Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1968, p. 10

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~.4îamunYOUTH FRONT 12 The Canadie Champion, Wedvesdey, Jve 26, 1968 J. C. and Squires on the way up Le 196 change styling, thank Milton 1 J. C. antd the0 Scdres reently Nef sfiated -hey n iUe t0 os RhiolatiiothFot oOdiao th1e or jiial ni il eton forà Living 110 herliait Mrtin th e muilc field and patron whbave kept In cvvtact w101 nom. The moal reveil addition lv, )ltals' grvwng lisi if yralh aellv- lMes made ili delal The.nday eveniz. Utiter the .-inqgred The marchera of the bond, rame if IlThoras Wheela," a rvller skating elulilield Ils nt vocali JlmCuttCOdo meeting euh a memlarddtp if 20 electlog Lloyd Zues1 presideol, lit Doriano Poloiead.otes Don ierkley vlve-presldent aid ides, Jances Hll ecrolkry. Lois Dune"n Currie &Mo drummer a( luck 10 ilvis club. iay ieArthoir. amv four topvvur, le ovahers cliv have vade a lit,. Thve larrahs aitd dlriy work are over for annifior attl aide Étrt i 1 rock and roll &Minesvv yovicoke op lie moriig wi118a newly-e1eceid reidenl In Otaa. ani preseilly c118 t801v vn Dld anyliidy lieepi a if an 1thon glorlius new thuin e ese Style if dive aid dance moie. prvedmed, )ont for ceklng psrpvses? Mlghl te lolereating. The fvir bhave be00 ingether Mtilton Yvi1 . ....The vider geverativis have nid yon are for tien Tesrs, -- Ot easy yearL àpitietie. They are wrong. Yvir cntiemllre.rles kavestld yvi With IL demvirativ seti.fmmge- ane diuierv ied 1n activities eitalisied for yvi. Tkey, tvi, ave ment, a barmony c118 eank other crvng. Elesi Yvi18 Front lias occaivally, woiderid aliout yvir nihel vs laryoid their music eitlmidaam. vie cers nrvig. The defeivi rusta ils case solely on ttdllties. they have gsivid goid evidenco prvded bit memliersip in fia Thor's Wheels aid the flaea grid, ipyfl 0Ire-vil for Yvi18 Porser's claver roait in Rotary Park Wedves- their vin otpolpmeoî 19 sving day f11111. f<evp prvng os anl nrvig. fr001 danees and 0111ev funclivs 01ey ploaid ai.___________________ _______ Afler àyea ci rvik sait roll aid blues type if muic, lkey l s Vyp rs o d Setcbed 10 tie dne ari danve - field, feeling lliey hl a brtglitar et u ie MA Rehinsea ftlurv 10 11hv latter. llnce thvy ivnlange d lliey have dore A vmit pvngram if ittvDfln iv Quvlien points if interuit. cenl, and are trytng ove neek if Stdi 10 provinces othev Ikan The goveromneil supplies prifesiodl entvrtatnlng In nlieit vin for a weel Or 10 Odas mouesoi airaveeoevifrti aofh5 1eelnii sole ammet lia leen ovgsidaed 110- trip, w101 a favilylnlverue- "0011ev Rvim." nperatively 19 the federal aid Loup billeting R1ck duvlng bis J. C. AND THE1 SQUIRES, who staord Ilveir musical evrol prevorr gienmis Oreqeu Al18vigli t8vy are mostly sait- tbis *arev cely fout yeos ega, swap Hvwdies with the can- Called "Les Voyagers". the Aredelii..2,itlvi made musiens tliey are nown on in Victoria Perk. The ocoup iceides Doriaco Pvloni and program i neludes the oneitoideit À v iaf e Lof i.R. N, Milton An ILAIVELY LARGE CR0910 turved out for youh, corne of 01600 are meîetchig gong on 10 furllierprifessioval J:rn Caughill, top row; ynd Duncan Currie and Ray tecArthur, front «nCh Cavidi-n llgliSei oadkesneiadelt N io ol Porner A: R-vdgHEvu oay Sîvrpt1e ie1 og 6 le ci l eto t 'W o of hl.i. Rnti5vns yetr bOeli Park Wednesday ven:ing Includîng guesîn wos gratefultc tvh1e boulina Power and M stuio tL par lim senvirsrthauerfserbrck i A irel .11 lait school mld-way thvongli the fvirt8if a flv-yoe Arts aid Science Clas &Mdplans 10 Toteon In September l ur represetatico for GeviratlnoiO 181a ceci. Bovrn in Gvvmanp, Rente idol- tee mmyed 0118 bar parents t0 Streetavlle aith 18eas if tour, aoi tbey j0ee came 10 Milton &bout 10 pears tgv. One fiais MIton a n060 to 10 reside 1n, laI a Utile encvmach- lng on privc due o 1ls com- paetutus. Sie fait, bwviee, se nvild tiat alarger town top cote oid ImparsonaL Witee 8011l atlening sebvel aile nneked pari-Oimetas an ans- nering service opeeatoe. Siaro leasing the bold of Milton District 111gb Selivl, slie has bague norlng aus analtreus nt the cbleken dispensMe on Base Ui Rd. 0ev hobbieslincludethe assort- lng if midel es. viben Il came questlce-tid- anooer tone, ne g01 hacli the foflowlngt On Drugs: t wouldn' toil dref s ondor avy elreom- stanes,se 1liketo kbl chat lm doîng at aIl Ornes. Legailng th0 sale if deugs vmuldo 't aller 111e renmner if people nbo 1tellern, be- cause 11101v wbo rentty vaut 10 gel f Id Of100 teo 1101in snoeov wb0ls seting. If the sale is Iogelizod, bo- aviri vhoutd 80 evvtrviled 1180 Uiqoor la nI proseot. on Liquor: The legel drlvteing age tlivild 0e toweeed I0 hi. Bars are opn o 1peopleoif ibis oge in the U.S.A. aid 18ey drink ideurs rather thao caerylng liquo0e w118 them n cavra &id running the vlsk if geltIn hurI. on Poltles: t fmIl Trudea wouldbe botterO oneter- tainovntliathan 0polItes. Stailte on the 0111ev bond. seemscu l ulfill the dutl im1- agv the rmv if 1110 Party brlogs up. Tommy ouglas ba largetv for the worklng pevple. tey etolco mmtd be the Lltmess if tboY woro [ R OIAY MUII, tha wvelis geneestien '68 cepreaivîitlve exaiennea de. fae poine t ahr empîcyment as e veaitrev et Murray I-onda Drive-In Resvtarant. (Staff Phvato) - ,a de IJo ate i er I led 19 anyove ie exePt P.ET. O Lonertng nie Vnting Âge: 11111011 the tegal collng sgv eltvild 80 lait at 21 years. People ave osmatiy SUU pvoliy Ilvsicive&outtings before reaeteng tha1 age. O ev Conlemporarlen; This guvitation stvild do al leat av gond a job as gvnerstions gvie before. Kldoare gros- lng p and vvallslng lels proltemi aviver thon they aorhave befote; sond mvii Cd18001 féal there wvildh ti . lot ofechnges madeIn the wny tlings are dore. O Religion: Ilm nonsehureli- glier, hall1 do bliece In Gid &ed 1 feel 1Ilo rl<ht fromt nrong. Von eao lice à res- pectable nie aid vit attend eharcli; witle somne go te chaveli regulal aidarvfiilt byporrites. f don't th10k eeomenieatlsrn .11 talle place for qalte anlile. Thavo oil lave 1080e a lotif ecompromise belote an oiid eharelica es formvd. On tt.F.0.'s: Aipovi ooys t8vre defbetely aren-tlany onldentlfled flytng objleetas mrrviw-dinded. Ttleyeilst, aid ine ttey are superlor 10 mvr alirerait, tey are quite like1y maned by blngs aipertor lv luann. 1 feel if avnd .80v they lund on Earth t80y wilont8 he arom- if, but nîi be geeeted 19 eortis earth reidentis. I 01511 they WOULI) laid. Oc Milton: 18er avena le. stveets in tocn ha 1801evit stnd somne rv-developlng. I mont lviok rallier boid I0 people fr001 018ev torve .1100 tbey drive thrvigl aid ve arase tatavepvae11eal- lt sloops. 018ev parts if the Iown, thouvi . .. bilas Cen- tenial Park . ..atre veany attractive. 1 feul Ihere tu quie a lit if netivitp bave for sonme laiea. hall1 agrle tieve'5 Utile for peopla in the l lv IL ne liracliat. Bemite enjoga Sports Midplace te participais lase sporvt sei Ipesbev re-u-ei loie suItî Mfill Yasepr. has élue $Bloy& iruivu n rTes. OeLv Higlt as nenl as playlng In the Rlek Byevo, a 1l-year-oid eIrs bviolad. Mi. Robinson HigliC100 lelv l se irsho nt enterlng Grade Ilvnzipar, Ding the lirai neekifAuguit Il1 speid the nee elirm<liag aliout a mvilh suter tes rTaum nei 29 1n mvieve.de-Loup, a it l b th1e lipers' tari In play mon Frenc-elkit<onnear finit 10 s iodent fripm Regina, onltreL. Skaetcewn. Wile toira, 80.111l alsrli the Tlie pvogrum lorladesatedeide aentsl envivonlA for a ci the 10 provinces es wnt as sopte if daya and eaed the ruai 1ie Yukon aid N1orth West Ter- fi te time on a Tomber if tours vltorles. News f rom O. S:' D. s report en eetiviies et Orderto School for the Deuf, Miltonv FivRS DRIVER EDUCATIO1 COURSE Ilie lirai close if studenla le omplule the seeondeey selivi Driver EdulijOon Progeam ofered aI GS.D., iIlton has tome lota suceeail coieluiv SLaten studenîs pteticlpted in the prvgram:n Cecil Buer (Drumha(, DviglasB&Mter (Gal), ruvir Carter (Wlisor), Brian cvi (Norni), RnteriDeei(ill- Ion), Hlenry Founln (Lpndvi) Carol Lasoarff (Port Credil), Dean Lernon (Action), Peit Lif- gree (Paris), Billna 011 ittvi) Ptelllp Gsharn (Olsyver) Eily Osborne (Avkoma), TeddyPatter- su (Hailton), Rol Rida"e (Wnidstock). Alvin fmi18 (Bes- peler), Gersid Wfidemai (viater- li),ý of 1815 grvip, il have vtaled 1801v drlcer's licence. Amadeide instruetor for nbis pvngram cas George Baird, livaidenve Cvinsetiov. idr.lald aid Tom Aiderson, itesidene Cainsellor, 8018 aliared the br- mer Instruction nteech lneluded meoy tiles &id livrsifprtOce drtving, Both Mer. Baird and ter. Aiderson are qitifed driver edeatOon Insirueinra, havlng lakenllie requlid training wctl I prvvded aually 191the Gntario lafely Leagae. Tlie driver lIsructioncar cau prvvded 19 ilton idilor ha idited, throug th 1e tend gen- eriaily if Ivan Sher. 1115a hoped nt aillher Driver Eduestien Peigrïnil 111 con- decled fer t gvip i senior aludeais at G.S.D. derlng thepetit sebvil pear. Sunshine concert --There neye 1,237 dvownngs at RoertLttie n Cu"id lait year. Ttes la ait ober Litle caler saflety nee in teiilton. Poplis i the Bivalvne Selinol Dvi'l leceme a statistie. evloyid a day i llovo19 Toners Golf Club Jupe 6. Gonvin 1 teylieel aaàr aid te& 0118 ai atteidanve i FLOOR vearly î100 People. lies. tec- aJs A L DoneIl, Mer&. Soplet, idvEllotI PANDWALL &id Mie Earle sevved tes and O ERNG stideila Loise aid Bill meit O E I S peoplte ait 0e dvor. IlUdeais 0 O George, Gtyle, Johnl, Violet, aid Inlaid Vinyl ivnyt cers prennt'.id Bruce, Barry soit Bisas ante 6' id eraftzis .18Sem if the Mmrey Tiles <010< boarda a net if lickls. Jupe 17 Oney hid t8elreconcert Ozite a thebet utile Seliil In Congoleum Rugs Aeivs. civer 1001 ftleidad. Thé teiglilai if the pragrolm cve Carpets poings, BteMd sgau MdaisaL Mouldings end aid piacarl Rigeoru aid vin Gaele vacebord grauaionv pru- Adhesives ouaticins fryn ters. Ovret Illae it iasnseajfpad an K. W. CLEMENTS Munia ai Tentlante BP Rvli.1 & SON .118 pol ria ad nfh 123Thomm St. me"to aame oebbê pait spveing uea idrlhdaya Milton - 878-2194 The Front counts noses and other tIinpus too impresion, ore aalnly, yvi didn'l veaily balloete vrlai nas liappening n8eî a guy callid op te yvi veeeitly ai Sad, "Got a inute? l'm teng a POUl for The Clitmplon'a Yvi18 Front.",, lat once the ereditelily cas est- atelshed pon araite yvirbeart sid Intellect for the feelings yon have, onveverytlio< fromt cnling aes 10 OrstiImpresions &id prvded os w101 aime Interest- lng aioail alivilYvingIon Bot aIl if yop, materallp. conte lie lvcloded in the tteng; soyvi'ti have lv haLve faith In a te. if the honorable vvpvvsenlatives if the Tonne sadlt reve nd lippe they wer Ilnt' os true. of the people ne van in, 160 par cen nerelboysaaid 40par cent nove girls, We're asvim- lng ibde la due NOT on 010081v 1tve belng more guys in 10ev, s lota rallier mad moli score 1n front if the pool lion. Sludenlu made up 72 par ent i tose lntervewid, 0118120 par cent lflny employed aid arviid viglit par centl nboneren't Bae- esmarily in entier ealegory. I nas onrpritng 1011ot0 over mne-quarter ... 2a par ceai ... fet tlie coing age stvild itay ai 21 peara, althougli18t romain- lng 72 par cent were oaimvis 1n1801v elioiee if age 18. Sine vnty 12 par eent if Iliose loterclened vwed 1801v ornecar, nie wnder If the aiverage value if tbese Inaeblus($1,900)ansOlt ralsed uiduly 19 the eoîry if ove maechi worth $4,010. Tliose nbo have nuitr vin wkovîs, In- eldeolally, neye aIl maies. *FREE TEEN DANCE Celebrates the StarS of a Bîgger, More'Energelîc Young MILTON To the fabulons Sond et "TH4E SI4AYNES" et thse growaea Weehqase Peeldnu Let 0.30 pan. Seeurday a Townv et telli for ovaa acc&ese lelaefam- lly limouine aeeinted for 3E par ent i ai l tlked-a aid if &n drivera the average MdUAge non 170 etch neeli. Fnnhlise roitasce fild-play- ers acevinted for v0 par ceai if the lnlervleneea, 01111 the ru- micng ailotimeni Spit 211-211 liaineen thlos eong aieedy &Mt tois naiting Il out for Numlier Pair par 11en1 if yvi neren't top aire hon the ftutre wvite norli oul, X2 par cent nere pas- itante &liout coing peara, 110 par cent Ilinaid fornard tePrettY oneli the mmie type if opportun- lly as pait geaivativia aid 44 par cent evild havdly wati le gel aiarted on the be01 future aveir. fIn aateng nlial the lirai lteng a gey polices wtete irl-ntlteaug ne learved a prudiehalile major- lty, Il par vent, lapped op the figere hefore evniderlng seevi- dary aevesvies; nie 1l par cent idired faves aid the va- mitider lovctigated paenne- anly. dance ls. R. aki lvired la faces (411 par cent), .118 il par cent Incine i eyes, 15 par ceai Ieeteng ai flair, amd Phyiqulpe aid parscipi l elts avec nmtrka if 10par ent. vilen Il came le iingergaa- isativis (Bey, seouts, TodOiPen- or, charton groupe, then voile skat1ng cluli, or atlletie leama) a Utile meor 34 par cent ai lhe boys weve Invnlved otele voip Il par ceai if the gI ial iaidid la- gellier in graupe. Camas peçuIaritlisvting bu Il par ceai pvvid Caidian 17 par cent indtiffevon, Il Par Ceai rallier aeivited if scene llhigs 1n the Canadiei cAY if lita Mid Sevae paren viol n Cavm rlgbl vi amd nid hey'd secier la semethlng eise . .. 1180 Amier- --'11e "nalh" tglds et the Miaiv-Mlartin corser have ien eliangod fromt green le wite. --fludeols Mailing nmmrer lobs ave iffeved FEE cluillied &da I h e Chiampion. SAVE $87.40T0 $104,00 onest ofl aI es 1OI original aqalpmlall Firestone De luxe Champion WH ITE WALLS 4 for $100 2 for *60 :9nkaï- Oa.iev uenvré alot ucLn- ofîb t svsutinl nepodruvit tomy drive. 1965.190i&nrl96t7lrooie. on Yoeir SHEU ChOIT CARD GAWNGE1 MIRCURY LT.11 n Milton pliaxë 878-2883 NIi~ I - for1 The;! ag.ii nst ment Milton Tlie geited Coit te0 1 th -r60 Sion lsg 10 tis w, galion neeli 1 Win1 lu i0 fr0: galbier 4-7 ori i font ..Wi ferene "In ai lhlele the Ut oes. ada, b aliei eu' Cana 1

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