1 ltngtn ceiil ian dectded agohinst rnengetiattet the agree- ment on cosis ni Operaupeg Rie Miltn lice aiea. The nainnîil bcdi ceceetip soif- geaied the taeuiacae ni Rie neuf sheleid Bu e eite Bn an elefled asséneient lasie, in- -9 e!hRe anisAi asseesmesi. 1=6%de 0abeIIe, Esqeinn aie 1 ieeua alun entite te- wàrd the neufs ni lbe Milton A08a Fins DeparAciBent, aiin noffs a 1W squre Bile ane i#th l ie eouitiipalities. *)Jillteu Coennil vas Opposed! 60 Witaesses Y t Kitchene Shmmer nnonnpimnlead- Oeg te lbe Kitcheen limndai 4edterlun ans heleg llnalied Ibis vecek b lbe Mlo Congre- galoe0 e! lsbea' ilteaumu. TMm A=ncnents was Rada Ibis vecek bp Fecceet La, pcemidlng mdieter ni Ris loae group. iRs viii bed Rie delegtin ni about 6Ofrent ibis accu. Th1e lnc-dap gatlrng le itchnbee se ulp 4-7 wili dcav delegates 1rm ail ci Saiilbcn Oetarie. "aie ans expenllng anl atteed- ane ni abonue 8,00 fer ibisu nnn- leenne,1 bic. Lee expiaised. "le addiion aie have heard frt Kinchener Ruat ndiidealu fcrn Rirse other proeinnes and slx ni Rie Ue!ted Rtates hans wilten te O neqeesi cnnaiieg acomRoda- Bis. Theevuill niRi o tese cnventions held tRcaghoutCan- ada, tbut vanation or holOday pen- tocde deiccaiii ihnasseabihc Sonné wdli Bs ahle tu attend. as une qutte etinird abut heing able te attn! Rie lice! one On 'r CanAda,î Ay bine, Cecil Palterun a ail regeml Noeae ane! Siheel micetings aie!u ae t eeeelee Meaihecsu fie ie! of hli maciga, Th1e soenl cnee Bull galbcred 19 Balli llendR ay Osas reMoneeale foecaccaeglng Vnie Touees n Tuecada ecs- lbe grade cighbanquceet teBbeifel Osg lu ne 18 te becer bar vIi a Wcdseadaiy eeleng lune iOnlbe medniaseuus Mboirer. Sobeel. norsages 1er Rie pYoeng licse. Howard Winaih cndunted lales of grade eluhi scd gneuf a seecrl leterueleg cnteeta. Thse ai bced table aie! teanlece cdl brida-te-b. saied aiea pcetily Bie gleu dtb lbe ncaipliRente decnôsid chair,opceaedbercay ofe b m l ssei! Schoo Assonia- gifle aoela bp br MuaeN- lieu, bire. 3. Dmnau presidcsi1 ma Jean. Couin biss Manganci aud tilds pean ail shedenis are te Bull mcade, the bnldeee Boe bat b guel of Rie Associaioen ai aie! cmusin Veine Bail aueathel grade eigbi baque. Thc en paaaig lbe gile frent au paets ae bsen eeied ane! attrcnive lahle cdtb a gay piek about 125 puneais cdll ait donn and wite uaibndlla acinrepiene te a hoe! laiey disner ncieraid aind Streauna ane! belse. Thunie- Bp Chricl Caich lades. leg Bsn lciecds inn Rhi gifla Tise ycac bas pseed pdieiy aie Rimai aihe bcd pliaie lbnd aitelbn vhe heipef On Rie shiee, lianleaeinOeeted ail Oc aiaiuiii mis eepceused picas- fien troseau tua te b he i tirue aie! laie! fun leinge gsi-te- hec hoaie ai BSbcdapy ly 2i. galbcr, aibg mvw lcieiu and biles Bull i. a ppi oun ig genoeng aquitd iecnen alPerey W. biery P'erny bieccy Sobul nceuce a enbsei and quitte acile la Bethe' lange area laeiug ener 400 sud- ehernb aie! Bieday aibeci. 511. Thse cniecir bics. C. Tbe Penny biccry Soboul liebi Pulteras exteufsaAppreciullca day aud Juai He! Dng Sale vers aie! Ibaube te ail Reileu vhn beldli onFrldap lune 21. ODenr 4ee bO is ehi ul 70 dosatener I an d Telle vers 'gveb te lbii prletu nnK pnepaned and comet!edB b h y Joc Kibcn-eea om eledecis. Thcenireensics.Wal. iy lbr netnduc. uetin n ter Petecu, bics. Pcec rPavlivu bi thepeutoned .axero bicse. Raip Fend, bics. Gordonai elvd itupeer, bics. lihn BarRaI, bics Benause oi TainRihe lunielfield illiaR Tulipe, bics. Sidney day evnul vece hl oee ouil Lamb, bics. biarie Klecmen, li bieeay. A nempicee lie! o nidc Ceorge Peanaiieand cnine i ers cdll bu glen On Oceimqele bine. C. Puileceen vece joniad neys ex wc eeb. for lunnh Bpi Rie prienipal lohn Knbzep. Duclng Rie pue! Ysen A lange nmien ni fienis am Rie Boesumd cola e super- sieoglhecu frn Rie 100th LOBe eised soi cndenicd hotdeg sales cnerai gaRienef ie Bnyne Bnci a RBBRi and prenided pop Centre ce Sahinday atternain and neebica fnn ihese taing puni Jucm 22 tn bestow gond vidhes On Rie Chrlinas puny. Cerise, mnd gifls on tain Brides-te-Bs. te&anmd neebies hae beenseed The diuble uliee vas gleen Inn A S0BP IN THE Rgîcia DIgECTION: Preseetieg et Hoinley, whee Mes. W. Isha loks on a a baed cawone beheit ef the Milton Lins Cluh Ricfhaed Hunt, a woncîr oses thr new machie aee Dec Mcoweeli and Lece Saes, righe. Thr crsntto ws maer te, H.O.P.Et Woebnlcop (Staff Photo OMAom Area lAdies onu. 50 ugt WL g' 19 te ic di pi E. hi hi Of F C Bp bics. Cecil Paitenene ory LAO.' A aine! plesan and enleyable les haire vece Semerai ladies nrnt ibtis area Mient On leliewe!ulp, reaiving tendaid the luocheon ut Bonny ficecdddips mnd neRhdnlcng. ied ChurenaidnesdAy lune biany frnt imes area vnce!hlp- The occasionewa te mark ped On udaylusei3VOi th s th aomecmary of Bernbp congrigatn ai Boulon Pcesbp- oen's leetitute and aI paot tartan Chuch n their animer- nd present BeRbers ern ene- sacp. Spenmal dedicatmen aie. rtaiaid. Durcis vene present Oces vene held ai Rie evenng Qm alulle, Banliegion, Miii- sernice. t, Georgetown, Brampton &Md Beleted bicRidap gceeings te amit Rive. Oner 50 ladies ene- William dm100 Peaitrese, sn yed Rie 1fi meul caiered Bp of Mr'andbirs. Brune Pnitceus, Illcresi U.C.Pi. Tbird Lise, on is imret bicRi- bics. Cecil Pattersen, presm- day. A party vas ginen Bp bis ent eelneRed the ladies &Wa paren te mr he occasionandi residedfo InhRe progrARt. Mise gnandipacnnts, mets, oneles mnd lamne Lambh ni Omagil deilghied imnds yene preaint. A pcetiy r adience vmi saoiers on birRidap cake van meade for the eraccordin, plapîng Bteding anent Bp bis gcaodme!hec bine. the aimedu, Gypsy Dance, Bat- Ken Pevicese and Rie feod as le Ryme ni the Bepuhlln uni aimned umregasherd style. liec seOnctones. bics. M. Bave C rystal Denlin vIl Bs rennh, ni the Bel Telepheai ose year nId ibis vecek. Dun n. sleced a fim 'Deve bin ai-m the daughten ni bir. aie! bics. eg Niai riendance ci Mes. R. i makîsg if f Phoie) buMIL- lent), euth Bras, 15 hair. aid Igeorgu- 'salbhPoW- nui reilier tnic oue) »Sl ce lbe le Mayp 20 baudetd le mng bu mdlua 17 16 Par cnu eNu tiige of lits Nid ams nigiR Soueiar lae 1115 Amxer- ies et lbt ha" beau e wile. 9 maimen E niauffled dmi. =k in.s . eviitta. trit'o oroe. mu àirbh<Iy Benry Devlle, Third Lise. Don vishes On boih Rimai ttte people Congratulaios to bic. an bics. John Bail, ceceni seaiiy aieds. Dnagillends vmsh thet Runh happiness. Bmihday greetîngs te Mnr Marie Kiecoan, Boy Wtisen, At tan Baie!meld, Inde Fend, Binn Ronger, Bill Baou, Dehecal Dil livme ane! bics. Roert Brown ridge. MISe ManganO Bail mnd bila biarnie Bail. Taise yaieghld- les ana naiu"e &M bdb anc teacbenu, biargunet ai Palermen am baiaclae ai Penny bieccp Eanh gueut egbencvessed la beaullfolly denerated nhairs mud lbe cnec vagapafitbls, fleec mud aimnea. The gicle eied Baein gifle ai Rie esie tis, ling bins te ceadien lbe gi nands. biangu- ci Bcd au Bsn assistants Bsn sLsten Veima, Dense Leulle talc- Oeg Rie gifls te u sienlul diR lable, mnd Kanen illouiausn made Rie n)hbe hjs. bianlese vau assie!ed Bp a sn er Nec- Ra Jean mnd lien naisin Lai km Tourc of viileidule Weho Pit Rie gion ser hecinil table and Barbara Baunean ef liegncaho, pet ingeher Rie preiiy Titubai I WAS A ntCcv DAY ni Percy bais. Thic Young lades eepceused Fridiy. Heee tens Fuller hie a aenclafieli fer ail Rie 84bea - Eileen Marnhall tres the lene fa fui giflaandRiheplesantaifer- of the dey ,eeluded snior girle' oce, ane! te Rinse arnAegtug Ris boye' champ toger Deccîing,i eeeî bics. Jank waimn, ra Citheon. intercedinle boys bics. Gordon Leslie, bics. Bert junior girls' champ Lnoee Willci Luslie, bics. D. Bernudie! mud bis Vauden Duesen, biangarci liid Rie bldes te hec trousseau ie n cerieea lly 14 ane! biarene te hec te&a on Iatucdsy Jly 27. The haippy enentnieosed viRi a blinit iuenhen Friecds vish Riese tain Yaing ladies ainnh happinss. The nheir of BaRde United nleirnh presented Miss Marini Bail, a faithil Beaihen, viRi a heantihil pain ni nornflowernnry- stul doule nandîn helders. Mise biecganet BaIl reneinef the saRe ift lest venh front Rie nhoir ReRbers. Miss Margaret mnd Miss Mar- lai Ball hane hein unticeng On thir vnn f hIe S.S. ix!dRie nhunnl, betB hae pins ane! bers dientng ener 12 yeacs of per- tent atiendanne ai BeRiel nhurnh. At the nloai ni aihool sieice on uday, Jiai 23, Rie Riper- intendant bics. John Pinhett Jr. preaintef île pon ladies vIRi a hynney in anipreniatien of their voch. This van the 1mnaI sessioe ni nhuch unleel ai BeReleon lua 23. Vanation vil Bs obseed andit mill Be ceoeneain Sept- saier. 7.10fe' gli04 a'haOr Unefranturelin Cherrh servicnsuai BeRelvuil tRen dfilent Boeseihiuanife. b e heif durieg July Ai 9:30 a.51, Bis In vill Be te a cast aud Be Iand nii he ninsed thcaigiiaii viii truei on cniitches Ion Rie IAugusi. nextsixI wnrks. Freens aiere snnry te leare BOihdap greellets hisweeti Ithai Grant Geeding van Bepiltal- Calinn Cocdingiey, Bon Vaiee Bail gante ai Bocnbp Park. Grant la, Douglas McClesney, Ganny sid hoRe and got his teaR Rne Geodieng Johe Vanden Manet andl seiy home mon, bui sufelee On itichel Resne. SERVICE * OFFICES -1B STORES 1 lb INDUSTRY 1 inw ClaiUn F and Janitor Service 1 C llUs , Eti cte 0 MILTON JANITOR SERVICE 878-6388 "qqo ff ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK DRUMOUIN Cousins Mariene, Margaret Bail are honored at showers, church 1Campbel1 P OP(,AD MEMOtIAL 6 ae SC Nerth, GAI!' 0 e a Ajf SUNDAY DI1NNER SPECIAL CHICKEN AND BICE lOUP sl.25 CHEF SALAD BAKED IUDAt HAMs AND PINEAPPLi SAUCE iMAICEO POTATOES DB FRtNCH f IES CDLI SLAW BAKID DEEP PPLI PUDDING FOR CC88uVATIOH8 PHOHE 8784061 aie Ara open Eesy Dey theouchace lite Var jLI90 RESTAUIRANT lo 11maln AIR COHDITIOHID Millesn CALLING AIL STUDENTS WANT ADS * Get A Job Through The Champion Classif ied Aids TO ALL STUDENTS F R E E Elementecy ehrough High Sebsel, FREE Who live le ehia ami. NO PHONE CAILS, please IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FULL OR PART TIME JOB HERE'S ALL YOU DO - Place your Ad ini the Office, 191 Maien St., Milton 1. One Adetu ach sude, mey be rspaldup ta3 elmes Wf Tout eata The Chamrpioneby ash Msudayhsfurs5 p.m. 2. YVu muet use yur vsa In tha Ad. 3. Vut may cvas up te 20 seerdu af cepy. * DEADLINE for your Free Ad ia Monday, 5 p.m. * FIRST ADV. WILL RUN JUNI 19. - The Canadien Chamepion. Wednesday, Junc 26, 1968 B LOWVILLE Change in services for summer months Bp Mrs. A. B. Coiltnc end Pen Wees, Loienille at Horn. byB. OnThursday, Jniy 4 the The Rieiday inonning servies Pee Wes s, Kibrde ai Loiville; nf the Lnvville Zimmeninun Un- Sqpdris, Lnncnille ai Kilbride. ited Churnhes vill ta helddnring The beys are playtng gnnd Ball Juiy and Augnel ai 10 a.m. ii aie an enening ait he park iill ne sereice only hnld aliernstely ironide area fane niRi Teai en- as fllvs; tertainenent. Tiienks is due Reg At Lnoi n July 7; Aug. 4. Couisnn for Rie abon informia- 18; ai Zimmernian nn Jniy 14, tinn. 2B; Ang. 11, 25. Laymen aie! Beneral faniiliesfnromthearea woe iii cnnduct the sereines attnndaid Rie wndding on Saiorday uneil August i1 aihen Bey. E. E. nf Cyril Anderson and Disan Kil- Basler wil reAline charge or Bingiaick in Wellingtnn Sqnare Rie sernicnes. United Chnrnh, Burlingien. Cyril There wille nobinday schoil h e snnnfMr. and Mrs. Hud- durlng July aie! Augusi. son Andersnn, fiormer weSrs of Il wnuid Be vise tn clip toise Lawillte stnre. But! nishes are notice fnr futnre reference. nntended tn Rie Young couple nili Minnn Snilball actinlaut Mon- wiBl rieidn in Burllngtnn. day nigt <lune 11) mai Druai- geimaRata A ean sneep, deieai- tng Lnville in ail Riree dinis- W. MrryTablid ieldday25-21; Squirts 17-14; Pee Wees bash et the nece kick while 7- miliae Bebbit Kick, Champions On Thursday ninhi, Jnne 20, chaeep Louise Saict, secneo Nelson CrueiiedBStone, Lnwvnils nieinediete girle' chamnp Don- Sqeiri teaR inanelled tn Omagii Miltons Parks Are ' hampt Gary Geedg aed andnnon 13-11, viiile Lennille Yours to Enjoy - Olt. (Staf Phnte) Coigars playef mest tn Omaegii Hep keep, thes plaise Pen aiees and ainn 19-7. by raporting vandelihea Nent veeh's ganins: lily 1 IA .< Bas thn AteRs ai ilbride; tmedjitnPlc Sqntrts, Bonny B ai Lnnnile, J imdaoy Ed's Welding WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAYS During JuIy and August OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY From 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. I W~E B IC LOS EDI S MONDAY, JULY Il DOIINDAY] m S. 1- y