aiscoilnoos showe loagtt goc of Frenchb crepin the Agrirolto rai Hall at MiBo oits Vahlecnes lae sot Io the Pair Gruda, Mrs. Jark Laio torao.opsrtor slocos sud ailong was hostessat apersaol stoo tho edgeofa tha traio held at Baer A prosenotBoc oas batd s smtudars olth Mwo sati Boas. oondago Hall obonth cb oupt lier dlsood pendant nocklaca re~cvd a rpccicg chair, rock Oas tha gift aI the groo. BBe ersund aagaaine rcs. carrledaouqttof rlred us. Tho bridestcaids andosccPt Thea throe attendants Miss Jean toak thn bride sud grooa tc dit Wilson, Milto, as aald t!o honnir ner aithdi Tiancu Ibonu May i sud Mos. Gait Cornie, Mlltonsod sud prosntad 11ci oilb alaty Bora. Arioso Baltas, aurBongton, as bsidosaaids, ore floor- ieognb goons ai ohite lac ro green tafieta olih iloiog Bock K n g t panels of groon chidfon. AU woeparidot pendants, tho glfts Mr. aod Mrs. James SP aI the bride, sud ateBoo greeo Koigbt obo oere acried toos sud oeils ilsoirbhair. May Il boneyatoored io tbeB Tbe aid os botar csoriod b acas. Boc. Broc BeVries cascade of polîo diads dalsies îîciaîod at St. James AugOse wMhi tho bridosads criod Citorol, Bospolor. snasogsps of yelB0O muais. The bride is tho fcrmer Ms Mo. Bmrd gave is daughtor lu garot Map W10000, staughttor marrisco. Bectord CororCal. Mr. aod Mrs. Horace Bintct odois, Oas geoasasO sud the Brapetor. Tho brtdeceoom udmrsoaere Wayne Bichonts, the son of Mr. sudl Mrs. C. Milton, couinof oth1e bide, sud Koighl, cf Milto. Doaldt Boiglas,Csledos,rois- Mrs. GoraI4 PryheOuas mat in ofthe frroom. ofihoo or ero sistor. Boid In theoeooocgsaroooptio MMl ic the Uno uHa, Mari S. Tho bride's coîbor rceie oaarlog an oange ire eoid 3 ' arod laocedoss andtioO o orsnge lloerod Sutanwht carnationls. TBo groom's mctor ocresa A. T. MOORE turquoise tor.piooo suit, cr sage o! pelo rones sud a tut. INSURANCE suoits ilooarod Bot. Guests oeae prosenoot icc l- CAMPBE.LVSLLE to,Kitchener, Ciodo"s, co 8 4- 27 dsgs, Brantford, Middlepart, 5 -2 71 Treat Yourself to the Curly Lookc Loch cool, prettp and fathianahie this sommer with a new, Scurlp hairda. We rot and stylerao hring outonaturel curi .oie offer the perfect permacent. iFashien D.uwy LouageL At 171 main St. - Phono 878-9533 Desserts, presermtations, sale- highlight W.A. supper party About llaeambrsudrieuds prosootod ta the troasuror. Tht teudeood the Sosteas Mrs. Mo- of Bhe M ilto Distrct cHospitai dateofc tha annoai gardao Party, Osat Bp Mrs. GopBe Hlamilton. Woaoa s Aoo Bsary saudud Bhe Sotac 14 St BpOoct- Tickots for die aw aoprty Arso soosal June soito pa u c D dtr. ud Mrs. C.aA. ooro distrlboted tc moatiers. auction solo, BrMI Wadosdy Martit ilB &asin hucat tho accuai Fscst pris an acntciqua oedle- taooiog ai liai oeok at toe siair. Ac-ýOOOi5sop, flBBe po tchaoir doco BpMrs.Hamil. Victoria St. Bomeofa Mrs. F. B. ona of dia oe oo Mtos sud Mrs. tac, second is ao AM-FM tracs- Mrûist. Lorraine Beverley isdistrMbotg istor radio, and third isa filgBl BtgBBigBts aI tho ooooiog oer ool toansoos oisMBng toa ba g. theo samphim dosuerts, prosot- srdicles fcr tho BootB. Mrs.JcOa The aortico sole of doated tatios 10 doneroiog supporters, MrCusigwiBlcocoone s 'coah srticlos corkmdad dio aaaoiog- s draw, a bni bunss aoeticg boak" prcoect audi is ooiog for sncamo sig sud prcftlel ovoct and the suctiao solo. aeatcrs' cotritoted recipo olto loual roticodsucor Jark Mrs. George BoBongBrccho. tavoritas, boiseold Monts snd Ellicît SaoABofg the hidditg. Woc Oss hoittod the W. A. acre srticles bo ae tl s a caluaBlo Mrs. Joce Semplo 000 the thso 400 hclttad articles cuer the booh tco o. dra fcor a pair ci brass sabie pastueoenandoon-aaPosers A voteofi approistioe at ismps. a banorodatot tho prosoota- .ncocf s Illo aoatcrsop pic.Co m e Bar hoittod babp sots haoe beuoor ie - PeacocK big uellors cn dia AaiBiarp'o la a doubl-ringraroacony is Wrddioc goosts ortouded Mrs. git shp a sth Bo spital. BoCcbciBoi arut LcCrsradDbseM - Arobher presootsticc bccorOd th hrhoth mauae e C mirndDbeM - oue ci tbo Caudp Stripor girls, Conceoption, Toroto, oc MayB 25 loto, N.B.; Mrs. Lacra Groor, Lpoda toros aof Bt ob wo is Editb Pesoci sud Peter Joseph Wasbago; Mou. Daa Barrigao, loaicgCaap ripr aorhto Caore 0000 aarriod. Tbep Aooe Barrigar, Fayo CharGier, tanas a cous ai Bi JosopBls arc lig at Z645 Keolo Bt., Apt. Mr. and Mos. Dlaoid Borraît, BospiaI on Baaltcc Lpods 8 Mrs. Dot Sasdero,Mco. Olioer recevedtheAuxliay'ssecnd he rid, wo hd benwrk- Bull front Crila, and others rooel thDo utmarp oo d h brido biuBoerrk rom Toronto. sooct $BB rsop t bep br lg in Toroto, lu tho daosgtrr A srprist sor mas giroc ilber coan creOr. ofI B. Barp Poacock, Moadord. for tbe brida Bp taBlou oapiopeo Miss toroos asoe rociccd a Tbe groom, obo Bcoed in Damas- a oc tort.Ms ai servire pic for roaptettor l0t oioo, ta tbe scn cf Mr. and Mrs. o l n onEeisu als DIa bat oirs O trP dtPasSa to Corator, MoortccBc sorpral Obr.iasohl Csudp Bolipar. Iboos KnoBoIs Bruoswicks. oNw srrs hw siso roroicod ou foc 200 boits ohito Cleoith Gord roreirad 0o Tone c aMorr c bi foc 7l boira. oec wetnp. ontn nth A cbaque for $778a.B3, ropro. FatborBîmotripp. craod tb sntiog hall s yoar'a prcOOd5 matrri o n efr h frona tbo boapitat giot sbop, c& as rae.t ri ai- on i I lare bodiro, lblp-polot stoopos sud full nylon aldrt. Bborarriad wht oM r crids and droptot filî- os-tbo-oattyon O a aissot. A V poart cowc beid bor chicon Maid of b oor oas Janet Blcb- ais, a iriood ci tbe bride, Whbo woea plcb gocn andrsarriodsa ¶t t oOsegy of Mbpb pioh rouas and k plik munas. A MONt MOONtrpoth Marguet Wittc Winton maido wero Mrs. Peter Graha, Gait, Miss tSun Bacot, Hospol- or, and Miss Jodp Hicot oOalt. Tho roroptito was led on theo Crystat Battraca of theo caipor octet, Kittrhener. Me. and Mrs.Knlght haveottken u eiecinCatgary, AlLa. Tbo Brtdesads, Chsarltte Goost aod Liolda WOrraîItheb bridols slstoc, ore Pâle green goos aod crried ongap50of Pick bpb rones aud bice tctd muais. Ploral boadpleoos betd teir oeils. Tbe bride ous gicoc an ma- rmago bp Soc litdier. Groams- an acos airiecd, Bap Toiler. Tho osbccs, William Gomost, a friand, and llaoldWorraBlbroto- or-mc-lawof th e brido, ere0 uboaods ai tbe to bridaI as- tocdaoitc. Altor theocroca looSocs oas Sold at DOsu BWot s, YVork- Thec ouple le otr ice P Mari- Bimes, the brido wariog a blos slroootossrbhiffoodrossoltb lase cuit,omitbascorsage oftpisktbab coues and liip-ci-tbe.oaley. I "i .1.~ 'f Spring show 153 entries Tho spclcg 000cer shoo il- Mra. E. Opocaso 14, Bora. W. J. 100 and District Bortirolioral Tboapsoo ta, Mrs. B. Kinog 1B, Bociety oas bold i SthIe Pioa Bt. Mrs. D. lJcWoa 10,and Mrs.BHop- bno aIl oc Joue lB, otb 153 kins lB. ortries. J. E, Bicain ai sJMsaiBa gave -..Ooads ai Jia Bosutcr- sunp Witteeuoe AuooaOr@JitO o.. gh supparters fr00n aurBangto t ttdg e Plta d aM "r tttdod tba Rbetrt OSoflt Ofsalmslfor shrowand esMMSi. cslly in HamiltconFridpoeiag. Ha bs bora s -5 A baod acromasied Boe P. C oorad questions. ruodidiate and bis party. trlbttd Bp tbe Bigglos sistora, Baimdy sud Clnontblr accord- dioos. Lomoiy dont priars ocot 10 Biss G, Joce, Bors. G. Dixoo, Mrs. P. Co and MaurirceTurner. Mcs. B. ing roprossoi tbaois 10 asO obo boîped ta aig i sob a finme shro, andluchboau nermd Bp Mos. F. Bsdlop, Mrs. G. Parioo and Bots. A. Brittos. Wiacors ci theboBot esSibit ic Soeir sdcti0 oe e Mcs. E. O. Clomools (3), B. Loio, Mos. D2. oons, Matir Paul Msp aod Mca. M. Beadboad. Bors. Clomocîs ad bhe aost points ta tbc sbhooitb38.foBloo- od bp Bora. B. Lori aitb B3, Mos. G. May 23, B. Looldo 19, B.- unIWBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN STARTING JUIl! 25 30c QUART Qur ikng Boxes Ol Srn eg pa Ownot Purahase aitc PLiASE.t NO CMILDP.EN UNDER 12 TUESDAVI & THURSOATS PRIDAYS SATURDAYS & SUNDATS 8Ba n.to12 -A6p.m.to a ri. hp.seta 9 pm. Bamta 9 pm BRAESIDE FARMS R. R. 2 Norval SE P BO Tel. 865-8670 Gm W N.-4a N.. 7Hoo zor 401I Lo..P. caet* PAITNPUL WORKERS WER! MONOR a the Juan ouppa papyoftMilonO D isti aHspal Auo lar pn Wcdoesdap, Named a lie mem- hor wat M George Boirooke, seaed, htoiemoate one of0 ver 400 knied sets she has made ffrtheoWA oer the peurs. 4 M" ito ho, are tho hootessof ptha eocn.og its. P . B. Mcouat, CuodpStriper Lynda Bervos wha osas aaadoo tho $100 hoourr Io lauas6 6cr tdtcs in nurstng, and Cordy Strtoors Gnito Fordmwho'rntoedoa 75 hoorseroice Pin anA Donna Komlesomho ecsiedepn or cm pomman 200 hoors. SafPoo HALTON CO-OPIRATlVE MIDICAL CARI PLAN 1: PAYS ... AHl usseOlel Operesaos tndlntdsal or EetPteyee Grouspa Deelers Cala Psid Mray escel as aYfinta ai treos Finat uet the yenr. coneetsettl REVISD RATES Aasatitt' Serniffl o nOahîn - $6.61 Single S.teettt - $132 copte HALTOE CO.OP MEDICAL SERVICES t s43 Main Si. simîtar Placste Rond me inorotioe <Na0 ebtigelso) '* . ........ t..... Electrical Modernization cani makce your extra room, extra comtiortable Whee pour home sa up-to date otectsocatip, ms's easy Su testait electric heattog mn aep Batd-to-heat atea. Electrtc heatmcg cen tata a raid spare taam ino a caap don. Etectricat madetoirattua cas do mach mate. Vauti , have att the etrottical auttets pou need and pou con -e add majar appimances mithaut a second thaught. Etectricat maderniatiae mili probabty coat test than peu may thiek and tha Nydu Pinaunce Plan cao hetp make tl possible. Par mare teformattonueail a quehified etlectricati goateactat, as ais yauo hydre. j jve botter elecitricully MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPIIONE 878-2345,

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